CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 March 4, 2009
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March 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 6371 interim steps and requirements, so bankruptcy Mr. LUJA´ N. Mr. Speaker, innovation tacks, report on the United States’ prepared- proceedings are only used as a last resort has always been a hallmark of Amer- ness for, and immediate response to, ter- after exhausting all other options to save a ican success. Innovation will transform rorist attacks, and make findings, conclu- the way we generate and store power sions, and recommendations for corrective home. measures that could be taken to prevent, Myth: This bill is another bailout for the from renewable resources, use elec- prepare, and respond to acts of terrorism; banks and will cost taxpayers tens of billions. tricity more efficiently, and create a Whereas the 9/11 Commission stated in its Fact: H.R. 1106 actually redirects existing workforce for the 21st century. report that it ‘‘interviewed more than 1,200 TARP funds from the banks to homeowners. It President Obama’s budget promotes individuals’’ to assist in making its rec- also will make sure the TARP funds are spent the development of innovative clean ommendations; on economic recovery and neighborhood sta- energy technology, modernizes the Whereas one of the groups representing the bilization rather than salted away in some electric grid, and provides the capital victims, ‘‘Voices of September 11’’, testified bank vault or paid to bank shareholders as to double renewable energy generating before the 9/11 Commission; Whereas Beverly Eckert was the widow of dividends. This bill does exactly what the capacity. With these investments we Mr. Sean Rooney, who died in the September American people have asked for; it helps will change the way our country gen- 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade homeowners rather than banks and big busi- erates, uses and delivers energy. We Center and following her husband’s death, ness. will produce jobs throughout the Beverly Eckert co-founded ‘‘Voices of Sep- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1106 is not a perfect bill, United States and begin to end our de- tember 11’’, an advocacy group for survivors but it is one more piece in the mosaic of posi- pendence on foreign oil. and 9/11 families; tive efforts we are making to turn our economy America’s prosperity depends on bold Whereas Beverly Eckert was instrumental around. It is good for homeowners. It is good action and investments in research and in the development and growth of this im- portant advocacy group, which now claims for the future stability of our neighborhoods. It development, on our ability to adapt more than 5,500 members; is good for our nation’s economy. through innovation and on creating Whereas Beverly Eckert worked admirably That is why I ask my colleagues to join me green jobs that will build a foundation with the 110th Congress and was a key pro- later today in supporting H.R. 1106. for a clean energy economy. ponent in the final passage of the ‘‘Imple- f f menting the 9/11 Commission Recommenda- tions Act of 2007’’ as the legislation to effec- WHERE IS THE OBAMA ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER tuate the recommendations of the 9/11 Com- ADMINISTRATION ON SUDAN? PRO TEMPORE mission to prevent, prepare, and respond to acts of terrorism; and (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- mission to address the House for 1 Whereas the United States will forever be ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair grateful for the services of Beverly Eckert minute and to revise and extend his re- will postpone further proceedings and mourn her loss: Now, therefore, be it marks.) today on motions to suspend the rules Resolved, That the House of Representa- Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, today the on which a recorded vote or the yeas tives— International Criminal Court issued an and nays are ordered, or on which the (1) acknowledges Beverly Eckert’s service arrest warrant for Sudan’s President vote is objected to under clause 6 of to the Nation and particularly to the sur- Bashir, charging him with seven counts rule XX. vivors and families of the September 11, 2001, of war crimes and crimes against hu- attacks; Record votes on postponed questions (2) recognizes Beverly Eckert’s work to manity. This is the first time the court will be taken later. help bring about implementation of the 9/11 has accused a sitting head of state of f Commission recommendations to prepare, war crimes. prevent, and respond to acts of terrorism; The world knows what’s happening in RECOGNIZING BEVERLY ECKERT and Sudan and Darfur, and yet the Obama FOR 9/11 VICTIMS WORK (3) extends its deepest condolences to the administration has failed to appoint a Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I move family of Beverly Eckert and the families of special envoy. I have asked him to ap- to suspend the rules and agree to the all those who lost their lives due to the crash point a former Senator, Bill Frist from resolution (H. Res. 201) recognizing of Continental Connection Flight 3407. Tennessee, who can start today. The Beverly Eckert’s service to the Nation The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tribunal spokesman said the crimes in- and particularly to the survivors and ant to the rule, the gentleman from cluded, and I quote, ‘‘murdering, exter- families of the September 11, 2001, at- New Jersey (Mr. PASCRELL) and the minating, raping, torturing and forc- tacks. gentleman from Florida (Mr. BILI- ibly transferring large numbers of ci- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- RAKIS) each will control 20 minutes. vilians and the pillaging of their prop- tion. The Chair recognizes the gentleman erty.’’ The text of the resolution is as fol- from New Jersey. According to the U.N., an estimated lows: GENERAL LEAVE 300,000 have been killed since the H. RES. 201 Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask Darfur conflict began and 2.7 million Whereas on the morning of September 11, unanimous consent that all Members displaced. And yet the Obama adminis- 2001, terrorists hijacked and destroyed four have 5 legislative days in which to re- tration has failed to appoint a special civilian aircraft, crashing two of them into vise and extend their remarks and in- envoy. As recently as just yesterday, the towers of the World Trade Center in New sert extraneous material on the resolu- the AP reported that in recent weeks York City and a third into the Pentagon out- tion under consideration. 26,000 people have fled their homes in side Washington, DC; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Darfur and flooded Zamzam refugee Whereas the passengers and crew aboard objection to the request of the gen- camps, already at 50,000. United Flight 93 acted heroically to prevent tleman from New Jersey? the terrorist hijackers from taking addi- I close by saying time is short. The tional American lives, by crashing the plane There was no objection. killing and the devastation goes on. in Shanksville, Pennsylvania and sacrificing Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise The administration must act. This can- their own lives instead; in support of this resolution and yield not wait. Whereas thousands of innocent men, myself such time as I may consume. f women, and children were brutally murdered I rise in support of H. Res. 201, which in the attacks of September 11, 2001; recognizes Beverly Eckert’s service to INNOVATION HAS ALWAYS BEEN A Whereas pursuant to Public Law 107–306, the United States of America, particu- HALLMARK OF AMERICAN SUC- the 9/11 Commission was formed to ascertain, larly the survivors and the families of CESS evaluate, and report on the evidence regard- the attack on September 11, 2001. ´ ing the terrorist attacks; (Mr. LUJAN asked and was given per- Whereas the 9/11 Commission was also re- Ms. Eckert was the widow of Mr. mission to address the House for 1 quired in Public Law 107–306 to make a full Sean Rooney, who was killed in the minute and to revise and extend his re- and complete accounting of the cir- World Trade Center on September 11. marks.) cumstances surrounding the terrorist at- For many, the devastating loss of a VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jul 19, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H04MR9.000 H04MR9 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD 6372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 5 March 4, 2009 partner, of a husband, would lead to a Beverly worked with the 110th Con- I urge Members to support this reso- state of grief, anger, fear, paralysis. gress tirelessly, and she was a key pro- lution. But Beverly Eckert turned the Sep- ponent in enacting the 9/11 Commis- I reserve the balance of my time. tember 11 attacks into a clarion call of sion’s recommendations to prevent, Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I yield government accountability and trans- prepare and respond to acts of ter- 2 minutes to the gentlelady from New parency, Mr. Speaker. When there were rorism. Simply put, Beverly’s work York (Mrs. MALONEY). questions about what led to the at- helped to make our Nation safer and b 1315 tacks, Beverly Eckert demanded an- more secure. swers. Beverly was a passenger on Flight Mrs. MALONEY. I thank the gen- When some tried to dismiss her call 3407 on her way to Buffalo to mark tleman for yielding and for his con- for answers, she pressed on and co- what would have been her husband’s stant leadership and support for the founded the ‘‘Voices of September 11,’’ birthday and launch a scholarship in 9/11 families and for the reforms to an advocacy group for survivors which his memory.