Younger Woman S Club of Louisville
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GRANT GUIDELINES To apply for a Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville grant, please review the Standing Rules and Policies of the Younger Woman’s Club Charities Group governing our allocation of funds and requirements for grant applicants and then complete this grant application in its entirety. We will not consider grant requests that are incomplete or do not comply with our Rules and Policies. Grant requests may not exceed $5000.00. Actual award amounts may vary. Proposals that are over the $5000.00 maximum request amount will not be accepted.
We no longer accept paper applications. All applications must be submitted via email to: [email protected] using a PDF format. In order to be considered for a Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville grant, please submit the following materials in one PDF document no later than November 1, 2017: 1. A complete Younger Woman’s Club of Louisville Grant Application, along with: a. A copy of your organization’s current financial statements b. If applicable, two estimates/bids for the equipment or supplies being requested c. Documentation of your organization’s 501(c)(3) status 2. A cover letter accompanying your proposal with the appropriate return address, e- mail address, phone number, and contact person Note: Extra information or attachments, such as brochures, should NOT be submitted with your proposal--otherwise they will be removed before the review process or you may be asked to re-submit.
Do NOT submit multiple PDF files to YWC as part of your proposal. The grant application, required documentation/attachments, and cover letter must all be combined into one PDF document for submittal by email.
The deadline for submitting completed applications is November 1, 2017. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
Awards will be made and announced between April and May, 2018.
1 For questions, technical problems, and to submit your grant application, email: [email protected]
Submission Date:
Nonprofit Organization:
Employer Identification Number (EIN):
Address: Main Phone:
Name of Executive Director: ED’s Phone:
Name of Grant Application Contact: Title:
E-mail Address for Contact: Contact Phone:
Name of Project/Program for this Grant Request: Amount Requested:
1. State the purpose, mission and goals of your organization, including the population(s) whom you serve.
2. How long has your organization been in operation?
3. Please explain your request for funding and summarize how the money will be used, including the item(s), project, program, or services involved in this request.
4. What is the total/overall cost of this project, program, or service?
5. YWC grant funds requested for this project (note: this should match the amount listed in chart above & not exceed $5000.00):
5a. If your funding request has different components or multiple items/expenses,
YWC Grant Application 2017-18 2 what is the cost of each item (i.e., break down or itemize the individual costs and components of the total funding request)?
6. How many people will this funding serve?
6a. Do these individuals pay for your services?
7. What geographical area(s) of Louisville will be served by this funding?
8. What specific community needs/issues will this project address and how?
9. What impact/outcomes will YWC funding have on your targeted population and geographic service area(s)?
10. How will you know you have achieved this impact (i.e., what process will you use to evaluate or assess your impact/outcomes)?
11. Does any other organization provide similar services or this type of project/request?
11a. If yes, please list the organization(s):
12. What is your overall agency’s annual budget?
13. Does the organization receive assistance, financial or otherwise, from other sources?
13a. If yes, please list below the sources that fund your organization and the percentage of your annual budget covered by each:
YWC Grant Application 2017-18 3 %
14. Does your organization participate in fundraising activities?
14a. If yes, please explain the types of fundraising activities in which your organization participates.
14b. If no, please explain why not.
15. Is the funding for this project/program dependent upon YWC?
15a. What other sources are you approaching for this funding? Please explain.
16. If the YWC cannot fund the full amount of your request, are you able to receive partial funding?
16a. If yes, how much partial funding?
16b. What are the implications of partial funding for the project/program?
17. Is your organization part of a national organization?
17a. If yes, which one(s)?
18. Total number of staff (also indicate whether paid or volunteer):
19. List your board members and officers:
20. List any members of Younger Woman’s Club affiliated with your organization and describe their contribution(s) to your organization:
YWC Grant Application 2017-18 4 Estimates/Bids
21. If applicable, provide (and attach in the PDF file) TWO estimates/bids for the equipment and/or supplies being requested. Also provide us with the rationale for the vendors you selected. If two estimates and/or bids cannot be provided, please explain why. If your organization’s request is for items not being purchased from third-party vendors, please provide a detailed explanation of how your organization calculated the requested amount.
22. Have you requested funding from YWC in the past 5 years? Were you awarded the grant? Please indicate the following: Year Amount Requested Awarded (Yes or Amount Awarded (if No) applicable)
23. Can you use volunteers from the Younger Woman’s Club?
23a. If yes, in what ways?
23b. What is the contact information for the person in charge of volunteers and community service?
24. How will the YWC be recognized if you are awarded funding?
YWC Grant Application 2017-18 5 25. What direct publicity/marketing could you provide that recognizes YWC as a donor?
Please submit the following documents as part of this grant application in one PDF file:
a. Copy of your organization’s most recent audited financial statements, including statement of financial position (balance sheet), statement of activity (statement of revenue and expense), statement of cash flows, and all footnotes.
If you are part of an umbrella organization, the audited financial statements should be those of the entity to whom the Internal Revenue Service has granted tax-exempt status. If you are part of an umbrella organization, or seeking funding for a particular program or division, please provide separate financial statements for your division or specific program, as applicable. If your audited financial statements are not for the most recent tax year, please also include unaudited financial statements for the most recent year.
If you do not have audited financial statements, please provide as detailed an explanation as possible of your revenue sources over the last twelve months and your expenditures by line item. The financial form on page 7 may be used.
b. Estimates or bids as described above in “Funding Request” section.
c. Documentation of your organization’s 501(c)(3) status
d. Cover letter accompanying your application with the appropriate return address, e- mail address, phone number, and contact person.
Note: Extra information or attachments, such as brochures, should NOT be submitted with your application, otherwise they will be removed before the review process or you may be asked to re- submit.
Please direct questions or technical problems to: [email protected]
Please email completed application in PDF format to: [email protected]
Do NOT submit multiple PDF files to YWC as part of your proposal. The grant application, required documentation/attachments, and cover letter must all be combined into one PDF document for submittal by email.
Paper applications will NOT be accepted. Do not mail or fax.
YWC Grant Application 2017-18 6 The deadline for submitting completed applications is November 1, 2017. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
TOTAL REVENUE & EXPENDITURES FOR OPERATING BUDGET Current Proposed $ Budget Budget Variance 2 minus 1*
PUBLIC SUPPORT & REVENUE Federated Fund-Raising Organizations Contributions** Special Events Legacies & Bequests Fees & Grants from Government Agencies Membership Dues-Individuals Assessments & Dues-Local Member Units Program Service Fees & Net Incidental Revenue Sales of Material & Services to Local Member Units Sales to Public Investment Income Gains on Investment Transactions Miscellaneous Revenue 1. TOTAL REVENUE FROM ALL SOURCES
EXPENSES Salaries Employee Benefits Payroll Taxes, etc. Professional Fees Supplies Telephone and Internet Postage & Shipping Occupancy (Rent or Mortgage) Rental & Maintenance of Equipment Printing & Publication Travel Conference, Conventions & Meetings Specific Assistance to Individuals Miscellaneous Expenses Payments to Affiliated Organizations New Equipment Acquisition Insurance 2. TOTAL EXPENSES MINUS: ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES NET PROGRAM EXPENSES Excess (Deficit) of Revenue Over Expenses (Line 2 – Line 1)
YWC Grant Application 2017-18 8