Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

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Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

Cell Division (p. 151-162)

1. How many chromosomes total are in each human somatic (body) cell? (p. 153)

2. How many pairs of chromosomes are in each human gamete (sex) cell? (p. 153)

3. What are autosomes? How many do we have? (152)

4. What are sex chromosomes? How many do we have? (152)

5. What is a karyotype and what can we tell just by looking at one? (153)

6. Describe the difference between a haploid cell and a diploid cell. (153)

7. Define Binary Fission. (154)

8. In which stage of the cell cycle does a cell spend most of it’s time? (155)

9. List the five stages of the cell cycle in order from first to last. (155)

10. Describe what happens in each of the five stages of the cell cycle. (155)

11. Draw a sketch of what happens in each phase of Mitosis. (156)

12. In which phase of Mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell? (156)

13. A typical human cell contains 46 chromosomes. After mitosis and cytokinesis, what do the two daughter cells look like compared to the parent cell? (157)

14. The cell cycle has ______stages while Mitosis has ______. (156-157)

15. Explain how cytokinesis is different in plant and animal cells. (157-158)

16. Define Mitosis. (156)

17. What is crossing-over? (162)

18. Why is exchanging segments of DNA so important during crossing-over? (162)

19. How do you figure out the number of cells produced after certain number of cell divisions? Using which formula?

20. What are the final goals or outcomes of mitosis versus meiosis?

21. Why does cancer happen?

22. Sexual versus asexual reproduction? Which one increases diversity?

DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis (p. 196-239)

23. Each organism has a unique combination of characteristics encoded in molecules of…(196) Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

24. What is the primary function of DNA? (196)

25. Describe the structure of DNA. (196)

26. Molecules of DNA are composed of long chains of …(197)

27. Draw and label the three parts of a nucleotide. (197)

28. The part of DNA for which it is named is the ______. (197)

29. 37. Name the two scientists credited with discovering the structure of DNA. (196)

30. What did Watson and Crick call the double stranded structure of DNA? (196)

31. Describe Chargaff’s rule. (198)

32. What are the base-pairing rules? (198)

33. During DNA replication, what does DNA polymerase do? (200)

34. During DNA replication, the original strand of DNA has the sequence CCTAGCT. What would the complementary strand of DNA be? (199)

35. List the three types of RNA and their functions. (205)

36. How is RNA different from DNA? (205)

37. In RNA, Adenine base-pairs with ______. (205)

38. Using the chart of codons on pg. 207, what would the sequence of amino acids be encoded by the following mRNA molecule: CUCAAGUGCUUC? (207)

39. What would the DNA strand be made from the following mRNA strand CUCAAGUGCUUC? (206)

40. What are the anticodons for the codons CUCAAGUGCUUC? (208)

41. If the DNA sequence TACACACAAACGGGG undergoes a mutation that changes the last base of G to a T, what effect would this have on the organism?

42. Why is the genetic code considered to be universal to all life on Earth? (207)

43. During translation, a ribosome binds to…(208-209)

44. In order for protein synthesis to occur, mRNA must migrate to the…(208-209)

45. What is transcription? (206)

46. Define codon. (207)

47. What three things can an error in DNA replication cause? (202) Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

Genetics (p.173-180) 48. Who was the “Father of Genetics”? (173)

49. How did Mendel obtain his Parent “P” generation? (175)

50. What is the probability that a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual will exhibit (have) the dominant phenotype? Show your work in a Punnett Square. (182) 51. What are true-breeding plants? (175)

52. What did Mendel call his original pure strain of pea plants? (175) 53. The passing of traits from parent to offspring is called…(173 54. A genetic trait that appears in every generation is called…(177)

55. Mendel’s Law of ______states that the inheritance of one trait had no effect on the inheritance of the other. (177)

56. Mendel’s Law of ______describes how traits can disappear and reappear in a certain pattern from generation to generation. (177)

57. Mendel’s Law of ______states that alleles of a gene separate from each other during meiosis. (177)

58. Describe the difference between genotype and phenotype. (180)

59. Describe the difference between homozygous and heteroygous. (180)

60. Draw a picture of homologous chromosomes that are heterozygous for a specific trait. (162)

61. What are the different types of mutations? When is a mutation considered harmful? (202, 239, 240)

62. What do we call the exchange of segments of DNA between a set of homologous chromosomes? (162)

63. Draw a picture of homologous chromosomes that are heterozygous for a specific trait. (162)

64. What are two examples of: a) co-dominance, b) incomplete dominance, c) sex-linked traits, d) multiple alleles, and e) polygenic traits? (237, 242-244)

65. The trait for flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance. Show the cross of a red flower (RR) and a white flower (WW). List the genotype and phenotype percentages of the offspring.

66. The trait for blood type is controlled by codominance. Show the cross of a mother that is heterozygous for blood type A (AO) and a father that is heterozygous for blood type B (BO). List the genotype and phenotype percentages of the offspring.

67. The trait for cattle coat color is controlled by codominance. Show the cross of two roan (RW) cattle. List the genotype and phenotype percentages of the offspring 68. The X and Y chromosomes are called the…(236)

69. If females are XX then males are ______. (236) Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

70. Which type of mutation happens when a piece of DNA breaks away from its chromosome and attaches to a nonhomologous chromosome? (239)

71. What is a mutation? (239)

72. Can the effects of a mutation be helpful, harmful or neutral? Explain. (202)

73. What is an X-Linked (Sex-Linked) trait? (237)

74. Who is more commonly affected by X-Linked traits, males or females? Why? (237)

75. Since the allele for colorblindness is located on the X chromosome, it is said to be a ______-linked trait. (237)

76. What are the effects of chemicals and radiation on DNA?

77. Consider a cross between a homozygous white-eyed female Drosophila and a red-eyed male Drosophila. What proportion of the female offspring would be expected to be white-eyed? What proportion of the male offspring would be expected to be white-eyed? Create an X-linked Punnett Square to show your work. (237)

Evolution and Natural Selection (p. 297 – 330)

78. List a few examples of fossils. (302) 79. Darwin drew his ideas for his theory from observations of organisms on the ______islands. (297)

80. Define adaptation. (300)

81. What was the major idea that Darwin presented in his book The Origin of the Species? (299)

82. Define Natural Selection. (1100)

83. Natural Selection could NOT occur without…(300)

84. Struggle to Survive is part of Natural Selection. Describe what Struggle to Survive means. (300)

85. The similarity of homologous structures means that we share a common ______. (305)

86. Homologous structures in organisms provide evidence that…(305). Give examples.

87. What is a vestigial structure? (306) Give two examples.

88. What are analogous structures? (p. 305)

89. The beak of a bird and the beak of a giant squid evolved independently and serve the same function. Which type of structures are these? (305)

90. List the 5 types of evidence for evolution. (302 – 306)

91. Does Natural Selection act on genotypes or phenotypes? (300)

92. What is artificial selection? (p. 310) Biology S2 Final Exam Study Guide

93. What is a phylogeny tree? Explain. (p. 307)

94. Define gene flow. (321)

95. Why does speciation occur as a result of geographic isolation? (327)

96. What is genetic variation? (300)

97. What type of speciation occurs when new species arise as a result of geographic isolation? (328)

98. How is reproductive isolation different from geographic isolation? (328)

99. What is cytochrome C? (see wksht)

100. Draw a graph that depicts stabilizing selection. Explain what stabilizing selection is (325 & wksht)

101. Which variation of peppered moth was selected during the industrial revolution? Why? (see wksht.)

102. How do antibiotics develop resistance to bacteria? (see blog)

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