Outdoor Adventure Games

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Outdoor Adventure Games

A Grade 5 Physical Education Unit Plan

PE 435 F01 Allison Chan Cheryl Meyer Unit Description

Outdoor adventure games encompass all games that are intended for an outdoor setting, although can be modified for indoor gymnasium use as well. As defined in Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education (Panicucci, J. & Stratton Constable, N., 2003), adventure exists where there is an element of surprise, engagement, challenge, and some risk-taking. This unit offers games and activities that work toward developing all of these elements as well as developing team-building and game strategizing skills. Although adventure games do not work on building specific skill sets, such as throwing or dribbling, they offer a variety of motor development opportunities. We both have personal background knowledge and experience in outdoor adventure games when working with children’s summer day camps for the past 3 to 4 years. This unit could be taught in any grade five class in any context, although it may become more challenging in a northern community in the winter, what with heavy snowfall and the colder climate.

Curriculum Tie-In

Target Grade Level: 5

PLO’s:  demonstrate safe use of equipment and facilities to avoid putting self and others at risk  demonstrate fair play in physical activity  demonstrate leadership in physical activity

Overall Learning Outcomes – Students will be able to:  be safe in physical actions during play  follow rules during adventure activities  participate fully as a team member  demonstrate what makes a cooperative team  work together to develop strategies and goals during game play  identify his or her own limits when it comes to challenge and risk  demonstrate appropriate and effective communication with others  show respect for and awareness of the outdoor environment References

Kamiya, A. (1985). Elementary Teacher’s Handbook of Indoor and Outdoor Games. New York: Parker Publishing Company, Inc.

Panicucci, J. & Stratton Constable, N. (2003). Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education: Elementary School. Beverly, MA: Project Adventure, Inc. http://wilderdom.com/games/InitiativeGames.html  A list of activities / challenges / games that focus on team building and problem solving. Great introductory activities. http://www.youthwork-practice.com/games/outdoor-adventure-games.html  Used in lessons 2, 5 & 6 http://www.firststepstraining.com/resources/activities/archive/activity_frenzy.htm  Culminating activity in lesson 1 Grade: 5 Lesson 1 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes – Students will Topic: Introduction to Outdoor be able to: Adventure Games Unit - Teambuilding  Identify their personal definitions for adventure Equipment:  Identify and demonstrate teamwork and -long, thin rods (4) other skills required for success in -tarps (4) various challenge activities -5 hula hoops and many small balls Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points -Divide class into teams Debriefing: Helium Stick challenge of 8 -Initial reactions to -Team must lower rod challenge? to ground using tops of -How well did the group fingers only cope with this challenge? -Signal to get class -What skills did it take to attention: whistle or be successful as a group? FREEZE Skill Development All Aboard! Important components that Introduction to outdoor adventure games -Team must work should be included in together and physically definition: unit: support one another in -challenge order to remain on top -risk-taking In teams, create a definition of adventure. of a tarp as they attempt -surprise / the unknown What makes something adventurous? to continually fold it -fun / engaging smaller and smaller Create a class definition of adventure to The Human Knot -Team gets shoulder to Debriefing: guide us throughout the unit shoulder and grasp 2 -Discuss what was other team members important in order for All Aboard! challenge hands success in challenges The Human Knot challenge -They must untangle (communication, themselves without cooperation, strategy, etc.) letting go of hands Culminating Activity See website for Important to stop and Frenzy organization / set up discuss what is working / http://www.firststepstraining.com/resources/activit not working throughout ies/archive/activity_frenzy.htm activity (strategy!). Activity highlights cooperation rather than competition. Closure Next class, we are taking it outside, so dress appropriately!

Assessment (What I am looking for in Teams hand in definitions of adventure for a mark of order to judge achievement of learning complete / incomplete outcomes) Teacher observation of individual participation in activities and discussions (choosing 3 or 4 students to observe) Grade: 5 Lesson 2 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes – Students will Topic: Safety in Outdoor Environments be able to:  Identify important safety points Equipment: regarding activity in outdoor forested -forested playing area environments -pylons to mark boundaries  Participate well in semi-competitive -cards -ice cream bucket with hole in lid (mailbox) activities both independently and as a -big bundle of papers team member -a few pens Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points -Sit in circle on field or Important points: Discussion of safety in outdoor forest in forested playing area boundaries, moving --Signal to get class carefully, pushing/ games attention: whistle or shoving, respecting FREEZE plants/trees/other living things Skill Development -Choose 3 volunteers to Determine forested Knocking game be knockers playing area boundaries -Divide class into 5 prior to beginning game groups -Knockers hide in forested playing area, knocking on trees at all times (can move from Debriefing: tree to tree) -Strategies for team -Teams compete to find success in game and tag knockers. If -What were some successful, they receive environmental factors that a card from knocker. made this a more Team with most cards challenging game? wins. Culminating Activity -One person carries a Teacher should start off as Mailbox mailbox, one a bundle either the mailbox, paper, of paper, and one a or pens carrier and then, to Rules: couple of pens add an element of surprise, -Individuals must first find person with paper, then -Carriers run around, pass off item to another person with pens in order to write their name on hiding from other student and have other the paper, and then find the person with the individuals in forested carriers pass off their mailbox to put their name in box. Individuals must playing area items to other students go in that order and can only take one paper at a -NOT a tag game. without telling class of this time. Individuals are trying to get their name in Carriers only run away change in the game. mailbox the most. when moving to a different hiding spot. -Winners pick up boundary pylons Closure Safety review On a piece of paper, have students write down 3 important safety things to remember when participating in outdoor forest games? Assessment (What I am looking for in order to judge achievement of learning Students hand in 3 safety points for a mark out of 3 outcomes) Grade: 5 Lesson 3 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes – Students will Topic: Developing Strategy - Chasing be able to: Games  Participate actively and cooperatively in chasing games Equipment:  Identify relevant strategies and/or goals -forested playing area before and after playing the game Kick -pylons to mark boundaries the Can -large garbage can or plastic bin to act as a “can” Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points Streets and Alleys tag game -In an open field /open -Try to yell out “streets” space or “alleys” when it will

- - - - o o o o -Choose one runner and best benefit the chaser

-o- -o- -o- - - - -

-o- -o- -o- - - - - one chaser -Signal to get class

o o o o

- - - - -Students line up arms attention: whistle or

-o- -o- -o-

- - - -

o o o o length apart. When FREEZE

-o- -o- -o- - - - -

teacher yells “streets” streets alleys or “alleys”, students make a ¼ turn pivot Skill Development Kick the Can: Introduce rules for Kick the Can -The chaser waits by can and counts slowly to 25 while the rest of In pairs, come up with two possible class hides strategies/goals that the hiders might have -Chaser must move and two possible strategies/goals that the around playing area to chaser might have in this game. find hiders -When a hider is Discuss ideas as a class spotted, chaser races back to can and must kick it and say the name of the spotted hider before the hider can run back and kick the can Culminating Activity Determine forested Kick the Can playing area boundaries prior to beginning game Closure Discuss how effective the strategies/goals were. Was Success of strategies/goals there anything you noticed that really did not work? Anything you did that we had not thought of before. Was there any strategy in Streets and Alleys? Discuss importance of coming up with strategies before playing certain types of games. Assessment (What I am looking for in order to judge achievement of learning Teacher observation of individual participation in activities and discussions (choosing 3 or 4 students to outcomes) observe) Grade: 5 Lesson 4 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes – Students will Topic: Introduction to Smuggling be able to: Games  Work together as a team to complete challenges Equipment:  Participate actively in semi-competitive -forested playing area activities that involve smuggling items -pylons to mark boundaries -12 beanbags  Identify strategies involved in these -marking tape smuggling activities -pinnies Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points -Class works as a team Before class, hide 8 Find the Beanbags challenge to find hidden beanbags beanbags throughout throughout forest area forested playing area -Signal to get class attention: whistle or Determine forested FREEZE playing area boundaries prior to beginning game Skill Development -Sit in circle in forested Important points: Discuss overall success and strategies in playing area -Did students divide challenge themselves into smaller groups or work as one big group? -Who took on the leadership role? Did everyone work cooperatively? Culminating Activity -Divide class in half. Create boundaries with Capture the Beanbags One team wears marking to determine safe pinnies. zones, jails for each side Rules: -Discuss boundaries, and dividing line -Teams are trying to smuggle the beanbag from including safe zones, opposing team across boundary line jails, and line dividing -Players may not take more than one beanbag at a two sides time, and must carry beanbag, not throw across boundary line -Once a player reaches the other team's safe zone, where the beanbags must always remain, they can stay in the safe zone for up to 20 seconds before they must attempt to run back to their side -If tagged by opposing team, player goes to the other team's jail -Teammates can run to other team's jail to rescue prisoners. Only one prisoner can be rescued at a time. They get a free walk back to their side. -Team wins when they have successfully smuggled all 6 of the opposing team's beanbags. -No guarding the safe zone! -Beanbags cannot be hidden or passed to teammates Closure What worked? What didn’t work? How can we still Debriefing remain fair in these somewhat competitive games?

Assessment (What I am looking for in order to judge achievement of learning Self-assessment handout: Today, playing hard / safe / fair… outcomes) -Looked like -Sounded like -Felt like (one point for each) Grade: 6 Lesson 5 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes - Student will Topic: Puzzle Piece Orienteering be able to:  Develop awareness of space and Equipment: environment -Puzzle Pieces  Participate fully in team challenges -Map of forested area with puzzle piece locations  Hide strategically -Pylons -Stopwatch/timer  Use non-verbal communication -Whistle  Read a map to locate puzzle pieces Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points Sardines -Set up boundaries with Go over the signal for -One person hides in the forest while the rest of the pylons calling everyone back in group closes their eyes (Eg. On the blow of the -Everyone else has to go find them whistle) -Once a student or a few students have found the hidden person, they must stay and hide with them -The last person to find the group and hide with them lose Skill Development Discussion about the next upcoming Bring the class back Discuss: activity together next activity involves team work, communication, strategy and cooperation Pose questions: What makes a good team? What does a good team look like? What does good cooperation look like? Culminating Activity -Hide puzzle pieces in Students must locate their Puzzle Piece Orienteering designated areas puzzle pieces as quickly as -Divide students into two teams -Have small maps made possible and accurately -Have students locate their designated puzzle up for two teams assemble it pieces in the forest by using their maps -Distribute maps, one -Once all the pieces have been found, the puzzle for each student must be assembled at the designated spot -Designate the areas -Whichever team is the first to assemble their where the puzzle must puzzle challenge wins the race be assembled -Time for 15-20 minutes Closure Use whistle to call them back in Bring everyone back for debriefing: How do you know when you are cooperating? What do you do to help a group be successful? What was your team strategy for collecting the pieces? Assessment (What I am looking for in How did you contribute to your team? order to judge achievement of learning Did you fully participate in the team challenge? outcomes) Observation and Self-Assessment sheet: Is the student able to …  Participate fully in team challenges  Hide strategically  Use non-verbal communication or verbal communication with team mates  Read a map to locate puzzle pieces

Grade: 5 Lesson 6 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes - Student will be able to: Topic: Railway Tracks  Develop team strategies to defend their “railway” tracks Equipment:  Develop offensive team strategies to -Marking tape “ambush” the railway tracks -Pylons -Twist ties  Demonstrate fair play  Demonstrate safety in the forested area Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points Predator -Bring class together for -Carnivores (Red Pinnies): can tag omnivores explanation of rules -Omnivores (Blue Pinnies) : can tag herbivores -Herbivores (Green Pinnies) -Distribute ties to each -Twist ties represent lives, the following start with: player  Herbivores= 10 lives  Omnivores = 5 lives  Carnivores = 3 lives -This is a tag game, where every student will run around with twist ties in hand and the goal is to try and tag and take away “lives.” -Once tagged, you must give up one of your twist ties -There are two students who will be appointed one as a virus, and one as bacteria. -They can take lives or give lives to people as they please. They can also take the lives of the carnivores -When the time is up, whichever team has the most lives wins the game Skill Development Explain that this adventure game includes the Bring class together following: teamwork, cooperation and strategy skills

Teams must work together to complete the challenge and demonstrate safety and fair play Culminating Activity Railway Tracks -Divide the students into two groups: Railway Guards and Ambushers -One group will mark out their railway track with a band (marking tape) in the woods, while the other team huddles and discusses strategies for their plan of attack -The Railway Guard team are allowed to tape up a tree and make a trail up to 10-12 trees -The other group’s task is to try and ambush the railway tracks by removing the bands from the trees -The railway guard’s task now is to try and defend their track -Generate as a class the distance that the guards must be from the track -The guards must tag the ambusher on the shoulder to defend their track and once tagged, they must go to jail -To get out of jail, another team member must come and rescue the player out of jail Closure What were some team strategies for defending your Discussion and Reflection railway track? (Defensive strategies) What were some team strategies for ambushing the railway track? (Offensive strategies) Assessment (What I am looking for in order Observation and Self-Assessment sheet: to judge achievement of learning outcomes)  Develop team strategies to defend their “railway” tracks  Develop offensive team strategies to “ambush” the railway tracks  Demonstrate fair play  Demonstrate safety in the forested area Grade: 5 Lesson 7 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes - Student will be able to: Topic: Camouflage in the Forest  Use strategies that increase/decrease their success in the game Equipment:  Challenge themselves in finding an -Forested area appropriate hiding spot -Keys (car keys, equipment keys, or any small object)  Be aware of their body space -Whistle  Be aware of their environment  Demonstrate safety in the forest Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points Deer’s Ears -Have the class sit in a circle -One student stands in the middle of the circle blindfolded -Have the keys laid out in front of the blindfolded student -Students in the circle must try to steal the keys from the inside, only one at a time, without being pointed out by the blindfolded student -If a student is caught then they must leave the circle -The blindfolded student has three chances to point someone out Skill Development Bring class together Discussion Q's: Discussion: Talk about the skills that they Review safety and risks In the game Deer’s Ears, in the forest: how were you able to will be developing in this adventure -There will be successfully or challenge boundaries where you unsuccessfully remove the cannot cross keys from them? What Explain that the game Camouflage takes -Everyone must be were some strategies? place in the forest where the goal is to within eyesight of blend yourself into the forests and teacher -Mark and set up environment around you boundaries using pylons Culminating Activity Camouflage -One person will be chosen to be “It” -They are restricted to staying at a central point of the forest, for example a large tree. -“It” yells out “Camouflage” at the start of the game and closes their eyes and starts counting to 20 in a loud voice -All the other students must then hide in the forest. -The criteria for hiding, is that you can hide anywhere but you have to be able to see the “it” student from the hiding spot. After the count is up, the person starts searching for the other students only within the perimeter of the tree. “It” can only search for students by circling around the tree with one hand on it at all times. -If “It” can see you, they will call out the student’s name, or describe what they are wearing and point at them. -When called out, they come to the middle, where the central tree is and they are out of the game. -If the game is coming to a lull and “It” only has a few more people to catch, “it” will yell, “Food for 20!” -Which means “it” counts out to 20, and puts his/her hand out and students must run and tag “It’s” hand and go to a new hiding spot. -After everyone has been found the game is then over and it is time to switch up the “it.” -If at a time where “It” only has a couple players left and if the “It” wants to check to see that the players are in eyesight, he/she can yell “Fingers” and place out any number of fingers in the air. (Example: three) -“It” must yell out “Game over!” and the two students must run up and say the number of fingers they saw. Closure Bring the class together Debrief about activity challenge What factors helped you succeed in the Camouflage?

Assessment (What I am looking for in Observation and Self-Assessment sheet: order to judge achievement of learning Is the student able to … outcomes)  Identify strategies that increased/decreased their success in the game  Challenge themselves in finding an appropriate hiding spot  Be aware of their environment  Demonstrate safety in the forest Grade: 6 Lesson 8 of 8 Lesson learning outcomes - Student will be able to: Topic: Capture the Flag in the Forest  Develop team strategy for retrieving the other team’s flag Equipment:  Develop defensive strategies to protect -One Flag and defend their territory -Two team sets of pinnies -Forested area  Use effective communication skills to -Pylons accomplish the task  Demonstrate fair play  Demonstrate safety in the forest Introductory activities/warm up Organization Teaching points -Class sitting together Go over boundaries Tree Tag for explanation of rules -There is one student that is designated “it” -Set up boundaries with -Everyone must run around in the marked areas pylons -The only “safe” place where you cannot be tagged is if you are touching a tree with any part of your body

Skill Development -Mark boundaries with Go over boundaries Explain: pylons -Go over safety rules -This next adventure activity involves a and fair play lot of communication skills, risk- taking, cooperation, teamwork, safety and fair play -There will be two teams and each team’s goal is to capture the other team’s flag and bring it back to their side of the forest, or “territory”

Culminating Activity

Capture the Flag -Divide students up into two teams -Wear two different coloured pinnies -Choose sides of the forest, and a centre line -Each team hides their flags -Designate jails and mark them using pylons -Place boundaries with pylons -At the blow of the whistle, run around, and the point is not to be tagged -If you are tagged, you must go to jail on the opposite team’s side -To get out of jail your team member must run and rescue you out of jail successfully without being tagged -Goal is to capture the other team and bring it back to your side -If the student carrying the flag is tagged, then they must drop the flag where the person was tagged and the game continues Closure How do you know when you are cooperating? Bring class together to debrief What strategies worked or did not work for your team when capturing the flag? What defensive skills did you use to protect your flag and territory? Assessment (What I am looking for in Observation and Self-Assessment sheet: order to judge achievement of learning Is the student able to … outcomes)  Develop team strategy for retrieving the other team’s flag  Develop defensive strategies to protect and defend their territory  Use effective communication skills to accomplish the task  Demonstrate fair play  Demonstrate safety in the forest OUTDOOR ADVENTURE GAMES SELF-ASSESSMENT

Rating Scale: Please circle one number

1) How well did I participate in today’s activity?

1 2 3 4 5

2) How did I work cooperatively with my team?

1 2 3 4 5

3) Identify one thing you did as a team as a whole:

4) Identify one thing you did as an individual in your challenge:


5) How did I demonstrate safety and/or fair play today?


6) From this list of words, pick and circle some words that described your involvement today:  Bossy  Thoughtful  Observant  Leader  Follower  Risky Other? ______

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