Summary from Serials Cataloguing Meeting
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Summary of serials cataloguing meeting. Sept. 15, 2004.
Jean Anderson John Fileccia Heather Fraser Merle Steeves
1. Print serials that have ceased and are continued online only.
In cases where a print serial ceases and is continued by an online version the print record will be left open. (008 date type “c” and 362 open) The holdings record for the print version will be closed off. Heather Fraser will consult with Karen Cassel to make sure this is acceptable.
2. Cataloguing serials where we have the online version only.
Use CONSER records for the online version when available. If only print records exist through smartport sources, the print record should be re-catalogued to reflect the online version.
[In the past, print records were used when cataloguing electronic versions. Do not re- catalogue these records]
3. Uniform titles (130)
Uniform titles, which differ from the 245 only by the presence of “(Online)”, should be deleted. Records created originally or converted from print should not have a uniform title created for the online version.
Uniform titles will be kept when they differentiate between other titles in the library catalogue. Merle Steeves will investigate whether it is still necessary to move 130’s to 730’s.
4. Latest entry cataloguing records and pre-AACR2 records.
Records should not be re-catalogued to current cataloguing standards. Any errors, such as obsolete subject headings, should be corrected. Also, any punctuation which would cause display problems should be removed, such as double dashes in the 245.
5. 246’s
For serials 246’s should be coded according to the CONSER cataloguing manual with the exception of the use of subfield “i” in which case a 500 note should be used instead. 6. 247’s
247’s should be replaced with 246’s and any corresponding 740’s removed. A 500 note should be used to explain the 246.
9. Microform serials.
When working on a print serial record and an additional record for its microform format is found, the microform holdings should be added to the print record along with a 533 note. The microform record should then be removed. Jean Anderson has documentation on call numbers and notes for microforms.
10. Print and Online versions of a serial cease.
When a print record ceases in print then ceases online, the record should be closed out with the last online issue. The 530 note should be modified to read: “Final print issue: LATER ISSUES ONLY available on the Internet …”.
11. Statistics.
Count closing out of a title as a RECAT. Adding links and correcting punctuation or erroneous coding should be counted as CORRECTIONS.