MaNyMany booksbooks havehave appearedappeared overover the yearsyears aboutabout the BeatlesʼBeatlesʼ lyricslyrics – aboutabout the wordswords ofth thoseose so soNgsngs wh whichich the wh wholeole wo worldrld kn kNowsows an aNdd sin Bu Butt no Noone oNehas eve everr trtriedied to tr tracack dowNdown aNdand publishpublish the origiNaloriginal versioNsversions of the classicclassic soNgs,songs, showiNgshowing the wordswords iNin thethe BeatlesʼBeatlesʼ owNowN haNdwritiNg,handwriting, sometimessometimes scribbledscribbled oNon the backsbacks of eNvelopes,envelopes, withwith crossiNgscrossings outout an aNdd chaNges,changes, showiNgshowing the evolutioNevolution of the soNgssongs we kNowknow aNdand lovelove Hunter Davies has tracked down over 100 of the original manuscripts. He lists each song in chronological order, putting it in the context of what the Beatles were doing at the time and how the original version sometimes differs from the final one. The Beatles Lyrics is a unique insight into their creative genius, and a must-have for every Beatles fan. ● The Beatles have sold over 2.3 billion albums worldwide ● Their songs, among the greatest ever written, continue to be re-discovered by each new generation ● This is the first ever publication of the lyrics in the Beatlesʼ owN handwriting ● Hunter Davies, sole authorised biographer of the Beatles, has uncovered previously unseen drafts ● The John LeNNon Letters, also by Hunter Davies, has sold over 30,000 copies ● Publication will be marked by huge media attention 11 SEPTEMBER 2014 | £25 | 9780297608127 | HB | 246 X 189mm | 400pp For publicity enquiries contact
[email protected] Beatles Lyrics Blad cover.indd 1 25/03/2014 14:04 INTRODUCTION My self-imposed, self-created mission was to track down as many manuscripts of the Beatles’ songs as possible.