Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held at Aldwark Manor Hotel on Tuesday 11th June 2019 at 7.00PM


1. Apologies for absence, welcome to members of public and other attendees

2. Declaration of interests in agenda items

3. Public Forum – an opportunity for members of the public to comment on agenda items

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2019

5. Matters arising from the minutes, not on the agenda

6. Bus services through Aldwark – to note letter sent to North County Council regarding impact of withdrawal of regular bus service through Aldwark and Flawith, and to discuss further action given number of residents affected and signing petition

7. Defibrillators – to confirm checks have been carried out to ensure fully operative at 1 June 2019 (Aldwark) and 4 June 2019 (Flawith) and to consider a) signage and b) regular maintenance programme via Restarting Hearts in Northallerton. To note clerk has registered the Flawith defibrillator with Yorkshire Ambulance Service so they can direct patients

8. Hambleton DC – Planning applications - active cases

a) 19/00774/FUL Construction of two attached cottages with access and parking. Extensions and renovation to existing dwelling, The Cottage, Aldwark, YO61 1UB – to note the response submitted after discussion at previous meeting – see appendix A below b) 19/00705/FUL Retention of a partially completed agricultural building and construction of an extension to agricultural building | Sowerton Farm Sykes Lane Tollerton North Yorkshire YO61 1RE – to note the response submitted – see appendix B below c) 19/00790/FUL Change of use of land from agriculture to storage (B8) and retention of three aggregate bays and cement silo (retrospective) – Sowerton Farm, Sykes Lane, Tollerton, North Yorkshire YO61 1RE – to note the response submitted – see appendix C below d) Alterations to the entrance & dining area to the front elevation and construction of a single storey extension to the rear elevation, Fairfield Barn, Aldwark, North Yorkshire YO61 1UB. Deadline extended to 13 June to allow consideration in meeting.

9. Finance a) For financial year 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, to review and agree accounts and governance statements and decide whether to seek external audit (at additional cost) b) For financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, to note receipts and payment, actuals vs. budget and bank balances, CIL balance c) To agree any payments to be made d) To note VAT reclaim for £87.14 submitted e) To complete revised bank mandate for signatories (new councillors)

10. Portfolio responsibilities – reports from councillors a) Leisure/ Play area (TG) b) Roads, pavements and grass verges (AF) c) Public Communications (LE/TG) d) Planning (JT/LE/RP) e) Rural matters/public footpaths and bridleways (RP)

11. Report from the County Councillor and the District Councillor

12. Reports from Parish Councillors

13. Correspondence received and not already circulated

14. Dates of future meetings starting at 7.30pm at Aldwark Manor Hotel – to be decided

Appendix A: Comments submitted by Aldwark Area Parish Council to Council planning for 19/00774/FUL Construction of two attached cottages with access and parking. Extensions and renovation to existing dwelling, The Cottage, Aldwark, North Yorkshire YO61 1UB

“Aldwark Area Parish Council has consulted local residents with regard to this application and whilst the proposal to bring the original Cottage back into beneficial use is welcomed, significant concerns have been raised by local residents in relation to the proposed construction of the two adjacent semi-detached cottages. The Parish Council consequently formally objects to the development proposals on the following grounds: • The proposed construction of the two new dwellings would have an adverse impact on the historic setting of the existing Cottage within the village and the Aldwark Conservation Area. • There is little public benefit likely to accrue from the new dwellings unless there are specific safeguards put in place to make the new properties affordable such as restrictions limiting their sale to existing local first time buyers. • The reasons for the previous refusals for development on this site still apply. Although not part of this application, the remaining unallocated and undeveloped L-shaped parcel of land should be preserved to retain the character and setting of The Cottage. Major concern has been expressed about the prospect of the applicant seeking permission to develop this land in the future for additional residential development and both local residents and the Parish Council would like reassurance that any future proposals for tandem residential development would be resisted.

Finally, concern has also been raised about the way Hambleton DC planning department has coached the applicant in regard to these proposals and the potential conflict of interest this gives rise to, and the possible allegation of impropriety.”

Appendix B: Comments submitted by Aldwark Area Parish Council to Hambleton District Council planning for 19/00705/FUL Retention of a partially completed agricultural building and construction of an extension to agricultural building | Sowerton Farm Sykes Lane Tollerton North Yorkshire YO61 1RE

Although not a formal consultee to this application, Aldwark Area Parish Council has considered the proposals and would make the following comments:

• It is clear that the applicant has wilfully ignored the planning requirements in respect of this development. • There is concern around the significant visual impact due to the height of the development – the height of the partially built structure is some 4m above the approved level. • The additional hard standing may cause local flooding issues unless adequate on site attenuation is provided.

Aldwark Area Parish Council would strongly recommend that any planning consent is conditioned as follows: The height of the shed should be reduced to the approved level.

Appendix C: Comments submitted by Aldwark Area Parish Council to Hambleton District Council planning for 19/00790/FUL – Change of use of land from agriculture to storage (B8) and retention of three aggregate bays and cement silo (retrospective) – Sowerton Farm, Sykes Lane, Tollerton, North Yorkshire YO61 1RE

Although not a formal consultee to this application, Aldwark Area Parish Council has considered the proposals and would make the following comments:

• It is clear that the applicant has wilfully ignored the planning requirements in respect of this development. • There is significant concern about the proposed change of use application and the amount of HGV traffic that would be generated from the A19 and through the village of Tollerton and neighbouring villages to the west. • The condition of the existing rural roads is generally poor with verges continually being damaged by existing HGV and farm traffic. • The proposed change of use to B8 is incongruous with the rural agricultural nature of the general locality and granting consent could set an unwanted precedent. • The scale of the proposed development is likely to have a detrimental effect on the visual amenity and character of Tollerton.

Aldwark Area Parish Council would strongly recommend that any planning consent is conditioned as follows: There should be strict limits imposed in respect of total HGV movements to and from the development site and in particular the restriction of HGV movements through the village of Tollerton to ensure that all HGV traffic uses the A19 only. Resurfacing of Sykes Lane prior to any development coming into operation.