1 Missionary Discipleship Taught by Julianne Stanz 4 hours | 34 Chapters

Through prayer and sacrifice, many commit their lives to follow the Lord intentionally and radically—impacting everyone they meet. But what about those who simply come to Mass as a mere obligation? What about those who come only on Christmas and Easter?

Let Julianne guide your leaders to creating a culture of intentional discipleship in their communities She will help your leaders see that their role as is to walk with and encourage others on the path to accepting Jesus’ invitation to follow him.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A foundational understanding of the current religious landscape and the challenges facing the Church 2. A clear and actionable definition of both intentional and missionary discipleship, two hot topics (often misunderstood) in the Church today 3. Jesus’s own blueprint for making mature disciples 4. Proven strategies and practical insights around prayer, hospitality, and invitation in your parish 5. Insights and tactics around teaching and passing on the faith through religious education and groups 6. Clear understanding into the process of conversion, making disciples, and sending forth missionaries in love with the Lord and His Church

Julianne Stanz has dedicated her life to training priests, leaders, and About lay faithful on how to make joyful missionary disciples and accompany The Expert them on their journeys. Through her books, seminars, speaking events, and diocesan work in Green Bay as Evangelization Director, Julianne understands the key principles and processes to build a culture of missionary discipleship at your parish, one life at a time. 2 Ministry in Culturally Diverse Parishes Taught by Luis Soto 2 hours | 27 Chapters

This course aims to help your parish leaders overcome the challenges that arise when trying to serve two different communities within one parish that may not share the same customs, language, or culture by providing a historical framework and a wealth of practical steps and insights for integrating multiple cultures in one community.

Let expert Luis Soto guide your parish leaders to clarity, understanding, and a confident plan to move forward in unity and zeal.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A masterful, strategic overview for strengthening your community and building unity within your culturally diverse parish by building ministries that are fruitful and sustainable 2. Deeper insight into the challenges and misunderstandings between cultural groups within your parish and how to overcome them 3. A historical background that sets the groundwork for clarity and compassion 4. A five-step plan to create a vibrant and unified parish full of missionary disciples 5. Measurable goals and thresholds for success for each stage 6. Winning stories, practical tips, tools, and immediately applicable advice from someone who has done this work of integration in parishes for decades

Luis has dedicated his life to serving the Church and is the leading About voice in unifying culturally diverse communities. He is currently the Director of Hispanic Content and Business Development for the The Expert Augustine Institute in , CO. Luis developed One Family Under God, a model of unity and integration amongst cultures in parishes. In November 2010, he received the Benemerenti Medal from His Holiness Benedict XVI, one of the most noteworthy 3 distinctions to be bestowed upon a lay Catholic. Stewardship Taught by Tracy Earl Welliver 3 hours | 23 Chapters

Stewardship is so much more than giving time, talent, and treasure. It’s a way of life. But what does that really mean for a busy family in your parish? A retired widow? A young person discovering his or her vocation? Often, parishes have “Stewardship Sunday” where a basket is passed around and the usual crowd drops in their contribution. An angry letter typically follows accusing Father of “only asking for money.” Does this sound familiar?

Let Tracy guide your parish leaders to clarity, inspiration, and success around this topic.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A clear definition of stewardship and a detailed road map to promoting an engaging culture of stewardship in your parish 2. New strategies designed to reframe the concept of stewardship in your minds first, and then among your parishioners 3. The foundational (and sometimes challenging) scriptural roots of stewardship 4. Clear examples, tactics, and practical suggestions designed to help your team incorporate stewardship into every aspect of parish life 5. The clear connection between engagement and stewardship—and how these areas contribute to the financial health of a parish 6. Innovative ways to harness the gifts and talents of your parishioners to increase participation across key ministries and initiatives

Tracy Earl Welliver has been writing books and working with hundreds About of parishes across the country with one mission: to reimagine and The Expert reeducate the Church on the beauty of the radical ’s way of life, that is, a life of stewardship.

4 Parish Teams Taught by Pat Lencioni 2.5 hours | 22 Chapters

The work of renewing a parish can be grueling. The roadblocks are many and, oftentimes, the challenges and obstacles come from inside our own parish culture. These leaders guiding your parish missionary transformation are going to need a team to get there and even the best team with the most talented individuals needs to be coached on how to work toward a common mission. The key to creating real momentum in your parish is organizational health.

Let Pat walk your leaders through, step-by-step, how to build a team and culture so they can lead renewal in your parish and live out Christ’s mission.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A foundational understanding of organizational health, the key to beginning to renew your parish 2. A blueprint for building a parish leadership team that will bring lasting impact 3. A deep dive into some of Pat Lencioni’s timeless principles for organizational health, including the three virtues of the ideal team player and the five dysfunctions of a team 4. Real-life stories, proven principles, and insights into building a healthy culture in your leadership team 5. An overview of the three building blocks of an amazing parish: a foundation of prayer, a culture of active discipleship, and a healthy team 6. A proven guide for how to have meetings that matter

Pat Lencioni is a best-selling author and speaker and the foremost About authority on organizational health. Through his best-selling books and The Expert consulting firm, he has helped businesses, corporations, universities, professional sports teams, and organizations develop their leadership and culture. As a co-founder of the Amazing Parish, Pat has worked with hundreds of parishes to bear remarkable fruit.. 5 Women’s Ministry Taught by Lisa Brenninkmeyer 3 hours | 27 Chapters

Through the gift of the “feminine genius,” as St. John Paul II explained, women have a unique gift to build community, support faith, and challenge growth among each other… and the husbands, fathers, and clergy of the parish. Their contribution to a vibrant parish community is invaluable.

Let Lisa guide your leaders through how to build specific outreach in your parish to foster their growth as disciples.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A master blueprint for creating or strengthening a dedicated women’s ministry in your parish designed to be self-sustaining and discipleship-focused 2. Keen insight into the struggles and joys of the contemporary Catholic woman to better understand her needs and opportunities for growth 3. Strategies to identify effective leaders in your community, methods to train them, and a vision to inspire them to greatness 4. Effective, practical advise around events, programs, studies, and ministries to engage the women of your parish 5. Clear goals to measure success in your women’s ministry 6. Inspirational encouragement on the journey to transforming the lives of women through effective and intentional ministry

Lisa Brenninkmeyer is a woman on a mission to transform the Church About through intentional outreach to women of all ages. Lisa’s decades of The Expert experience through her ministry, Walking with Purpose, one of the most trusted women’s Bible study ministries, gives her deep insights into the challenges of women today and effective ministry solutions to serve this incredibly vital population in our parishes. 6 Youth Ministry Taught by Mark Hart 2.5 hours | 26 Chapters

Young people bring to parishes new vitality, enthusiasm for Christ, and zeal for the mission. These are signs for hope and encouragement for the rest of the parish community. We see in them the potential to transform our culture and world as missionary disciples.

Let’s be honest though: sometimes, it can be challenging to reach young people with the Gospel message and invite them to dive deeper into the Catholic Faith. Let Mark guide your parish leaders on how to answer their questions and doubts, and effectively build a youth ministry program regardless of the size of the parish staff and resources.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A strong foundation for understanding the world (and the Church) through the eyes of teenagers 2. The ability to cast a clear vision and build a strong framework for an effective youth ministry program—either starting from scratch or building on an existing program 3. Impactful strategies and practical steps to engage parents of your teens 4. A clear road map to understanding the process of creating disciples among teenagers in your parish—from interest to lifelong commitment 5. The necessary steps and process of building a strong volunteer team 6. Answers to common questions and challenges facing youth leaders today

Mark Hart is the most trusted expert on youth and young adult About evangelization. He has dedicated the better part of the past 20 years to The Expert helping teens encounter Christ. As Executive Vice President of Life Teen and through the many books, studies, and programs he has authored around youth ministry, Mark has helped countless parishes and families reach young people’s hearts and minds with the Gospel. 7 Evangelization Taught by Chris Stefanick 3 hours | 22 Chapters

St. Pope Paul VI said, “Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.” We know that the Gospel has incredible power to transform hearts and lives, yet sometimes leaders are unsure of how to best bring this message to their parish community and those that they are called to minister to.

Let Chris guide your parish teams to a clear, actionable, and truly inspiring understanding of what it takes to recommit a parish’s efforts to this core mission of evangelization.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. The clear biblical roots of our missionary call to preach, teach, and spread the Gospel in every area 2. An understanding of how Christ has called each of us—lay and ordained alike—to a profound life of intentional commitment to spreading the Gospel 3. Strategies to begin evangelization efforts in your parish and surrounding communities 4. Proven techniques to explain the essential Gospel message—the Kerygma—to Catholics and non-Catholics alike 5. Inspiring stories, testimonies, and personal challenges that will deepen your own personal faith and commitment to Christ 6. Methods and tactics to invite fallen-away Catholics back to the Faith, especially through simple and intentionally evangelizing moments

Chris Stefanick has worked with tens of thousands of Catholics and About hundreds of parishes across the country. Through his ministry, Real Life The Expert Catholic, Chris has brought parishes and individuals clarity about their mission and a newfound zeal to spread the Gospel.

8 Parish Renewal Taught by Tim Glemkowski 2 hours | 26 Chapters

Parish renewal is both healthy and natural, and now, easy to understand This course is for every parish leader – from the pastor to each volunteer – to give a firm foundation for effective, evangelical, and sustainable parish ministry. From chapters on the real importance of the parish to accurately identifying root problems in their parish culture, this course can immediately begin to help parish leaders focus on what matters most.

Let parish renewal expert Tim Glemkowski guide your parishes to clarity, confidence, and hope in moving forward towards mission.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A firm and proven foundation to improve your parish and focus on mission and making disciples 2. Immense clarity around the importance of your parish in the lives of your flock and the greater community 3. Practical suggestions about building a healthy parish culture focused on mission and evangelization 4. A clear understanding of the root issues each parish faces – and confidence to move forward to effectively address them 5. A blueprint to create a clear and sustainable pathway to intentional discipleship for your parishioners 6. Ideas, suggestions, and insightful tips around renewing your parish – no matter the size or demographics

Tim Glemkowski has served in various roles in evangelization. He About double-majored in and philosophy at Franciscan University of The Expert Steubenville and has his Master’s in Theology from the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. Tim is currently a co-founder and the President of Revive Parishes, as well as the founder of L’Alto Catholic Institute. In 2019, Tim published his first book, Made for Mission: Renewing Your 9 Parish Culture (Our Sunday Visitor.) Preaching Taught by Fr. Mike Schmitz 2.5 hours | 28 Chapters

Proclaiming the Gospel and presenting a compelling, informative, and inspiring homily is truly a gift to the parish. Pastors and are often looking for inspiration—and usually a silent moment to prepare—but the busyness of parish life can sometimes pose a challenge to our preachers as they fly into Sunday at a rapid pace.

Let Fr. Mike help your preachers navigate these challenges and grow in confidence in delivering effective homilies that bring the faithful closer to Christ.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. Personal and down-to-earth insights from Fr. Mike on fear, rejection, and the essential role of the preacher 2. The art and science of crafting an effective homily that transforms lives 3. Practical suggestions and strategies around preparation 4. A foundation and best practices for presenting messages 5. Recommendations on processes, digital tools, and tricks so your homily preparation becomes a habit folded into your daily life 6. Tips and suggestions around practice and preparation before preaching

Fr. Mike Schmitz is an expert guide for anyone looking to better their About communication skills around presenting the Gospel message in a The Expert convincing and memorable way. Fr. Mike presents an honest and compelling course with practical steps, tactics, and stories to inspire you and help you prepare and deliver homilies. 10 Understanding and Ministering to Millenials and Gen Z Taught by Katie Prejean McGrady 4 hours | 21 Chapters

Where are the millennials and Gen Zs? Why aren’t they coming to Mass? What can we do to get them back? And, maybe most importantly, how can their gifts contribute to your parish? Many parish leaders find themselves asking these questions today as the retention rates of Catholics in these two generations plummet. It is these exact questions that Katie Prejean McGrady seeks to answer.

In this course, Katie provides a pathway to equip your leaders to engage these generations, understand what makes them tick, and why they are disengaged, and then offer them the heart of what they are trying to find in the world.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A complete picture of those Catholics who belong to the Millenial and Generation Z 2. A deep understanding of the motivations, fears, and hopes for these young people, and how your parish can respond 3. A deep-dive into the latest data around these generations, plus a clear interpretation of what the numbers mean 4. Confidence to move forward in creating intentional ministries, programs, and events designed to help these generations truly encounter Christ

Katie Prejean McGrady has served as a high school teacher and parish About youth minister while becoming an award-winning author and The Expert international speaker. She is also the host of Ave Explores, a dynamic new podcast from Ave Maria Press. She was also recognized as one of three Americans invited to Rome to participate in the Synod on Young People in 2018. 11 Fundraising Taught by Cande de Leon 3 hours | 19 Chapters

Fundraising can be difficult and intimidating for your parishes. From creating a compelling case for support to facing potential rejections, the art of asking parishioners to support a parish’s mission financially is a daunting task for parish leaders. Pastors and parish leaders need the confidence of a solid strategy and the tools to carry it out.

Let Cande guide your parishes to a sure way forward in confidence and missionary focus through financial partnership.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A new approach to fundraising through a strong focus on individual relationships 2. The knowledge of how to integrate fundraising as part of your evangelization and discipleship efforts at the parish 3. Advice on crafting a compelling story focused on inspiring your donors to action 4. New paths to overcome challenges about guilt, fear, and shame around asking for money 5. Practical advice on increasing weekly offertory, executing a parish capital campaign, soliciting major gifts, commissioning a wealth study, and more 6. Confidence as you invite parishioners to support your mission

Learn from Cande de Leon’s enthusiasm and experience raising About hundreds of millions of dollars while making committed disciples in the The Expert process. Through his work as a diocesan Development Director, he has helped countless parishes and pastors, teaching them fundraising principles and practical steps to solicit support for the mission. 12 Loving and Serving the Poor Taught by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR 2.5 hours | 29 Chapters

Ministering to people in need can be challenging. This course aims to give your leaders and volunteers a solid foundation to confidently and simply love and serve our brothers and sisters in need throughout your community.

In his course, Fr. Mark-Mary guides viewers through a challenging topic by grounding his teaching in scripture, tradition, and the beautiful teachings of the Church. While sometimes controversial, Fr. Mark-Mary explains the universal call for every parish to establish practical ways to love and serve the poor well…and the impact it will have on parishioners.

Through this course your leaders will gain:

1. A clear, orthodox, and concise understanding of the Church’s rich tradition of boldly loving and serving those in need 2. A deep and beautiful insight into the Scriptural roots of our call to action and what they mean for us today 3. Challenging and inspiring reflections throughout around mercy and justice to help your leaders fall deeper in love with Christ 4. A five-step plan to create a vibrant and unified parish full of missionary disciples 5. A clear, proven plan to get started easily and quickly in any parish, even with just a few ministers 6. Dozens of stories from personal experience to inspire you and show your leaders the potential of future ministry

Fr. Mark-Mary has dedicated his life to serving the Church, most About especially the poorest among us. Ordained in 2018, Fr. Mark-Mary has The Expert been a part of the religious community of the Franciscan of the Renewal for ten years. Through numerous apostolic ventures, mission trips, and through the rich spirituality of his order, Fr. Mark-Mary has become a strong voice in the Church for radical, orthodox, and bold 13 service to those less fortunate in our communities.