Unit 14 Data and Statistics and Box Plots Homework Packet

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Unit 14 Data and Statistics and Box Plots Homework Packet


Unit 14 Data and Statistics and Box Plots Homework Packet

HW #8 Mean, Median, and Mode. Lesson 10-1 and 10-2

Determine the mean, median, and mode of the data represented in each set of data. For number 6, just find the median and mode.

5. 6.

7. 8. HW #9 Measures of Spread. Lesson 10-3

1. Use the data in the table.

a. Determine the range of the data.

b. Determine the median and the first and third quartiles.

c. Determine the interquartile range.

d. Name any outliers in the data.

2. Use the data of average monthly precipitation in Johnstown shown in the table.

Monthly Precipitation

a. Determine the range of the data.

b. Determine the median and the first and third quartiles.

c. Determine the interquartile range.

d. Determine any outliers in the data and name them.

3. The table shows the number of riders on the train each day for two weeks. Compare and contrast the measures of spread for both weeks. HW #10 Box Plots. Lesson 10-7

Represent each set of data in a box plot.

1. ages of children taking dance classes: 10, 8, 9, 7, 10, 12, 14, 14, 10, 16

Use the box plot that shows the average prices in cents per pound farmers received for eggs and wool.

2. How do the median egg prices and the median 4. In the wool prices, which quartile shows the wool prices compare? greatest spread of data?

5. About what percent of the data for the wool prices 3. How do the range in egg prices and the range in is above the third quartile for the egg prices? wool prices compare?

6. In general, do farmers get higher prices for eggs or wool? Justify your reasoning.

Use the box plot that shows the number of goals made by members of the field hockey team during the season.

7. Describe the distribution of the data. What can you say 8. What percent of team members scored between 1 and 3 about the number of goals made by the members of the goals this season? Explain. field hockey team? HW #11 Dot Plots. Lesson 10-4

The dot plot below represents the total number of runs scored in each game by Tatiana’s softball team this year. Use the information on the dot plot to answer the questions.

1. How many times did the team score 6 runs?

2. What is the median number of runs scored?

3. What is the mode of the data?

4. Determine the range and any outliers of the data.

Make a dot plot for each set of data. Determine the median, mode, range, and any outliers of the data shown in the dot plot. Then describe the data using them.

5. golf scores: 6. number of cans of food donated:

39, 46, 48, 48, 39, 51, 44, 42, 48, 45 28, 20, 20, 22, 21, 22, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21

Shape of Data Distributions. Lesson 10-8 Describe the shape of the distribution. Answer the following questions for each picture below. Is it symmetric? Is the data clustered? Is there a gap? If there is a peak, what is it?

7. 8.

The dot plot shows the number of television sets owned by the families of various sixth grade students. HW #12 Histograms Lesson 10-6

For questions 1–4, use the histogram shown at the right. 1. Which interval represents the most number of students?

2. Which interval has three students?

3. How many students went to a pool at least ten times last summer?

4. How many students went to a pool less than ten times last summer?

For questions 5–9, use the histogram shown at the right. 5. Which age group had the most children visit the zoo?

6. How many children between 7 and 10 years old visited the zoo?

7. How many more children from the 5–6 age group visited than the 9–10 age group?

8. How many children older than 8 visited the zoo?

For questions 9–12, use the histogram at the right. 9. Which interval represents the least number of flowers?

10. Which interval has 5 flowers?

11. How many flowers are 24 inches tall or shorter?

12. How many flowers are at least 37 inches tall? HW #13 Stem-and-Leaf Plots 1. The stem-and-leaf plot shows the race times of 12 2. The stem-and-leaf plot shows 15 ticket prices for a runners in a race. What is the range of the data? variety of shows. What is the median and what does it represent?

3. If you were to represent the data from the table 4. Represent the data set in a stem-and-leaf plot. below in a stem-and-leaf plot, how many stems Amount spent on dining out: 69, 45, 52, 55, 63, would you need, and what would they be? 48, 55, 60, 58, 62 Number of Hours Spent Studying for Final Exams 10 15 14 20 33 19 24 30 26 25

5. Refer to the stem-and-leaf plot in Exercise 1. 6. Refer to the stem-and-leaf plot in Exercise 2. What is the median of the data? What is the What is the range of the ticket prices? What is mode of the data? the mode of the ticket prices? 7. Determine the median, mode, and range of the data shown in the stem-and-leaf plot to the right.

HW #14 Summarize Categorical Data. Lesson 10-9 Do both pages!

1 Miss Schneider kept track of the number of times each student packed a lunch. What percent of the students packed their lunch more than 4 times?

2 The table shows the number of hours students spend on homework. What is the relative frequency of a student spending between 1 and 1.9 hours doing homework?

3 The table shows the number of text messages students sent in one hour. What percent of the students sent fewer text messages than the mode of the data set?

4 Ms. Radigan made a percent bar graph of her students’ favorite sports. Which statement is true? F The number of boys and girls that voted for football is the same. G More girls voted for football than boys. H More boys voted for volleyball than girls. J The number of boys and girls that voted for soccer is the same. HW #14 Variability. Lab 10-1A

1 Which survey questions yields data with variability?

A What is the tallest mountain in the United States?

B What is the population of the United States?

C What is the number of states in the United States?

D What is the minimum driving age for each state in the United States?

2 Which situation does NOT yield data with variability?

F the number of cars that go through the intersection of Green Street and 15thStreet during different times of the day

G the type of dog owned by students at Lakota High School

H the number of students at Lakota High School

J the average number of hours that students at Lakota High School spend on the Internet each day during the week

3 Which situation does NOT yield data with variability?

F the number of students that are scheduled to eat during third lunch shift every day

G the number of students who buy chocolate milk from the school cafeteria every day

H the number of students who buy lunch from the school cafeteria and the number of students who bring their lunch to school each day

J the number of students that sit at each table in the cafeteria each day

Do the following questions result in data with or without variability? Why or why not?

4. How many text messages a student sends a day?

5. What are the cabin rental fees for a cruise out of Galveston? 6. How many days are there till Kleb’s spring break?

7. Who was the first person in space?

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