[email protected] VOLUME CXIII, NUMBER 20 PASADENA , CALIFORNIA AP RIL 19, 2010 Caltech team takes Prefrosh Weekend Features nd 2 place to UCLA the First Student Life Saturday at Google Games Photos by Laainam Chaipornkaew By Edward Chen Google t-shirts. Overall, Caltech teams had the highest average STAFF WRIT E R score for other university. In her introductory remarks, Several years ago, Google Kim explained that this event was representatives took students “mostly for branding, in addition from the University of Illinois to recruitment purposes.” And re- Urbana-Champaign out to dinner cruit Google did: a total of $3,000 and asked how Google can more worth of prizes were prepared to effectively reach out to university go to the top four overall teams, students. Hanah Kim, one of many the top school, the most spirited University Programs Specialists team, and the highest scoring from Google, recounted a stu- team of each category. The high- dent’s suggestion that all Google est scoring team members all won had to do was to “hold an event Nexus One phones. Google em- that highlights Google’s culture, ployees even made sure to cater to and make it a competition!” the college demographic by pro- That suggestion inspired the viding bus transportation, break- first “Google Games” between fast, lunch, unlimited drinks and Berkeley and Stanford in 2007, even free official Google Games where teams of mostly computer t-shirts. science and engineering went Teams competed against one PREFROSH WEEKEND head to head on brain teasers, another in three events: “geek lego-building challenges, and trivia”, Google puzzles and Lego video games.