A20 Global Social Leadership Summit on Child Advocacy

Building a Dynamic Platform for Global Child Protection Cooperation

Introduction of A20 Summit

1. Project Background and Objectives The survival, protection, and development of children is directly related to the future and security of nations. In order to promote global exchange of experiences in child protection, to strengthen cooperation among social organizations concerning child protection throughout the world (especially in developing countries), and to promote child protection in developing countries, Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center, in association with Alibaba Group, launches the A20 Global Social Leadership Summit on Child Advocacy (A20 Summit). A20 Summit aims to cultivate leading social organizations in child protection and advance their pioneering role on child advocacy in their home countries. 2. Basic Project Content A20 Summit invites leaders of child protection social organizations from 20 countries in the world to attend a 10-day training in China. Through training lectures, field trips, brainstorming, and exchange of experiences, leaders will share the best practices in child protection in each country and explore the best plan for coordinated development among global social organizations. The A20 Summit consists of 3 parts: Part I: International organizations such as UNICEF, Save the Children International, Chinese government officials, judges, prosecutors, and experts will introduce international and Chinese child protection experiences and practices, such as “TUANYUAN (Reunion)” Online Anti-Trafficking Project;

Page 1 Part II: Social organizations will introduce child protection work in their countries, share best practices, introduce difficulties, discuss the best solutions, and then project external support needed in the future; Part III: Visit China's child protection agencies. 3. Project Timing and Methods a. Application Time

A20 Summit global recruitment lasts from December 1st, 2017 to January 20th 2018. Candidates may be interviewed via telephone. b. Training Exchange Time The first training and exchange session of A20 Summit will be held for 10 days from March 17, 2018 to March 26, 2018. c. Application Method Please send the completed application form (see attachment), a resume, a recent photo and recommendation letter to [email protected] and [email protected] by January 20th, 2018. All countries, especially those with outstanding child protection organizations and those considered developing countries, are welcome to apply. International organizations are also welcome to nominate outstanding candidates. Please refer to the application form for conditions of application. 4. Project Organizers Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center was established in 1999 and received special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council in 2011. It is the most influential child protection 2 organization in China. The center provides free legal assistance to children whose rights have been infringed upon in various parts in China, conducts empirical research, promotes legislative and policy reforms in the area of protection of children in China, and provides lawyers for the protection of minors nationwide working on a pro bono basis. It has also formed a collaborative network consisting of more than 8,000 lawyers. The center has also established long-term cooperative relations with UNICEF, International Save the Children and other international child protection organizations. Founded in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 1999, Alibaba Group is a leading global internet company with a strong sense of social responsibility. Each year, the Alibaba Group donates a certain percentage of its revenues to the Alibaba Foundation. Registered at China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs, Alibaba Foundation was formally established on December 22nd, 2011 and became a national non-public fundraising foundation. The purpose of Alibaba Foundation is to create a public welfare atmosphere, develop public welfare undertakings, and promote sustainable development among people, society, and nature. In November 2015, with Alibaba Group’s technical support, Alibaba Foundation developed the “TUANYUAN (Reunion)” system, an emergency platform for missing children posted by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security. Since May 15 th, 2016, the International Family Day, “TUANYUAN (Reunion)” has posted information of 1918 missing children and helped find 1847 of them. The rate of recovery has gradually risen from 89% to 91%, 92%, 94%, 95% and 96.3%. Currently, the “TUANYUAN (Reunion)” system is linked to 19 new media and mobile applications and 21 popular applications, including Gaode Map (AutoNavi), Sina Weibo, Alipay . Single information on “TUANYUAN (Reunion)” can be sent to more than 100 million people. The system has already sent information to 110 billion people and 530 billion people has joined the anti-trafficking action. “TUANYUAN (Reunion)” has created a friendly environment for the growth of children, has provided strong technical support for everybody participating in child protection, and has been introduced to U.S. and African organizations and international judicial organizations as Chinese anti-trafficking practice.

Page 3 Attachment: Application Form

A20 Summit Application Form

Application Qualifications 1. The applicant's organization is an organization for child protection and has been registered with the government and operated for more than three years; 2. The applicant is the principal person in charge of the organization and has served for more than three years; 3. The applicant and his/her organization has a good reputation in the industry (social media coverage must be provided, at least one article); 4. The applicant should have the ability to communicate in English, French or both; 5. The applicant is in good health condition and had no criminal record. The following form needs to be filled out by the applicant and supplemented with a resume, a recent photo, and letters of recommendation. All application materials should be sent to:[email protected] and [email protected] The project's mailing address provided above, and the application deadline is January 20, 2018.

Part I: Basic Information 1. Applicant Basic Information

A. Given Name B. Surname

4 C. Title (Mr./Mrs./Ms.) D.Nationalit y E. City F. Birth Date G. Cell phone # H. Email I. Postcode J. Fax K. Home Address M. Emergency L. Emergency contact contact #

2. Organization Basic Information

A. Organization’s Name B. Organization’s Address C. Organization’s Website D. Applicant’s Position E. Date of Establishment

Page 5 Part II: Cover Letter A. Please briefly describe 3-5 projects that your organization has led recently. (500 words)

B. Please briefly explain your motivation for applying. (300 words)

C. What is the future role you expect your organization to play in child protection, nationally? (500 words)

6 D. Please provide your opinion on the future of international cooperation in children’s rights. (500 words)

If you have any questions related to the A20 Summit, please contact our Project Coordinator: Ms. Weizhen ZHAN ([email protected]; +86 10 6383 5845)

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