Missionary Society
Da~ r~\ssions L\br~J THE SIXTY-SIXTH ." .. ~, ~ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BIBLE CHRISTIAN HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, F,)R THE YEAR ENDING JULY, 1887 With a List of Collections, Subscriptions, and Donations. "FOR IT BECAME HIM, FOR WHOM ARE ALL THINGS AND BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, IN BRINGING MANY SONS lINTO GLORY, TO MAKE THE CAPTAIN OF THEIR SAL'vATION PERFECT THROUGH SUFFERINGS."-Heb. ii. 10. PRICE SIXPENCE. LONDON: CHRISTIAN BOOK-ROOM, 26, PATERNOSTER RO\V. SOLD BY ALL THE ITINERANT PREACHERS. /.. Works Pub/~shed at the Bible Christian Book Room, 26, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. ": HE KING'S SON; OR, A MEMOIR OF BILLY BRAY. By F. W. BOUR1JE. Price Is. cloth boards; Is. 6d. gilt edges. Twcl1.ty-fourth Edition. TA new illustrated Edition, printed on thick paper, with IUe-like portrait, hand somely bound, is now ready, 2s. 6d. " Long ago we gave a resume of this singular biography, and our friends at once bought it..Xhose who did !lot do so had bette: h:un:"Y up. Scarcel~r do we remem ber a biography more amusmg and yet more e<P£ying."-Sword arid Trowel. LL FOR CHRIST-CHRIST FOR ALL: Illustrated by the LIFE AND LABOURS OF WILLIAM M. BAILEY. By F. W. BOURNE. Eighth thousand,A with life-like Por!'rait; cloth boards, Is.; bevelled boards, gilt edges, 1s.6d. "A better book of this kind than this we have seldom, if ever, fallen in with. It is packed full of soul-stirring facts, and is all aglow with holy feeling." Primitive Methodist Mag~ine.
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