Macaroni Journal

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Macaroni Journal \ '/ I 1 - .t Till' Macaroni Journal .. t, ···. , .• /1' 'I , '- , !, o, ',. ;." , ,' / .. H. '" ' / 1/ I, ' ,, ' I : I " ~ , ... "i .... ~ \ .' . ' ,' , J I I' /1 ' ,', ' .. .. " "' ... --.. J ~. ••' 'tij ;[.It O/f;'''J 4.. 'i \ " , " \{ ,. ,1 :11 ~ ' r ' ,,1. 1-. ;' ,~ -t .... I t ,\ , 11 : 11 ,1 \ I. ~' "1" , " 1 I \ 1', 1• • 1. :1.1 \ Id " "I. ' '''r .... \.: ','I \ I I , ' ~ ! \\ , Il . :1 ~ 1 111 .. 1. -I ' i 1<. · . ". ' I ·· ;])"I'{'l/m,.1 .• -1. 1:1 \ 1. \< ·1><11 I ( " , ' I I( 1 ,. \ Ill. , !II I I d{, ".1 .. , , ". I'll I', ,:: Itl. · " " I . 1111 , I \ 1, .1 , \ !'. 11 I ~ .1\ ,: 11' .' , I , "I , H,I j 'j, " ". \\" 1.1 11 \ 1 I' ,.L '. P . \I ·th .' I ' I' \ II" .. " II I , .", .11 . , \ \ 1 .11:.', .. .... " . II> \1,' , \ 1 \ ,II I 11.,\.- ", " "I 1>. ,1111 , 1' 1 I ' .·1" , . , .. , \ , " I( , ', it l" I , I ,II! , , II '" " '" I 111. <1 111 •• H.' I. I , I I I "1 " II. 'I ... , I' ( ' 1> 1,1 \\ . ~ \\ . I .. 1 1, .\,1 1 .... ' mll,: I . ... \ ,-n' ", 1,1 ",!{' ''.I .' . Uo: · l .;". • ............... ,_.,.~...:....... ............... ~ ""ot--." . "_"__ ,.",::-_, ,,-..,~~,,~.,,,-. -'.. ____'< ~~ ____- - _ . " The Organization and' .the A of lookl.t No: 26 publilhod by E. I. du Pont d. N.moun & Compony RGANIZATION Is a fundamental O impulse of nature. AntJ march as annles; fish weave through ocean cur­ . rents in millions of schoolsj bees not only live and move In swarms but malntaln ..a highly btructured group ex­ Istence. Man has applied human Jntelll­ ience to the exercise of thl. impulae In order to create infinitely more UH­ Cui grouplngc of effort. Skm. of organi­ zation a~ In truth one index to the I advance1\of any clvilizatlon. For society discovered long ago that the effectlve '0\1' organization accomplishes work far in I excesslof the .um of ita parts. Individ­ ual effort 11 muhlptled when carefully planne~ and .kllfully directed. Orgr.nizations abound in many and different walka of ute. MWtary divi­ sion. protect a society from external danien; p'olice squadrons maintain a o. til, parode ground. of the U. S. Air Forte ~demv. society from external danlenj police agencies, leglalative bodies, tax col.' squadrona maintain order and rellped from the fear that the individual, with '~ . for law ~lthln. Churches relltale for his very penonal talents. hopes, am­ leeton, and judicial courts. Othen are bitions and Impu1ae., may Jose ht. in­ 10 new, and their sralanmenta 10 spec­ :~.: each generation the prohibltlona and dIviduality. This danger I. more theo­ laliz.~, that the rich alphabet IOUp of >. ., " ~ sanction. of moral law. Schools. train Identifying iniliala (CIA, FRB, the young to 'oasume the responaiblll­ retical than factual, but it does provoke REA. NLRB, FCC, SEC) almost deRies cata­ ties of adulthood, and recharl the topo­ sporadIc alanna. graphy of fact and opinion for every Vital for Bod.1y loging. Thouih thl. growth helps to age. Bualneaae. of all kinds channel explain the hleh U. S. lax atrur.ture, Organlzatlona abound In the urbaniz­ it doe. rellult from what poUUcallead­ human energy Inlo the dally tasks that ed U. S. communlty todaYi their va­ era believe to be a strong popular de­ Ket the world's work done. riety Is so great III to defeat any brief mand, analysl.. AJ a glance at the yellow In the business world, particularly, Many ~rganizationa are privately AmerIcan orKanizatIona cmbody a man­ poges of a typical metropolitan phone owned but perform 10 necessary a com­ agerial virtuosity and an operational directory make. plaIn, they require sev­ munity function that they are Ucenaed 'clsn testcd in the hard crucible 01 pro­ eral thouaand categories for identiflca­ to use public facilities or are penniUed fit seeking. Day in and day out, they tlon. RangIng from abattoln to zipper to operate with lItUe or no competition. earn their continuance by Ihe servlcell menders, their llatings oct'Upy more Power and light companies, for ex­ and product. they render. than halt the total directory. ample, submit to close ,overnment su­ ., The Inherent strength of the organi­ The prollferaUon of organizations in pervision os the price for exclusive cn­ , I zation, of cOUrlc, carries no guarantee U. S. communIties 1.a in direct relponse terpriae. Radio and television broad­ that power wi11 alway. be used wisely. to the exponlive needs and expectations casten enjoy less exclu.lve privilege., Hillory Js replete with records of ann­ of the American people. Without them, but .ince they are .ulgned radio chan­ ies thai have ravaged the peaceCul, of life as we know it today could hardly nels from a 11m1ted suppl¥, they too King Midaa now offen you the most complete line a continuing testing and quality control program fanatic group. which have made reli­ exist. A. science haa made pouible are closely .upervlsed, throuih Ucena­ or durum products in the industry-tht 10101 rallge that reaches all the way from scientific wheat hiKher .tandards of health, for example, gion the excuse for oppreSJlon and ter­ ing powen, by public a,endes. oj gradts and "anulaliom. Whatever your spe­ selection to product development research. ror. In totaliarian countries today, the the numlK!r of organizations providing As great as the growth hu been In cialty, King Midas hal the right product ror you. Look to King Midas for the most complete line monolithic power of the .tate tends to medical and hygienic care haa multi­ acelal, public and franchiJed ora:anlza­ of uniformly high-quality Durum Products avail­ the deslructlon of Individual rights and plied. Some of these agenclel are pri­ That', why our standards aa a supplier have to tlon., however, the lar,est expansion be &0 high; why we maintain the most complete able-anywhere. Peavey Company Flour Mitis, personal dignity. (1t Is for this reason, vate: hoapllaJa, medical cUnlca, nursing haa been in the fully competitive areas laboratory facilities: why we back up our line with Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415. perhaps, that they stumble in theIr home., sanitariums, laboratories. Oth­ of the business world. march toward the goab they boldly de­ en, sometime. providing the same tunc­ clare but regulorly poatpone.) tlon, are public: clinlcl, hospital., fed­ Manr llualn ... Fltms , 1 DURUM PRODUCTS Of the many overlapping segment. of . .JIiig71lJdJ» In the democratic society, the checks eral, state and local bureaus of public and balances of various institutions he aJ th, food bupecUon. Ihe 11. S.• oclety, the buaJneu eommu- - nity I. moat rich in the number, variety , . tend to enllure that organization care­ The growth of government organiza. and fiexlbiUty or Ita organ1z.ations. less of the general welCare will be tions in thla century has been phenome­ More than •.8 ,million finns .currently· brought up short. The lar,er and more nal. Today more than 9.7 million Ameri­ powerCul the organlzation, the more cana, or one out of every seven in the en.aa:e in the producUon, aa1e or dlJ.. trlbution' of goods, the provlalon exposed it Is to public surveillance. working population, are on a ,ovem· FLOUR MILLS Perhsps the greate.t nervousness today ment payrolL Some government aerv­ of aervlcet. The organlzaUom about the auCffSS, and conaequent ices have centurleJ of tradition .' growth, of the lar,e organiuliona .terna lhem: fo...... ,law en!ClrclJ" s ,I \ - -------. The O'llanlaotlon & Indl.ldual Impreume.r.t ot thousandl of slaves and der to tbLnk of the company', opera· criminals tl) nccompllsb the brute work tlons many )'ears ahead. It-alao Jed to (ConUnued trom Pale 4) of bulldint. the fonnation of a fundamental re­ learch group, one of the finl In Indus­ I· disappear every year, while approxl· The reasons for the failure of earlier mately 430,000 are born during the locletles to develop large and long­ try, whoso early fruit Included such ~L-_M~[]_N_T_[]_N_I_ I lIme period - .omeUme. e.a: a result lived organizallonl were many and com· products as nylon and neoprene. I of the combining or dlvldlnl of those plex. Of mOll Importance, perhaps, was Du Pont experience . lao encourlled which 10 out or business. the lack of a aclence and tecbnololY certain technleal changes In the man­ PUN'''' .. aLAUCO MONTONt or thl. Jarse total, by far the greateat pennlttlnr. .\1Jfficlent control of man', ner of conductin, business. The old, flllTOIA CrTAUA' number - about ".'1 mUllan, or 98 per envJronml!nt:, or allowing fruitful ad­ rathor haphazard system of merchandis­ «nt - are .mall bualneue., employing aptation of the materials of nalure. This ing products, for example, wal can· fewer tl\an IUly employees each. (Sto­ slgnlRcant 51ep came with the Industrial sldf!rably tightened. During the nine· Uttle. ~mlahed. by th~ U. S. Depart­ revolution of the Jate eighteenth ~n­ teenth ~nlury, most sates In the fletd ment of Commerce In their 1958 Cenaus tUI')'. Another great need wal for a po­ wer: made by agenla, who took a com­ I of Manufactures .howed that only 41 Utleal stlucture which would pennit pany's producta on consignment, and plant. out of the total 214 manufactur­ the major-ily of people to plan their own 101 J what they could. A producer'. Ina: unitll in the macaroni lndultry em­ desUny anti to enjoy the fruits of their ", ,les" department consisted larlely of ployed more than 60 people In that own labor. The evolvement of repre­ order takers, Production Will Ilow to reo Year.) r Another 75,000 mlaht be called sentative govenlment provided the mo­ nect customer IIkel and dislikes. Du med1um-a1zed bualneue•• each employ­ tivation neceuary to maximize and Pont achieved. better eoordlnatlon by ln' hom 50 to 500 employees. The re­ compouul1 economic advances. hiring It.. own salesmen and requiring ma1n.ln, '1,500 finn.
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    Pasta & Sauce Pairing Suggestions When pairing a cut of pasta to a type of sauce, the chef is always in charge! There are no rights or wrongs as long as your diners enjoy the dish. However, for those looking for a suggestion or two, the following tips may be helpful. FLAT LONG SHAPES – (Fettuccine, Fettuccine Rigate, Linguine, Linguine Fini) Fettuccine and Fettuccine Rigate are thicker, flat, long shapes, which can withstand extremely robust sauces: • Dairy-based, oil-based or tomato-based sauces • Sauces combined with meat, vegetables, seafood or cheese Linguine and Linguine Fini pair best with traditional pesto. However, other ideal matches include: • Tomato sauces • Oil-based sauces • Fish-based sauces Linguine with Romano Cheese and Black Pepper Fettuccine Fettuccine Linguine Linguine ROUND LONG SHAPES – Rigate Fini (Angel Hair/Capellini, Thin Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Thick Spaghetti, Spaghetti Rigati) Light and dainty, Angel Hair pasta works best with: • Simple, light tomato sauces • Light dairy sauces • Broths, consommés and soups Slightly thicker than Angel Hair, Thin Spaghetti is often used with seafood-based sauces from left to right: Angel Hair/Capellini, Thin Spaghetti, (like tuna) or oil-based sauces, such as: Spaghetti, Thick Spaghetti, Spaghetti Rigati • Light structured sauces that balance the delicacy of this long, thin shape Long and thin, yet not too fine,Spaghetti is one of the more versatile shapes of pasta and pairs well with just about any kind of sauce, including: • Oil-based sauces • Simple tomato sauce with or without meat or vegetables • Fish-based sauces • Carbonara Thicker in diameter than regular Spaghetti, Thick Spaghetti gives a fuller taste to sauces, the following of which are recommended: • Fish-based sauces • Extra-virgin olive oil with fresh aromatic herbs and garlic • Carbonara Rigati, in Italian, means “ridged” and Spaghetti Rigati, because of its extra grooves, tends to hold more sauce than its smooth-shaped counterparts.
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