Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
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Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Information Literacy Unit Description: Information Literacy is the set of skills needed to find, Resources: retrieve, assess and use information for problem solving. - Blaxland High School Virtual Library Aims- students will be able to: - ; . safely, appropriately and ethically use and share information - ; · determine their information needs - ; · recognise relevant information - ; · solve problems - ; · effectively communicate the results of their research -
- Issues in Society – Spinney Press
Targeted Outcomes: General Capabilities (cf. Appendix) Differentiation:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability: - students who have vision and/or auditory limitations are seated at the front of the class - student with poor vision may require a hardcopy in large print if they ICT.1 - Applying social and ethical protocols and practices when using ICT still have difficulty seeing text on SmartBoard
ICT.2 - Investigating with ICT - verbal instructions supported with written for students with auditory limitations
ICT.3 - Creating with ICT - students with poor literacy, fine motor skills, dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, autism, apraxia can be provided with hard copies of tasks in large print and on coloured ICT.4 - Communicating with ICT paper
ICT.5 - Managing and operating ICT - students can be provided with hard copy scaffolds or alternative closed passage instead of copying from board
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Critical and Creative Thinking Capability: - use of ICT for visual/spatial, kinaesthetic learners
CCT.1 - Inquiring – identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas - images, graphics, multimedia, charts, video, ICT etc to appeal to visual/spatial learners CCT.2 - Generating ideas, possibilities and actions - use of think, pair, share and collaborative activities for interpersonal learners CCT.3 - Reflecting on thinking and processes - use of class discussion for verbal/linguistic learners CCT.4 - Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures - use of self-reflection for intrapersonal learners Personal and social capability: - choice of task topics for students PS.1 - Self-awareness - use of graphic organisers to help student understanding of relationships and PS.2 - Self-management connections between ideas and concepts
PS.3 - Social awareness - use of extension / enrichment activities for 7X and other capable students PS.4- Social management
Ethical Understanding Capability
EU.1 - Understanding ethical concepts and issues
EU.2- Reasoning in decision making and action
EU.3-Exploring values, rights and responsibilities
Introduction to Information Literacy (IL) Focus questions: What is Information Literacy and what does it entail? Why is IL important in the digital age?
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Assessment: Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching (AOL) Asst of learning (AFL) Asst for learning (AAL) Asst as learning - Students copy ‘Today we - What the subject information - Identify elements of ICT.5 AOL - exit ticket ; will:’ from SmartBoard literacy entails information literacy and apply CCT.2 bookmark for title - Students shown image - to own information CCT.3 page & Mindmap Online Information like a fire experiences PS.1 hydrant - Teacher - the importance of being AFL- Online Questioning/Class discussion information literate in the - outline ways Information 1.3 Problematic Knowledge survey, teacher How is a fire hydrant like digital age Literacy skills can be applied 1.6 Substantive Communication monitors students searching online? in school and for lifelong 3.1 background knowledge knowledge base - students watch short learning 3.3 Knowledge integration in class ‘Infowhelm’ video – discuss 3.6 Connectedness discussions, exit the incredibly vast amount of ticket online information available - Discuss definition of AAL - Online Information Literacy - survey - students Information Literacy is the set are self of skills needed to find, assessing, exit retrieve, assess and use ticket information for problem solving. [Teacher to http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. adjust program com/information-literacy.html and/or revise - How does it relate to image? concepts as a How does it relate to problem result of solving? ongoing Activity -Think, Pair, Share can assessment] students provide examples of how they might “find, QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
retrieve, assess and use information for problem solving” both in and outside of school - Students invited to share their ideas and teacher completes a Mind Map on the SmartBoard using student contributions (teacher questioning/class discussion as needed to draw out student thinking) - Students copy Mindmap in books - Activity - students complete a title page for IL exercise book based on understanding of the concept of IL - ICT Activity -Online survey/quiz/pre-test to determine students’ knowledge base of Information Literacy and digital citizenship Exit ticket – using online survey - How is online information like a fire hydrant? http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/year-7-information- literacy.html [ Extn / Enrich Activity / 7X - students create Concept Map directly from Think, Pair, Share activity.]
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Digital Citizenship - introduction Focus question: What is a digital citizenship? What does it involve? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment AOL - bookmark - what digital citizenship - outline elements involved in - students copy ‘Today we ICT.1 for Mindmap ; involves digital citizenship will:’ from SmartBoard CCT.2 exit ticket - students answer revision PS.3 - range of digital habits - identify benefits and question: Provide some PS.4 AFL - teacher consequences of the use of examples of ways you might 1.2 Deep Understanding monitors digital media by individuals, find, retrieve, assess and use 1.3 Problematic Knowledge discussion to groups and communities information. 1.4Higher Order Thinking provide - class discussion/questioning 2.4 Social Support guidance ; clarify - explain the impact of the use to explore the concept of 3,1 Background knowledge and provide of ICT on society Digital Citizenship – What is a 3.3 Knowledge Integration feedback ; citizen ? What is Digital 3.5 Connectedness teacher monitors Citizenship? What might this group work and involve? provides - examine an accepted guidance as definition – discuss needed ; exit - Students shown Our ticket Connected Culture video from AAL - reflecting http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. on own digital com/digital-citizenship.html habits ; exit ticket - class discussion/Teacher questioning of message in video – How can we be responsible digital citizens? - Activity – Students create a Mindmap of elements related to Digital Citizenship [Extn / Enrich activity - 7X students create a more complex Concept Map that identifies QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
relationships between concepts involved in Digital Citizenship] - Activity - Exit ticket - Identify four concepts relating to digital citizenship Digital Citizenship – Our Digital Media Habits Focus question: What are our personal digital media habits? Do our habits reflect a balanced lifestyle? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we - analyse and reflect on own will:’ from SmartBoard AOL - bookmark - wide variety of digital media ICT.1 digital habits - students answer revision for Graph ; exit used today ICT. 5 question – Describe the ticket EU.3 - the effect of digital media use - identify and evaluate pros aspects of a responsible digital AFL - teacher and cons of own digital habits citizen monitors on society 1.1 Deep Knowledge - describe the impact of digital - Teacher questioning/class discussion to 1.3 Problematic Knowledge media on society discussion – What are some provide 1.4 Higher Order Thinking examples of digital media? guidance ; clarify 2.4 Social Support How do we use it? What is the and provide 2.5 Self Regulation effect of digital media on feedback ; 3.1 Background Knowledge society? How much time is teacher monitors 3.3 Knowledge Integration spent using digital media? group work and 3.5 Connectedness - students shown ‘Our digital provides life’ video from guidance as http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. needed ; exit com/introduction---our-digital- ticket life.html discuss video message AAL - self Activity - Think/pair/ share – assessment how can we be responsible -reflecting on own QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
digital citizens? Teacher digital habits ; creates Mindmap on exit ticket SmartBoard from students responses - students shown Our Connected Culture video http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/introduction---our-digital- life.html - class discussion/ teacher questioning what is digital media? How do we use it? Activity - students work in groups to analyse their personal digital habits using worksheet scaffold to determine their digital media use on various media and the time spent each week on these - speaker from each group summarises results - class discussion evaluating implications of our digital media use – Do our habits reflect a balanced lifestyle? Activity- students create column graphs depicting the time spent on various digital media [Extn / Enrich Activity 7X students also create a table from the created graph] - Exit ticket - Identify four types of digital media
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Digital Citizenship – Copyright and Fair Use Focus questions: What are the ethical considerations regarding piracy and breaches of copyright laws? How can we comply with Copyright and Fair Use? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we - copyright laws - evaluate the ethical will:’ from SmartBoard ICT.1 ; ICT.3 ICT.4 ; ICT.5 AOL- Mindmap considerations regarding - students answer revision CCT.2 ; CCT.4 - copyright and fair use downloading and sharing question: Identify four types of PS.3 ; PS.4 AFL - teachers compliance and requirements online digital media EU.1 ; EU.2 monitors class -teacher questioning/class EU3 discussion, - identify requirements to discussion: Define Ethics, 1.1 Deep knowledge provides comply with copyright and fair What does ethical online 1.2 Deep Understanding clarification and use practice involve? How does it 1.3 Problematic Knowledge feedback as relate to digital citizenship? 1.6 Substantial Communication required ; What is piracy? Why is this 2.2 Engagement feedback on unethical? 3.3 Knowledge Integration Mindmap - Class discussion When is it okay to share and download AAL - paired online? Mindmap activity - Students watch ‘Copyright encourages self and fair use’ video from and peer http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. evaluation com/copyright-and-fair- use.html – students are advised of question before watching. Can you identify the main points of the video? Class discussion answering question - ICT Activity - students work
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
in pairs to create a Mindmap using Web 2.0 tool - How to Comply with Copyright and Fair Use - students export to save file to attach file in email to teacher – student’s work then uploaded and shared on BHS Virtual Library - teacher first models use of on SmartBoard Digital Citizenship – Plagiarism and Referencing Focus Question: How and why might students plagiarise? What are the consequences of Plagiarism? How can we avoid plagiarism? How can we properly reference or cite our sources using the APA Method?
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
ICT.1 ; ICT.3 ; ICT.4 ICT.5 ; CCT.2 - explain why and how - students copy ‘Today we AFL - teachers CCT.4 ; PS.3 ; PS.4 - what constitutes plagiarism students may plagiarise will:’ from SmartBoard monitors class EU.1 ; EU.2 ; EU3 - students answer revision discussion, 1.1 Deep knowledge - ways to avoid plagiarism - describe the consequences question: How can we comply provides 1.2 Deep Understanding of plagiarism with Copyright and Fair Use? clarification and 1.3 Problematic Knowledge - how we should reference - class discussion/teacher feedback as 1.6 Substantial Communication - explain ways to avoid questioning – what is required ; 2.2 Engagement plagiarism plagiarism? feedback on 3.3 Knowledge Integration - students watch video on poster Plagiarism and Referencing AOL - Poster ; from exit ticket http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. AAL - Poster com/plagiarism.html encourages self - class discussion/teacher evaluation ; exit questioning – What constitutes ticket QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
plagiarism, How can we avoid plagiarism? How do we reference? - Teacher models how to reference various sources: books, webpages, videos, images using - students take notes from SmartBoard and copy citethisforme URL - ICT Activity – students practice using - Activity – students create a poster on how to avoid plagiarism [Extn / Enrich Activity 7X create poster using M.O. Publisher and email to teacher to publish on Blaxland High’s Virtual Library page] Digital Citizenship - Cybersafety Focus Questions: How can we stay safe online? How can we protect others? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we ICT.1 , ICT.3 AOL - bookmark will:’ from SmartBoard - online dangers - identify online dangers ICT.5 , PS.3 of created - students answer revision EU.2 Mindmap ; question: How can we avoid - cybersafety /safe online - describe how to stay safe 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.3 Problematic assessment of plagiarism habits online by managing security knowledge created Powtoon - class discussion/ teacher video against QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
protocols questioning What is 1.4 Higher Order Thinking rubric Cybersafety? What does it 2.1 Explicit quality criteria AFL - monitoring involve? 2.2 Engagement discussion to - students watch videos on 2.4 Social support provide guidance, Online safety and from 3.1 Background knowledge clarify and http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. 3.3 Knowledge integration provide feedback com/cybersafety.html 3.5 Connectedness ; feedback of Activity - Powtoon video brainstorm/Mindmap/teacher AAL - paired questioning ways to stay safe activity online (re: password security, encourages self not disclosing personal and peer information, not displaying assessment personal photographs, against rubric security settings on SNS and devices, only interacting with people you already know) - students copy created Mindmap in books - ICT Activity - Students work in pairs to create a Powtoon video on How to stay safe online using - students provided with rubric of criteria for Powtoon video on Online Safety [Extn Activity 7X given more challenging criteria for video] - teacher first models how to use Powtoon and how to publish. Students’ creations are uploaded to BHS Virtual Library
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Digital Citizenship - Cyberbullying Focus Questions: What is Cyberbullying? What are the effects of Cyberbullying? What we can do to report and prevent Cyberbullying? What Australian laws and school policies are in place to deal with Cyberbullying?
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- laws and policies addressing - identify when policies and - students copy ‘Today we ICT.1 ; ICT.3 ; ICT.4 ; CCT.2 ; CCT.3 ; AOL - Mark for Cyberbullying laws are being breached will: from SmartBoard CCT.4 ; PS.1 ; PS.3 ; PS.4 ; EU.1 ; EU.2 ; Cyberbullying EU.3 infographic - strategies to deal with and - analyse the effects of - students answer revision 1.2 Deep understanding based on rubric report Cyberbullying Cyberbullying question: How can we stay 1.3 Problematic Knowledge AFL- teacher safe online? 2.1 Explicit quality criteria - describe ways to deal with 2.2 Engagement monitors students Cyberbullying - class discussion/teacher 2.4 Social support knowledge base - identify people and questioning about 3.3 Knowledge integration in class organisations who can help Cyberbullying and its effects 3 .4 Inclusivity discussions, and 3.5 Connectedness during creation of - students watch Cyberbullying Infographic and video from provides http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. feedback com/Cyberbullying.html followed by further class AAL - peer discussion/teacher questioning assessment/self regarding school policy and assessment of laws & how to deal with Infographic Cyberbullying and how to report it – Teacher writes student responses on SmartBoard
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- ICT Activity- students work in pairs to create a infographic detailing ‘What to do if you are Cyberbullied’ using - Teacher models use of provides rubric for marking criteria of Infographic [Extn Activity 7X students are given more challenging criteria of inclusions in Infographic] - student creations are uploaded to BHS Virtual Library - peer assessment of other’s Infographic based on rubric
Digital Citizenship – Digital Footprint Focus Questions – What is a digital footprint? Why is it important? How can we manage our digital footprints? How can we create a positive personal brand or online footprint? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- What is a Digital Footprint? - analyse aspects of our digital - students copy ‘Today we ICT.1 ; ICT.3 ; ICT.4 AOL - Mark for footprint will:’ from SmartBoard CCT.1 ; CCT.3 ; EU.1 ; EU. 2 ; EU.3 Digital Footprint - The importance of managing - students answer revision PS.3 ; PS.4 poster based on our digital footprint to reflect - evaluate why it is important question: Identify steps to take rubric ; online if someone Cyberbullied 1.2 Deep understanding QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello ourselves in a positive light to have a positive digital - class discussion/Teacher 1.3 Problematic knowledge quiz footprint questioning What is a digital 1.4 Higher order thinking - Ways to create a positive footprint? 2.1 Explicit quality criteria AFL- teacher personal brand - identify and describe ways to - analysis of Digital Footprint 2.3 Engagement monitors students manage our digital footprint definition - class 2.4 Social Support knowledge base discussion/teacher questioning 3.1 Background knowledge in class - students watch Our Digital 3.3 Knowledge integration discussions, and Dossier video from 3.5 Connectedness during creation of http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. 3.6 Narrative poster providing com/digital-footprint.html feedback and - class discussion of the ways guidance as our digital footprint builds over needed ; online time, how does our digital quiz footprint affect our reputation? AAL - peer - Students watch video assessment/self Internet Danger - Everyone assessment of Knows Sarah from poster against http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. rubric ; online com/digital-footprint.html quiz - class discussion/teacher questioning on why it is important to manage our online reputation or personal brand - class watches Practice Safe Sharing – Your Online Reputation video from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/digital-footprint.html - Activity Think, Pair, Share – on ways to manage our Digital Footprint - teacher creates Mindmap from student responses on
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
SmartBoard - students copy Mindmap in books - ICT Activity - students work in groups to create a poster on ways to manage our Digital Footprint using - teacher models use of Smore and provides a marking rubric for poster - teacher uploads posters to BHS Virtual Library [Extn Activity 7X students given more challenging criteria for poster] ICT Activity- Students complete online quiz Digital Footprint Introduction to the Research Process Focus questions – What are the elements of the Research Process? How does this relate to Information Literacy? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we - breaking a Research process - recognise research as a ICT.2 AOL - Exit ticket will:’ from SmartBoard into manageable chunks or process ICT.5 - students answer revision stages CCT.2 AFL - teacher question: Identify 4 ways we - outline the steps of a monitors students can manage our Digital - the steps involved in a Research Process understanding in Footprint 1.1Deep Knowledge Research Process the course of Teacher questioning/class 1.4 Higher Order Thinking - describe what might be class discussions discussion – How do you go 1.5 Metalanguage - the uses of a Research involved in each step and questioning, about doing an assessment 1.6 Substantial Communication QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Process task or project? Name all the 2.1 Explicit Quality Criteria clarifying and - explain how this might be steps you use. 3.3 Knowledge integration providing - how this relates to useful for school and life - teacher creates a flow chart 3.4 Inclusivity feedback as Information Literacy outside school using student’s responses on 3.6 Connectedness required ; exit SmartBoard. ticket - Teacher shows concept map of Research Process with AAL - self various stages of the process evaluation using i.e. initiate, locate, select, exit ticket organise, present, assess from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/research-process.html - Class discussion: What benefits might there be of using a scaffold like this? - When might this be useful – in school – in life outside school? - teacher writes student responses on SmartBoard - students shown how to access Research Process scaffolds at http://www.blaxlandhighlibra process.html - class re-examines Information Literacy definition from earlier lesson – Class discussion/teacher questioning - How does the definition relate to the Research Process? - Activity - students copy QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
concept map of stages of Research Process into books across two pages [G.O. will be added to in subsequent lessons) - Activity - Exit ticket - Provide some examples of when you might use and information Research Process at school or at home - Class advised that Research Process will be examined in depth over next few lessons
The Research Process – First stage: Initiate Focus questions – What are the guiding questions of the Initiate stage? How can we address the guiding questions? How does this relate to Information Literacy? What are the Information Literacy skills required at this stage? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- the first stage of a Research - identify questions to ask at - students copy ‘Today we will’ CCT.1 ; CCT.2 ; CCT.3 ; CCT.4 AOL – Exit ticket Process: Initiate the initiate stage from SmartBoard PS.2 - students answer revision 1.1 Deep knowledge AFL – Exit ticket; - questions that we need to - explore strategies to help question: What are the 6 1.2 Deep understanding teacher monitors address at the initiate stage address questions in Initiate stages of a Research 1.4 Higher order thinking students stage process? 1.5 Metalanguage understanding in - strategies to address the - teacher questioning/ class 2.1 Explicit quality criteria the course of questions - identify and label the various discussion – What sort of 2.2 Engagement class discussions Information Literacy skills used questions might we need to 3.2 Cultural knowledge and questioning, - Information Literacy skills to address questions at the ask at this stage? 3.1 Background knowledge clarifying and employed at the Initiate stage initiate stage - teacher explores questions 3.3 Knowledge integration providing needed to be asked at this QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
stage: What is my purpose? feedback as What do I need to know for required this task? What are the keywords and ideas of the AAL – self topic? evaluation in - teacher models how one answering Exit would work through the first ticket question stages and answering the stage questions for a Sample Topic of Body Image for a PDHPE assessment task and accompanying rubric [The task requires students to: define the topic, describe the topic or issue, explain and analyse the causes and effects of the issue, explain and evaluate main approaches used to address the issue and suggest the best approach] - Teacher models how to address first two questions using KWL chart for Sample Topic using class input - teacher models creating a Mindmap to determine keywords and ideas for Sample Topic using student input - Activity - students copy created KWL and Mindmap from SmartBoard - teacher questioning class discussion to identify relevant
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Information Literacy skills employed as class works through the Guiding Questions - teacher shows slideshow to explain the Research River analogy and the thoughts, actions and feelings associated with each stage of the process. Teacher outlines the possible ‘dip’ or students experience at the select and organise stages and how we should work through these feelings - students add main concepts of this stage to concept map created last lesson - Exit ticket – What questions do we need to ask at the Initiate Stage of a Research Process? How can we address those questions?
The Research Process – Second Stage: Locate Focus questions – What are the guiding questions for this stage? How can we address the guiding questions for this stage? What are the Information Literacy skills required at this stage? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we will’ - second stage of Research - identify questions to ask at ICT.2 ; ICT.5 AOL - Online quiz from SmartBoard Process: Locate the Locate stage CCT.1 ; CCT.2 ; CCT.3 ; CCT.4 - students answer revision PS.2 AFL - Online question: What questions do - questions that we need to - explore strategies to help 1.1 Deep knowledge quiz, teacher
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello address at the Locate stage address questions in Locate we need to ask at the Initiate 1.2 Deep understanding monitors students stage Stage of a Research Process? 1.4 Higher order thinking understanding in - strategies to address the How can we address those 1.3 Problematic knowledge the course of questions - identify and label the various questions? 1.5 Metalanguage class discussions Information Literacy skills used - Introduce second stage of 2.1 Explicit quality criteria and online - Information Literacy skills to address questions at the Research Process: Locate. 2.2 Engagement searches employed at the Locate stage Locate stage Teacher explains that stages 3.1 Background knowledge clarifying and of the process can often 3.3 Knowledge integration providing - Boolean advances online - perform advanced Boolean overlap. 3.4 Inclusivity feedback as searches online searches - teacher questioning/ class 3.5 Connectedness required; teacher - more powerful search engine discussion – What sort of determines extent - Dogpile - use questions might we need to to which students ask at the Locate stage? have grasped - teacher explores questions concepts in needed to be asked at this lesson to stage: What do I already determine if know? What do I still need to further find out? How can I locate clarification and information on my topic? What revising is types of sources should I use? needed Students watch video on Locate stage from AAL - self http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. evaluation in com/locate.html answering Online - class discussion/ teacher quiz questioning How would we answer the first two questions What do I already know? What do I still need to find out? based on our KWL from last lesson - Activity -Think, Pair, Share activity: For our Sample Topic of Body Image how would we
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
answer questions: How can I locate information on my topic? What types of sources do should I use? - Students share findings, teacher writes more sophisticated responses on SmartBoard + class discussion/ teacher questioning on primary verses secondary sources - teacher questioning/class discussion on Information Literacy skills employed at Locate stage - students copy responses in books - Teacher models tools and techniques to narrow our online searches using keywords, ascertained from last lesson on Initiate stage, for online searches and searches for books in BHS library using inquiry terminals - Teacher demonstrates how to narrow our online searches for our Sample topic by using the more powerful search engine Dogpile and using advanced Boolean searches. - ICT Activity – students practice performing advanced
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Boolean searches using keywords for our Sample Topic on - students add main concepts of this stage to concept map created in earlier lesson - Online quiz – what questions do we need to ask at the Locate stage? How can we perform advanced Boolean searches?
The Research Process – Third Stage: Select Focus questions – What are the guiding questions for this stage? How can we address the guiding questions for this stage? What are the Information Literacy skills required at this stage? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- third stage of Research - identify questions to ask at - students copy ‘Today we will’ ICT.2 ; ICT.3 AOL - concept Process: Select the Select stage from SmartBoard ICT.4 ; ICT.5 map of evaluating - students answer revision CCT.1 ; CCT.2 CCT.3 ; CCT.4 sources, - questions that we need to - explore strategies to help question: What are the PS.2 ; PS.4 Online quiz ; can address at the Select stage address questions in Select questions we need to ask at EU.3 students stage the Locate stage? What are 1.1 Deep knowledge successfully use - strategies to address the some tools and techniques we 1.2 Deep understanding delicious and add questions at the Select stage - identify and label the various can use to narrow our online 1.4 Higher order thinking the BHSIL tag Information Literacy skills used searches? 1.3 Problematic knowledge - Information Literacy skills to address questions at the - teacher questioning/ class 1.5 Metalanguage AFL –-Online employed at the Locate stage Select stage discussion – What sort of 2.1 Explicit quality criteria quiz, concept questions might we need to 2.2 Engagement map, teacher - evaluating sources - apply evaluation criteria to ask at the Select stage? 2.4 Social support monitors QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
information sources - teacher explores questions 3.1 Background knowledge students’ - social bookmarking needed to be asked at this 3.3 Knowledge integration understanding in - use the social bookmarking stage: How relevant is the the course of tool to record information I have found? How class activities selected information credible is the information I and discussions have found? What information to clarify concepts can I leave out? How will I and strategies record the information I need? and to provide - students are reminded to feedback as refer back to Sample required; can Assessment question and students rubric successfully use - students watch video on the BHSIL tag ; Select stage from concept map http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/select.html AAL - self - class discussion/ teacher evaluation in questioning of Information answering Online Literacy skills required at this quiz ; peer stage and how we can evaluation in evaluate sources creating concept - students watch video on map Evaluating Sources from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/evaluating-sources.html - Class discussion/teacher questioning – How can we evaluate sources? - Activity students work in pairs create Mindmap on evaluating sources - Class discussion on: How will I record the information I need?
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- Students watch video on Social Bookmarking from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/social-bookmarking.html - Teacher models use of social bookmarking tool to bookmark selected relevant, credible and reliable websites for Sample Topic for later retrieval. Teacher models creating an online account. Delicious bookmarks can be accessed using any computer. [students are reminded to refer back to Sample Assessment question and rubric – have we selected information to address all aspects of the task?] - bookmarking helps us to record our information sources for referencing and citing purposes for the Present stage - Teacher demonstrates the social aspect of bookmarking using delicious and how students can share useful online resources and follow others using - ICT Activity - Students create an account on and then proceed to perform advanced
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Boolean searches, evaluate the sources and then bookmark selected web pages for our Sample Topic. Students attempt to find and follow peers online using the tag BHSIL - Teacher reminds students of our responsibilities as digital citizens in using social media - students add main concepts of this stage to concept map created in earlier lesson - ICT Activity - Online quiz – Evaluating Sources
The Research Process – Fourth Stage: Organise Focus questions – What are the guiding questions for this stage? How can we address the guiding questions for this stage? What are the Information Literacy skills required at this stage? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we will’ - third stage of Research - identify questions to ask at CCT.1 ; CCT.3 CCT.4 ; PS.2 AOL - SQ3R, from SmartBoard Process: Select the Organise stage PS.4 note taking, - students answer revision 1.1 Deep knowledge summarising and question: What are the - questions that we need to - explore strategies to help 1.2 Deep understanding paraphrasing questions we need to ask at address at the Organise stage address questions in Organise 1.4 Higher order thinking activity the Select stage? How can we stage 2.1 Explicit quality criteria evaluate sources? What online 2.2 Engagement AFL - teacher tool can we use to record - strategies to address the - identify and label the various 2.4 Social support monitors selected information sources? questions of the Organise Information Literacy skills used 3.2 Cultural knowledge students’ - teacher questioning/ class stage to address questions at the 3.1 Background knowledge understanding in discussion – What sort of Organise stage 3.3 Knowledge integration the course of questions might we need to QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- Information Literacy skills ask at the Organise stage? 3.4 Inclusivity class activities employed at the Organise - read for understanding, note - teacher explores questions and discussions stage take, summarise and needed to be asked at this to clarify concepts paraphrase stage: Have I enough and strategies - SQ3R, note taking, information for my purpose? and to provide summarising and Which information sources feedback as paraphrasing techniques best addresses my topic? How required; SQ3R, can I group, classify and note taking, categorise information? summarising and - students watch video on paraphrasing Organise stage from activity, concept http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. map com/organise.html - Teacher and class examines AAL – peer the criteria and rubric for the evaluation in sample PDHPE assessment SQ3R, note task of Body Image. [The task taking, requires students to: define summarising and the topic, describe the topic or paraphrasing issue, explain and analyse the activity causes and effects of the issue, identify and evaluate main approaches used to address the issue and suggest the best approach] - [At the organise stage we group information under the assessment task criteria or dot points] - Information literacy skills – required at the stage – reading for understanding, classifying, note taking, summarisng, paraphrasing
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- students watch video on SQ3R – reading for understanding from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/sq3r-reading-4- understanding.html - teacher questioning/ class discussion of SQ3R technique for understanding and analysing the information we read. - students shown video on note taking and summarising from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/note-taking-- summarising.html - class discussion/ teacher questioning on note taking and summarising video - students shown video on paraphrasing techniques from http://www.blaxlandhighlibrary. com/paraphrasing.html - class discussion/ teacher questioning on paraphrasing video - teacher models SQ3R, note taking, summarising and paraphrasing of a passage on causes of body image issues - students add main concepts of this stage to concept map created in earlier lesson
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- Activity - students are divided into pairs to use the SQ3R technique to read a passage of information on The social effects of body image. At the read stage of SQ3R students use the Cornell method of note taking to summarise the passage. Once summarised students then ensure the information is paraphrased or written in own words. [Extn Activity 7X students are given longer passage to summarise and paraphrase]
The Research Process – Fifth Stage Present Focus questions – What are the guiding questions for this stage? How can we address the guiding questions for this stage? What are the Information Literacy skills required at this stage? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we will’ from SmartBoard ICT.2 ; ICT.3 AOL - created - the fifth stage of the - students answer revision ICT.4 ; ICT.5 webpage, Research Process - identify questions to ask at question: What are the CCT.1 ; CCT.2 concept map the Present stage questions we need to ask at PS.2 ; PS.4 - questions that we need to the Organise stage? What EU.1 ; EU.2 address at the Present stage - explore strategies to help skills are required at the AFL - created QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
address questions in Present Organise stage? 1.2 Deep understanding passage, stage - teacher questioning/ class 1.4 Higher order thinking webpage, - strategies to address the discussion – What sort of 1.5 Metalanguage bibliography ; questions of the Present stage - identify and label the various questions might we need to 2.1 Explicit quality criteria concept map, Information Literacy skills used ask at the Present stage? 2.2 Engagement - Information Literacy skills to address questions at the - teacher explores with class 2.4 Social support employed at the Present stage Present stage questions needed to be asked 2.5 Cultural knowledge AAL – peer proof at this stage: What will I do 3.1 Background knowledge reading - checklist for present stage - build and design a webpage with this information? With 3.2 Cultural knowledge whom will I share this 3.3 Knowledge integration - building and designing a web - compile a bibliography using information? How will I 3.4 Inclusivity page communicate or share this 3.4 Connectedness information? - compiling a bibliography - Teacher refers to the Body Image Sample Task that asks - using students to present and share their findings in the form of a web page using . Audience is teachers, peers and worldwide. - teacher models building of Weebly web page and demonstrates tools used to add text, images and embed video content. Teacher explores web design and how to build a balanced visually appealing webpage. - Teacher directs students to examine the criteria and rubric for the sample PDHPE assessment task of Body Image. Teacher and class go
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
through check list for presentation: - do we have enough information to address all the criteria? - do we have our information organised under relevant headings? - is our information paraphrased in our own words? - have we proof read our writing and run a spell check? - have we included a bibliography in alphabetical order from author’s surname using ? - is our information presented in a logical, sequential format? - is our webpage visually appealing? - is our webpage suitable for our audience? - ICT Activity – student are divided into groups of three to build a web page using the summarised and paraphrased passage from previous lesson on The social effects of body image. - students first swap passages to proof read and then run spell checks
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- students then find images and arrange text and images on their webpage - students address all aspects of checklist - students add main concepts of this stage to concept map created in earlier lesson Homework task: students look for suitable videos and embed in webpage [departmental filters block students from even educational videos].
The Research Process – Sixth Stage Assess Focus questions – What are the guiding questions for this stage? How can we address the guiding questions for this stage? What are the Information Literacy skills required at this stage? General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- the last stage of the - identify questions to ask at - students copy ‘Today we will’ ICT.1 ; ICT.4 AOL – Online Research Process the Assess stage from SmartBoard ICT.5 ; CCT.3 CCT.4 ; PS.2 quiz - students answer revision PS.4 ; EU.1 EU.2 - questions that we need to - explore strategies to help question: What are the AFL – Online address at the Asses stage address questions in Assess questions we need to ask at 1.1Keep knowledge quiz, Peer stage the Present stage? What skills 1.2 Deep Understanding assessment, PMI are required at the Present 1,4 Higher order thinking activity, concept - strategies to address the - identify and label the various stage? 1.5 Metalanguage map questions of the Assess stage Information Literacy skills used - teacher questioning/ class 2.1 Quality explicit criteria to address questions at the discussion – What sort of 2.2 Engagement AAL – Online - Information Literacy skills Assess stage questions might we need to 2.4 Social support quiz, Peer employed at the Assess stage ask at the Assess stage? 3.1 Background knowledge assessment, PMI - assess both the process and - teacher explores with class 3.2 Cultural knowledge QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
- need to assess not only the the product questions needed to be asked 3.3 Knowledge integration product but also the process at this stage: 3.5 Connectedness - become aware of their own Did I fulfill my purpose? How learning process well did I go with each step of (metacognition) the information process? How well did I go presenting the information? Where do I go from here? - ICT Activity – Peer Assessment using Google forms - students examine others’ Weebly web pages created last lesson and completed for homework. Students view and peer assess other web pages based on content and presentation using marking rubric [students reminded about appropriate and ethical use of technology – Think before you post] - ICT Activity - Online quiz for students assess the process as well as the product. Students assess working in groups – skills, process and outcome of self and others - Class views web pages and peer assessment evaluations and comments - class activity – PMI – created on SmartBoard from student contributions on assessment
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
of the use of a Research Process scaffold - students add main concepts of this stage to concept map created in earlier lesson - Teacher led class discussion of how assess process helps students to refine Research Process skills for future use (often we self assess along all stages of the Research Process)
Guided Inquiry Research Process / Project Based Learning – collaborative teaching cross curricular task Focus Questions – How can we apply the steps of Research Process to a new Guided Inquiry / PBL ?
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we will’ - applying Research Process - apply a Research Process to ICT.2 ; ICT.5 CCT.1 ; CCT.2 ; AOL - Mindmap from SmartBoard to an independent GI/PBL task an independent GI/PBL task CCT.3 ; CCT.4 activity, KWL - students answer revision PS.2 question: What are the stages - concepts of chosen research - identify concepts of chosen 1.1 Deep knowledge of a Research Process? topic research topic 1.2 Deep understanding AFL - Mindmap - students are advised that 1.4 Higher order thinking activity ; Online they will be putting into - questions that we need to 1.5 Metalanguage survey, KWL, practice the skills and steps of address at the initiate stage - identify what they already 2.1 Explicit quality criteria observation Research Process as a know about a topic and what 2.2 Engagement cooperative learning task over - strategies to address the they need to know 2.5 Students’ self – regulation AAL - Mindmap, several lessons questions 2.6 Student Direction Online survey, - students will be put into - identify questions to ask at 3.2 Cultural knowledge GI/PBL Group groups of 3 or 4 to undertake - Information Literacy skills the initiate stage 3.1 Background knowledge work, KWL the Research Process 3.3 Knowledge integration QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello employed at the Initiate stage - Groups will be able to - explore strategies to help choose their research topic address questions in Initiate from: Animal rights and stage welfare, Globilisation, Climate change, Indigenous rights, - identify and label the various Gender discrimination, Information Literacy skills used Obesity, Racial prejudice and to address questions at the discrimination, Endangered initiate stage species, Ethical consumerism, Asylum seekers and Immigration, Social impacts of digital media [Extn Activity 7X students can choose their own social or environmental issue not on the list] - students refer to and follow class notes and use concept map created during Research Process modeled in earlier lessons to help them with this research task - students provided with task outline and marking rubric Task outline: Aligned with ALARM - Define and describe the topic or issue - Explain the causes - Examine the effects - Discuss main approaches used to address the issue - Assess the best approach [Extn / Enrich Activity 7X student’s rubric also requires
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
students to write a letter to a Govt or NGO to draw attention to the issue or suggest a solution/approach to address the issue] - Students break off into groups to discuss and choose topic and to plan the initiate stage - Activity - students create a Mindmap to determine main ideas or concepts of their topic (students may need to determine a focus of the topic if it is too broad). - Teachers observe student - teachers’ role is of guide and facilitator and only intervenes at crucial points based on observation and AFL tasks. - Activity – students create a KWL to determine what they know and what they need to know - ICT Activity - Online survey – students surveyed on what they already know about their topic, how confident they are feeling and how they plan to approach their research.
Guided Inquiry Research Process / Project Based Learning Task – Locate and Select Stages Focus Questions – How can we apply the skills for Locate and Select stage to an independent Guided Inquiry / PBL ?
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- questions that we need to - identify questions to ask at - students copy ‘Today we will’ ICT.2 ; ICT.3 AOL - address at the Locate and the Locate and Select stages from SmartBoard ICT.4 ; ICT.5 bookmarked Select stages - explore strategies to help - students answer revision CCT.1 ; CCT.2 CCT.3 ; CCT.4 websites - strategies to address the address questions in Locate question: What are the PS.2 ; PS.4 questions at Locate and Select and Select stages questions and skills required EU.3 AFL - Online Stages - identify and label the various at the Locate and Select 1.1 Deep knowledge Survey, - Information Literacy skills Information Literacy skills used stage? 1.2 Deep understanding Bookmarked employed at the Locate and to address questions at the - Students reminded that 1.4 Higher order thinking websites, Select stages Locate and Select stages stages often overlap 1.3 Problematic knowledge observation - applying advanced searches - perform advanced Boolean - students are challenged to 1.4 Higher order thinking for a new topic searches for new topic using select and evaluate web 1.5 Metalanguage - evaluating sources for a new pages as they are performing 2.1 Explicit quality criteria AAL - group work topic - evaluating currency searches 2.2 Engagement of evaluating and - social bookmarking a new relevance, author, accuracy - students review Concept 2.5 Students’ self – regulation bookmarking topic and purpose of a source map form earlier lessons to 2.6 Student Direction websites, Online - social bookmark web pages determine how to address 3.1 Background knowledge survey for a new topic after evaluating Locate and Select stages 3.2 Cultural knowledge and determining their - students are directed to 3.3 Knowledge integration reexamine and constantly usefulness 3.4 Inclusivity refer to GI/PBL task outline 3.5 Connectedness below and the marking rubric The task outline: - Define and describe the topic or issue - Explain the causes - Examine the effects - Discuss main approaches used to address the issue - Assess the best approach] - ICT Activity – students work in groups to address the QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Locate and Select stages of their GI / PBL on chosen topic - working in groups and using Mindmap of concepts determined in previous lesson students perform advanced Boolean searches to locate sources on their chosen topic. - Group nominates one member to locate relevant and useful books in school library. Useful books are borrowed by class teacher. - Group works together to evaluate the sources and then use to bookmark useful and reliable sources for future reference. Student use identifying tag for bookmarked websites for teacher assessment - teachers observe and provide feedback and/or intervention only at critical points - ICT Activity - Online survey - students are surveyed on how steps they are taking to approach the Locate and Select stages, what they are finding easy and what they are finding difficult and how confident they are feeling at this stage.
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
Guided Inquiry Research Process / Project Based Learning Task – Organise Stage Focus Questions – How can we apply the skills for Organise stage to an independent Guided Inquiry / PBL ?
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- students copy ‘Today we will’ ICT.2 ; ICT.5 - questions that we need to - explore strategies to help from SmartBoard CCT.1 ; CCT.3 CCT.4 ; PS.2 AFL - address at the Organise stage address questions in Organise - students answer revision PS.4 observation, stage question: What are the 1.1 Deep knowledge Online survey - strategies to address the questions and skills required 1.2 Deep understanding questions of the Organise - identify and label the various at the Organise stage? 1.4 Higher order thinking AAL - Online stage Information Literacy skills used - students are directed to refer 2.1 Explicit quality criteria survey to address questions at the to GI / PBL criteria and rubric 2.2 Engagement - Information Literacy skills Organise stage together with Concept map 2.4 Social support employed at the Organise created in earlier lessons 2.5 Students’ self – regulation stage - read for understanding, note Activity - students work in 2.6 Student Direction take, summarise and groups to determine: Have I 3.2 Cultural knowledge - SQ3R, note taking, paraphrase enough information for my 3.1 Background knowledge summarising and purpose? Which information 3.3 Knowledge integration paraphrasing techniques sources best addresses my 3.4 Inclusivity topic? How can I group, classify and categorise information? - Group organises task under headings and divides task between members. ICT Activity - Using previously evaluated information sources students undertake SQ3R - reading for understanding and note take, summarise and paraphrase information.
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
[Students can elect to do this electronically or using pen and paper and then later typing] Students are reminded to refer back to task outline and marking rubric The task outline: - Define and describe the topic or issue - Explain the causes - Examine the effects - Discuss main approaches used to address the issue - Assess the best approach - group pools notes and determines if they have sufficient information to address task criteria - teacher observes and only intervenes or provides feedback at critical points - ICT Activity - Online survey - students are surveyed on how steps they are taking to approach the Organise stages, what they are finding easy ad what they are finding difficult and how confident they are feeling at this stage.
Guided Inquiry Research Process / Project Based Learning Task – Present Stage Focus Questions – How can we apply the skills for Present stage to an independent Guided Inquiry / PBL ?
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
ICT.2 ; ICT.3 - questions that we need to - identify questions to ask at - students copy ‘Today we will’ ICT.4 ; ICT.5 address at the Present stage the Present stage from SmartBoard CCT.1 ; CCT.2 AOL - created - students answer revision PS.2 ; PS.4 webpages, Online - explore strategies to help question: What are the EU.1 ; EU.2 survey - strategies to address the address questions in Present questions and skills required 1.2 Deep understanding questions of the Present stage stage at the Present stage? 1.4 Higher order thinking - students are directed to refer 1.5 Metalanguage AFL – created - Information Literacy skills - identify and label the various to GI / PBL criteria and rubric 2.1 Explicit quality criteria webpages, employed at the Present stage Information Literacy skills used together with Concept map 2.2 Engagement bibliography, to address questions at the created in earlier lessons 2.4 Social support Online survey - checklist for present stage Present stage Activity – Group explores 2.5 Students’ self – regulation check list for presentation: 2.6 Student Direction AAL – peer proof - building and designing a web - build and design a webpage - Do we have enough 3.1 Background knowledge reading, Online page information to address all the 3.2 Cultural knowledge survey - compile a bibliography using criteria? Do we have our 3.3 Knowledge integration - compiling a bibliography information organised under 3.4 Inclusivity relevant headings? Is our 3.4 Connectedness information paraphrased in our own words? Have we proof read our writing and run a spell check? Have we included a bibliography in alphabetical order from author’s surname using ? Is our information presented in a logical, sequential format? Is our webpage visually appealing? Is our webpage suitable for our audience? - ICT Activity – students work QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
in their group to build web pages for their topic using the summarised and paraphrased passage from previous lesson. Students swap passages to proof read and then run spell checks - students then find images and arrange text and images on their webpage - students cross check that they have addressed all aspects of task outline ie. Task outline: - Define and describe the topic or issue - Explain the causes - Examine the effects - Discuss main approaches used to address the issue - Assess the best approach - ICT Activity - Online survey - students are surveyed on how steps they are taking to approach the Organise stages, what they are finding easy ad what they are finding difficult and how confident they are feeling at this stage. - Homework task: students look for suitable videos and embed in webpage [departmental filters block students from accessing even
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
educational videos] - Activity Presentation – students present their webpages to the class and explain their processes and successes and challenges.
Guided Inquiry Research Process / Project Based Learning Task – Assess stage Focus Questions – How can we apply the skills for Assess stage to an independent Guided Inquiry / PBL ?
General Capabilities Elements/ Quality Students learn about: Students learn to: Teaching and learning Teaching Assessment
- questions that we need to - identify questions to ask at - students copy ‘Today we will’ ICT.1 ; ICT.4 address at the Asses stage the Assess stage from SmartBoard ICT.5 ; CCT.3 CCT.4 ; PS.2 - students answer revision PS.4 ; EU.1 EU.2 AFL - Online - explore strategies to help question: What are the 1.2Keep knowledge survey, Peer - strategies to address the address questions in Assess questions we need to ask at 1.2 Deep Understanding assessment, questions of the Assess stage stage the Assess stage? What skills 1,4 Higher order thinking Debriefing activity are required at the Assess 1.5 Metalanguage - Information Literacy skills - identify and label the various stage? 2.1 Quality explicit criteria AAL - Online employed at the Assess stage Information Literacy skills used - Debriefing Activity – students 2.2 Engagement Survey Peer to address questions at the break into groups to explore: 2.4 Social support assessment - need to assess not only the Assess stage Did I fulfill my purpose? How 2.5 Students’ self – regulation product but also the process well did I go with each step of 2.6 Student Direction - assess both the process and the information process? How 3.1 Background knowledge the product well did I go presenting the 3.2 Cultural knowledge information? Where do I go 3.3 Knowledge integration - become aware of their own from here? 3.5 Connectedness learning process - Students share their findings (metacognition) with the class - ICT Activity - Peer Assessment using Google
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
forms - students examine others’ Weebly web pages. Students view and peer assess other web pages based on content and presentation using marking rubric [students reminded about appropriate and ethical use of technology – Think before you post] - ICT Activity - Online survey / Self assessment - What they found easy ad what they found difficult students, what they would do differently next time - students assess the process as well as the product. Students also assess working in groups – contribution, social skills, research process skills, final product of self and others.
Program Evaluation
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative Year 7 Program Cathy Costello
QTF - Intellectual quality Quality learning environment Significance 1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge 1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration 1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity 1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness 1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative