Annales ordinis equestris sancti sepulcHri hierosolymitani 2014 “May“May nono oneone abuseabuse thethe namename ofof GodGod throughthrough violence”violence” (Francis in Jerusalem 26 May 2014) vatican city 2015 Annales ordinis equestris sancti sepulcHri hierosolymitani 2014 00120 vatican City Director Ivan Rebernik Co-Director and Editor François Vayne Sub-Editor and coordinator of publications Elena Dini With the collaboration of the authors cited in each article, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Lieutenants or the Delegates of the corresponding Lieutenancies Translators Chelo Feral, Christine Keinath, Barry and Nicole Griffin, Annarita and Gianni Mondini, Paolo Pecorari Layout Fortunato Romani Editrice Italiani nel Mondo srl Vicolo dei Granari, 10a - 00186 Roma
[email protected] Photographic documentation Archives of the Grand Magisterium, Archives of Osservatore Romano, Archives of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Archives of the corresponding Lieutenancies, Aid to the Church in Need, Daniel Abel, Carola and Henrique Abreu, Andres Bergamini, Hervé and Sophie Crestant, Andrea Krogmann, Thomas McKiernan, Carla Morselli Cover photos Photos of the pilgrimage of the Pope to the Holy Land: silent prayer at the western wall of the Temple of Jerusalem and in front of the dividing Wall between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, also a moment of friendship shared with Rabbi Skorka and the Imam Abboud, friends from Argentina with whom Francis wanted to share his spiritual journey. Published by Grand Magisterium of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem 00120 Vatican City Tel. +39 06 69892901 Fax +39 06 69892930 E-mail:
[email protected] Copyright © OESSH EDITORIAL “We are all Middle Eastern Christians” Dear readers, Our communications team, and the valiant people in charge of translations, have worked hard to make sure this 2014 edition of the publication of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre is delivered to you promptly.