BEXLEYHEATH. 45 Ausbuttel Hermann, Optician, Chapel Rd Chauvidon Chas
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SUBuRBS.] BEXLEYHEATH. 45 Ausbuttel Hermann, optician, Chapel rd Chauvidon Chas. dairymn.May Place rd Hennes<>y John, b::wt m:tker, Erith ro:td Austin Francig, g-reengrocer, Lion road Church lVm.bootma. Broadway,l'.Iain rd Reward Frederick, grocer, ~lain road .Austin Mary A.(:\Irs.),greengro.~Iain rd Churchill Matilda (Miss), grocer & beer Hickson Daniel, Lord Hill P.H. :Main rd Austin Thomas Arthur, coal merchant retailer, May Place road Hide & Co. linen drapers, Main road & oilman, Lion road Clark Edward,painter & glazier,:Main rd Higgs :Mary Ann (~Hss), dress maker & Bailey John, boot maker, Lion road Clark Jas. (.Mrs.), day school, 2 Hart vils confectioner, Broadway, Main road &rhamHy.tlorist,Elizabeth pl.MayPl.rd Clark Joseph, insurance a~ent, Main rd Hills Edmund, pork butcher, Main road Bar ham John, market gardenr. Upton la Clark Wm. bricklayer, Wool wich road Hills 'rhos. Travellers'Home P.H. Long la Bar ham Richard, shopkpr. May Place rd Clarke James, beer ratailer,:MayPlace rd HoareHy. florist, Garden cot. May Place rd Barker Henry, grocer, Market place Clarke John, grocer, Lion road Hobday George Charles, tailor, Main rJ Harnes John E.S.L.R.c.s.I.,B.A.surgeon, Cockwell John, Rose P.H. Main road Hodson Joseph, hair dresser, Lion road Mossley house, Main road Constitutional Club (The) (E. Box, hon. Holman George. butch;r, Erith road Barnett Joseph, shoe ma. ~lay Plaee rd sec.), 1\Iain road Honeybone Thos. Hy. wa.tch & clock ma Barrow Hy. beer retlr.Broadwy.Main rd Cook John, laundry, Church road Hood Cornelius, carm1.n, Paddock road Batcock David, cycle repairer,May Pl.rd Cook William George, baker, Main road Hood Edmund, baker, Main road lleadle Bros. Lim. coal, timber & slate Cooper Philip Henry & John, florists, Hopkins Geo. Alfd. carpenter,Church rd merchants, .;Jiain road Avenue nurseries Hornby-Porter, Charles, solicitor, Star- Beard William, Fountain coffee house Cooper Henry, florist & seedsman, Hope buck villas, Lion road Bell Jas.nurseryman,Montague nursery & Shrubbery nurseries, .Main road Hough Isaac, boot m::tker, Main road Bex James, shoe maker, Main road Carder John, bill poster, iliain road Howe\1 Wm. jobbing gardener, Main rd Bexley Heath Co-operative Society Corrigan Anthony, vet. surg. Main rd HudsonH.fnrntr. dlr.&nndertkr.Lion rd (ArthurT. West,mangr. ),Market place Coult Ern est Harold,ironmonger,builder 1• Hudson John M.shpkpr. &c. 8 :Market pl Bexley Cottage Hospital & Dispensary &c. r The Parade, Main road HudsonJ.furnitre.dlr.& u,pho.Church rd (George J. Gill, hon. sec.; F. M. Craker Fredk. George, grocer, Main rd Hunt Eliza (:\Irs.), secondhand clothes Cowie, collector; Miss Harriet Fuller, Creeke Anthony B. jnn. solicitor, Hazel- dealer, 2 ~Iay Place road nurse matron), Upton road dene, Avenue road Hyde Albert John, plumber, Main road Eexley Heath Cemetery (Fredk. Wm. Crowhurst Edward,corn dealer,Erith rd Irish Hy. draper, Uommerceho.Main rd Francis Ranger,clerk to burial board) Crowhurst Waiter G. butcher, Main rd Jeffrey James, beer retailer, Church rd B.exley Heath & Erith Observer (Thomas Cunningham William, boot & shoe mnfr Jeffries Sarah (Miss), tobaccnst. Lion rd Jenkins, publisher; published friday) Curd F. beer retailer, Broadway Main rd Jenkins Thomas, bookseller, stationer, Bexley Heath Liberal & Radical Club Dale Obed 0. pawnbroker, Main road printer, & office of the" Bex:ley Heath (T. W.Jenkins,hon.sec.) May Place rd Dartford Express (Thomas Jenkins, pub- & ErithObserver,"" Dartford Express Bexley Heath Public Hall Co. (Thomas lisher; published friday) & North Kent Observer" & "St.Mary Jenkins, hon. sec) Davey William (Mrs.), florist,Church rd Cray & Swanley Express" Bexley Heath Social Club Co. Limited Dimond Charles, butcher, ~iain road Jewiss Herbert Rogers, draper, Main rd (John R. Callow, hon. sec.),Main road Dodd Thomas, florist, Brunswick road Johnston Theophilus, printer, Heath illackston William, florist, Lion road Dray Waiter, teacher of music, Crofton house, :aiain road Booker Thos. Woodman P.H. Main road villas, Main road Joseph Madame, teacher of music, & Boswell Edwd. whlwrght. &c. Market pl Drummond Joseph, tobacconist, 105 ladies school, Standard road BottingWm.Geo.harness maker, Main rd Broadway, Main road Kelsey Richard, butcher, Main road Boulter E. Reeve, surveyor & inspector Duplock Elizh. (Mrs.), toy dealer,Main rd Kempton Wm. butcher, May Place road of nuisances to Bexley District Council, Dye William, fishmonger, Market place Killick R. King's Head P.H. Market pla Holly cottage, Lion road Eastwood Wm. horse dealer, Long lane King George, market gardener, Erith rd Eonrne George, coal & coke dlr. Erith rd Ebbutt Burgamy, 15rocer, :Main road Lane Reuben, builder & baker Howry Eliza (:\'Irs.), girls' day school, Eddes ~iargaret (Jiiss), girls' boarding Lascelles Edwin Thos. solicitor, ~lain rd Erridge villas, Chapel road school, Penrith house Latter Henry, painter, house decora- Uox Eliab, house & estate agent, Ellcombe & Moore, farriers, Lion road : tor, sign writer & grainer, Broadway, Broadway, ~fain road Ellingham John, builder &c. Main road I :VIain road Brackley George Alex. butcher, Main rd ElsmoreStafford,architect&surv. Main rd I Lawford Robert, florist & nurseryman, Braybrooks Thomas, draper, Main road England Henry, greengrocer, ~ain rd Clarence nursery Bri~ht John, insur. agent, Chapel road Errall George, jobmaster, Main road LawsonF.blcksmth,3rBroadway,Main rd Brocklesby Bros. dairymen, Main road Etherington Thomas, beer retlr. Lion rd Leopard Henry, confectioner, Main rd Brocklesby AnnieFrances(Mrs. ),stationer FieldCaroline(Miss),dressmaker,Norfolk Leslic James Leith M.D. surgeon, Main rd & post office, Crook Log villas, Woolwich road Lewis E. A. tailor, 29 Broadway,Mainrd Brown Edward, greengrocer, Broadway, Field George, Lord Bexley Arms P.II Lilly Thomas, umbrella maker, Main rd :Jlain road Forbes George, grocer & confectioner, Lloyd Hy. Edwd. turncock, Standard rd BucklandEdwd. Collier,butcher,:Main rd Harrington cottages London & Provincial Bank Limited, Buckley Sarah C:~Iiss), dress maker, May Ford Ellen (Miss), girls' school, Ellesdon William Lewis, manager, The Parade Place road house, Main road Logsdail & Beale, surveyors & estate Hurson Wm. G. fancy repository, 22 Ford JesseAlderton,grocer&beerretailer, agents, ~ain road The Broadway, Main road Main road Lovibond John & Sons, brewery stores Burt Ed ward, teacher of music, Main rd Foresters' Asylum( Hy. Pridham, warden) (Frank Wilkinson, man.), Broadway, Eurton Thomas & Son, horticultural Fowkes Charles Paine, butcher, Main rd Main road builders, Gravel hill Fox: Fredk. Chas. fishmonger, Main road McGill Geo. carman & horse slaughterer Busby Brothers, grocers, Crown street Franklin Edmund, beer retailer,Erith rd Woolwich road Butler H. & Son, plumbers & gasfitters, Franklin Frederick, farmer, Long lane McKnight William, tailor, Main road 9 The Parade, Main road Franklin Walter, cowkeeper, Erith road McLeod Alexander, relieving officer, Butler Richard & John, builders &c. Frost James, baker, Erith road No. I dist. Dartford Un. Woolwichrd Steam saw mills Gammon John, beer retailer, Lion road MadyWm.ins. agent,Sunnyside,Main rd Butler Frederick James, confectioner, Gill Arthur M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgeon, Marshall Waiter, Robin Hood & Little Broadway, Main road Broadway, Main road John P.H. Lion road Button Thomas, boot& shoe maker,Vine Gaff W. tailor &confectioner,The Parade Martin's Bank Limited, bankers (F. C. cottage, Standard road Gospel & Blue Ribbon Temperance Hall :Mattison, man.), ro till4 daily;; draw C1.rman Henry Aaron, teacher of book- &Coffee Tavern (W.H.Oldring, man.), on London office, 68 Lombard st E:c keeping&shorthnd. Dane vil.Chapel rd )lain road Mason Alfred James, chemist & dentist ' -Carnegie John B.A. solicitor, 2 Market Grandy Thomas, bicycle & tricycle repr Masters Louisa (MissJ,drsma.MayPla.rd place & Hillcrest Green Thomas B. & Co. builders, iron- Massie Charles John, butcher, Main rd .Castell Castell, baker, Main mongers, furniture dealers & sta- MatthewsAlfred(Mrs), grocer, &agt. for Castell Harry, boot & shoe ma. Main rd tioners, The Parade W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit mers Catmull Jas.Thos. Upton hotel, Main rd Greenhill Annie (Miss),dressma.Main rd Matthews James Henry, shopkeeper Cave A.lbertGeorge,hair dresser,Main rd Greenhill Wm. coach builder, :Main rd MatthewsT.G.hosier,Broadway,Main r l CaveFrances(Mrs. ),confectioner,Main rd Griffin William, sign writer, Main road Medhurst Rd. M. paperhngr. 12 Lion rd .Chaplin Geo. market gardener,Crown st Grove Chas. (Mrs.), fancy repos. Main rd Mercer Fredk. J. bootma. The Broad way Chapman Philip Robert,insurance agent Gulzow Robert, florist, Melbourne Mesnard Stephen, bookseller & stationer, & vestry clerk, I Montague villas nurseries ; price lists on application Post office, Main road Chapman Stephen, outfitter, Main road HancockJsph.marketgrdnr.Woolwichrd )IichellBath, builder &c. Harcourt roatl Charman Thomas Goldsmith, draper Harbor Robert, school board inspector, Midmore Frederick Charles, writer & &c. Manchester house Gravel Hill house decorator, Lion road L'haavidon Auguste, pork butcher, :.viay Hardiman Chas.boot&shoe ma. Main rd Minty Frank, linen draper, Main road Place road Harris George, tobacconist, )fain road .MitchellSamnel &Co.boot mas.Main roJ.d Church Thomas, insurance agent, 4 Harvey Geo. Old Crook Log hot.:.viain rd Mitchell Charles W. school attendance Russell villas, Woolwich road Hatt Nathan, fancy draper, Main road officer, North street .