Message Manager Business Compliancy Tool for Email Archival

Backup and Recovery of your email or Exchange server is not enough. Deleted or corrupted emails are not captured in backup routines, leaving you open to critical omissions of data.

DataChambers’ Message Manager email archival tool offers an easy way to archive and search for critical email and attachments—this allows you to remain in compliancy, meet your audit requirements and have solid email oversight, all while efficiently managing your storage and keeping costs low.

Elements: 1. Message Manager – a. logs and snapshots all emails and attachments in text format b. Provides easy to use portal allowing search by key word or fuzzy logic

2. Message Harvester – a. Additional software plug in which gathers historical emails or PST files at both server and desktop levels. (additional fees apply to add Harvester) b. Engineering hands time included in scope to make sure all client-defined data is captured into Message Manager. c. Scope to be defined prior to adding this piece. May be server-based, desktop-based or a combination of both; service level to be defined.

How does it work?  Customer mail application must use “journaling” feature  Snapshot of all inbound / outbound email not defined as SPAM  File saves copy of email in text format and native copy of email attachment  Drops data snapshot to highly redundant DataChambers’ SAN or storage area network.  24x7x365 secure access to data

Performance Issues and Search Capabilities?  Does not degrade email processing or delivery  Allows full categorizing and text search capabilities  Search by “key word” or “fuzzy logic”

Please note: This is an email archival and search tool only, allowing email oversight or compliancy. This is not an email backup and recovery tool. This significantly reduces your storage costs over time. We can, however, add data backup as a stand alone data backup and recovery service.

DataChambers, LLC Confidential March 07 DataChambers, LLC Confidential March 07