Karstenia 43: 13-36, 2003

Tremelloid, aphyllophoroid and pleurotoid Basidiomycetes of Veps Plateau (Northwest Russia)


ZMITROVICH I. Y. 2003: Tremelloid, aphyllophoroid and pleurotoid Basidiomycetes of Veps Plateau (Northwest Russia). - Karstenia 43: 13-36. Helsinki. ISSN 0453- 3402. The work summarizes our present-day knowledge on the aphyllophoroid, tremelloid and pleurotoid Basidiomycetes of Veps Plateau (Northwest Russia, eastern Leningrad Region). Earlier data carried out by the author as well as Finnish polyporologists are presented. Some new unpublished data are adduced, too. In total, 355 species are ci ted for the Veps Plateau; 19 of them are new to the area. Three species- Gloiothele lactescens (Berk.) Hjortstam, Hyphodontia efibulata J. Erikss. & Hjortstam, Crepido­ tus versutus (Peck) Sacc. - are new to Russia. Some rare and interesting species are described or discussed. The check-l ist contains information on localities, substrates and ecological preferences of the species; some herbarium vouchers (LE) are cited. A new combination is proposed as Antrodiella Ienis (P. Karst.) Zmitrovich comb. no a (Physisporinus Ienis P. Karst.). Key words: aphyllophoroid fungi, Basidiomycetes, Northwest Russia, pleurotoid fungi, tremelloid fungi, Veps Forest Reserve, Yeps Plateau Ivan V. Zmitrovich, V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof Popov str. 2, 197376, St. Petersburg, Russia

Introduction The Veps Plateau (Fig. 1) represents the northern intrazonal floristic complexes, quite often with part of the Volgo-Baltic watershed in eastern Len­ nemoral nuances. The succession of vegetation ingrad and adjacent Vologda Regions, south of here proceeds very slowly, as a rule via herb-rich Lake Onega. It consists of carbonate rocks cov­ aspen forests to original spruce communities. ered by thick glacial till layer. It is a cool upland Very small fragments of herb-rich subnemoral region in Northwest Russia. Broken terrain, di­ spruce forests remain in southern part of the pla­ versity of soils and microclimatic conditions are teau. characteristic of Veps landscape. Around exposed carbonate rock outcrops Natural vegetation over the hills is much there are only fragments of subnemoral vegeta­ transformed by human activities. Numerous tion (but without Quercus robur) . An interesting small villages, farmsteads, and haymaking areas example is the Shcheleyki tract, where aspen for­ are found here. The vegetation is characterized est with Acer platanoides and Lonicera xylos­ by alder forests with Alnus inc ana dominant and teum (Acereto-Tremuletum variiherbosum) is Padus avium, Frangula alnus, and Salix caprea widespread. as undergrowth. As a result of anthropogenic The diluviallowlands are occupied by mesic influence, second-growth alder forests have boreal forests of Vaccinium myrtillus type. As a widely occupied these areas, blocking any result of anthropogenic activities, such forests spruce regeneration. They are characterized by also represent various successional stages - 14 ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)



Studied localities:

•!• Svyatozero (Zhuravlev & Poluektov 1998) • Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. 1999) • Sarozero & Ulyozero (Aksenova et al. 2000) o Shcheleyki (Dovga et a!. 2001) 0 Kharagenichi (Niemela 2001 , Niemela et a!. 2001) 11 - Veps Forest Reserve (unpubi.) « - Dolgozero (unpubl.)

Fig. 1. Floristic arrangement of the Leningrad Region (according to Tzvelev 2000) and localities studied.

with dominance of either Picea spp. or Betula calamagrostidosa. As a result of permanent pubescens, in some cases Populus tremula, and microsuccessions, the stands are mosaic and of rarely Pinus sylvestris. diverse age. In certain aspen and spruce stands Spruce populations in the Veps plateau are there are some 240-280 years old trees. largely hybridogeneous. They represent an in­ Studies of heterobasidial, aphyllophoroid and trogression between Picea obovata and P abies. pleurotoid Basidiomycetes in this area started Such populations are cited as P abies (ssp. x rather recently. They were carried out in the vicin­ fennica) in the text below. ity of Krasnoborski and Sankov Bor villages and Old-growth virgin forests are here found as lake Svyatozero (Zhuravlev & Poluektov 1998), very small patches only. The most interesting the vicinity oflake Orenzhen (Konstantinov eta!. area in this respect, the Veps Forest Reserve 1999), in forests around lakes Sarozero and Uly­ (Vepssky les) in Tikhvin (administrative) district ozero (Aksenova eta!. 2000), and also in the north­ of Leningrad Region was established in 1970 (Fe­ ern part of the territory - in the vicinity of Gimreka dorchuk eta!. 1998). The Reserve is located on and Shcheleyki (Dovga eta!. 2001 ). The cited ex­ elevated part of watershed and occupies a vast peditions were carried out in August of 1998, 1999, peatland complex of wide swampy areas (Sphag­ 2000, 2001 respectively. In May- June 2000 the pla­ neta). There are spruce forests there, mainly Pi­ teau was visited by the Finnish mycologists 0 . ceeta myrtillosa and hylocomioso-myrtillosa, on Miettinen and 0. Manninen. They collected elevated parts substituted by Piceeto-Tremuleta around the Kharagenichi village and in the vicini- KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 15 ty of the lakes Gagara and Dolgozero (A.A. For most of the species a local distribution Shorokhov, pers. cornm.). The results of that expe­ pattern (according to the Tzvelev's territory ar­ dition were published recently (Niemela 2001, rangement), substrate preference and growing Niemela et al. 2001). In September 2001 and July season are mentioned; for each rare species her­ 2002 the present author collected in the Yeps For­ barium numbers (LE) are cited (except data given est Reserve and around Dolgozero lake respec­ in Niemela et al. 2001, where substrate was not tively. Fig. 1 shows the studied localities. mentioned). An annotated check-list of heterobasidioid, For rare species and taxonomically interesting aphyllophoroid and pleurotoid Basidiomycetes species, certain morphological and taxonomical of Yeps Plateau is presented in this work. Special notes are given. attention is paid to rare and taxonomically inter­ esting species. The generic concepts follow Hansen and Knudsen (1992, 1997), or with some exceptions, Tremelloid fungi Niemela et al. (2001) and the present author (Zmi­ Calocera cornea (Batsch : Fr.) Fr. trovich 2001, Zmitrovich & Spirin 2002). Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Fallen branch­ es, stumps and logs of deciduous trees. - Through the whole growing season. Materials and methods Calocera viscosa (Pers. :Fr.) Fr. The study area co ers Svir and veps floristic districts, Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Stumps, fallen according to Tzvelev 's territorial arrangement (Tzve­ branches, buried wood and debris of deciduous lev 2000). The S ir district ("Kareli a olonetsensis" ac­ trees and conifers, most often on Picea abies.­ cording to Kotiranta et al. 1998) lies north of the Voz­ nesenye-Humbaritsy line and includes only a small part August-October. of the area in question (vicinity of Shcheleyki). The Ceratobasidium cornigerum (Bourdot) D.P. Veps district lies to the east of Lodeynoye Pole-Boksi­ Rogers togorsk line and comprises the core of the study area. In Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ the check-list these areas are abbreviated as "Svir.-Kol." for Svir district (Karelia olonetsensis) and "Vep." for ests. - Fallen wood and debris, often in forest Veps district (see Fig. 1). litter. -Through the whole growing season. For species examination the following media were Dacryomyces chrysospermus Berk. & M. A. used: Melzer's reagent (IKI), Cotton Blue in lactic acid Curtis (CB), 5% potassium hydroxide solution (KOH), and dis­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread, although sparse. tilled water. The measurements of microscopic structures were -Fallen logs of conifers, preferably Picea abies. made in CB , except Skeletocutis and Antrodiella, where - September. distilled water was used. Usually, the analys is comprised Dacryomyces estonicus Raitv. 30 measurements per specimens. An arithmetical mean Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread, although sparse. of all structures is given in species descriptions. - Dry and fallen branches of deciduous trees, preferably Alnus incana. - August-September. The check-list with species Dacryomyces minor Peck discussions Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. -Drying and fallen branches of deciduous trees. The following list of tremelloid, aphyllophoroid - August-September. and pleurotoid Basidiomycetes is given in alpha­ Dacryomyces stillatus Nees : Fr. betic order in each of the mentioned groups. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, In total, 355 species have been indicated for branches, and timber of coniferous, rarely decid­ the area, and among them 21 are mentioned as uous trees. - June- October. new to Leningrad Region, i.e. , additions to the Dacryomyces tortus (Willd.: Fr.) Fr. list given by Bondartseva et al. (1999) and some S ir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in dry pine for­ other works (Kovalenko & Morozova 1999, Kon­ ests. -Dead and fallen branches of Pinus sylves­ stantinov et al. 1999, Akseno a et al. 2000, Bond­ tris. - Through the whole growing season. artseva et al. 2000, Zmitro ich 2000, Niemela et al. Ditiola radicata (Alb. & Schwein. :Fr.) Fr. 2001, Zmitrovich & Spirin 2002b ). Such new spe­ Svir.-Kol.: Yolodarskaya (Dovga et al. 2001), cies are marked with an asterisk. fallen log of Pinus sylvestris. - Vep. : Sarozero 16 ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

(Aksenova et al. 2000), Pinetum myrtillosum, fall­ ornata of Collybia sp. en logs of P sylvestris. Tremella encephala Pers. : Fr. Eocronartium muscicola (Pers. :Fr.) Fitzp. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and S ir. -Kol., Yep.; widespread. - The living timber of conifers, attached on Stereum sangui­ mosses (mainly Pylaisia polyantha) over decid­ nolentum; mycoparasite. - Through the whole uous trunks, stumps and standing trees. -July­ growing season. August. Tremella foliacea Pers. : Fr. Exidia cartilaginea S. Lundell & Neuhoff Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. -Drying trees Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Standing trees, and stumps of deciduous species (most often on stumps, fallen logs and branches of deciduous Alnus incana), attached on Stereum hirsutum wood, most often on . - Late and S. rugosum; facultative mycoparasite.-Late summer-autumn. summer- autumn. Exidia glandulosa (Bull. : Fr.) Fr. Tremella mesenterica Retz. : Fr. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Standing trees, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Dead and fallen branches, stumps, and fallen logs of deciduous branches of deciduous trees (mainly of Alnus trees. - Through the whole growing season. spp. and Salix spp.), attached on Peniophora Exidia pithya (Alb. & Schwein. : Fr.) Fr. erikssonii, P incarnata and P violaceolivida. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs of Tulasnella pruinosa Bourdot & Galzin Picea abies. - Late summer- autumn. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen decidu­ Exidia recisa (Ditmar: Fr.) Fr. ous trees. - August-October. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ Tulasnella violea (Quel.) Bourdot & Galzin otopes. - Drying and dead branches of Salix Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen decidu­ spp. and Alnus incana. - Through the whole ous trees. - August-October. growing season. Exidia repanda Fr. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Dead branches Aphyllophoroid fungi and fallen logs of deciduous trees; common on Albatrellus confluens (Alb. & Schwein. :Fr.) Betula pubescens and Alnus incana. - June­ Kotl. & Pouzar September. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread in spruce forests Exidia saccharina (Alb. & Schwein.: Fr.) Fr. of Hylocomium type. - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; Widespread in coniferous for­ forming species. -August-September. ests. - Stumps and fallen logs of conifers, most Albatrellus ovinus (Schaeff. : Fr.) Kotl. & often on Pinus sylvestris. -August-October. Pouzar Femsjonia peziziformis (Lev.) P. Karst. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in spruce forests Vep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Alne­ of Hylocomium type. - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza­ tum variiherbosum, fallen branches of Alnus in­ forming species. - August-September. cana. Amphinema byssoides (Pers.: Fr.) J. Erikss. *Myxarium sphaerosporum (Bourdot & Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and Galzin) D.A. Reid debris of deciduous trees and conifers, in forest Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum hyloco­ litter; in mycorrhizal association with trees and miosum, fallen log of Betula pubescens, shrubs. -Through the whole growing season. 25.IX.2001 (LE212929). Amylocorticium suaveolens Parmasto Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (Scop. : Fr.) Yep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Pinetum P. Karst. myrtilloso-hylocomiosum, fallen log of Pinus syl­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. vestris. -Stumps and fallen logs of Picea abies, in exclu­ *Amylocorticium subincarnatum (Peck) sive cases deciduous trees (Betula pubescens). Pouzar - August-October. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ Syzygospora tumefaciens (Ginns & Sunhede) ests. - Fallen logs of conifers. - August-Sep­ Ginns tember. Yep .: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. Amylocystis lapponica (Romell) Singer 1999), Pinetum myrtillosum, on growing basidi- Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread, although sparse. KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 17

- Stumps and fallen logs of Picea abies. - Au­ Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Stumps, fallen gust-October. logs and timber of conifers. -Through the whole Amyloporia xantha (Fr. : Fr.) Bondartsev & growing season. Singer Antrodia sinuosa (Fr.) P. Karst. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Stumps and Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen fallen logs of conifers. - Late summer-autumn. logs and timber of conifers.- Through the whole Anomoporia bombycina (Fr. :Fr.) Pouzar growing season. Vep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). Antrodia sitchensis (D.V. Baxter) Gilb. & Ry­ Antrodia albobrunnea (Romell) Ryvarden varden Vep. : Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). Yep .: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001), on Antrodia crassa (P. Karst.) Ryvarden Picea abies. Svir.-Kol.: Gimreka (Dovga et al. 2001 ), on tim­ Antrodia sordida Ryvarden & Gil b. ber.- Yep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Pi­ Yep.: Dolgozero (Niemela 2001, Niemela eta!. ceetum myrtillosum, fallen log of Picea abies. ­ 2001), fallen logs of Picea abies. Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum calamagrosti­ Antrodiella americana Ryvarden & Gil b. dosum, fallen logs of P. abies, 25.IX.2001 (LE Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). 212922). *Antrodiella citrinella Niemela & Ryvarden Antrodia heteromorpha (Fr.: Fr.) Donk (Fig. 2) Syn. Antrodia alb ida (Fr. :Fr.) Donk Basidiocarps annual, resupinate with adnate Yep .: Sarozero (Aksenova et a!. 2000), on margin, orbicular, confluent, up to 5 (10) em in stump of Populus tremula.- Dolgozero (Niemela extent. Subiculum very thin, fibrous, white; tube eta!. 2001). layer 1-5 mm thick, fibrous or almost spongious, Antrodia macra (Sommerf.) Niemela concolorous with the subiculum. Pore surface Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). even, rarely minutely irpicoid, citric yellow (more *Antrodia mellita Niemela & Penttila bright to white at the margin); pores circular to Basidiocarps annual or perennial, broadly at- elongated and sinuous, 3-5 per mm. tached with reflexed pileate margin to resupinate Hypha! system dimitic. Generative hyphae 2- with rather free cap, corky, tough, up to 10 mm 3 !-till in diam., thin-walled, with small, but in some thick, orbicular, confluent, up to 10 em in extent. cases clearly loop-like clamps, densely packed in Abhymenial surface rugose, obscurely zonate, the tubes, more loose spaced in the subiculum. slightly tomentose or naked, ochraceous to um­ ber brown. Medullar tissue faintly cream-col­ oured to cinnamon-coloured, floccose, tough, up to 3 mm thick. Tube layer concolorous with the ~ medulla, up to 7 mm thick. Pore surface faintly 0 D cream-coloured, honey-yellow to ochraceous, pores 1 (2) per mm, daedaleoid in a mature state. ~c Hyphal system dimitic. Generative hyphae 2- Do 3 !liD in diam., clamped, thin-walled, hyaline or yellowish, regularly branched. Skeletals 2- 4 !liD in diam., straight, thick-walled, yellowish to ~ brown. Basidia 18-25 x 4- 6 !liD, clavate, 4- spored, clamped. Cystidioles enclosed in the hy­ menium in the hymenium, 25- 30 x 3-6 !liD, fusoid. Spores 6- 9.5 x 3-4.5 !liD, ellipsoid, apiculate, smooth, thin-walled, IKI-. ,_ @i] Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ DFO lamagrostidosum, fallen logs of Populus tremu­ A 8 la, 25 .IX.2001 (LE212911, LE212924). Antrodia pulvinascens (Pilat) Niemela Fig. 2. Antrodiella citrinella Niemela & Ryvarden (LE Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). 212919): A- basidia; B- cystidioles; C - generati e and Antrodia serialis (Fr.) Donk skeletal (below) hyphae; D - spores. 18 ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Skeletals 3-5 mm in diam., thick-walled, hyaline, ciduous trees, most often on Alnus spp. and with regular swellings (at least in KOH). Basidia Betula spp., also on dead basidiomata of Fames 15-18 x 3.5- 5 mm, narrowly clavate, sometimes fomentarius. - August- October. sinuose, 4-spored, clamped, form dense palisade Asterodon ferruginosus Pat. together with fusoid cystidioles of the same siz­ Widespread in spruce forests, although es. Spores 3-3.5 x 2- 2.5 mm, broadly ellipsoid, sparse, fallen logs of Picea abies. - Late sum­ smooth, thin-walled, IKI-. mer-autumn. Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum calama­ Athelia acrospora Jtilich grostidosum, fallen log of Picea abies, Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread in pine forests, 25.IX.2001 (LE 212919)- Dolgozero (NiemeHi et athough sparse. - Debris of Pinus sylvestris. - al. 2001). July-September. Antrodiella faginea Yampola & Pouzar *Athelia arachnoidea (Berk.) Jtilich Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Dying thalli of Antrodiella hoehnelii (Bres.) Niemela Hypogymnia, Parmelia, Xanthoria, rarely corti­ Yep .: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Aloe­ cated trunks of deciduous trees; lichenicolous tum incanae filipendulosum, standing trees of . - Through the whole growing season. Alnus incana. Athelia bombacina (Link: Fr.) Pers. Antrodiella Ienis (P. Karst.) Zmitrovich, Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. comb. nova 1999), Alnetum incanae aegopodiosum, fallen Basionym: Physisporinus Ienis P. Karst. in logs of Alnus incana. Rabenh. & Winter, Fungi Eur. Extraeur. Exs.: 3527, Athelia decipiens (Htihn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. 1886. Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread in coniferous for­ Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread, although sparse. ests. -Coniferous fallen branches and debris. - - Fallen logs of conifers, most often of Picea Late summer-autumn (there are several fruiting abies.- Late summer-autumn. periods throughout the season). The species was refened to Diplomitoporus Athelia epiphylla Pers. : Fr. by Gilbertson & Ryvarden (1985) and to Skeleto­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, cutis by Niemela (in Renvall et al. 1991 ). However, branches and debris of coniferous and decidu­ from the typical representatives of Skeletocutis ous trees.- Late summer-autumn. the species differs by less prolonged basidia Auriculariopsis ampla (Lev.) Maire and more fibrous tube tissue, which encloses Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ peculiar globose crystallic agglomerations. The otopes. - Drying branches of Salix spp. - Late fungus is certainly related to the Trameoideae, summer-autumn. whereas most Skeletocutis species are more Auriscalpium vulgare Gray closely related with phlebioid fungi, like Gloe­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread, although sparse. oporus (Corner 1993). The genus Diplomi­ -Old cones of Picea abies, rarely Pinus sylves­ toporus Domanski, which may be regarded as re­ tris.- Late summer-autumn. supinate trametoid too, differs by slightly amy­ Bankera fuligineoalba (Schmidt: Fr.) Pouzar loid skeletals and more rough microstructures. In Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in pine forests.­ my opinion, the species in question would be re­ Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming species with Pi­ garded rather as a resupinate member of the nus sylvestris. -August-September. trametoid genus Antrodiella Ryvarden & Johan. Basidioradulum radula (Fr.: Fr.) Nobles Antrodiella romellii (Donk) Niemela Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Standing trees, Yep.: Krasnoborski (Zhuravlev & Poluektov stumps and fallen logs of deciduous, rarely co­ 1998), Alnetum incanae filipendulosum, fallen niferous (Picea abies- LE 211825; Pinus sylves­ logs of Alnus incana. - Yep.: Lake Orenzhen tris - LE 211844) wood.- Late summer-autumn. (Konstantinov et al. 1999), Alnetum incanae ae­ Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.: Fr.) P. Karst. gopodiosum, fallen logs of Betula pubescens. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Deciduous Antrodiella semisupina (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) standing trees, stumps, fallen logs, or timber. - Ryvarden Through the whole growing season. Svir.-Kol.; Yep .; widespread in deciduous and Boidinia furfuracea (Bres.) Stalpers & Hjort mixed forests. -Fallen branches and logs of de- stam KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 19

Svir.-Kol. , Yep.; widespread. - Stumps and Cantharellus cibarius Fr. : Fr. fallen logs of conifers. - Late summer-autumn. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread in birch and Botryobasidium laeve (J. Erikss.) Parmasto spruce forests .-Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming S ir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, species.- June- September. branches and debris of both gymnosperm and Cantharellus tubaeformis (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. angiosperm trees, as well as forest litter. - Late Yep. : Yeps Forest Reserve; widespread. - Ter­ summer-autumn. restrial in spruce forests ; mycorrhiza-forming Botryobasidium medium J. Erikss. species. -September. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ Ceraceomyces tessulatus (Cooke) Jtilich ests. - Logs, fallen branches and debris as well Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Deciduous as forest litter.- Late summer-autumn. logs, debris and timber.- Late summer-autumn. Botryobasidium subcoronatum (Htihn. & Ceriporia excelsa (Lundell) Parmasto Litsch.) Donk Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. S ir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, -Fallen branches and debris of deciduous trees, branches and debris of both gymnosperm and most often on Betula spp. - June-September; angiosperm trees, as well as forest litter. -Late there are several fruitification periods through­ summer- autumn. out the season (LE 213001, LE 213002, LE 213011, Botryobasidium vagum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) LE213012). D.P. Rogers Ceriporiopsis aneirina (Sommerf. : Fr.) Syn. Botryobasidium botryosum (Bres.) J. Domanski Erikss. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, otopes. -Standing trees, rarely fallen logs of de­ branches and debris of both gymnosperm and ciduous trees; common on Salix caprea and Al­ angiosperm trees, as well as forest litter. - nus inc ana. - J one- September. Through the whole growing season. Ceriporiopsis resinascens (Romell) Domanski Botryohypochnus isabellinus (Fr. : Fr.) J. Yep. : Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Alne­ Erikss. tum variiherbosum, standing trees Salix caprea. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen - Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). - Dolgoze­ logs and timber of conifers, rarely deciduous ro, Alnetum pteridiosum, on dead branches of S. trees as well as wood debris. - Through the cap rea, 08 VII 2001. whole growing season. Cerrena unicolor (Bull.: Fr.) Murrill Byssomerulius albostramineus (Torrend) Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.-Standing trees, Gilb . stumps, fallen logs and timber of deciduous Yep .: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantino et al. trees, most often on Betula pubescens. - 1999), Pinetum hylocomiosum, debris of Pinus Through the whole growing season. sylvestris. Chaetodermella luna (Romell ex D.P. Rogers Byssomerulius corium (Pers.: Fr.) Parmasto & H. S. Jacks.) Rauschert Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ Yep.: Krasnoborski (Zhuravlev & Poluektov otopes. -Drying and dry trunks and branches of 1998), Piceetum hylocomiosum, fallen logs of Pi­ deciduous trees, preferably Alnus incana. - cea abies. Through the whole growing season. Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. :Fr.) Pouzar Byssomerulius serpens (Tode: Fr.) Parmasto Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Drying and dry Widespread in boreal forests. -Stumps, fallen trunks, stumps and fallen logs of many decidu­ logs and debris of conifers and deciduous trees. ous trees and shrubs. - Through the whole -Late summer-autumn. growing season. Byssomerulius tuberculatus (P. Karst.) Zmi­ Clavariadelphus fistulosus (Holmsk. : Fr.) trovich Comer Syn. Phanerochaete tuberculata (P. Karst.) Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread on meadows. - Parmasto- see Zmitrovich (2001). Ten·estrial.- Jule-October. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, Clavariadelphus ligula (Schaeff.: Fr.) Donk branches and debris of deciduous trees and con­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ ifers. - August-October. ests. - August-September. 20 ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Clavariadelphus pistillaris (L. :Fr.) Donk and conifers. -Through the whole growing sea­ Yep .: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Aloe­ son. tum incanae aegopodiosum. Terrestrial. Coniophora fusispora (Cooke & Ellis in Clavicorona pyxidata (Pers.: Fr.) Doty Cooke) Sacc. S ir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps and Yep.: Ulyozero (Aksenova eta!. 2000), Pine­ fallen logs of Populus tremula. - August-Sep­ tum myrtillosum, fallen logs of Pinus sylvestris. tember. Coniophora olivacea (Pers.: Fr.) P. Karst. Clavulina cinerea (Bull. :Fr.) J. Schrot. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs and Svir.-Kol.; Yep .; widespread in deciduous and debris of conifers, preferably Picea abies.- Late mixed forests. -Terrestrial, rarely also on wood summer-autumn. debris. - July-September. Coniophora puteana (Schumach.: Fr.) P. Karst. Clavulina coralloides (L. : Fr.) J. Schrot. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread. - Stumps, fallen Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ logs, debris and timber of conifers, rarely decidu­ otopes.- Terrestrial.- July-September. ous trees. -Through the whole growing season. Clavulinopsis corniculata (Schaeff.: Fr.) Cor­ Corticium boreoroseum Boidin & Lanquetin ner Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Salicetum calama­ Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread. - On meadow grostidosum, fallen log of Salix sp., 29.1X.2001 soil, form small groups. - May-July. (LE212915). Clavulinopsis helvola (Pers. : Fr.) Comer (Fig. Corticium polygonioides P. Karst. 4B) Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Dead branches Basidiocarps in large groups, annual, clavari­ and fallen logs of deciduous (Salix spp., Populus oid, unbranched or randomly forked from the tremula), rarely coniferous (Picea abies) trees.­ base, 10- 50 x 1-3 mm, yellow to orange. Hyme­ Through the whole growing season. nophore smooth, soft corneous, bright yellow. Corticium roseum Pers. : Fr. Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 2-4 mm in Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen diam., thin-walled, clamped; in medulla parallelly logs and debris of deciduous trees, preferably of arranged, with regular inflations, in sybhy­ Populus tremula. -Through the whole growing menium forming striking pseudoparenchyma. season. Cystidia not seen. Basidia 35-40 x 6-9 mm, cla­ Cotylidia undulata (Fr.) P. Karst. vate or utriform, with oil-rich content, mainly 4- Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. spored, clamped at the base. Spores 6-7 x 4-6 1999), Alnetum incanae variiherboso-hylocomio­ mm, of entolomatoid shape, angular, uneven sum, Terrestrial. (sometimes coarsely spinose), with central oil­ Craterellus cornucopioides (L.: Fr.) Pers. drop, IKI-. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ Yep .: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ ests, although sparse. - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza­ lamagrostidosum, Terrestrial under Sorbus au­ forming species. - August-September. cuparia, 28 .IX.2001 (LE 212931). Creolophus cirrhatus (Pers.: Fr.) P. Karst. Climacocystis borealis (Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread, although sparse. Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in coniferous for­ - Dry trunks and fallen logs of deciduous trees, ests.- Stumps and fallen logs of conifers. - Late most often on Populus tremula.-July-September. summer-autumn . Crustoderma dryinum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis Climacodon septentrionalis (Fr.) P. Karst. in Berk.) Parmasto Widespread, although sparse, in herb-rich bi­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and otopes, on living, drying trunks of Acer plata­ big branches of coniferous and deciduous trees. noides and Betula pendula. -July- October. -Late summer-autumn. Coltricia perennis (L.: Fr.) Murrill Cylindrobasidium evolvens (Fr.: Fr.) Jiilich Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in pine forests.­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Standing trees, Terrestrial; in mycorrhizal association with Pinus stumps, fallen logs and timber of deciduous sylvestris.- Through the whole growing season. trees, rarely on conifers. - Through the whole Coniophora arida (Fr.) P. Karst. growing season. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread. - Standing trees, *Cystostereum murrayi (Berk. & M.A. Cur­ stumps, fallen logs and timber of deciduous trees tis) Pouzar KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 21

Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum calama­ Fibricium rude (P. Karst.) Jiilich grostidosum, fallen Jogs of Picea abies, 23 IX S ir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen Jogs and 2001 (LE 211822).- Piceetum myrtillosum, fallen debris of deciduous trees and conifers. - Au­ log of P abies, 28.IX.2001 (LE 211812). gust-October. Cystostereum subabruptum (Bourdot & Fibroporia gossypium (Speg.) Parmasto Galzin) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, effused with Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Standing trees clearly limited, rather free margin (with or without and fallen Jogs, preferably Salix caprea. - rhizomorphs), orbicular, confluent, up to 5 em in Through the whole growing season. extent. Subiculum up to l mm thick, fibrous, Cytidia salicina (Fr. :Fr.) Burt white. Tube layer up to 3 mm thick, rather fragile, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Dead branches concolorous with the subiculum. Pore surface · of Salix spp. - Through the whole growing sea­ white or bright, usually uneven due to slightly son. irpicoid pore margins; pores 3-6 per mm, rather Dacryobolus karstenii (Bres.) Parmasto angular. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ Hypha! system subdimitic. Generative hyphae ests.- Fallen logs and debris of conifers.- June­ 3-6 1-1m in diam., with gross, inflated clamps (usu­ October. ally bearing peculiar "eyes"), regularly branched Dacryobolus sudans (Alb. & Schwein. : Fr.) Fr. (ramification often arising from a clamp), anasto­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread.-On conifers (in mosed, in trama forming dense tissue, in subicu­ particular Pinus sylvestris). - Through the whole lum very loose spaced; walls slightly thickened. growing season. Skeletals found only in subiculum, 3- 5 f.tm in Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton: Fr) J. Schrot. diam., straight or sinuose winding, unbranched, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ thick- walled, hyaline. Cystidia not seen. Basidia otopes.- Dead branches and trunks of Salix spp. 15-20 x 4-5 f.tm, clavate, constricted, 4-spored, - Through the whole growing season. with a basal clamp; cystidioles enclosed in the Datronia mollis (Sommerf.: Fr.) Donk hymenium in the hymenium, spindle-shaped, of Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread in herb-rich bi­ the same sizes. Spores 4.5-5 x 2- 2.5 f.tm, short otopes. - Drying trunks, standing deciduous trees, cylindical, with a suprahilar depression, weakly fallen branches and logs, preferably of Alnus inca­ apiculate, hyaline, smooth, moderately thick­ na. - Through the whole growing season. walled, IKI-. Dichomitus campestris (Que!.) Domanski & Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtillo­ Orlicz sum, fallen log of Pinus sylvestris, 28.IX.2001 (LE Svir.-Kol.: Gimreka (Dovga et al. 2001), A1ne­ 212938). tum incanae oxalidosum, standing trees of Alnus Clearly constricted basidia and swollen inc ana. clamps indicate on some relationships with Par­ Dichomitus squalens (P. Karst.) D. A. Reid mastomyces and Serpula. In the last one there Yep. : Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). are species with intercalar skeletals, especially in Dichostereum granulosum (Fr.) Boidin & rhizomorphs (e.g. S. pulverulenta). The main dif­ Lanquetin ference between the genera consists in the spore Yep .: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ wall characteristics. A close relative is also Oli­ Jamagrostidosum, fallen Jog of Pinus sylvestris, goporus rennyi (Berk. et Broome) Donk, which 25.IX.2001 (LE211840). has, however, thickener spore walls and an obli­ Diplomitoporus flavescens (Bres.) Domanski gate chlamydospore stage. Svir.-Kol.: Gimreka (Dovga et al. 2001), Pine­ Fibroporia vaillantii (DC. : Fr.) Parmasto tum vaccinioso-cladinosum, fallen log of Pinus Svir.-Kol.: Yolodarskaya (Dovga et al. 2001 ), sylvestris. -Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. on timber. 2001), fallen Jogs of P sylvestris. Fornes fomentarius (L.: Fr.) Fr. Diplomitoporus lindbladii (Berk.) Gilb. & Ry­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - On living or varden standing trees, stumps, fallen logs, and timber of Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Betula pendula, B. pubescens, Alnus incana, A. - Fallen logs and timber of coniferous and decid­ glutinosa, Salix caprea. - Through the whole uous trees. - Late summer-autumn. growing season, basidiomata perennial. 22 ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Fomitiporia punctata (P. Karst.) Pilat Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen : Fr.) P. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Drying and dry Karst. trunks of Salix spp., Alnus spp., Sorbus au­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen cuparia. - Through the whole growing season, logs and timber of conifers. -Through the whole basidiomata perennial. growing season. Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw. :Fr.) P. Karst. Gloeoporus dichrous (Fr.: Fr.) Bres. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - On standing Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and and fallen logs, stumps and timber of conifers as branches of deciduous trees, most often on Be­ well as deciduous trees. - Through the whole tula pubescens.- Late summer-autumn. growing season, basidiomata perennial. Gloeoporus taxicola (Pers.: Fr.) Gilb. & Ryvar­ Fomitopsis rosea (Alb. & Schwein. :Fr.) P. Karst. den Svir.-Kol., Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Dolgo­ Widespread, although sparse, in coniferous zero; widespread.- Stumps, fallen logs and tim­ forests, rarely inside of houses, fallen logs and ber of conifers. - Through the whole growing timber of Pinus sylvestris.- July-September. season; basidiomata perennial. Gloiodon strigosus (Schwein. :Fr.) P. Karst. Funalia trogii (Berk.) Bondartsev & Singer Yep.: Sarozero (Aksenova eta!. 2000), Betule­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. tum sphagnosum, standing trees of Alnus inca­ - Fallen logs and timber of Populus tremula. - na. Through the whole growing season. *Gloiothele lactescens (Berk.) Hjortstam Fuscoporia viticola (Schwein.: Fr.) Murrill (Fig. 3) Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in Hylocomium­ Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, effused with Pleurozium spruce and pine forests. - Fallen adnate mucedinoid margin, thin, obicular and logs of Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris. - confluent, up to 1-1.5 em in extent. Hymenial sur­ Through the whole growing season; basidioma­ face even, ceraceous, pale faintly cream-col­ ta perennial. oured, white at the margin. Ganoderma lipsiense (Batsch) G. F. Atk. Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 2- 2.5 [tiD Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- On the bases of in diam., efibulate, thin-walled, regularly living trees as well as the stumps, fallen logs and branched; in subiculum loosely arranged, in syb­ timber of many species, most often on Populus hymenium moderately agglutined. Gloeocystidia tremula and Betula pubescens. - Through the numerous, 50-180 (200) x 4-6 [till, tubular to whole growing season; basidiomata perennial. moniliform, slightly sinuose, thin-walled, with Gelatoporia pannocincta (Romell) NiemeHi oil-rich content. Hyphidia regular in the hy­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. menium, 2-3 [till in diam., unbranched or with -Fallen logs and debris of deciduous trees, most peculiar apical proliferations, as a rule coiled. Basid­ often on Alnus incana. -Late summer-autumn. ia 18- 30 x 3.5-5 [tiD, cylindric, 4-spored, without a Gloeocystidiellum porosum (Berk. & M. A. basal clamp. Spores 4.5- 7 x 4.5-5 [till, with oil-rich Curtis) Donk protoplast, diversely shaped - subglobose, pyri­ Yep. : Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ form, ellipsoid or short cylindric, with prominent lamagrostidosum, fallen logs of Populus tremu­ apiculus, smooth, rather thin-walled, amyloid. la, 25.IX.2001 (LE212920,LE212942). Yep. : Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum calama­ Gloeophyllum abietinum (Bull. :Fr.) P. Karst. grostidosum, fallen log of Picea abies, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. 26.IX.2001 (LE211838). - Stumps and fallen logs of Picea abies. - A peculiar apical proliferation of hyphidia was Through the whole growing season. observed in the specimen. Such phenomenon is Gloeophyllum odoratum (Wulfen : Fr.) Imazeki regular in the Lachnocladiaceae (e.g. Scytinos­ Yep. : Yeps Forest Reserve; widespread. - troma), but in the last case hyphae are more nar­ Stumps and fallen logs of Picea abies. - row and hard. Through the whole growing season. The species is new to Russia. Gloeophyllum protractum (Fr.) Imazeki Hapalopilus rutilans (Pers. :Fr.) Murrill Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtillo­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread.- Drying and dry sum, fallen logs of Picea abies, 25 .IX.200 1; LE trunks of deciduous trees, especially on Sorbus 211846. aucuparia.- Late summer-autumn. KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 23

Haploporus suaveolens (L.: Fr.) Donk Hydnellum aurantiacum (Batsch : Fr.) P. Syn. Polyporus odorus Sommerf. : Fr.; Fomi­ Karst. topsis odoratissima Bondartsev Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests. ­ Vep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming species with Pi­ Dolgozero, Alnetum incanae variiherbosum, on nus sylvestris. -July-September. drying Salix caprea, 09.VII.2002. Hydnellum caeruleum (Homem.) P. Karst. Henningsomyces candidus (Pers.: Fr.) Kuntze Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests.­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread, although sparse. Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming species with Pi­ - Deciduous trees, fallen branches and debris. - nus sylvestris. -July-September. Late summer-autumn. Hydnellum ferrugineum (Fr.: Fr.) P. Karst. Hericium coralloides (Scop.: Fr.) Pers. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests.­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread, although sparse. Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming species with Pi­ -Dry trunks and fallen logs of deciduous trees. - nus sylvestris . - July-September. Late summer-autumn. Hydnum repandum L. : Fr. Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. Svir.-Kol., Veps ; widespread in spruce-mixed Svir.-Kol., Vep. (excl. the Veps Forest Re­ forests. - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming spe­ serve); widespread. -Roots and butts of Pinus cies. - August-September. sylvestris.-Through the whole growing season, Hydnum rufescens Schaeff. : Fr. basidiomata perennial. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Terrestrial; my­ Heterobasidion parviporum Niemela & Kor­ corrhiza-forming species.-August-September. honen Hymenochaete cinnamomea (Pers.: Fr.) Bres. Svir.-Kol., Vep. (excl. the Veps Forest Re­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, serve); widespread. - Roots and butts of Picea branches and debris of conifers. - Through the abies. -Through the whole growing season, ba­ whole growing season, basidiomata perennial. sidiomata perennial.


I I B A ~c

Fig. 3. Gloiothele lactescens (Berk.) Hjortstam (LE 21 1838): A- cystidia; B - hyphidia; C- hypha; D - spores. 24 ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Hymenochaete tabacina (Sowerby: Fr.) Lev. branched, thick-walled (rather thin-walled at the Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Drying and dry apex), as a rule aseptate, but in some cases with trunks (or branches) of many deciduous tree spe­ secondary septa, forming the core of hymeno­ cies, most often on Salix spp. - Through the phoral protuberances. Basidia 8-20 x 3-5 ~-tm, whole growing season. suburniform to clavate, constricted, with (1) 2 Hyphoderma argillaceum (Bres.) Donk sterigmata, efibulate. Numerous enclosed fusi­ Svir. -Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. form leptocystidia, 8-15 x 3-4 !-LID, were found in - Fallen logs of deciduous trees, preferably Al­ the specimen. Spores 5-7.5 x 2.5-4 ~-tm, cylindri­ nus incana.- Late summer-autumn. cal to subamygdaliform, clearly apiculate, hya­ Hyphoderma praetermissum (P. Karst.) J. line, as a rule granular and guttulate, smooth, Erikss. & A. Strid rather thin-walled, IKI- . Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ - Fallen logs of deciduous trees, preferably Al­ lamagrostidosum, fallen branches of Populus nus incana. - Late summer-autumn. tremula, 28.1X.2001 (LE 202948). Hyphoderma puberum (Fr. :Fr.) Wallr. Some peculiarities in our specimens were ob­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps, fallen served. The hyphae bear rather regular swell­ logs and timber of deciduous trees, most often ings, and spores are more elongared (versus on Betula pubescens.- June-September. type). Moreover, spindle-like leptocystidia oc­ Hyphoderma setigerum (Fr. :Fr.) Donk cure regularly in the hymenium. However, the Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. -Dead and fallen other characters, such as bisterigmatic basidia branches, standing trees, stumps, of deciduous and host preference (Salicaceae), indicate the trees, rarely conifers, but also on living and dry­ identity of the fungus. ing thalli of Parmelia and Hypogymnia lichens. The species is new to Russia. -June- November. Hyphodontia paradoxa (Schrad. :Fr.) E. Langer Hyphodontia aspera (Fr. non Pers.) J. Erikss. & Yesterholt Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Dead and fallen debris of conifers.- Late summer- autumn. branches, rarely standing deciduous trees, most Hyphodontia barba-jovis (Fr.) J. Erikss. often on Alnus incana. -Late summer-autumn. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and Hyphodontia radula (Pers. :Fr.) E. Langer & debris of deciduous trees, preferably Betula spp. Yesterholt -Late summer-autumn. Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). Hyphodontia breviseta (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. Hyphodontia sambuci (Pers. :Fr.) J. Erikss. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Fallen logs and Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Dead branches, debris of conifers. -Late summer-autumn. standing trees, fallen logs, branches and debris Hyphodontia crustosa (Pers. :Fr.) J. Erikss. of deciduous trees. - Through the whole grow­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - Fallen branch­ ing season. es, rarely standing and fallen deciduous logs, Hyphodontia subalutacea (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. most often on Alnus incana, Betula pubescens, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, and Sorbus aucuparia. -July-October. branches and debris of conifers, preferably Pi­ *Hyphodontia efibulata J. Erikss. & Hjortstam nus sylvestris. - July-September. Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, orbicular Hypochnicium bombycinum (Sommerf. :Fr.) J. and thickening, up to 3 em in extent and 5 mm Erikss. thick, floccose, white to faintly cream-coloured Svir.-Kol., Vep .; widespread. - On standing with ochraceous patches. Margin bolster-like, and fallen deciduous trees, preferably Alnus in­ white, then pale ochraceous, villose. Hymenium cana. - Through the whole growing season. farinaceous to odontioid. Aculei 0.2-1 !-LID in Hypochnicium detriticum (Bourdot & Galzin) length, conical or ramified, hispid at the apex. J. Erikss. & Ryvarden Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 2-4 !-LID in Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Deciduous fall­ diam., efibulate, clearly thick-walled, in some cas­ en logs and debris. - Late summer-autumn. es sinuose or with peculiar ampullate inflations, Hypochnicium geogenium (Bres.) J. Erikss. deeply arranged in the teeth, more loose in subic­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Deciduous fall­ ular part. Cystidia 50-150 x 4- 6 ~-tm, tubular, un- en branches and debris.- Late summer- autumn. KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 25

Hypochnicium lundellii (Bourdot) J. Erikss. Laxitextum bicolor (Pers. : Fr.) Lentz Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Deciduous fall­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps and en branches and debris. - Late summer- autumn. fallen logs of deciduous trees. - Late summer­ Inocutis rheades (Pers.) Fiasson & Niemela autumn. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Lentaria mucida (Pers. : Fr.) Comer - On standing and fallen logs of Populus tremu­ Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, fallen logs of Pop­ la. - July-September. ulus tremula and Pleurococcus film; 23 IX 2001. Inonotus obliquus (Pers. : Fr.) Pilat Lenzites betulina (L. :Fr.) Fr. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- On living and Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - Stumps, fallen drying trunks of Betula spp., Alnus spp., Sorbus logs and timber of deciduous trees, most often aucuparia, forms peculiar sterile bodies ('f. ster­ on Betula pubescens. - Through the whole ilis' (Yanin) Nikol.). - Through the whole grow­ growing season. ing season. Leptoporus mollis (Pers.: Fr.) Que!. lnonotus radiatus (Sowerby: Fr.) P. Karst. Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Drying and 1999), Piceetum myrtillosum, fallen log of Picea standing trees, stumps and fallen logs of Alnus abies.- Dolgozero (Niemela eta!. 2001). spp., Betula spp., Populus tremula, exceptional­ Leptosporomyces galzinii (Bourdot) Ji.ilich ly on Salix spp.- July-November. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Intextomyces contiguus (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & -Coniferous debris. -Through the whole grow­ Ryvarden ing season. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Mucronella calva (Alb. & Schwein. : Fr.) Fr. - Dead branches and fallen branches of decidu­ Yep. : Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtil­ ous trees. - Through the whole growing season. loso-hylocomiosum, fallen log of Picea abies, lrpex lacteus (Fr. : Fr.) Fr. 28.IX.2001 (LE211805). Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Oligoporus ptychogaster (F. Ludw.) Falck - Standing trees and fallen branches; common Yep .: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). on Betula pubescens. - Through the whole Oligoporus rennyi (Berk. & Broome) Donk growing season. Yep.: Krasnoborski (Zhuravle & Poluektov Ischnoderma benzoinum (Wahlenb.: Fr.) P. 1998), timber. - Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum Karst. myrtilloso-hylocomiosum, fallen log of Picea Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - Stumps and abies, 28.IX.2001 (LE 211836). fallen logs of Picea abies.- July- October. Oligoporus sericeomollis (Romell) M. Bond­ Junghuhnia collabens (Fr.) Ryvarden artseva Yep. : Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). - Junghubnia fimbriatella (Peck) Ryvarden Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum hylocomiosum, Yep.: Dolgozero (Niemela 2001, Niemela et al. fallen log of Pinus sylvestris, 25.IX.2001 (LE 2001), fallen log of Populus tremula. 212914). Junghuhnia luteoalba (P. Karst.) Ryvarden Onnia leporina (Fr.) H. Jahn Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001). Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Junghuhnia nitida (Pers.: Fr.) Ryvarden -Fallen logs of conifers.- Late summer-autumn. Yep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Alnetum Oxyporus corticola (Fr.) Ryvarden incanae aegopodiosum, fallen log of Alnus incana. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, Junghuhnia lacera (P. Karst.) Niemela & Kin­ rarely standing trees, trunks of Populus tremula, nunen Salix caprea, and Alnus incana. - Through the Syn. Junghuhnia separabilima (Pouzar) Ry­ whole growing season. varden- see Niemela eta!. (200 1). Oxyporus populinus (Schumach. :Fr.) Donk Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ lamagrostidosum, fallen log of Populus tremula, otopes. - On living and drying trees of Alnus 25.IX.2001 (LE211845). incana, Salix caprea, and Acer platanoides. - Junghuhnia pseudozilingiana Parmasto Through the whole growing season, basidiomata Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001 ), fallen perennial. log of Populus tremula. Oxyporus ravidus (Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer 26 ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Syn. Oxyporus phellodendri Bondartsev & es and trunks of deciduous trees, most often on L.N. Vasilyeva Alnus incana. - Through the whole growing sea­ Basidiocarps perennial, broadly attached to son. resupinate, with pileate margin, corky, tough, up Peniophora erikssonii Boidin to 10 mm thick, orbicular, confluent, up to 20 em in Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in alder-rich for­ extent. Abhymenial surface hispid, then naked, ests. -Drying branches of Alnus spp. -Through pale yellowish to dull brown, often with some the whole growing season. greenish tint. Medullar tissue faintly cream-col­ Peniophora incarnata (Pers. : Fr.) P. Karst. oured to woody coloured, floccose, up to 5 mm Svir.-Kol.; Yep.; widespread in deciduous and thick. Tube Jayer(s) dull yellow to cinnamon-col­ mixed forests. - Dead branches, stalkes, fallen oured, of subceraceous consistency, up to 5 mm logs and timber of deciduous trees and shrubs. - thick. Pore surface faintly cream-coloured, pale Through the whole growing season. yellow to ochraceous, pores 1-3 per mm, at first Peniophora nuda (Fr.) Bres. reticulate, then more or Jess angular, often of dae­ Svir.-Kol.; Yep.; widespread in deciduous and daleoid appearance. mixed forests. - Dead branches and fallen logs of Hypha) system monomitic. Hyphae 2.5-5 rtm deciduous trees, most often on Populus tremula. in diam., efibulate, regularly branched; in tube - Through the whole growing season; basidi­ trama thin-walled, in subicular part with thick­ omata perennial. ened walls, hyaline to yellowish. Basidia 15-20 x Peniophora pini (Schleich. & DC.: Fr.) Boidin 4-5 [till, short clavate, 4-spored, efubulate. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in dry pine for­ Cystidia enclosed to slightly projecting, 20- 25 x ests. - Dead branches of Pinus sylvestris. - 3- 6 [till, fusoid to capitate, usually with apical Through the whole growing season; basidioma­ globose incrustation. Spores 5-7 x 3-4.5 [till, el­ ta perennial. lipsoid, with weak suprahilar depression, usually Peniophora polygonia (Pers.: Fr.) Bourdot & with oil-rich protoplast, smooth, thin-walled, Galzin IKI-. Yep.: Krasnoborski (Zhuravlev & Poluektov Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich habi­ 1998), Tremuletum myrtillosum, fallen logs of tats, but sparse. - Standing trees and stumps of Populus tremula ; VIII 1998.- Yep.: Veps Forest Alnus incana, and Salix spp. - Through the Reserve, Tremuletum calamagrostidosum, fallen whole growing season. branches of P. tremula, 28.IX.2001 (LE 212930). The closest relative is Oxyporus corticola, Peniophora rufa (Fr.) Boidin which, however, is annual and totally resupinate, Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in aspen-mixed and has rather fibrous (not subceraceous) tube forests. - Drying and dead branches, rarely trama. The tubes of 0 . corticola on vertical sub­ trunks of Populus tremula.- Through the whole strates are disrupted on the irpicoid manner, growing season; basidiomata perennial. whereas in 0 . ravidus the walls remind non-split­ Peniophora violaceolivida (Sommerf.) Massee ed. A contradicting interpretation of the 0. corti­ Svir.-Kol.: Volodarskaya (Dovga et al. 2001), cola-complex was given by Vampola (1992). Alnetum incanae urticosum, on dead branches of Parmastomyces mollissimus (Maire) Pouzar Salix sp. Yep.: Ulyozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Pine­ Perenniporia subacida (Peck) Donk tum myrtillosum, fallen logs of Pinus sylvestris; Svir.-Kol., Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. Vlll2000. 2001). - Veps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtil­ Paullicorticium ansatum Liberta loso-hylocomiosum, fallen log of Picea abies, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ 28.IX.2001 (LE 211832). ests. - Fallen branches and debris of Pinus syl­ Perenniporia tenuis (Schwein.) Ryvarden vestris. - August- September. Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001), fallen Paullicorticium pearsonii (Bourdot) J. Erikss. log of Betula pubescens. Yep. : Krasnoborski (Zhuravlev & Poluektov Phanerochaete calotricha (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. 1998), Piceetum hylocomiosum, fallen log of Pi­ & Ryvarden cea abies. Svir.-Kol.: Volodarskaya (Dovga et al. 2001), Peniophora cinerea (Pers. : Fr.) Cooke Alnetum incanae oxalidosum, fallen logs of Al­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Drying branch- nus incana. KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 27

Phanerochaete laevis (Pers. :Fr.) J. Erikss. & spp. - Through the whole growing season; ba­ Ryvarden sidiomata perennial. Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread in herb-rich bi­ Phellinus populicola Niemela otopes. -Deciduous logs and debris (preferably Svir.-Kol. , Vep.; widespread. - On living and Alnus incana). - July-September. drying trunks of Populus tremula. - Through the Phanerochaete magnoliae (Berk. & M.A. Cur­ whole growing season, basidiomata perennial. tis) Burds. Phellinus tremulae (Bondartsev) Bondartsev Syn. Phanerochaete raduloides J. Erikss. & & Borissov Ryvarden Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - On living and Vep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), on drying trunks of Populus tremula. - Through the wood debris. whole growing season, basidiomata perennial. Phanerochaete sanguinea (Fr. :Fr.) Pouzar Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (Romell) Niemela S ·ir.-Kol., Vep. : widespread in the Vaccinium­ et al. and Hylocomium-Pleurozium forests. - Fallen Vep.: Veps Forest Reserve, Pinetum cladino­ branches of coniferous, rarely deciduous trees sum, fallen logs of Pinus sylvestris, 27.1X.2001 as well as wood debris. - June-October. (LE211802). - On timber, 29.IX.200l (LE 211816). Phanerochaete sordida (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Phellodon tomentosus (L. : Fr.) Banker Ryvarden Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests.­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, Ten·estrial; mycorrhiza-forming species with Pi­ branches and debris of deciduous trees and con­ nus sylvestris. - July-September. ifers. - Late summer- autumn. *Phlebia acerina Peck Phanerochaete velutina (DC.: Fr.) P. Karst. Syn. Phlebia vassilkovii Parmasto Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, In the vicinity of Shcheleyki village, Acereto­ branches and debris of deciduous trees. -July­ Tremuletum variiherbosum, fallen branches of October. Acer platanoides; 4.VIII.2001 . Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (P. Karst.) Phlebia aurea (Fr.: Fr.) Nakasone Fiasson & Niemela Svir.-Kol.: Volodarskaya (Dovga et al. 2001), Vep.: Kharagenichi (Niemelii et al. 2001). Veps Alnetum incanae pteridiosum, on standing Alnus Forest Reserve, Tremuletum calamagrostidosum, inc ana. fallen branches of Pinus sylvestris, 25.1X.2001 Phlebia centrifuga P. Karst. (LE212947). Vep.: Veps Forest Reserve; widespread. - Fall­ Phellinus igniarius (L. : Fr.) Que!. en logs of Picea abies.- September- October. Syn. Phellinus alni (Bondartsev) Parmasto *Phlebia cornea (Bourdot & Galzin) J. Erikss. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Drying Alnus Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, effused incana, A. glutinosa, Sorbus aucuparia, Salix with adnate flat margin, thin (about 0.1 mm caprea, S. phylicifolia, Betula pubescens. - thick), subgelatinose when fresh, hard corny in Through the whole growing season, basidiomata drying, yellowish-hyaline to brownish. Hymeno­ perennial. phore smooth or irregularly tuberculate, cor­ Phellinus laevigatus (P. Karst.) Bourdot & neous. Galzin Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 3-5 [.liD in Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, diam., thin-walled, clamped; in subhymenium branches and debris of deciduous trees, most vetically arranged, closely packed, poorly distin­ often on Betula pubescens. - Through the whole guished; in subiculum horizontal, closely ar­ growing season, basidiomata perennial. ranged, strongly agglutinated, with sparse in­ Phellinus lundellii Niemela crustation. Cystidia regular, 50-120 x 3-9 [.liD, tu­ Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread. - Stumps and bular or cylindrical, with subulate or abrupt apex, standing trees of Betula pubescens, Padus avi­ thin-walled, hyaline or with yellowish content um and Sorbus aucuparia. - Through the whole near the apex. Basidia 40-50 x 5- 8 fliD, narrow growing season, basidiomata perennial. cylindrical, with a median constriction, sinuose Phellinus nigricans (Fr.) P. Karst. at the base, clamped. Spores 8-12 x 4-5.5 [.liD, Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread, although sparse. ellipsoid, with oil-rich content, smooth, thin­ -On standing deciduous trees, mainly of Betula walled, IKI-. 28 ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtil­ Svir.-Kol.; Yep .; widespread in deciduous and loso-hylocomiosum, fallen log of Picea abies, mixed forests. - On the bases and fallen logs of 25 .IX.2001 (LE211831). deciduous trees, often of Populus tremula. - Phlebia fuscoatra (Fr.: Fr.) Nakasone Late summer-autumn. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps and Polyporus brumalis Pers. : Fr. fallen logs of deciduous trees, rarely conifers. - Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich habi­ Late summer-autumn. tats. - Fallen logs of deciduous trees, most often Phlebia radiata Fr. : Fr. on Padus avium and Alnus incana. - Septem­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Standing trees, ber-November. stumps and fallen logs of deciduous trees, pref­ Polyporus ciliatus Fr. erably Alnus incana and Betula pubescens. - Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in herb-rich bi­ July-November. otopes. - Fallen logs of deciduous trees, most Phlebia rufa (Pers. :Fr.) M. P. Christ. often on Alnus incana. - June- September. Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Fallen logs and Forma macrolepis Zrnitrovich debris of deciduous trees, preferably Betula pu­ Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et a!. bescens.- July-September. 1999), Alnetum incanae aegopodiosum, fallen Phlebia tremellosa (Schrad. :Fr.) Nakasone & log of Alnus incana. Burds. From the other forms of the species this differs Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen by the presence of peculiar rough squamules on logs and branches of deciduous trees, preferably the cap. Betula pubescens. -July- October. Polyporus leptocephalus (Jacq.: Fr.) Fr. *Phlebiella grisella (Bourdot) K.H. Larss. & Syn. Polyporus varius Fr. Hjortstam Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - Stumps and Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread. - Stumps and fallen logs of deciduous trees. - Through the debris of deciduous trees and conifers. - Sep­ whole growing season. tember- October. Polyporus squamosus (Huds. : Fr.) Fr. Phlebiella sulphurea (Pers. : Fr.) Ginns & Yep.: Kharagenichi (NiemeHi et al. 2001). Lefebvre Porodaedalea chrysoloma (Fr.) Fiasson & Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs and Niemela debris of conifers (rarely deciduous trees) as well Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- On living and as forest litter. -Through the whole growing sea­ drying trees of Picea abies. - Through the whole son. growing season, basidiomata perennial. Piptoporus betulinus (Bull. :Fr.) P. Karst. Porodaedalea conchata (Pers. : Fr.) Fiasson & Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Drying and dry Niemela trunks, rarely fallen branches and logs of Betula Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Drying and dry spp. - Through the whole growing season. trunks, rarely fallen logs and timber of deciduous Piloderma bicolor (Peck) Jiilich trees; common on Salix spp. - Through the Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in the Hylocomi­ whole growing season; basidiomata perennial. um-Pleurozium forests. - Buried wood fallen Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer branches and debris as well as forest litter; in Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela 2001), on dying mycorrhizal association with conifers. -Through tree of Larix sibirica. the whole growing season. Porodaedalea pini (Brot.: Fr.) Munill Piloderma byssinum (P. Karst.) Jiilich Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - Drying trunks Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and of Pinus sylvestris. -Through the whole grow­ debris of deciduous trees and conifers as well as ing season, basidiomata perennial. forest litter. - Through the whole growing sea­ Porpomyces mucidus (Pers. : Fr.) Jiilich son. Yep .: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). Plicatura nivea (Sommerf. : Fr.) P. Karst. Postia alni Niemela & Yampola Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Dry trunks, Syn. Postia subcaesia (David) Jiilich pr. p. dead and fallen branches of Alnus, rarely Betula sensu auct. - See Niemela et al. (2001). spp. - August- October. Svir.-Kol.: Girnreka (Dovga et al. 2001), clear­ Polyporus badius (Pers.) Schwein. ing, on standing Betula pubescens. KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 29

Postia balsamea (Peck) Jtilich Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 2-5 f.tm in Vep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et a!. diam., clamped; in subhymenium thin-walled, hy­ 1999), Piceetum variiherboso-oxalidosum, on the aline, ertically arranged, agglutinated; in med­ base of Pice a abies; VIII.1999. ullar layer thick- and gelatinized-walled, with re­ Postia caesia (Schrad. :Fr.) P. Karst. fractive content, more or less horizontally ar­ Svir.-Kol., Vep .; widespread.- Fallen branch­ ranged; in abhymenial surface obscure, brown, es and logs of deciduous trees and conifers. - in agglutinated clusters. Cystidia none; the hy­ September. menial surface carrying dendrohyphidia 1-3 f.tm Postia floriformis (Que!.) Jiilich in diam. Basidia 25-50 x 4-5 f.tm , narrow cylindri­ Svir.-Kol., Vep .; widespread in herb-rich bi­ cal, sinuous, 4-spored, with a basal clamp. otopes. - Stumps, fallen branches and logs of Spores 5- 7.5 x 4-4.5 f.tm in the material examined, deciduous trees, most often on Alnus incana. - short cylindrical, flattened, hyaline to yellowish, Late summer-autumn. thin-walled, IKl-. Postia fragilis (Fr.) Jiilich Svir.-Kol.: Volodarskaya (Dovga eta!. 2001), Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Stumps and Alnetum incanae pteridiosum, dead and fallen fallen logs of conifers, mainly Pinus sylvestris.­ branches of Populus tremula.- Vep.: Veps For­ Late summer-autumn. est Reserve, Tremuletum calamagrostidosum, Postia lateritia Renvall fallen Jogs of P. tremula, 25.1X.2001 (LE 212908). Svir.-Kol., Vep .; widespread. - Stumps and There are diverse spore fractions in the same fallen logs of conifers, preferably Picea abies.­ specimen. The more elongated (7.5 x 4 f.tm), sub­ July-October. allantoid (Hyphoderma setigerum-like) spores Postia placenta (Fr.) M. J. Larsen & Lombard are hyaline, whereas more short ones (5 x 4.5 f.tm) Vep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et a!. 2001). - are clearly coloured. The reasons of the varia­ Veps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtilloso-hylo­ tions in question are probably associated with comiosum, fallen log of Picea abies, 24.1X.2001 diverse conditions of spore maturation. Bondart­ (LE 211820). - Piceetum hylocorniosum, fallen log seva et a!. (2000) reported this species for the first of P. abies, 25.IX.2001 (LE 212933). time from the Leningrad Region. Postia stiptica (Pers. :Fr.) Jiilich Pycnoporellus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.) Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Stumps and Kotl. & Pouzar fallen logs of conifers, mainly Picea abies. Vep.: Dolgozero (Niemela 2001, Niemelaet a!. Postia tephroleuca (Fr.) Jiilich 2001), fallen log of Picea abies. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.-Fallen branch­ Pycnoporellus fulgens (Fr.) Donk es, stumps and logs of deciduous trees, rarely Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread, although sparse. conifers. - August-October. - Stumps and fallen logs of conifers. -August­ Postia undosa (Peck) Jiilich October. Vep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et a!. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.: Fr.) P. Karst. 1999), Tremuletum myrtillosum, fallen log of Pop­ Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread. - Stumps, fallen ulus tremula. logs and timber of Betula spp. - Through the Punctularia strigosozonata (Schwein.) P. H. whole growing season. B. Talbot *Radulodon erikssonii Ryvarden Basidiocarps annual, laterally attached or re­ Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, effused with supinate with free, ciliate margin, orbicular, con­ closely adnate sharp margin, orbicular, confluent fluent, up to 5 em in diam., waxy-fibrous when up to 5-7 f.tm in extent, membranaceous, up to 4 fresh, fragile in drying. Abhymenial surface bris­ mm thick. Hymenophore toothed, ceraceous, tle, zonate, grayish to deep brown. Hymeno­ faintly cream-coloured to pale buff; teeth irpicoid phore phlebioid, gelatinized, initially rufescent or or raduloid, 1-3 mm long. red-brown, later umber or rusty to almost black, Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 2-3 f.tm in as a rule with bright to egg-yellow border at the diam., clamped, thin-walled or in subiculum with margin. slightly thickened walls. Cystidia 35-50 x 6-9 f.tm, clavate to fusoid, thin-walled, with refractive content. Basidia 25-30 x 7-8.5 f.tm , clavate, 4- 30 ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003) spored, fibulate. Spores 4.5-7 x 4-5 [.till in the Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen specimen examined, subglobose, smooth, with logs and timber of conifers.- Through the whole somewhat thickened walls, IKI-, weakly cyano­ growing season. philic. This species was attributed to Phlebia (Donk Vep.: Veps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtillo­ 1957), Phlebiopsis (Jtilich 1978), or Phanerocha­ sum, fallen log of Populus tremula, 28.IX.2001 ete (Burdsa111985). Some recent studies (e.g. Par­ (LE211813). masto & Hallenberg 1999) supported certain rela­ Radulomyces confluens (Fr.: Fr.) M.P. Christ. tionships of the species with Phlebia, which, Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Dead branches however, is a conglomerate, without any doubts. and trunks, fallen logs and timber of deciduous In my opinion the position of this species in trees, most often on Alnus incana. - Late sum­ Scopuloides (Massee) Hohn. & Litsch., a small mer-autumn. genus of phlebioid fungi, is more natural. The Radulomyces molaris (Chaillet ex Fr.: Fr.) M. name Phlebiopsis we regard as a later synonym P. Christ. of Scopuloides (nomen superfluum), since both Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ generic concepts are introgressive. otopes. - Dead branches and trunks, fallen logs Scopuloides hydnoides (Cooke & Massee) and timber of deciduous trees. - Late summer­ Hjortstam & Ryvarden autumn. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ Ramaria abietina (Pers.: Fr.) Que!. otopes. - On standing and fallen deciduous Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in coniferous for­ trees. -Late summer-autumn. ests, although sparse. - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza­ Scytinostroma galactinum (Fr.) Donk forming species. -August-September. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Standing trees, *Ramaria corrugata (P. Karst.) Schild stumps, fallen logs and debris of deciduous Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ trees; common on Populus tremula. - Through otopes. - Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming spe­ the whole growing season. cies. - August. Serpula aurea (Fr.: Fr.) P. Karst. Ramaria eumorpha (P. Karst.) Comer Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests, al­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in deciduous for­ though sparse. -Fallen logs of Pinus sylvestris. ests.-Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forrning species.­ -Late summer-autumn. August-September. Serpula lacrymans (Wulfen: Fr.) J. Schrot. Ramaria fennica (P. Karst.) Rieken Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - On house tim­ Vep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Picee­ ber. - Through the whole growing season. tum oxalidosum, Terrestrial. Serpula mollusca (Fr.: Fr.) P. Karst. Ramaria flava (Schaeff. :Fr.) Quel. Vep.: Ulyozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Pine- Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests.­ tum myrtillosum, fallen logs of Pinus sylvestris. Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming species.- July­ Serpula panuoides (Fr.: Fr.) Zmitrovich August. Syn. Tapinella panuoides (Fr. :Fr.) E. Gilbert Resinicium bicolor (Alb. & Schwein. : Fr.) Svir.-Kol., Vep .; widespread, although sparse. Parmasto - Stumps, fallen logs and timber of conifers. - Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and July-September. branches of deciduous trees and conifers, most Serpula pinastri (Fr.: Fr.) W.B. Cooke often on Populus tremula and Picea abies. - Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and July- October. debris of conifers.- Late summer-autumn. Rigidoporus crocatus (Pat.) Ryvarden Serpula pulverulenta (Sowerby: Fr.) Zmitrov­ Vep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001), fallen ich log of Picea abies. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Sarcodon imbricatus (L.: Fr.) P. Karst. - Fallen logs and timber of conifers. - Through Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine forests.­ the whole growing season. Terrestrial; mycorrhiza-forming species with Pi­ Serpula romellii (Fr.) Zmitrovich nus sylvestris. - July-September. Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum hyloco­ Scopuloides gigantea (Fr. :Fr.) Spirin & Zm­ miosum, fallen logs of Picea abies, 24.IX.2001 itrovich (LE212916). KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 31

*Serpulomyces borealis (Romell) Zmitrovich *Skeletocutis carneogrisea A. David Syn. Ceraceomyces borealis (Romell) J. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in pine forests .­ Erikss. & Ryvarden. -See Zmitrovich & Spirin Standing trees, stumps and fallen logs of Pinus (2002a). sylvestris. - Through the whole growing season. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. Skeletocutis krawtzewii (Pilat) Kotl. & -Fallen logs and debris of conifers, especially on Pouzar Picea abies.- Late summer-autumn. Yep .: Dolgozero (Niemela 2001 , Niemela et al. Sistotrema brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss. 2001), fallen log of Picea abies. Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread.- Deciduous fall­ Skeletocutis nivea (Jungh.) Jean Keller en branches and debris.- Late summer-autumn. Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. Sistotrema diademiferum (Bourdot & Galzin) 1999), Piceetum variiherboso-oxalidosum, fallen Donk logs of Populus tremula. - Sarozero (Aksenova Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread. -Deciduous fall­ et al. 2000), Alnetum variiherbosum, fallen logs of en branches and debris. - September-October. Alnus incana. Sistotremastrum suecicum J. Erikss. Skeletocutis odora (Sacc.) Ginns S ir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in coniferous for­ Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. ests. - Stumps and fallen logs of conifers, espe­ 1999), Betuletum myrtillosum, fallen logs of Popu­ cially on Pinus sylvestris. - Late summer-au­ lus tremula.-Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001 ). tumn. Skeletocutis stellae (Pilat) Jean Keller Skeletocutis amorpha (Fr.: Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar Svir.-Kol., Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. Widespread in spruce forests. - Stumps and 2001). fallen logs of Picea abies, rarely Pinus sylvestris. Skeletocutis subincarnata (Peck) Jean Keller - August- September. Vep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Betule­ Skeletocutis biguttulata (Romell) Niemela tum myrtillosum, fallen logs of Populus tremula. Vep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela et al. 2001) - Steccherinum fimbriatum (Pers. : Fr.) J. without substrate indication. Erikss. *Skeletocutis borealis Niemela Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread. - Fallen Jogs, Basidiocarps perennial, resupinate with nodu­ branches and debris of deciduous trees. - Au­ lose pileate margin, 4-7 mm thick, confluent in gust- October. patches up to 8 em in diam., hard corny. Upper Steccherinum ochraceum (Pers.: Fr.) Gray surface uneven, scabrose, slightly velutinous to Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - On standing naked, rusty- to dark-brown, more bright at the and fallen deciduous trees. -Through the whole margin. Tubes 1-4-layered, hard, faintly cream­ growing season. coloured with ochraceous patches, concolorous Stereum hirsutum (Willd.: Fr.) Gray with the subiculum. Pore surface white to faintly Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Dead branches, cream-coloured, usually with hyaline or rufes­ standing trees, stumps, fallen logs and timber of cent patches, uneven; pores 7-8 per mm, angular. many deciduous trees. - Through the whole Hypha! system dimitic. Generative hyphae 2- growing season. 3.5 !-liD in diam., thin-walled or with slightly thick­ Stereum rugosum (Pers.: Fr.) Fr. ened walls, densely interwowen, in marginal re­ Svir.-Kol. , Yep.; widespread. - On standing gions of the tubes making up numerous deep in­ and fallen deciduous trees, most often on Alnus crusted hyphae. Skeletals up to 4 !-liD in diam., incana. - Through the whole growing season; flexuose, more or less parallelly arranged in basidiomata perennial. subiculum and trama. Cystidia not seen. Basidia Stereum sanguinolentum (Alb. & Schwein. : 10-15 x 3-5 !-liD, ovoid, 4-spored, clamped at the Fr.) Fr. base, in dense palisade together with fusiform Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps, fallen cystidioles of the same sizes. Spores 3.5-4.5 x 1- logs and timber of conifers, most often on Picea 1.8 !-liD, allantoid, biguttulate, thin-walled, IKI-. abies. -Through the whole growing season. Vep. : Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum calama­ Stereum subtomentosum Pouzar grostidosum, fallen logs of Populus tremula, Svir.-Kol. ; Yep.; widespread in deciduous and 26.1X.2001 (LE 211803). - Stump of Picea abies, mixed forests.-Drying branches, stumps, as well 28.IX.2001 (LE211834). as standing and fallen deciduous trees, most of- 32 ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ten on Alnus inc ana. -Through the whole grow­ and fallen branches of deciduous trees. - ing season. Through the whole growing season. Thelephora caryophyllea Schaeff. : Fr. Trametes suaveolens (Fr. non L.) Fr. Tikhv.: Sankov Bor (Zhuravlev & Poluektov Svir.-Kol.: Volodarskaya (Dovga eta!. 2001), 1998), Pinetum xeroherboso-cladinosum, Terres­ Alnetum incanae urticosum, on standing tree of trial. Salix caprea.- Yep.: Sarozero (Aksenova eta!. Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. : Fr. 2000), Salicetum calamagrostidosum, on dry S. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in pine-mixed for­ cap rea.-Dolgozero (Niemela eta!. 2001). ests. -Terrestrial, debris and forest litter; mycor­ Trametes velutina (Fr.) G. Cunn. rhizal with Pinus sylvestris.- Through the whole Vep .: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). growing season. Trametes versicolor (L. : Fr.) Pilat Tomentella bryophila (Pers.) M.J. Larsen Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Debris decidu­ otopes. - Logs, stumps and fallen branches of ous and conifers, also in forest litter. - Through deciduous trees, most often on Alnus incana. - the whole growing season. Through the whole growing season. Tomentella coerulea (Bres.) Hi::ihn. & Litsch. Trechispora candidissima (Schwein.) Bond­ Vep.: Veps Forest Reserve, Piceetum calama­ artsev & Singer grostidosum, fallen logs of Populus tremula, Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread, although sparse. 26.IX.2001 (LE211828). - Deciduous fallen branches and debris, espe­ Tomentella ellisii (Sacc.) Jtilich & Stalpers cially on Alnus incana. - August- October. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Debris of de­ Trechispora farinacea (Pers. :Fr.) Liberta ciduous and coniferous trees, also in forest litter. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ - Through the whole growing season. - This otopes. -Deciduous stumps, fallen logs, branch­ species was reported first time from the Lenin­ es and debris, especially on Alnus inc ana. -Late grad Region by the author (Zmitrovich 2000). summer-autumn. Tomentella ferruginea (Pers.: Fr.) Pat. Trechispora hymenocystis (Berk. & Broome) Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Debris decidu­ K.H. Larsson ous and coniferous trees, also in forest litter. - Yep.: Kharagenichi (Niemela eta!. 2001). Through the whole growing season. Trechispora mollusca (Pers.: Fr.) Liberta Tomentella radiosa (P. Karst.) Rick Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Debris decidu­ branches and debris of coniferous and decidu­ ous and coniferous trees, also in forest litter. - ous trees. -June-October. Through the whole growing season. Trichaptum abietinum (Pers. :Fr.) Ryvarden Tomentellopsis echinospora (Ellis) Hjortstam Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Standing trees, Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtil­ fallen logs and timber of conifers. -Through the loso-hylocomiosum, fallen logs of Picea abies, whole growing season. in association with Crepidotus variabilis, Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum (Ehrenb.: Fr.) Ry­ 24.IX.2001 (LE 211823). varden Trametes hirsuta (Wulfen: Fr.) Pihit Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in pine forests, Svir.-Kol., Vep. ; widespread in herb-rich bi­ athough sparse. - Fallen logs and branches of otopes. - Logs, stumps and fallen branches of Pinus sylvestris. -Through the whole growing deciduous trees, most often on Alnus incana. - season. Through the whole growing season. Trichaptum pargamenum (Fr.) G. Cunn. Trametes ochracea (Pers.) Gilb. & Ryvarden Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- On stumps of Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Stumps, fallen standing and fallen deciduous trees, most often logs and timber of deciduous trees, most often on Betula pubescens.- Late summer-autumn. on Populus tremula. -Through the whole grow­ Tubulicrinis borealis J. Erikss. ing season. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs and Trametes pubescens (Schumach.: Fr.) Pilat debris of conifers. -Late summer-autumn. Svir.-Kol., Vep.; widespread.- Logs, stumps Tubulicrinis effugiens (Bourdot & Galzin) Liberta KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 33

Svir.-Kol., Yep. ; widespread.- Fallen logs and Pleurotoid fungi debris of conifers. -Late summer-autumn. Thbulicrinis glebulosus (Fr.) Bres. Cheimonophyllum candidissimum (Berk. & Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread.- Dead branches, M.A. Curtis) Singer fallen logs and debris of conifers and deciduous Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Fallen logs, trees.- June-October. branches and debris of deciduous trees, most Thbulicrinis medius (Bourdot & Galzin) often on Populus tremula. - July-September. Oberw. Crepidotus calolepis (Fr.) P. Karst. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Fallen logs and Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps and debris of conifers. -Late summer-autumn. fallen logs of deciduous trees, preferably Popu­ Tylospora fibrillosa (Burt) Donk lus tremula.- July-September. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Coniferous and *Crepidotus cesatii (Rabenh.) Sacc. deciduous debris as well as forest litter; in myc­ Syn. Crepidotus variabilis (Pers. : Fr.) P. orrhizal association with Pinus sylvestris. - Kumm. var. subsphaerosporus Lange Through the whole growing season. Yep .: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. Typhula phacorrhiza Fr. 1999), Alnetum incanae aegopodiosum, fallen Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in forests. - On branches of Alnus incana. plant debris, fallen leaves. - Late summer-au­ *Crepidotus inhonestus P. Karst. tumn. Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr. lamagrostidosum, on fallen branch of Populus Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread on meadows. - tremula, 25.IX.2001 (LE 212937). Terrestrial and grasses. - August-October. Crepidotus mollis (Fr.) Staude Tyromyces chioneus (Fr.: Fr.) P. Karst. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Stumps and Svir.-Kol. ; Yep .; widespread in deciduous and fallen logs of deciduous trees. - August-No­ mixed forests. -Fallen logs, branches and debris vember. of deciduous trees. - Late summer-autumn. Crepidotus variabilis (Pers. : Fr.) P. Kumm. Vararia investiens (Schwein.) P. Karst. Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtil­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread, although sparse. loso-hylocomiosum, fallen log of Picea abies, in - Fallen branches and debris of conifers or in association with Tomentellopsis echinospora forest litter. -Late summer-autumn. (Ellis) Hjortstarn, 24.IX.2001 (LE 211823). Veluticeps abietina (Pers. :Fr.) Hjortstam & *Crepidotus versutus (Peck) Sacc. (Fig. 4 A) Telleria Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum hyloco­ miosum, fallen log of Picea abies, 28.IX.2001 (LE 212935). ~ Vesiculomyces citrinus (Pers.) Hagstrom () ~ ~ Vep .: Veps Forest Reserve, Piceetum myrtil­ ~~)( loso-hylocomiosum, fallen logs of Picea abies, A oD~ 24-28.IX.2001 (LE 211817,LE211818, LE 212946). ~ Vuilleminia comedens (Nees: Fr.) Maire G c Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread. - Drying and dead branches of deciduous trees, most often of Alnus incana and Betula pubescens. - Through ~ r§J Q the whole growing season. 10 )lffi Do @@ B Fig. 4. Basidiospores: A - Crepidotus versutus (Peck) Sacc.; B - Clavulinopsis helvola (Pers. : Fr.) Corner; C­ Phyllotopsis nidulans (Pers. : Fr.) Singer. 34 ZMITROYICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Basidiocarps annual, normally up to 10 mm thick, faintly cream-coloured, later cinnamome­ wide (about 5 mm dried), cupulate to reniform, ous, with strong unpleasant odour. Hymeno­ sessile or resupinate, hygrophanous when fresh, phore lamellate. Gills radiating from the attach­ soft and brittle in drying. Abhymenial surface vil­ ment region, dense, with serrate margin, fleshy­ lose, white to yellowish; hygrophanous area corneous, initially white or faintly cream-col­ gray or honey. Hymenophore as. soft ceraceous oured, later cinnamon. Spore print white. layer up to 2 mm thick, lamellate. Gills close, with Hypha! system monomitc with a gloeoplerous sterile margin, yellowish to orange. Spore print hyphae. Generative hyphae 2-3 f!m in diam., brownish. clamped, IKI-, thin-walled, rarely branched; in Hypha! system monomitic. Hyphae 4-10 (20) sybhymenium agglutinated, forming a pseu­ f.lill in diam., without clamps, usually coiled, in doparenchimatous layer; in gill mediostratum epicutis forming a trichodermoid palisade; in parallelly arranged, with long, slightly inflated medullar part forming several indistinct layers, cells and small clamp-connections, densely non-gelatinous. Tramal hyphae subparallel, 5- 20 packed; in medullar tissue loosely interwoven. f.lill in diam., often inflated, composed by short, Gloeoplerous hyphae found in gill mediostratum, isodiametric cells. Pleurocystidia not seen. 4- 6 f!m in diam., oil-rich, coiled, with prominent Cheilocystidia 20-120 x 3- 15 f!m, cylindrical or clamps; grayish in IKI. Cheilocystidia 20- 30 x 3- coiled, in some cases forked, thin-walled, without 7 f!m, ampullate or cylindrical, with refractive any incrustation. Basidia 20-40 x 7-10 f!m, cla­ contents, thin- to slightly thick-walled. Pleuro­ vate, constricted, 4-spored; basal clamp lacking. cystidia numerous, enclosed, 10-25 x 3-5 f!m, Spores 9-12 x 4.5--6 f!m, with oil-rich, slightly yel­ saccate, usually sinuous, with oil-rich proto­ lowish protoplast, variable shaped: ellipsoid, plast. Basidia 12-20 x 3.5-5 f!m, clavate, con­ amygdaliform or more or less fusiform (like Coni­ stricted, 4-spored, basally clamped, with oil-rich ophora arida), strongly apiculate, rather smooth content. Spores 3.5-4.5 x 2.5-3.5 f!m , broadly el­ (in certain projections minutely rugulose, like lipsoid, minutely echinulate, amyloid. Gonyostomum semen), thick-walled, IKI-. Yep .: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum hyloco­ lamagrostidosum, on stumps of Picea abies, miosum, fallen log of Betula pubescens, in asso­ 25 .IX.2001 (LE 212932). ciation with Amphinema byssoides, 25.IX.2001 The specimens from coniferous trees were (LE212923). usually reported as Lentinellus castoreus by The species is new to Russia. some authors. The main difference between the Hohenbuehelia atrocaerulea (Fr.) Singer two species, if any exists, is ssen in the presence Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. of tramatic gloeoplerous hyphae in L. ursinus, 1999), Alnetum variiherbosum, standing trees of versus L. castoreus. Alnus incana. - Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Lentinus lepideus (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. Alnetum variiherbosum, standing trees of A. in­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread.- Stumps, fallen cana. logs and timber of coniferous (Pinus sylvestris), Lentinellus flabelliformis (Bolton : Fr.) Ito rarely deciduous (Betula spp.) trees.- July-Sep­ Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Tremuletum ca­ tember. - Zmitrovich & Spirin (2002b) reported lamagrostidosum, fallen branches of Populus this species as new to the Leningrad Region. tremula, 25.IX.2001 (LE 212912). mitis (Pers. :Fr.) Singer Lentinellus ursinus (Fr.) Kuhn. Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in pine forests. ­ Basidiocarps annual, aterally or dorsally at­ Fallen logs and branches of Pinus sylvestris. - tached, usually clustered, fleshy, caps 1-5 x 0.9- September-October. 3.5 x 0.2-0.8 em. Stipe absent. Abhymenial sur­ Panellus stipticus (Bull. :Fr.) P. Karst. face villose, smooth or minutely radiately wrin­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread.- On living and kled, obscure granulose at the base, when fresh drying trees, but also stumps and fallen logs pale cinnamon-coloured, faintly cream at the mar­ (branches) of deciduous trees, most often on Al­ gin, vinaceous-brown in drying. Medulla 1-4 mm nus incana. - July-November. KARSTENIA 43 (2003) ZMITROYICH: YEPS BASIDIOMYCETES 35

Panus conchatus (Bull.: Fr.) Fr. nom. cons. Phyllotus porrigens (Pers. :Fr.) P. Karst. Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in deciduous for­ Yep.: Sarozero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Picee­ ests, although sparse. - Stumps and fallen logs tum oxalidosum, fallen log of Picea abies. of deciduous trees, most often on Populus trem­ calyptratus (Lindb. in Fr.) Sacc. ula. - July- September. Yep.: Lake Orenzhen (Konstantinov et al. Paxillus atrotomentosus (Batsch: Fr.) Fr. 1999), forest clearing, on Populus tremula timber. Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in pine forests.­ - Saro zero (Aksenova et al. 2000), Tremuletum Stumps, rarely on buried wood of Pinus sylves­ myrtillosum, standing trees of P. tremula. tris.- August-September. Pleurotus dryinus (Pers. : Fr.) P. Kumm. Phyllotopsis nidulans (Pers. :Fr.) Singer (Fig. Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread in herb-rich bi­ 4C) otopes. - Drying deciduous trunks, standing Basidiocarps annual, laterally or dorsally at­ trees, fallen branches and logs, most often on tached, clustered, 1-5 em across. Stipe absent. Sorbus aucuparia. - May- September (there are Abhymenial surface tomentose, white, pale faint­ several fruiting periods throughout the season) . ly cream-coloured or cinnamon, in some cases (Jacq.: Fr.) P. Kumm. with orange tint. Medulla fleshy-spongious, 1-3 Svir.-Kol.; Yep .; widespread in deciduous and (5) mm thick, concolorous with the cap surface. mixed forests . - Drying trunks, standing and fall ­ Hymenophore as minute waxy layer up to 4 mm en deciduous trees. - May- October (there are thick, lamellate. Gills radiating from the attach­ several fruiting periods throughout the season). ment area, anastomosing, subdistant, faintly Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Que!. cream-coloured to strikingly orange. Spore print Svir.-Kol. ; Yep. ; widespread in deciduous and faintly cream-coloured. mixed forests.- Drying trunks, standing and fall­ Hyphal system subdimitic. Generative hyphae en deciduous trees, most often on Alnus incana. 3-6 [-till in diam., clamped, thin-walled, hyaline or -May-September (there are several fruiting peri­ with yellowish refractive content, IKI-; in sub­ ods throughout the season). hymenium densely packed, poorly distin­ Resupinatus applicatus (Batsch : Fr.) Gray guished; in gill mediostratum parallelly arranged, Svir.-Kol.: Yolodarskaya (Dovga et al. 2001), inflated up to 6 [-till in diam.; in cap medulla 3-4 Salicetum calamagrostidosum, on standing Salix [-till in diam., richly branched; in abhymenial sur­ cinerea. - Yep.: Krasnoborski (Zhuravlev & Pol­ face forming a trichodermoid palisade. Skeletals uektov 1998), Alnetum oxalidosum, fallen logs seen only in mature basidiocarps, mostly interca­ Salix caprea. lar, 4- 6 mm in diam., thick-walled, brownish or Sarcomyxa serotina (Schrad. : Fr.) P. Karst. grayish in IKI. Leptocystidia marginal and pleu­ Svir.-Kol., Yep .; widespread. - On living trees, ral, 18-25 x 3-6 [-till, fusoid, often with refractive stumps and fallen logs of Alnus incana, Sorbus contents. Basidia 16-22 x 4-6 [-till, clavate, 4- aucuparia, rarely Betula pubescens, Populus spored, fibulate. Spores 5- 6 x 2.5-3 [-till, short­ tremula and other deciduous trees. - Septem­ cylindrical, bean-shaped in the profile, hyaline to ber-November. rufescent, smooth, rather thin-walled, IKI-. Schizophyllum commune Fr. : Fr. Yep.: Yeps Forest Reserve, Piceetum calama­ Svir.-Kol., Yep.; widespread in herb-rich bi­ grostidosum, on stump of Picea abies, otopes.-Stumps, fallen logs and timber of decid­ 26.1X.2001 (LE211821). uous trees, most often on Alnus incana. - From related pleurotoids this differs by more Through the whole growing season. short basidia and peculiar bean-shaped spores. The same situation exists among trametoids (see Acknowledgements: The work was carried out in the remark to Antrodiella lenis), where there are sev­ Laboratory of Systematics and Georgaphy of Fun gi un­ der lead ership of Prof. M.A. Bondartseva and Dr. A.E. eral species with short basidia, IKI+ skeletals and Kovalenko. Prof. T. Ahti proposed many improve­ bean-shaped spores (Pycnoporus spp. , some ments to the manuscript and kindly provided the author Diplomitoporus). The last ones are possibly with a number of books, all very useful for this work. more closely related with Phyllotopsis, whereas Dr. T. Niemela and Dr. H. Kotiranta carried out a critical the other Polyporaceae and Coriolaceae seem review of the text; the first one provided the author with reprints of the articles on , to be connected with long-spored pleurotoid important for this study. A.A. Shorokhov and A.A. fungi. Andreeva contributed to the studies in the Veps Forest 36 ZMITROVICH: VEPS BASIDIOMYCETES KARSTENIA 43 (2003)

Reserve and gave very important literature on the area Jiilich, W. 1978: Studies in resupinate Basidiomycetes­ investigated. Dr. N.A. Medvedeva, S.V. Knyazev and V. Some new genera and species.- Persoonia 10: 137- E. V. Drozdova contributed to the researches on the oth­ 140. er sites of the Veps Plateau. D. Dovga, A. Konstantinov, Konstantinov, A., Plaksin, P. , Taraskin, E., Schipil, E. E. Taraskin and E. Fedorova helped me during material & Zhulanova, T. 1999: Napochvennye i derevoobi­ collection. The author is very grateful to each of men­ taushchie griby okrestnostei ozera Orenzhenskoyoe tioned persons. The study was partly supported by the (Podporozhskii rayon). - Mat. Res. Ecol. Exp. Russian research programme Biodiversity", "Expedi­ "Zhivaya Voda-99": 42- 51. Chemical-Pharm. Acad­ tion " and Nature Park Vepssky les. emy Press, St. Petersburg. 80 pp. Kotiranta, H. , Uotila, P., Sulkava, S. & Peltonen, S.L. 1998: Red data book of East Fennoscandia.- Minis­ try of Environment etc., Helsinki. 351 pp. Kovalenko, A.E. & Morozova, O.V. 1999: Agaricoid References and gasteroid macromycetes of the Leningrad region. - In: Balashova, N.B. & Zavarzin, A.A. (eds.), Biodi­ versity of the Leningrad Region (Algae. Fungi. Li­ Aksenova, N., Aksenova, 0., Buyankina, E., Eliseeva, chenes. Bryophytes. In vertebrates. Fishes and pisci­ Y., Zmitrovich, 1., Konstantinov, A. , Kostyuk, 0., formes): 89-140. University Press, St. Petersburg. Kochetkova, D. , Pankova, A. & Taraskin, E. 2000: 430 pp. Spisok neplastinchatykh basidial'nykh gribov okrest­ NiemeHi, T. 2001: of Finland and adjacent nostei Sarozera i Ul ' ozera (Podporozhskii rayon). - Russia. - Norrlinia 8: 1-120. Mat. Res. Ecol. Exp. "Zhivaya Voda- 2000": 57-61. Niemela, T. , Kinnunen, J., Lindgren, M. , Manninen, 0., Chemical-Pharm. Academy Press, St. Petersburg. 80 Miettinen 0., Penttila, R. & Turunen, 0. 2001: Nov­ pp. elties and records of poroid Basidiomycetes in Finland Bondartseva, M.A., Zmitrovich, I.V. & Lositskaya V.M. and adjacent Russia. - Karstenia 41: 1- 21. 1999: Aphyllophoroid and heterobasidial macromyc­ Parmasto, E. & Hallen berg, N. 1999: A taxonomic etes of the Leningrad Region.- In: Balashova, N.B. & study of phlebioid fungi ().- Nordic J. Zavarzin, A.A. (eds.), Biodiversity of the Leningrad Bot. 20: 105-118. Region (Algae. Fungi. Lichenes. Bryophytes. Inverte­ Rem•all, P., Renvall, T. & Niemela, T. 1991: Basidio­ brates. Fishes and pisciformes): 141 - 173. Uni versity mycetes at the timberline in Lapland 2. An annotated Press, St. Petersburg. 430 pp. checklist of the polypores of northeastern Finland. - Bondartseva, M.A., Lositskaya, V.M. & Zmitrovich LV. Karstenia 31: 13-28. 2000: Punctularia strigosozonata (Punctulariaceae) Tzvelev, N.N. 2000: Opredelitel' sosydistykh rastenii in Europe. - Karstenia 40: 9-10. Severo-Zapada Rossii (Leningradskaya, Pskovskaya i Burdsall, H.H. 1985: A contribution to the taxonomy of Novgorodskaya oblasti). - Chemical-Pharm. Acade­ the genus Phanerochaete (Corticiaceae, Aphyllopho­ my Press, St. Petersburg. 781 pp. rales). - Mycologia Mem.: 1-165. Vampola, P. 1992: Contribution to th~ knowledge of the Corner, E.J.H. 1993: Ad Polyporaceas- Explicanda.­ polypore Oxyporus corticola. - Eeskii Mykol. 46: Nova Hedwigia 57: 143-157. 234-239. Donk, M.A. 1957: Notes on resupinate Hymenomyc­ Zhuravlev, S. & Poluektov, A. 1998: Ecologicheskii ob­ etes. IV.- Fungus 27: 1- 29. zor derevoobitayushchikh gribov okrestnostei pos. Dovga, D. , Zmitrovich, I., Nedotsuka, G., Solodovniko­ Krasnoborskii. - Mat. Res. Ecol. Exp. "Zhi aya va, E. & Taraskin, E. 2001: Derevoobitaushchie griby Voda-98": 31-39. Chemical-Pharm. Acad. Press, St. okrestnostei imreki (Podporozhskii rayon). - Mat. Petersburg. 64 pp. Res. Ecol. Exp. "Zhivaya Voda-2001 ": 69- 78. Zmitrovich, I.V. 2000: Novye dannye o teleforovykh Chemical-Pharm. Academy Press, St. Petersburg. gribakh Leningradskoi oblasti. - In: Mycology and 109 pp. cryptogamic botany in Russia: Traditions and modern Fedorchuk, V.N., Kuznetsova, M.L. , Andreyeva, A.A. & state: 128- 131. V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Moiseyev, D.V. 1998: Reservat "Vepsskii les".- For­ St. Petersburg. 560 pp. estry research. St. Petersburg. 208 pp. Zmitrovich, I.V. 2001: Materialy po taksonomii kortit­ Gilbertson, R.L. & Ryvarden, L. 1985: Some new com­ sioidnykh gribov. I. Rody Athelia, Byssomerulius, binations in the Polyporaceae. - Mycotaxon 20: Odonticium. - Mikol. Fitopat. 35: 9- 19. 362-365. Zmitrovich, I.V. & Spirin, W.A. 2002a: Materialy po Hansen, L. & Knudsen, H. 1992: Nordic Macromycetes taksonomii kortitsioidnykh gribo . II. 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