Blacks and Jews
HartmanSummer@Home “For in the Image of God was Adam Created” Jewish Attitudes to the ‘Other’: Xenophobic Bias vs. Expansive Inclusion in the Judaic Tradition Chaim Seidler-Feller June 29 and July 1, 2020 1. Abraham Joshua Heschel, telegram to John F. Kennedy, June 16, 1963 1 I. “Moralization and Demoralization in Jewish Ethics” – Adam as God’s Image: Are All Humans Adam? 2 2. Babylonian Talmud Yevamot 60b-61a 2 3. Chaim ibn Atar, Or HaChaim, Commentary to Numbers 19:2 2 4. Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Likutei Amarim, Tanya I 3 5. Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Tum’at Met 1:12–13 4 6. Sifra, Kedoshim 4:12; Bereshit Rabbah 24:7 4 7. Avot d’Rabbi Natan A16 5 8. Mishnah Avot (Ethics of the Sages) 3:14 5 9. Shmuel di Uzeda, Midrash Shmuel 6 10. Yisrael Lifshitz, Tiferet Yisrael 7 11. Pinchas Eliyahu HorowitZ, Sefer Ha-Berit II:13 8 12. Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5 9 II. The Hamitic Hypothesis: Racist Prejudice and Slavery in the Jewish Tradition 10 13. Genesis 9:20–26 10 14. Midrash Tanhuma, Noah 13 10 15. Genesis Rabbah 36:7 11 16. Saul Morteira, Givat Shaul, Interpretation #17 12 17. Abraham Isaac Kook, Letters (Iggerot HaRaaya) Vol. 1, No. 89 12 18. Morris Raphall, “The Bible View of Slavery” 14 19. David Einhorn, Response to “The Bible View of Slavery” 17 20. Sifre Numbers 99 18 21. Rothschild MahZor, Florence, 1492 19 22. Venice Haggadah, 1609 19 III. Yes to Slaves, No to Slavery: The Torah’s System for the Gradual Eradication of Slavery 20 23.
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