Llynfi Afan Renewable Energy Park (REP) Design & Access Statement on behalf of Gamesa Energy UK Limited (GEUK) Prepared by: November 2010 RPS Planning & Development, Oxford RPS Planning & Development 18 Milton Park Abingdon Oxford OX14 4RP Tel 01235 838 200 Fax 01235 838 225 Email
[email protected] Llynfi Afan Renewable Energy Park Design and Access Statement Contents Page no. Part 1 Introduction 1 Part 2 Context 4 Part 3 Response 10 Part 4 Summary 20 Figures Figure 1 Three Local Planning Authorities and Llynfi Afan REP Figure 2 The Site Location Plan and the Proposed Llynfi Afan REP Appendices 1 Schedule of the Split of Proposed Development Across the Three Local Planning Authorities Llynfi Afan Renewable Energy Park Design and Access Statement 1 Part 1: Introduction Outline of the Proposal 1.1 This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been prepared by RPS Planning & Development on behalf of Gamesa Energy UK Limited (GEUK) to support a planning application for the construction and operation of a wind farm on land in Neath Port Talbot (NPTCBC), Bridgend (BCBC) and Rhondda Cynon Taff (RCTCBC) County Borough Councils. The wind farm is to be known as Llynfi Afan Renewable Energy Park (REP). 1.2 Full planning permission is sought for the following: • 15 wind turbines with a blade tip of 118m and a hub height of 78m; • a 78m high permanent wind monitoring mast, referred to as an anemometry mast or met mast; • widening of existing forestry tracks at pinch points to allow access for the vehicles delivering the wind turbine components; • upgrading and widening of existing on-site agricultural tracks and construction of new on-site access tracks, some of which would require watercourse crossings; • new access off A4107 • crane hardstandings for each turbine, referred to as crane pads; • up to four areas of stone extraction referred to as borrow pits; • underground cabling parallel to access tracks, where practical; • an electricity substation within a compound containing a control building; and • two construction compounds.