REPORTS WINTER 2020 NIEMAN REPORTS NIEMAN REPORTS VOL. 74 NO. 1 The Nİeman Foundatİon for Journalİsm TO PROMOTE AND Harvard Unİversİty ELEVATE THE STANDARDS One Francİs Avenue OF JOURNALISM Cambrİdge, Massachusetts 02138 VOL. NO. 74 1 WINTER 2020 REAL COVERING THE CLIMATE CRISIS THE CLIMATE COVERING AND PRESENT THE NIEMAN FOUNDATION AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY HARVARD AT THE NIEMAN FOUNDATION DANGER HOW TO MAKE CLIMATE COVERAGE PERSONAL, RELEVANT, AND URGENT Contributors The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University Michael Blanding Gina McCarthy (page James Painter (page (page 8) is a journalist 16) is president and 18) is a research and author with work CEO of the Natural associate at Oxford’s that has appeared in Resources Defense Reuters Institute for The New York Times, Council. She is a the Study of Journalism Wired, The New former administrator and a senior teaching Ann Marie Lipinski Republic, Slate, and of the Environmental associate at the other publications. Protection Agency. University of Oxford. James Geary Jan Gardner Eryn M. Carlson Shannon Osaka John D. Sutter (page Tim Rogers (page 26), Dan Zedek (page 18) has an MPhil 22), a 2019 Knight a 2014 Nieman Fellow in Geography at the Visiting Nieman Fellow, and former Central One Francis Avenue, Cambridge, University of Oxford. is a climate analyst and America reporter, is a MA 02138-2098, 617-496-6308, Her journalism has contributor for CNN. producer and corresp-
[email protected] appeared in Grist, the He also is an Explorer ondent for Univision’s LA Review of Books, with the National “Real America with Copyright 2020 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.