PONDICHERRY ENGINEERING COLLEGE VISION To foster prosperity through technology by means of education, innovation and collaborative research and emerge as a world-class technical institution. MISSION To create and disseminate knowledge for the betterment of mankind in general and rural masses in particular. To impart high quality training to students so as provide human resource appropriate to the local and national needs. To establish Centers of Excellence in collaboration with industries, research laboratories and other agencies to meet the changing needs of society.

DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VISION To produce competent professionals in Information Technology so as to achieve are global innovation of engineering and technology. MISSION To provide high quality education and training in Information Technology through advanced learning environment with state-of-the- art facilities, teaching methodologies, contemporary curriculum and research. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, Engineering fundamentals, and an Engineering specialization to the solution of complex Engineering problems. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex Engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and Engineering sciences. Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. Conduct Investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. Individual and Team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member of leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Foundation of Mathematical Concepts: To use mathematical methodologies to crack problem using suitable mathematical analysis, data structure and suitable algorithm. Foundation of Computer Systems: The ability to interpret the fundamental concepts and methodology of computer systems. Students can understand the functionality of hardware and software aspects of computer systems. Foundations of Software Development: The ability to grasp the software development lifecycle and methodologies of software systems. Possess competent skills and knowledge of software design process. Familiarity and practical proficiency with a broad area of programming concepts and provide new ideas and innovations towards research. he platform for N’14 was set up in 2009, one of the finest batch passing out from the Department of Information Technology. The ITechWeb, Student Council of IT Department planned and implemented one of the grandest event in 2009 by the name INFOTREK ’09. Following the success, INFOTREK ’10 was planned and executed successfully. After a gap of a year, the Student Council took up the Tech Fest to the next level by coining the term “Neura” which was captioned “The Future’s History!”. Obviously, as the tagline went, Neura ’12 took its own place etching the pages in the history of PEC. Now, it’s the time for rejuvenating the techno-cracks! The true Battle fought by Titans for Innovation... Hence captioned “Innovative Titans!”. N’14 tagged as “History Redefined...!!!”

Neura 2020 i I am happy to understand that the student’s council of IT department is bringing out Neura2020. it is a biannual issue which consolidates the technical curricular and co- curricular activities of the IT department. I am truly delighted to see that the issue contains a wide range of contributions made by our students. This issue makes it quite visible that the faculty and staff of IT department are keenly interested in sharpening the talents of students. I Dr.S. Kothandaraman wish that such activities should go and grow in a long way to eventually serve the students Principal community in a big way. I congratulate the HOD, Dr. Santhi Baskaran and Dr. P. Boobalan and the students incharge of this journal for having done a very fine job.

Message From HoD

I am extremely delighted to record my message to the Magazine of NEURA 2020, a National Level Technical symposium organized by the Student Council of our Department. This magazine is intended to bring out the hidden literary talents of the students and Faculty. The magazine clearly demonstrates the initiative skills of the students and keen interest in extracurricular activities apart from the commitment to studies. Dr. Santhi Baskaran My hearty congratulations to the editorial team for their best efforts and good work in bringing out this magazine. Head of the Department, Also my best wishes for a grand success of the event. IT

Neura 2020 ii Neura 2020 i

Teaching Staff

Dr. M. Ezhilarasan

Professor, IT

Neura 2020 iii To lead as Perfectionist

With passion and sincerity towards the work you do, you will always succeed being a perfectionist. The dedication one shows towards the profession takes the person to the way of success. Tireless efforts are only the rewards you get back. One should never take the time for granted, one must always respect values and time. Being a perfectionist may be difficult at times, but without Dr. S. Kanmani compromising on the virtues one must always try to be on the right side in the path of life. Without a good plan and not working it Professor, IT out being a perfectionist will only be a dream. One must always be well planned and systematic to be a perfectionist. Whatever the Neura 2020 world does, make your stand keep your stand.

Stress Management in Adverse Conditions As per my perception, few ways to keep our self away from the stress:  Understanding other’s situation will solve most of the problems.  We need not insist anything (good or bad) to other’s if they are not in a position / interested to accept it.  Try to keep our mind always in relaxed mode.  We need not to have the habit of command / demand and comment on others.  We should have a believe/ confident that we have enormous power to achieve the target whatever we are aiming for. Dr. S. Saraswathi

Professor, IT

Discovering Inner Self and Courage 1. Watch your self-talk: Is you narrative positive or negative? The former will encourage you to move forward while the latter will keep you stuck. 2. Concentrate on strengths: You are blessed with strengths. When explored and nurtured, they can be used to achieve inner confidence and activate you 3. Clarity of mind: It will help you move forward with confidence. 4. Eliminate the "what-ifs.": This type of thinking is equivalent to getting under that table top and shaking a leg or two. It will destabilize your beliefs, introduce doubt into your thinking, and shake your foundation. Any time you start to think "what-if," change your thinking to "I will." 5. Be resilient: There will be naysayers and those who doubt you, but don't let that stop you from speaking up, taking a chance, and doing what you believe in. Criticism just means you got people thinking. Many who have taken confident and bold steps have faced resistance. Stay focused on what you believe in and forge ahead. 6. Speak.: Simply put, open your mouth and say something. Anyone who has made a mark in this world has spoken up, presented their ideas, and taken a chance. Dare to say what you believe in. You might be pleasantly surprised by who listens to you and is impressed by your confidence in sharing your ideas. 7. Ignore the haters: Ignore the haters. Feel empathy, or pity, or amusement — but do not let them get under your skin. It’s not your duty to please others; it’s your duty to honour yourself in whatever way feels authentic. 8. Share your gifts: Looking for a mega dose of confidence-building juice? Share your gifts. Use your talents to give back to your community. Start a side hustle that allows you to offer your strengths to people who need them. Give out and give generously with your time, energy, and talent. 9. Set yourself up to win: Too many people are discouraged about their abilities because they set themselves goals that are too difficult to achieve. Start by setting yourself small goals that you can win easily. 10. Shift to an equality mentality: People with low self-confidence see others as better or more deserving than themselves. Instead of carrying this perception, see yourself as being equal to everyone. They are no better or more deserving than you. Make a mental shift to an equality mentality and you will automatically see an improvement in your self-confidence. Women leadership and Work life Balance Women leadership and work life balance has always been an ever green debating topic. Leadership is the ability to work in team and make the tasks done by allocating and extracting work from the right person with perfect leader guidance. From my point of view smart work will yield better results than hard work when time limit comes into picture. Well planned executions and proper allocation of official work can always be completed within the office hours. So no need to carry it to the home. While in home commitments to the family, Dr. Santhi Baskaran friends, community and leisure pursuits should be of first priority than career. Once a while when there is an urgent need there may Professor,HoD, IT be slight deviations, (ie family time may be allocated for official purpose) by explaining the necessity to the family members and friends. But this should not be a practice. This way a women can always maintain a work life balance.

Multitasking in Work Multi-Tasking is an art. Not only computers, even human being like us can do multitasking when we do what we love. The art of multi-tasking comes out of pure interest and dedication. When one considers doing multiple works at a time as burden then he or she fails. When you love all the works you are assigned to then there will be no issues with multi-tasking. The role of state nodal officer in systematic voters education and Electoral Participation during the last Lok Sabha Elections- maintaining a good relationship with peers and Dr. V. Govindasamy Media persons, College faculty members and general public was a great challenge. I admired myself then. Associate Professor, IT Sustaining in Competitive IT Environment IT field is continuously evolving and its requirements are frequently changing. But it is highly rewarding, So if anyone wants to sustain in competitive IT field, one has to be always on his or her toes.Engineering is cognitive. So if you are resourceful and can give out of box solutions, you will be always welcomed with golden hand shake. Technologies and areas of interest keep changing. So you should be interested ad active in continuous learning. Otherwise you will be out dated and wont fit in the industry.Keep looking for Dr. V. Geetha better opportunities till ou are 35. After that look for stable obs and settle. We cannot work hard for ever. Associate Professor, IT Final and most important thing is attitude. Where your work fails to convince your attitude will help. Polite, sincere, earnest and committed employees are always appreciated by the companies

Beauty of Simplicity God shows his simplicity in single cell without which there is no possibility of living organisms in the world. Simplicity reveals the pure beauty of life. For me simplicity is elegance. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. It's human nature to see complex things as better, but complexity creates confusion, simplicity brings focus. Simplicity will stand out, while complexity gets lost in the crowd.

Albert Einstein once said, “Any intelligent fool can make Dr. P. Boobalan things bigger and more complex…it takes a touch of genius – Associate Professor, IT and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” Breaking a problem down and getting to the core is the journey that makes simplicity more rewarding and intelligent. I strongly suggest that being simple and humble will take you to great places. Perhaps, simplicity is my way. Team Work and Unity I always like to work as a part of a team. As human beings are social animals we love to work in a team rather alone. To work as a team everyone in the team needs to have keen knowledge about the subject they are working on and the ability to accept each other's opinion and flaws. In a team everyone should actively participate so that no one is left idle with no work.

As a staff member of Department of Information Dr. G. Santhi Technology, I am really happy to see that all the students from first year to final year of our department work unitedly to make NEURA Assistant Professor, IT 2020 into a grand success. Unity brings all your strengths together and diminishes your weaknesses.

Friendly Approach and its Advantages According to me friendship is above all other relationships. We should stand with our friends at time of their need. It’s easy for anyone to be surrounded by friends at the best times of life, but it takes a real friend to stand and support in hard times. In tough times of life, one can know who were the real friends one had and the others were fake. One should stand for their friends in any difficult situation and help them to get rid of it if one really wants to prove their true friendship. My school friends are always with me for past forty years. Every person is unique with special talent. I admire Dr. M.S.Anbarasi most of it and react for worst behavior. Assistant Professor, IT “Friend in need is a Friend in Deed “ Happiness in and Around A very simple way to spread more happiness in your own little world is through kindness. It's often an easy and quick thing you can do as you move through your daily life. By being kinder to others I am more likely to be kinder to myself. It creates a happier place to live in. For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. Happiness lies in making others happy. If you choose to be happy, no one can make you unhappy.These are the key points which let me be happy always Dr.P. Maragathavalli Spread happiness around you. So that, others will always Assistant Professor, IT remember you saying that you are the person of happiness who never be sad anytime. “Take it easy policy; Always keep smiling”

An Efficient and Robust Iris Segmentation Using Deep Learning

n the 21st century, people use electronics (personal computers, laptops, smartphones, smartwatches, etc.) to browse through web-based social platforms, store personal images or videos, chat with other people through text or video, and so on. The amount of personal information stored in electronics is increasing by the day. Thus, biometric authentication is required to prevent unauthorized users from stealing such information from personal electronics. Biometric authentication is also used in the access control systems to identify illegal persons and block them from entering private buildings. Among all the biometric modalities, iris recognition is the one with the highest performance, in terms of false acceptance rate (FAR) and false rejection rate (FRR). Iris as a biometric identification method has a large amount of the complex texture information available for identification. This concept focuses on an iris recognition system that uses the iris texture for biometric identification.

Pupillary region prediction Limbus boundary estimation Boundary box computation

A common iris recognition system consists of six elementary steps: iris image acquisition, image preprocessing, iris boundary segmentation, iris image normalization, feature extraction, and feature matching. The iris boundary segmentation step is a critical step in the entire iris recognition system. In an iris image, most of the iris textures are concentrated in the iris region close to the pupillary boundary. If the boundary of the pupillary region is not accurately located, a large number of iris textures will be missed in the feature extraction step. In most cases, the limbus boundary is obscured by eyelashes, eyelids, and specular reflections, and thus, a number of noisy features will be extracted in the feature extraction step, if the limbus boundary is not accurately located in the iris segmentation step. These features will deteriorate the performance of the entire iris recognition system. This new technology breaks down the iris segmentation step into two actions: locating the eye and segmenting the iris region. Judging whether or not the target exists in the image and locating the target are two major challenges in the object detection technology. The new method is faster R-CNN which is used to detect and locate eyes. This is done by three key steps: eye detection, pupillary boundary estimation, and limbus boundary Robotic Assisted Surgery


First year,

Robotic surgery are types of surgical procedures that are done using robotic systems. Robotically-assisted surgery was developed to try to overcome the limitations of pre- existing minimally-invasive surgical procedures and to enhance the capabilities of surgeons performing open surgery.

Computer-assisted surgery Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) represents a surgical concept and set of methods, that use computer technology for surgical planning, and for guiding or performing surgical interventions. CAS is also known as computer-aided surgery, computer-assisted intervention, image-guided surgery and surgical navigation, but these are terms that are more or less synonymous with CAS. CAS has been a leading factor in the development of robotic surgery.

ADVANTAGES: CAS starts with the premise of a much better visualization of the operative field, thus allowing a more accurate preoperative diagnostic and a well-defined surgical planning, by using surgical planning in a preoperative virtual environment. This way, the surgeon can easily assess most of the surgical difficulties and risks and have a clear idea about how to optimize the surgical approach and decrease surgical morbidity. During the operation, the computer guidance improves the geometrical accuracy of the surgical gestures and also reduce the redundancy of the surgeon’s acts. This significantly improves ergonomy in the operating theatre, decreases the risk of surgical errors and reduces the operating time.

DISADVANTAGES: There are several disadvantages of computer-assisted surgery. Many systems have costs in the millions of dollars, making them a large investment for even big hospitals. Some people believe that improvements in technology, such as haptic feedback, increased processor speeds, and more complex and capable software will increase the cost of these systems. Another disadvantage is the size of the systems. These systems have relatively large footprints. This is an important disadvantage in today's already crowded-operating rooms. It may be difficult for both the surgical team and the robot to fit into the operating room. Mauritius updates public transport system with Information Technology


Final year

Mauritius is embarking on its quest for a world-class transport system, putting initiatives and infrastructure in place to promote public transport. The Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail in Mauritius has officially launched a new Passenger Information Service (PIS) as part of a National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) initiative to modernise the transport system across the country. Technology from LIT TransitLtd, a global provider of mobility technology solutions, was used to deliver this first phase of the programme. In this endeavour, the government is investing to improve the quality and capacity of the public transportation system. It started by appointing PwC India to carry out a study on reengineering public transport in Mauritius, who recommended this project as the first step of the strategic transformation.Following a thorough tendering process, the NTLA selected the smart mobility platform from LIT. The solution is said to offer integrated mobility management and passenger information capabilities. “We are pleased help the NLTA to advance their vision towards a world-class transportation system, by helping them take maximum advantage of the very latest technological capabilities in smart mobility and public transit management,” said Tomaž Račič, Vice President of Sales at LIT.The solution integrates the transit management and passenger information systems (LIT Operate and LIT Inform respectively) developed by LIT, with e-paper bus stop displays supplied by Papercast. This first phase incorporates three transit operators with 365 buses along routes servicing 34 bus stops. “The passenger information system project responds to the demands of modern life. People want control over their journey, with quick links to public transport transfers. They need to know when and where their transport will arrive, and our bus system needs to adapt to this need,” said Hns. Alan Ganoo, Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail. The LIT Operate platform also reportedly gives the NTLA real-time visibility of activity across the network for the first time, with live performance stats for key service indicators. Access to detailed operational insights enables NTLA to adapt services and respond to demand, with the aim of improving the overall quality of services. “We strive for the whole public transport system to be managed in a holistic and integrated way. Our goal is to offer quick and direct links to transport hubs, with smooth transfers. We want to ease commuter frustration with long trips on congested roads,” added Alan Ganoo. Women Related Application


Third year

The status of women depicts the social, economic and mental condition in a nation.Women safety is one of the most controversial issues in our country. Rapes, molestation, eve-teasing or kidnapping – these heinous crimes are now carried out in broad daylight which has dampened the morale of women to step outdoors. Eyewatch Women: This app not only sends an alert message, but also instantly captures the audio-video of the surroundings to the preset contacts. By pressing I am Safe button, you simply let your kin’s know that you have reached safely iFollow-Ladies safety, SOS: This App calls the defined emergency contact after being activated simply by shaking the phone thrice within 5 seconds. If this contacts fails to receive your call, the App sends an SMS alert along with the geographical location to 3 pre-selected contact. The App also sends message after every change of 10 meters SpotnSave Feel secure: This is one of the most advanced safety application as it comes with a wrist band. Wristband is a cool accessory, no? Who knew you could use it as a part of safety application? You just need to press the power button of the phone twice and the App will send alert message along with location to the pre-set contacts every 2 minutes. If unfortunately you don’t have access to phone, you can press the button on wristband twice and the App will function the same via Bluetooth I’m Shakti: An extremely easy to use safety application! Just need to press the power button of your phone 5 times within 2 seconds and that’s it! The App sends alert message containing your location to the pre-designated contacts. If the location is unable, the App again sends the alert message stating location, when found iGoSafely: Another safety App designed for quick activation just by shaking the phone or removing the headphones. It’s a common sight nowadays to watch women travelling with their headphones plugged in either to tune in to music or chatting with their peers. Once the App is activated, it send the alert message to predefined contacts Five Crazy Useful PC Productivity Apps

Raj aravind

Second year

1. TidyTabs If you ever got frustrated tabbing through multiple application windows, then you need to install TidyTabs from Nurgo Software. The lightweight utility lets you organize the desktop by stacking multiple windows together in a tabbed arrangement, even for unrelated applications. 2. AquaSnap AquaSnap adds a bunch of capabilities that Microsoft should probably have built into Windows 10 from the start, offering a variety of window-handling tricks to make the desktop a much more enjoyable experience. For instance, window snapping makes it a breeze to align windows side by side as they dock together like magnets 3. PhraseExpander PhraseExpander is a utility that is invaluable for those who spend a lot of time typing at their computers. Though touted as a tool for medical professionals, its integrated spell checker and ability to easily add and edit phrases makes it ideal for accelerating just about any work involving extensive data entry 4. MusicBee Billed as the ultimate music manager and player, MusicBee is a beautiful and highly configurable music player that supports music playback from a variety of sources. You can change the appearance of the music player with a variety of skins, while a powerful array of features such as auto-tagging and support for multiple music formats makes it the must-have music player for your PC. 5. Nitro Pro Nitro Pro is the PDF reader and editor that does everything you will ever need to do with PDF files. The powerful but snappy editor lets you change PDF documents with ease, and comes with a built-in OCR engine that can transform scanned documents into editable files. Top 10 Best Operating System in Market Sangamithra

Third year

MS-Windows Free BSD ubuntu Chrome OS Mac os Cent OS Fedora Debian Solaris Deepin

Best Computer Science Based Magazine Online Yasmin

First year

1.MIT Technology Review : The MIT Technology Review is a bi monthly print magazine that has the distinction of being the world's longest running tech magazine. Founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1899, the magazine seeks to curate tech information, reviews, and impacts 2.Information Week One of many online tech magazines Information Week seeks to connect the IT leadership community through knowledge and networking. The journal only reports on tech products or innovations that directly impact business progress function, and productivity 3.COMPUTER WORLD : Computer World is a website and digital magazine that provides advice, instruction, and reviews on technology and advances specifically relating to computers. ch knowledge through its Software Used in Aerospace


Third year

1. Catia by Dassault Systèmes Catia by Dassault Systèmes is definitely the most widely used CAD software application in aerospace & defense. It’s used by government contractors like Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, and Lockheed Martin, delivering the ability to model a product in the context of its real- life behavior. 2. NX by Siemens PLM Software Used by GE Aviation, NX by Siemens PLM Software has been available for nearly a half- century, this advanced high-end CAD software application enables aerospace & defense companies to realize the value of the digital twin, allowing them to deliver better products faster and more efficiently. NX has built-in tools for drafting and documentation, and its distinctive design and styling gives companies a competitive advantage. 3. Solid Edge by Siemens PLM Software From mechanical and electrical design to simulation, manufacturing, technical publications, data management, and beyond, Solid Edge by Siemens PLM Software allows aerospace & defense to effortlessly digitalize their entire product development process by combining the speed and simplicity of direct modeling with the flexibility and control of parametric design. 4. SolidWorks by Dassault Systèmes First released in 1995, SolidWorks by Dassault Systèmes is a CAD software application for the Windows operating system that directly competes with PTC Creo, Solid Edge, and Autodesk Inventor, utilizing a parametric feature-based approach and empowering designers and engineers with an integrated suite of tools that helps them get the job done faster and better. 5. Creo by PTC Creo by PTC, formerly known as Pro/Engineer, is used by Lockheed Martin and several other aerospace & defense companies. Creo offers expanded capabilities to meet any requirements, including modeling and design, simulation and analysis, augmented reality, smart connected design, additive manufacturing, and model-based definition. Creo is fully compatible with other PTC products, such as PTC Integrity, PTC , PTC Windchill, and Servigistics. Micro chromosomal Technology


Second year

A minichromosome is a small structure within a cell that includes very little genetic material but can, in layman’s terms, hold a lot of information. Using minichromosomes, agricultural geneticists can add dozens and perhaps even hundreds of traits to a plant. These traits can be quite complex, such as drought tolerance and nitrogen use. However, what is most intriguing about minichromosomal technology is that a plant’s original chromosomes are not altered in any way. That results in faster regulatory approval and wider, faster acceptance from consumers. Engineered minichromosomes provide the ability to target transgenes to a defined insertion position for predictable expression on an independent chromosome. This technology promises to provide a means to add many genes to a synthetic chromosome in sequential manner.Telomere truncation results from the transformation of plasmids carrying a block of telomere repeats at one end. Minichromosomes consisting of little more than a centromere have been produced for B chromosomes of maize. Such small chromosomes have been studied for their meiotic behavior, which differs from normal sized chromosomes in that homologue pairing is rare or nonexistent and sister chromatid cohesion fails at meiosis I. Potential modifications of the minichromosomes that can address these issues are discussed. Minichromosomes can be recovered from transformed plants that are polyploid or that carry an additional chromosome as the preferred target for truncation. Site-specific recombination has been demonstrated to operate on these terminally located sites. By introducing normal B chromosomes into lines with engineered mini-B chromosomes, the latter can be increased in copy number, which provides the potential to augment the expression of the introduced genes. Because the vast majority of plant species have the same telomere sequence, the truncating transgenes. Hacker Use Corona-Virus To Spread Computer Virus R.Nivetha

Final year,

Hackers are leveraging the fears surrounding Coronavirus in order to carry out cyber attacks on a massive scale, security researchers have warned. Malware and email viruses that use Coronavirus-themed lures to trick people have spread to over a dozen countries, according to security firm Proofpoint. The company also observed that attackers are beginning to register URLs and create fake websites relating to Coronavirus in order to carry out malicious activity. " Proof point's threat intelligence team wrote in a blog post. ""The emails being circulated come with a document attached that appears to contain an urgent message relating to new developments with the virus's spread. One message in Japan spread by the hacking group TA542 claims that new cases have been reported, urging the reader to open the attachment to read an important message relating to face masks and other prevention methods.

Bluetooth enabled Smart inhalers


First year

Smart inhalers are an advanced form of inhalers that can be digitally connected to apps on phone or tablet, helping physicians to manage patient’s respiratory condition more effectively. Smart inhalers use Bluetooth technology to identify the use of inhaler as well as remind patients to take their medication and gather data to help guide care. Challenges in the Adoption of Smart Inhalers: Limited awareness regarding the usage of smart inhalers is a common factor inhibiting extensive adoption of the device. With each inhalation with the inhaler, the device delivers a decided amount of medication to the lungs. Various individuals, therefore, prefer using the traditional inhalers, since they are comparatively easy to operate, hence leading to limited demand for smart inhalers. Geographic Analysis of Smart Inhalers Market: The demand for smart inhalers is anticipated to be significantly high in the Asia Pacific due to the rising prevalence of asthma and COPD, increasing smoking habits among individuals and rise in the aging population. Technology Trends that will impact our lives in 2020 Sneha

First year

Trend 1. Breakout moment of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing AI is now part of everyday life, driven by the emergence of a device ecosystem including Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. In 2020, emotion recognition and computer vision will scale and AI will have a breakout moment in manufacturing. Trend 2: Practical deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) IoT is hot but there are not as many mainstream applications today as some predicted. We anticipate that with 5G, the number of connected devices and mainstream IoT applications will reach scale.Amazon recently launched Amazon Go, a system that uses IoT and machine vision technologies to enable consumers to shop without manual check out. Trend 3: Increased demand for edge computing processing power 2020 will see the need for higher performance from edge computing hardware since better sensors and larger AI models now enable a host of new applications. There is a growing need to infer more data and then make decisions without sending data to the cloud. Trend 4: Commercialization of quantum computing usage in mass scale In 2020, the ability to handle big data will be required for cancer treatment, nuclear energy control, and DNA analysis. Corporations IBM, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Alibaba have moved into quantum computing. Trend 5: Evolution of aerospace technologies Mankind will begin its return to space in 2020, largely driven by the private sector. Since the Cold War, technological advances have slowed. Notable companies now making aerospace advancements include SpaceX and Blue Origin. Trend 6: New era of the internet — deployment of 5G and Starlink broadband internet technology 5G competition between the U.S. and China is entering the main stage in 2020. There will be a new competition about who can propel 5G faster into mass consumer use. Another hot topic is the Starlink Broadband business planned by SpaceX. Trend 7: The U.S. and China put blockchain to practical use As blockchain grows, payment-type venture companies and venture companies in security — such as Chainalysis, which develops money laundering countermeasure technology — are attracting attention. Latest IoT Software Environment impact


First year

1. Tessel 2

This is a hardware provider that can be used to build basic IoT solutions and prototypes. Tessel 2 lends a helping hand through its numerous sensors and modules. This is a board which can hold up to a dozen modules including the RFID, camera, GPS and the accelerometer.

2. Eclipse IoT

If you as an IoT developer are ordained to build IoT devices, Cloud platforms and Gateways, then Eclipse IoT can be your top bet. Recognized as a collaboration of various companies and individuals who are striving towards the development and establishment of IoT open technologies, Eclipse IoT can make all your IoT dreams come true.

3. PlatformIO

Next in the list of top IoT development tools and platforms is PlatformIO which is a cross-platform IoT development environment. This platform comes with a build system, supported by a library manager and IDE. You have a choice to port the IDE on top of the Atom editor or you can go ahead and install it as a plug-in.The best part of PlatformIO is that it is compatible with more than 200 boards.

4. OpenSCADA

This tool is a part of the SCADA project by Eclipse IoT industry groups. It is independent to any platform and is known for its security and flexibility along with a modern design. OpenSCADA also supports editing and debugging and comes with front-end applications and further supports.

5. Node-RED

Node-RED is a simple visual tool that is built on Node.js, a server-side JavaScript platform that is widely used in IoT projects. It is an open-source tool mainly used to connect devices, services and APIs together with an integrated browser-based flow editor.For learning Node.JS from the very beginning you can opt for “NodejS from Ground Up for Beginners” online tutorial. It unfolds with the installation, NPM, serving files, real-time HTTP requests, Express, MongoDB and other core concepts.

6. Device Hive XaaS


Second year

XaaS is a general, collective term that refers to the delivery of anything as a service. It recognizes the vast number of products, tools and technologies that vendors now deliver to users as a service over a network -- typically the internet -- rather than provide locally or on- site within an enterprise.

IaaS — infrastructure as a service You need to store data and make it available to other users. Hosting and maintaining server and network equipment, taking care of self-owned infrastructure, employing specialists may take much time and money.To reduce operating costs, you can order a server (hosting service) or a space in a data-center, or you can rent computing resources: CPU kernels, RAM, etc. This is an IaaS model. PaaS — platform as a service Building your own application requires different third-party software. You need a platform, tools, databases, machine learning libraries, and much more. Moreover, you have to host ready applications somewhere. It’s too expensive and time consuming. SaaS — software as a service Everyone knows about software programs. We use them to print texts, send emails, create illustrations. They also include applications for corporate needs: CRM, ERP, and other systems. In the past, users had to buy and install the programs on their local PC. Today, you can simply open it in your favorite browser. This is SaaS. Other kinds of XaaS Database as a service (DBaaS), Storage-as-a-Service), desktop as a service (DaaS), communications as a service (CaaS), monitoring as a service (MaaS) and even malware as a service (MaaS). Musk’s NeuraLink

Vignesh K

Second year

NEURALINK,a company the Tesla’s billionaire,the real life iron man Elon Musk formed four years ago with the dramatic goal of connecting human brains to the computers which means merging the human mind and the machine.In your brain, microscopic cells called neurons transmit signals to each other all the time. Everything you think, do and feel when you interact with the world around you is the result of the activity of those 80 billion neurons. Implanting a very tiny wire or threads(electrodes) very close to these neurons,you can record the electrical activity it generates and send it to a computer.ultimately,the aim of neuralink is to store our data which are thoughts into a computer. “The Thoughts Of a Person can be processed in a machine even after He is Dead”.

Imagine how would it be if we could control our computers or smartphones just by our own mind.Imagine how would it be if the people who have brain diseases like seizure,paralysis can control their arms and legs through this invention.Neuralink will be solution to various neurological disorders.these implantations are going to be done by the Robots. “ A Monkey has been able to control a computer with its brain”. Right now it can only transmit data via a wired connection like (USB-C) but ultimately the goal is to create a system that can work wirelessly.Neuralink didn’t come out of nowhere,There is a long history of the academic research.primarily the project has been tested on rats and the result was negative. Though the company is secretly working on it.Soon the project is going to be tested on humans.It won’t be as if suddenly neuralink will have this incredible interface and will be able to control human brains.Getting FDA approval for any implanting devices will be quite difficult and is a long process.Finally, let us not forget that Elon Musk warned the public that most of the advances he is talking about will take place years or even decades later. Latest Sensor

Brithvirajan S

Final year

The latest sensors, including those used in IoTs and wearables, are soon going to revolutionise electronics industry. Be it a silent heart attack detector that detects the protein level of a patient or a posture-correcting chair that alerts the occupant sitting in a wrong posture—both recently invented by Indian teenagers—sensors have a vital role to play in electronic devices. The fact is that the application of sensors is ever-expanding along with the progress in science and technology. As per industry reports, sensors are becoming the biggest and fastest growing markets, comparable with computers and communication devices markets. You find sensors in smartphones, automobiles, security systems and even everyday objects like coffee makers! Apart from consumer electronics, these are also an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT), medical, nuclear, defence, aviation, robotics and artificial intelligence, agriculture, environment monitoring and deep-sea applications.  IoT sensors  Pollution sensors  RFID sensors  Wearable sensors  Image sensors  Biometric sensors  Printed sensors  MEMS Interesting Quotes From CEO


First year

1. A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.-- John.C.Maxwell

2.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.You are already naked.There is no reason not to follow your heart.-- Steve jobs

3.The world is changing very fast.Big will not beat small anymore.It will be the fast beating the slow.-- Rupert Murdoch

4.The common question that gets asked in business is , 'why?' That's a good question, but an equally valid question is, 'why not?'-- Jeff Bezoz

5. "The question I ask myself like almost everyday is, ' Am I doing the most important thing I could be doing ?' Unless I feel like I'm working on the most important problem that I can help with, then I'm not going to feel good about how I'm spending my time. And that's what this company is"-- Mark Zuckerberg. 6. If you are changing the world , you are working on important things.You are excited to get up in the morning.-- Larry Page

7. To me business is not about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself,your ideas and focusing on the essentials.-- Richard Branson

8. The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to not what they want to do. It let's people be productive. It let's people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.-- Steve Ballmer

9.There are a lot of things that go into creating success. I don't like to do just the things I like to do. I like to do things that cause the company to succeed.I don't spend a lot of time doing my favorite activities.-- Michael Dell Amazon’s Vesta


Second year

It’s not that Amazon is innovating for the first time; ten years ago, Amazon introduced the Kindle and established the appeal of reading on a digital device. Four years ago, Jeff Bezos and company rolled out the Echo, prompting millions of people to start talking to a computer. Bloomberg is claiming that Amazon is looking to build a home robot that would do for personal androids what the Kindle did to reading. The retail and cloud computing giant has embarked on an ambitious, top-secret plan to build a domestic robot, according to people familiar with the plans. Codenamed “Vesta,” after the Roman goddess of the hearth, home and family, the project is overseen by Gregg Zehr, who runs Amazon’s Lab126 hardware research and development division based in Sunnyvale, California. Lab126 is responsible for Amazon devices such as the Echo speakers, Fire TV set-top-boxes, Fire tablets and the ill-fated Fire Phone.

Wow Facts!!! “If apple were to go on a shopping Spree it could buy almost 80% of the top companies in America!”

“Apple has Half the india 's revenue,So Apple could buy half the india!”

“Robert Downey Jr modelled his Tony stark character based on Elon Musk”

“Elon Musk said that he wants to die on Mars,not on earth”

“Musk wants the entire world to bring online”

“The very first book sold on amazon was shipped from Jeff bezos's Garage!” Facts and News!

Shalini s Final year Chennai: 3D imaging to help design metro stations A 3D modelling of corridors and stations will help engineers at CMRL plan, design, coordinate and build the ambitious 118.9km phase-2 project with fewer delays and at a cheaper rate. Construction for a 52km stretch of the phase is expected to start by mid-2020. Signzy’s computer vision engine can process 3.5 million documents a day. Banks are impressed Fintech is still evolving in India and so is regulatory technology or RegTech. The space for RegTech players is still getting defined and players in the market are helping the BFSI sector by providing access to simpler regulations through SaaS. No needles or chemicals: New MRI may be used to diagnose heart disease . Currently, the diagnostic tests available to measure blood flow to the heart require injection of radioactive chemicals.

Google Delivering Drones


Second year,

Wing, a subsidiary of Google INC transforms the way goods are transported. From steamships to railroads, from the Pony Express to modern delivery services like FedEx and DHL, advances in how we move goods from place to place have helped reshape the world. But, there’s room for improvement. Whether it’s the parent stuck at home with two sick kids and no dinner, the farmer out in the field with a broken tractor and no tools, or emergency service workers that The self flying delivering drones can fly up to 120km/h driven by an all electric power system with zero carbon emissions. Machine learning algorithms helps the drones to find a safe and convenient location for delivery amongst obstacles like Trees, buildings and power lines . Over the next year, the Wing team investigated different approaches to vehicle design, built prototypes, and ran experiments and test flights. The goal was to learn as much as possible, as quickly as possible, to improve the safety systems and precise navigation required to operate in the congested modern world. BYOD and BYOA

Aishwarya Devi

First year

Short for Bring Your Own Applications as well as Build Your Own Apps, BYOA is an evolution of the term BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in the consumerization of Information technology that refers to the growing use of personal apps by employees for increased productivity in their work environments. (Bring Your Own Device) Refers to employees who bring their personal devices to work, whether laptop, smartphone or tablet, in order to interface to the corporate network. According to a Unisys study conducted by IDC in 2011, nearly 41% of the devices used to obtain corporate data were owned by the employee

Top 10 best online animation maker websites Narmadhadevi R

First year

Renderforest Toonator Biteable Powtoon Moovly GoAnimate Animaker FlipAnim Animatron Motion Den Best Compilers For Programming Languages


First year

Programming languages are playing a great role in today’s computing environment. The true power of hardware can only be extracted with the help of efficient use of programming languages.There were many programming languages which emerged from the first generation of computers. Many of them are not sufficient to bear the load of today’s computing environment, but there are some which kept themselves out from the crowd. C and C++ are one of them. C/C++ are powerful programming languages and every new programmer should have to aware of them because these two programming languages provides the base for other programming languages. Beside this, These programming language are widely used even by the proficient programmers to interact with hardware. Efficiency of any programmer and programming language is always some how depends on programming environment and compiler or ide being used at the time of programming. New programmers always finds difficulty in selection of c/c++ compiler or ide which provides them an user friendly programming environment.So today we are sharing Top 10 Best C/C++ Compiler And IDEs list with the features they provides. You can select any C/C++ Compiler or IDE of your choice which will make your programming job easier.

1) Eclipse: Eclipse Ide is an open source utility that provides some advance functionality for C/C++ programmers. Including great features like syntax highlighting,debugger and auto code completion. Eclipse ide is supported on Windows, and Mac OS X. Eclipse ide made coding easier for new programmers. You can download eclipse c/c++ ide to your computer from following download link. You will need Java Run time environment to compile your C/C++ Programs on your computer. You can download JRE from the following Download Link. 2) NetBeans: NetBeans is another advance open source ide with features like semantic highlighting,automatic formatting braces matching,unit testing,code 3) Code::Blocks: Code:: blocks is an open source,cross platform and extensible ide for c++.The best feature of this C++ ide is that,As per on your need, you can extend this ide with the help of plugins available. You can download Code::Blocks from following download link. Top 3 Programming Languages


Third year Python Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is an easy language for beginners to learn because of its readability. It is a free, open-source programming language with extensive support modules and community development, easy integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and GUI-based desktop applications. It is a popular programming language for Machine Learning and deep learning applications. Python is used to develop 2D imaging and 3D animation packages like Blender, Inkscape, and Autodesk. It has also been used to create popular video games, including Civilization IV, Vegas Trike, and Toontown. Python is used for scientific and computational applications like FreeCAD and Abacus, and it is also by popular websites like YouTube, Quora, Pinterest, and Instagram. The approximate annual salary of a Python developer is $92,000 Java Java is one of the most common, in-demand computer programming languages in use today. Owned by the Oracle Corporation, this general-purpose programming language with its object-oriented structure has become a standard for applications that can be used regardless of platform (e.g., Mac, Window, Android, iOS, etc.) because of its Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) capabilities. As a result of this capability, Java is recognized for its portability across platforms from mainframe data centers to smartphones. Today there are more than 3 billion devices running applications built with Java. Java is widely used in web and application development as well as Big Data. Java is also used in the backend of several popular websites, including Google, Amazon, Twitter, and YouTube. It is also extensively used in hundreds of applications. New Java frameworks like Spring, Struts, and Hibernate are also very popular. With millions of Java developers worldwide, there are hundreds of texts available for learning Java programming. JavaScript JavaScript is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects inside web browsers. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web. It is also used at the front end of several popular websites like Google, Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon. Moreover, it is used in popular web frameworks like AngularJS, Node.js, and React.JS. The approximate salary for someone in this role is $72,500. ALEXA

Ashuvin N

Second year

WHY NAMED ALEXA?: The Amazon engineers were trying to replicate the “computer” in Star Trek(user interface), which always answered and work when any star trek crew simply called out the word “computer”. But the problem was choosing a word that people didn’t ordinarily use in everyday life.So after testing various names, the team landed on a word alexa,that used soft vowels and an”X”. It sounded fairly unique. AMAZON ECHO The Echo is a device that uses speech recognition to perform an ever-growing range of tasks on command. Amazon echo is the first generation Alexa device.Amazon calls the built-in brains of this device "Alexa," and she* is the thing that makes it work. It contains speakers,microphones and a small computer. That isn’t enough to do all of the clever stuff that she can do. Her real smarts are on the Internet, in the cloud –computing service run by Amazon.


Harini .M

Second year

New technologies have always acted as catalysts for change. Why? Because they consistently deliver extraordinary new capabilities for businesses. Each of the four technologies that make up DARQ will be used individually by businesses across the economy to differentiate their products and services.Companies already recognize the power of DARQ. Eighty-nine percent of businesses are currently experimenting with one or more DARQ technologies, expecting them to be key differentiators, and are substantially increasing their DARQ investments. While each of the individual emerging technologies that make up DARQ are at a different point on the adoption curve, it’s clear that the first wave of companies using DARQ technologies to drive differentiation is already here. Once the collective power of DARQ begins to manifest itself, it might be too late for adopters who lag behind to catch up.DARQ will let leaders in the post-digital era reimagine their businesses. Being ready to harness the full power of DARQ in that post-digital future means beginning the journey today. ALGORITHMS NEVER GO OUT OF STYLE


Final year When it comes to nature inspired algorithms it purely depends upon the behavioral patterns of animals as it has successfully survived over centuries. No comparison in terms of performance can be made between any two algorithms as they are all unique in their own way and is definitely useful in solving one or the other real-world problems. I am so much interested in studying the applications of such nature inspired algorithms that’s why I have chosen my final year project to be based on such an algorithm.

The Grey Wolf Optimizer is in the category of swam intelligence which is based on leadership hierarchy. It is a meta heuristic algorithm based on social and hunting behaviour of grey wolves. The main motive behind selecting this algorithm is that it is the only algorithm which is based on the leadership hierarchy.

The GWO algorithm is a simple population-based algorithm which simulates the leadership and social behavior of the grey wolf for hunting prey. Grey wolves always live in a pack of approximately 5–11 wolves.

1)Leader Wolf - Alpha wolf (α) They can be male or female and is responsible for the vital decisions of the pack. 2) Subservient wolves - Beta wolves (β) Responsible to deliver the messages of alpha wolf to the other wolves. 3)Omega wolves (ω) Permission for eating food in the end. 4)Delta wolves(δ) These are caretakers, hunters and sentinels are included. Human Augmentation

Ellen Daniel

Second year Human augmentation is a field of research that aims to enhance human abilities through medicine or technology. This has historically been achieved by consuming chemical substances that improve a selected ability or by installing implants which require medical operations. Both of these methods of augmentation can be invasive. Augmented abilities have also been achieved with external tools, such as eyeglasses, binoculars, microscopes or highly sensitive microphones. Lately, augmented reality and multimodal interaction technologies have enabled non-invasive ways to augment human. Wearable technologies may act as mediators for human augmentation, in the same manner as eyeglasses once revolutionized human vision. Non-invasive and easy-to-use wearable extensions will enable lengthening the active life for aging citizens or supporting the full inclusion of people with special needs in society, but there are also potential problems. Human augmentation is an interdisciplinary field that addresses methods, technologies and their applications for enhancing sensing, action and/or cognitive abilities of a human. This is achieved through sensing and actuation technologies, fusion and fission of information, and artificial intelligence (AI) methods. Human augmentation can further be divided into three main categories of augmentation:  Augmented senses (aka enhanced senses, extended senses) are achieved by interpreting available multisensory information and presenting content to the human through selected human senses. Sub-classes include augmented vision, hearing, haptic sensation, smell, and taste.  Augmented action is achieved by sensing human actions and mapping them to actions in local, remote or virtual environments. Sub-classes include motor augmentation, amplified force, and movement, speech input, gaze-based controls, teleoperation, remote presence, and others.  Augmented cognition (aka enhanced cognition) is achieved by detecting human cognitive state, using analytical tools to make a correct interpretation of it, and adapting computer's response to match the current and predictive needs of the user (e.g., providing stored or recorded information during natural interaction). Many different forms of human enhancing technologies are either on the way or are currently being tested and trialed. A few of these emerging technologies include: human genetic engineering (gene therapy), neurotechnology (neural implants and brain–computer interfaces), cyberware, Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, nanomedicine, and 3D bioprinting. Microprocessor

Balaji .A

First year

A microprocessor is an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work. It is a central processing unit on a single integrated circuit chip containing millions of very small components including transistors, resistors, and diodes that work together. Microprocessors were invented in the 1970s for use in embedded systems. The majority are still used that way, in such things as mobile phones, cars, military weapons, and home appliances. Evolution of microprocessor: There are five generations of microprocessor. They are • First generation • Second generation • Third generation • Fourth generation • Fifth generation First Generation Microprocessors: The first generation microprocessors were introduced in the year 1971-1972. The instructions of these microprocessors were processed serially, they fetched the instruction, decoded and then executed it. When an instruction of the microprocessor was finished, then the microprocessor updates the instruction pointer & fetched the following instruction, performing this consecutive operation for each instruction in turn. Second Generation Microprocessors: In the year 1970, small amount of transistors were available on the integrated circuit in the second generation microprocessors. Examples of the second generation microprocessors are 16-bit arithmetic 7 pipelined instruction processing, MC68000 Motorola microprocessor. These processors are introduced in the year 1979, and Intel 8080 processor is another example of the microprocessor. The second generation of the microprocessor is defined by overlapped fetch, decode and execute the steps. When the first generation is processed in the execution unit, then the second instruction is decoded and the third instruction is fetched. The difference between the first generation microprocessor and second generation microprocessors was mainly the use of new semiconductor technologies to manufacture the chips. The result of this technology resulted in a fivefold increase in instruction, speed, execution and higher chip densities. Third Generation Microprocessors: The third generation microprocessors were introduced in the year 1978, as denoted by Intel’s 8086 and the Zilog Z8000. These were 16-bit processors with a performance like mini computers. These types of microprocessors were different from the previous generations of microprocessors in that all main workstation industrialists began evolving their own ISC based microprocessor architectures. Cryptocurrency and BitCoin

Kaviyarasi M

Second year

People have always valued unique and irreplaceable things. A unique thing always has a demand and acclaims a price. A cryptocurrency is a unique virtual (digital) asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptographic algorithm. This algorithm secures the transactions by recording it in blockchain and controls the creation of additional units of the currency. Cryptocurrency is also called as cryptocoins, e-cash, alternative currencies or virtual currencies and are classified as a subset of digital currencies.

Cryptocurrency can be defined as distributed accounting system based oncryptography, storing information about the state of ownership in conventional units. The state of ownership of a cryptocurrency is related to individual system blocks called “portfolios”. Only the holder of the corresponding private key would have control over a given portfolio and it is impossible to issue the same unit twice.The function of cryptocurrency is based on technologies such as Mining, Blockchain, Directed Acyclic Graph, Distributed register (ledger), etc. The information about the transaction is usually not encrypted and is available in clear text.

The term “cryptocurrency” began to be used after the appearance of the Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most popular and the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Bitcoin payment system, was developed in 2009 by an unknown person or a group under the pseudonym “SatosiNakamoto”. The SHA-256, a cryptographic hash function, has been used as a working algorithm. Later forks like: Namecoin, Litecoin. Rehab through VR

Prasanna Krishna

Second year

If the term virtual reality conjures up mental images of tech-savvy millennials wearing chunky black goggles in order to be fully immersed in the world of a video game, you aren’t alone. While it has been slowly transforming the video game industry for the past few years, virtual reality is making its way into other industries as a fundamental tool - including health care. The term virtual reality (VR) is defined as “an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment”. When you think about virtual reality with this framework, it’s not hard to imagine the different contexts that this emerging technology can be applied to beyond the gaming world. A Tool for Clinicians Virtual reality creates a safe space in which medical students can learn how to interact with patients under certain environments, and seasoned surgeons can practice complex surgeries without risking a human subject. With the introduction of virtual reality into the healthcare world, professionals and educators are becoming increasingly open to the idea of using a “gaming tool” to supplement and enhance traditional health education. Currently, the traditional methods fall onto a spectrum focus with one side being direct patient contact and the other being textbook and lecture-based learning. Each of these methods have significant restrictions that virtual reality could help remedy. Why to Use VR in Healthcare? Today, Virtual Reality in medicine is nothing new, and there are more and more medical fields where the use of VR applications shows much better results compared with conventional therapy. The use of VR in rehabilitation has proved to be very effective, and for a good reason. Simulated virtual objects, environment, and events allow patients to plunge into an alternate reality, where they can interact with things and carry out actions not otherwise available to them in real life. This is one of the very few, if not the only, ways to let patients “escape” from the restrictive hospital environment. Robotic Process Automation

Narmitha M

Second year

Robotic process automation technology is software that can be trained to mimic digital data tasks performed by humans.RPA aims to improve efficiency, boost productivity and save money by assisting with -- or entirely replacing -- the routine and error-prone digital processing tasks Broadly defined as software scripts that automate other software, RPA "robots" work at the surface and user-interface level, mimicking the keystrokes and mouse clicks made by human workers and completing the task in much the way workers do by logging in to applications, entering data, performing calculations and logging out. From finance and HR to IT and marketing -- RPA's software robots are automating routine and often mind-numbing work formerly done by humans. Its impact has been described as transformational and disruptive. Still, RPA - named the fastest-growing software segment last year by Gartner -is not without risks. Automation encompasses a very broad and diverse set of technologies ranging from

Best Google Fun Keywords


Second year 1. Do a barrel roll 2. Askew 3. Recursion 4. Google Gravity 5. Thanos 6.Anagram 7. Zerg Rush 8. Google Sky Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence

Nivedha g

Third year

Intelligence can be defined as a general mental ability for reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. Because of its general nature, intelligence integrates cognitive functions such as perception, attention, memory, language, or planning. On the basis of this definition, intelligence can be reliably measured by standardized tests with obtained scores predicting several broad social outcomes such as educational achievement, job performance, health, and longevity. Artificial Intelligence is the study and design of Intelligent agent, These intelligent agents have the ability to analyse the environments and produce actions which maximize success.AI research uses tools and insights from many fields, including computer science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, operations research, economics, control theory, probability, optimization and logic.AI research also overlaps with tasks such as robotics, control systems, scheduling, data mining, logistics, speech recognition, facial recognition and many others.


Mohan C

Second year

Xtra-PC is a product designed to help your computer run better and to boost your overall speeds. It is available in three different packages that let you choose which one to use based on how quickly you want your computer to run. As long as you have a USB port, you can use the device on both desktop and laptop computers. It only requires an internet connection the first time that you plug in the USB. When you use the product later, you do not need a connection to the internet. You can edit documents, watch videos and do anything else you want on your computer. Every computer in the world uses some type of operating system that runs the device. The most common are Windows from Microsoft and iOS, which is the operating system used by Apple computers. Both of those systems charge a licensing fee and come loaded with software and programs that you’ll never use. Xtra-PC allows you to bypass that operating system and instead use Linux as your OS. This is the same OS that many professionals use today. In our Xtra-PC review, we’ll take an in-depth review of this device and look at all the available versions of the product. Extended Reality


Second year

Extended Reality (XR) is a newly added term to the dictionary of the technical words. For now, only a few people are aware of XR. Extended Reality refers to all real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables. Extended Reality includes all its descriptive forms like the Augmented Reality (AR),

Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR). In other words, XR can be defined as an umbrella, which brings all three Reality (AR, VR, MR) together under one term, leading to less public confusion. Extended reality provides a wide variety and vast number of levels in the Virtuality of partially sensor inputs to Immersive Virtuality.

Since past few years, we have been talking regarding AR, VR, and MR, and probably in coming years, we will be speaking about XR.

What is AI Security?

Katikala Sri Pavan Second year

Artificial intelligence is defined as having machines do “smart” or “intelligent” things on their own without human guidance. As such, AI security involves leveraging AI to identify and stop cyber threats with less human intervention than is typically expected or needed with traditional security approaches. AI security tools are often used to identify “good” versus “bad” by comparing the behaviors of entities across an environment to those in a similar environment. This process enables the system to automatically learn about and flag changes. Often called unsupervised learning or “pattern of life” learning, this method results in large numbers of false positives and negatives. More advanced applications of AI security can go beyond simply identifying good or bad behavior by analyzing vast amounts of information and helping to piece together related activity that could indicate suspicious behavior. In this way, AI security behaves in a manner that’s similar to the best and most capable human analyst. According to a survey by Capgemini Research Institute, 69 percent of enterprises believe AI is necessary to respond to cyberattacks. Useful Tech Websites Muganthi

Third year

Engadget.com – its home of technology news and reviews. TechCrunch.com – it provide quality information related to new Gadgets. Engineering.com -its have all stuff to satisfy the hunger of today’Engineers. It lists all the relevant jobs to related W3schools - there are tutorials for HTML, CSS, AJAX and dozens of Other programming languages. M4maths – it’s a collection of different companies technical, Aptitude and verbal question. EDX.org – provides free courses from top universities. Talktyper.com – speech to text dictation.

Android 11

A.B. Swathi Raj

Second year Android 11, Google's next operating system, is set to be revealed in mid-2020, and more specially during Google IO 2020 which will run in May 12-14, before being released for Pixel devices around September, and then rolled out for other Android devices from late 2020 through well into 2021.

Google I/O 2020 is set to take place between May 12 and May 14 at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. Google pulls the curtains on the new Android features at Google I/O. They later put the features together and roll them out with their new pixels device by September.

The pixel devices are always the first ones to come with the official Android updates, following which other brands start rolling out Android for their devices. Last year it was Oneplus to follow google.

Here is a list of all Android 11 features

 Mute notifications during recording  Improved touch sensitivity  Native screen recording  Scrolling screenshots VOICE DRIVEN INTERACTION IN VEHICLES

Lydia Beryl .D

First year

Imagine sitting in the driver’s seat and having a two-way conversation with your car about where you want to go and how you want to get there. Then imagine reaching your desired destination without having once glanced at a smartphone, tablet or in-car screen.That is the ultimate objective of in-car voice assistants. To get to the point where we have voice only control, navigation and infotainment systems in the car, where we can confidently and enjoyably have a two-way conversation with our AI-powered in-car systems, as opposed to simply issuing/receiving simple one-way instructions. This type of technology is no longer the stuff of science-fiction. Even though in-car voice control and interaction is still very much in its infancy, voice command will very soon prove to be absolutely critical in the car.With the smartphone market flattening, voice – along with mixed reality – is emerging as one of the most promising next-generation platforms. Changing your interaction with the car One of the key things scientists have been working towards in developing new product sets is that voice will be able to tell you far more than ever before about what is happening in the car, in your immediate surroundings, on your route or at your destination in real-time. All of this will be possible now that we are starting to take all of the data from all of the sensors in the car to help you jumpstart these types of two-way conversations around navigation, as opposed to the traditional experience of receiving simple one-way instructions from your system. Voice is the future for in-car interaction With road safety in mind, voice will stop drivers glancing at their smartphones and in-car screens, and they’ll instinctively choose to converse with their navigation system to provide the guidance, information and entertainment needed. In-car speech recognition systems aim to remove the distraction of looking down at your mobile phone while you drive. Instead, a heads-up display allows drivers to keep their eyes on the road and their mind on safety.With several uses like making phone calls, getting directions and navigation ,sending text messages, playing music and asking for local recommendations voice will be the ultimate interface in the car of the future. Once you experience it, you’ll immediately realize it’s the next logical step to improving in-car experiences in connected cars. Looking forward to that glorious future!! +++

Virtual Reality Technology

Nandhini M

second year

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality can include entertainment (i.e. video games) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training). Other, distinct types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality. May be it's a real paradise’;mother reunited with dead seven year-old daughter in virtual realitye it’s a real paradise’: Mother reunited with dead seven-year-old daughter in virtual reality Virtual reality technology has enabled a grief-stricken mother to be reunited with her dead daughter in South Korea, according to a documentary.Jang Ji-sung took part in documentary I Met You, in which a production team used VR technology to stage the emotional encounter. A simulation featuring Jang’s seven-year-old daughter Nayeon, who died of a rare disease in 2016, was created by the team and set in a park special to the pair.



First year Humanoids robots have been gaining popularity inIndia for quite some time now. A computer being among us to help us out in ways better than an expected individual can is more than enough reason for the necessity of humanoid robots. It resembles human both in appearance and behaviour; all of these simple actions that humans born with are nearly perfected to be duplicated by humanoid robots has been a huge development in the field of robotics. Purpose – Humanoid robots are used as a research tool in several scientific area; to perform human tasks like personal assistance, where they should be able to assist the sick and elderly; regular jobs like being receptionist or a worker of an automotive manufacturing line are also suitable for humanoids; to serve in military purposes.


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慠ᑊΚᑊܝܤ ⧨ ⧨ Ή籈Ί叀ܤ

慠ᑊܝܢᾲ Κᾲrܤ ᾲ⧨ Ή籈Ί叀ܤ Dr.P.Boobalan ܝ⧨ܢ 慠ᑊᾲΉᾲ Κl⧨bܤ 籈⧨ Ή籈Ί叀ܤ Associate Professor

ᾲΊ lᑊ⧨ᾲ籈 Ήa⧨ܢ ܢ 籈ܝᑊܝᑊ 籈ᑊ 籈ᑊᾲΚΉܢ!! ⧨ᑊܝᾲ Ήa⧨ 叀 ᾲܝܤ ܢ a⧨ᾲ籈ܝᑊ 慠ܝᾲᑊΉܢ!! Ήᾲ ␓ܤ ᾲ籈ܲΉa⧨ ܢ 籈ᑊܝᑊᾲܝᾲ ␓ܤ ᾲ慠ܝᑊ ᾲ䁱ΚΉܢ ܢ ᾲ⧨ᾲ ⧨ ᾲ籈ᑊᾲ Ήᾲ籈ܝᑊᾲ ܢ ᾲΊᾲΉΚ Ήa⧨〭ܤ ....…

Subashi Third Year imS S

in 寨 ninل MingLin 寨 寨⡰ ⡰寨寨nΈ ୽n୽ ل உnLn寨n 寨n L୽உ寨in உ⡰n 凨in i凨LnLn in உi⡰凨n ୽n୽, உnஉ⡰i ⡰in anibin உ鈀Li ஆnஆ⡰in உ⡰lnbஆn ஆn ஆ⡰凨n ialnb凨⡰L anΈ aLnLin ஆnஆ⡰iஆn n உ凨 உΈn, i⡰inLin iஆLin 寨n iஆn ini iLnLinLin b凨 L୽nLin n ai⡰L ia L୽n୽bi寨n b n anΈ 寨nabn⡰in ini iin i凨ni⡰凨n... ""ini⡰""


⡰寨nL⡰in ୽nb aᑊ⧨ᑊ:

ᾲᑊᾲΉΚ ܤݾܝ〭 a〭ܢ :aᑊ⧨ᑊ


aᑊ⧨ᑊ籈ᑊ ⧨ܢ ᾲᑊ〭 aܝܢa⧨叀!

ᑊܲaᑊܝᑊΚ〭 aᑊ⧨ᑊrܤ 籈⧨

慠ܝ䁱ᾲ Ήa⧨⺄ Ήᾲᑊ〭

ᾲᑊ⧨ᑊΚ〭 aᑊ⧨ᑊrܤ l籈⧨

ᾲ籈ܝܤ ܸ籈⧨ᾲᑊ〭

⧨lݾ籈 ܤΉ慠ᾲᾲ aᑊ⧨ᑊr

慠ᾲΚᑊܢ ⧨ᾲᾲ ܸᑊᾲᑊ〭

籈ᑊ Κ〭 aᑊ⧨ᑊrܤ ܤ⧨Ή

ᾲᑊܝᾲ ܢᾲ䁱ᾲᑊ〭 aᑊ⧨ᑊ: ܢa〭 籈⧨籈ᑊܢ Ή慠ܤa⧨␓Ήᾲ

aᑊ⧨ᑊΉ籈⧨ܤ.... ΚᑊܲΉa⧨ܤ!

Kamala srinidhi Final year ᾲ⧨

ܢᑊ Κ ܢ ᾲ⧨ᾲ 籈ᾲݾ ܤ ᑊܲaᑊ l ܢᑊ ܲa⧨⺄ !!!!! ᾲ Ήa⧨ 慠⧨ܝᑊᾲ ܢ 籈ܝᑊᾲ Ήaᑊᾲᑊ〭 !!!! ᑊ 籈ᾲݾܝ ⧨籈⧨ᾲᾲΚ ܢᑊܝᑊܝ⧨慠 ܢ Κᾲ ⺄ᾲᑊ⧨⺄!!!! ܢᑊ Κ〭 ᾲ⧨叀ܤ a⧨⧨ !! ⺄⧨ᾲᾲᑊ ܢ ᑊ 籈ᾲݾܝ Subashi Third year

ᑊᾲ慠ܝᑊܢ ᑊᾲ慠Ήܝ!!!!!

ܢ ᑊΚ ܢᾲᾲ 慠叀Ή慠 ᾲ籈ܝܤ ⧨ᑊrܤ ᑊᾲ慠ܝᑊ 籈ᑊܝܤ ܢ Κᑊܢ 籈 ῂ:ᾲᑊ ܝ⧨ܝܤ ⧨ᑊܝ⧨〭 ᾲ⧨ܤ aᑊܝ⧨⺄ ᾲᑊ ᾲ⧨ΊΉ䁱 ᾲᑊ〭 ܢᾲܲ Ήa⧨Ή籈 ܢ 叀ܤ ܢΚᑊܝ⧨ᾲ 籈⧨ᾲ⧨Ί叀 ᾲᑊ〭 〭ܢᾲΊܸᾲݾ 〭ᾲ䁱ᾲᑊ ܢ Ή籈ᾲΉ慠 ܢᾲ⧨␓ᑊ ܢ䁱ܢ ΉΚ〭 Κlᑊ:ܤ ᑊᾲ慠ܝᑊ ᾲᑊܢ〭 ᾲ䁱ܢ ᾲᾲᾲΚrܤ 慠ᑊᑊܢ Ή籈ᾲᾲrܤ lܤ慠⧨ lᑊ ܝ⧨〭 ܝᾲᑊܝ ᾲᾲᾲΚ ܝΚᑊΚ ᾲ⧨␓ᑊܢ ᾲr䁱ܢ ᑊΉܝ lᑊ␓ܝܤ lᑊ:䁱ܢ l⧨ܤ Ή⺄Κ〭 ᾲ⧨Ί叀 ᾲᑊܢΉܢ!!!

Mohana sundhari Third year S

L寨 Li ࠘nbஆn bn bஆ寨n 凨⡰ L寨b寨n i⡰n

iஉi⡰凨n 寨n உi L⡰୽

⡰ஆibஆn 凨 உiinibnLn L⡰୽nb bஆ inLiஆn L୽n Li⡰ஆn

உin lni⡰ஆn anibnin உ鈀Li ialn寨nanΈ in ⡰ஆn鈀ஆn ln

n i⡰ ஆaஆn உ⡰l

寨 寨n ib ஆnblٌ

iin lnn உ寨n aஆn

ل寨Ln nL⡰bnஉLn 凨⡰iஆn L

உ寨n L⡰ஆn Lnb鈀寨n innஆn

୽nnbLi nLn L⡰୽nb

凨⡰iஆn ⡰naa ???

உ寨n i凨୽in..…


⡰寨nL⡰in ୽nb FRIENDSHIP

I wanted to thank you but was unable to explain What it means to have a friend to nare life's joys and life's pains It's good to know our friendship is one of endless devotion Forged out of respect and every kind of emotion It's patient and forgiving never failing or forsaking When a hand is outstretched or one's heart is breaking . It's ever faithful even when the world condemns And sparks in the darkness like fireworks and gems. It does my heart good at the end of the day To know that you will never be more than an email away.

Preethi First year Miruthula Final year Aksharaa S Second year

M. MUGANTHI S. SARANYA Third year Third year Nivedha G Third Year

Tamizarasan Second Year Jahnavi Korrapati Final Year Sharmila J First Year Keerthana.R Final year

Shalini Final Year SivaPriya.M First year

Samyutha Second Year Leela Lavanya First year Aksharaa Second year

Swathi raj Second year

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