Letter of Concern

This letter should be used after you have had an informal meeting with an employee and what to highlight a problem but do not want to take disciplinary action. Please place this letter on to your letterhead

[Insert employee name] [insert employee address]

[insert date]

Dear [insert employee name]

Letter of Concern

Following our meeting held on [insert date of meeting] at [insert time of meeting] I am writing to advise you of my concerns regarding the following areas of your performance at work.

[Insert reason for having concern e.g. lateness, attendance, performance]

As a result, the performance improvement expected is [insert details of the employee's expected improvement]. The time scale within which the improvement required is one month.

Please be aware that if the performance improvement is not met this may result in disciplinary action being taken as per the Company Disciplinary Procedure.

Yours sincerely

[Insert Name] [Insert Position]