ISSN 0818 - 335X November, 2007 ASSOCIATION OF SOCIETIES FOR GROWING AUSTRALIAN PLANTS ABN 56 654 053 676 THE AUSTRALIAN DAISY STUDY GROUP NEWSLETTER NO. 79 Leadeh letter and coming events 36 Vale two ADSG members Four seasons post fire - Mt Ginlni and Ginini Flats Ros Cornish Neville Walsh Please help John Armstrong with Calotis information Natalie Peate and Andre Messina with Oleen8 information Daisy find on a Wednesday walk Ros Cornish Emerald garden after a dry summer Trish Tratt Daisies plus Pat Webb Extract from Native Plants for New South Wales Lyn Thompson ADSG July meeting - Bedfordia John Webb Drought-tolerant daisies of the Otways Judy Barker Calomeria amaranthoides rouses emotions Jeff Irons, Barbara Buchanan, Judy Barker Drought-tolerantdaisies, Show and tell, snippets Members' reports: Barrie Hadlow, Margery Stutchbury, Beryl Birch, Jeanette Closs, June Rogers, Jeff Irons, Trish Tratt, Beth McRobert, Corinne Hampel, Natalie Peate ADSG Annual Report 200612007 Editor's note, seed donors, seed bank additions and deletions, subscriptions due Financial Statement 200612007 Index Olearia iodochroa x 213 (illustrated by Gloria Thomlinson) OFFICE BEARERS: Leader - Natalie Peate, 26 Kardinia Cres, Warranwood, 3134. Tel: (03) 9876 3648 - email:
[email protected] ADSG Herbarium Curator - Joy Greig, PO Box 258, Mallacoota, 3892. TelIFax: (03) 51 58 0669 Treasurer - John Webb, 99 Fiddlers Green, 57 Gloucester Ave, Bewick, 3806. Tel: (03) 9769 7406 Provenance Seed Co-ordinator -Maureen Schaumann, 88 Albany Drive, Mulgrave, 3170. Tel: (03) 9547 3670 Garden and Commercial Seed Co-ordinator and Interim Newsletter Editor: -Judy Barker, 9 Widford St, East Hawthorn, 3123. Tel: (03) 9813 2916 Fax: (03) 9813 1195 WEB PAGE http:l/ Leader's Letter It seems that the drought is continuing after some promising early winter rains but spring flowers, particularly daisies, are in abundance at the moment.