OFSA END OF SEMESTER REPORT Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs University of Rochester 510 Wilson Commons Volume 2, Issue 2 (585) 275-3167 December 2006
[email protected] http://www.rochester.edu/college/OFSA Where Fraternities, Sororities, and a College Meet: Inside this issue: Creating a Success-Driven Model for Fraternity and Sorority Life Perspective 1 WE DID IT! We have almost completed the first full year of the implementation of the Save the Date 1 Expectations for Excellence program! It is an exciting time for Fraternity and Sorority Life at the University of Rochester and this program is only a part of the excitement. In just this past semester we Kudos Corner 1 have seen an increase in collaboration among fraternities and sororities, other student clubs and Order of Omega 1 organizations, and college offices. The year began with the Multicultural Greek Council assisting during Wilson Days, Sigma Phi Epsilon co-sponsoring a Luau with Wilson Commons Student Leadership Transition 2 Activities and Dining Services during YellowJacket Weekend that served over 1000 people, and an Theme Weeks/Weekends 2 alumna was supported in her battle against Leukemia at the Sigma Psi Zeta Bone Marrow Drive which registered over 50 new donors. The new and updated New Member Orientation hosted over 70 new members and we expect to train over 200 new members this spring with the help of current fraternity KUDOS CORNER— and sorority members who have assisted in revamping the program, facilitating the small groups and Congratulations to our providing their talent during the dramatic portion of the program.