Zi~ Ziw,~ ~~~ 1~::R-Zi2$ C"J;~ Before You This Day
DEUTERONOMY XI, 26 11 26. Behold, I set before you this day a 47 i~ 0 0 0 ~' blessing and a curse: 27. the blessing, if ye shall hearken unto the commandments :i;i;trM2$ ::,~7~, n~,~ ci:ti c;"'-~~ 1P~ ~?~~ nit-) ~~ of the LoRD your God, which I command you this day; 28. and the curse, if ye shall :-t)~~ "?,~~ ,w~ C~"j~~ :-1)~ :,~~-',~ 'r)~~l:' ,~~ not hearken unto the commandments of the LoRD your God, but tum aside out of the Mi~~--',2$ ~~~if>i:, .N~-c~ n'??i?::'.11 : oi~tt c~i:itt way which I command you this day, to go 28 after other gods, which ye have not known. ..,~~~ '?~~ TJ'10i~ c;;,i~, 0~"~~ ~i; 1 29. And it shall come to pass, when the ,w~ LoRo thy God shall bring thee into the land C"in~ c"rl,~ "iMN ~,, ow, C~MN I r,w~J '." •: -N, \,• •• -: whither thou goest to possess it, that thou J" ·:: , •• - ; 1- V V T A • i.,·, : -, shalt set the blessing upon mount Gerizim, n}i~ "; 0 : 29 and the curse upon mount Ebal. 30. Are r,~ti-,t( 1"~'~ ~~";~ :,::,, opn: they not beyond the Jordan, behind the ;-,~i~n-MN :,r,z,j, :,r,~i', :,~~-N~ :,r,N--itDN 0 way of the going down of the suri, in the T T I • \ • "'' - IT I AT ~ • : T \,, T T JT • ·1 ~ land of the Canaanites that ·dwell in the Arabah, over against Gilgal, beside the ii~b-~6::, :,?~~ ,~~ rt77/Pti""M~1 c:rh.~ ~,-,,~ , . ' ' ' terebinths of Moreb? 31.
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