GA LPAI Avian Influenza H5 and H7 State First Reponse and Containment Plan

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GA LPAI Avian Influenza H5 and H7 State First Reponse and Containment Plan

GA LPAI Avian Influenza H5 and H7 State First Response and Containment Plan 2014


Introduction  Response Plan to H5 and H7 LPAI in Commercial and Non Commercial Poultry in GA  Plan can be modified as outbreak unfolds  Minimum biosecurity applies to all GA farms (Annex 7j)

Standing Emergency Disease Management Committee, diagnostic resources and GPLN  SEDC is Current PTAC (Annex 7i)  Members involved in response would be the ones with farms within the region where the case is (NW, NE, S GA). IMPORTANT: Note that in this Plan, GPLN is involved in the following activities: 1. Event coordination 2. GIS mapping origination 3. First response teams 4. Diagnostic and monitoring NAHLN Lab activities DIAGNOSTIC RESOURCES: Lab contacts Annex 2a, NPIP Labs, Surge capacity in Annex 7k

Managing an AI case and outbreak Summary of overall response activities

LPAI PLAN GA JUNE 2014 Page 1 of 8 HANDLING OF A PRESUMPTIVE POSITIVE CASE A presumptive positive case is one from which one or more samples is (are): Annex 7n for early testing details  positive on serology (AGID) at GPLN, not yet confirmed by NVSL  positive on rRT-PCR at GPLN , not yet confirmed at NVSL 1. Presumptive positive samples are sent overnight to NVSL, even if the samples are from a farm outside of GA. 2. With presumptive results at GPLN, the Poultry epidemiologist, AVIC and state veterinarian are alerted that samples are being sent to NVSL. From that point on, they are made aware of all results and activities. 3. GPLN lets company/owner know of the presumptive positive, GPLN sends Annex 3p to company: Company Isolation (No quarantine yet unless warranted – uncooperative grower or private owner) 4. GPLN arranges for farm visit for 30 blood/30 swabs/house retest the same day when possible; Use pre-prepared “Diagnostic kit” with fresh BHI; Instructions in Annex 1h. Preliminary epidemiological investigation with the grower is started at the time of the re-sampling (Annex 3c); if the farm is in another state, that state’s state veterinarian is notified by GA’s state veterinarian. The follow up testing is decided upon by them, and by the USDA District Office. 5. When retest samples come in to GPLN, each one is split, resulting in 2 identical sets of samples; GPLN retests one split of the samples and overnights the other to NVSL 6. If the result is negative at NVSL, the company is immediately notified by GPLN and the isolation is released: All normal business resumes for the company.

HANDLING OF A POSITIVE CASE When a sample is confirmed positive to H5 or H7 at NVSL, GPLN does the following (unless otherwise noted underlined): 1. An incident coordinator is designated, that is responsible for the following: 2. Submit signed Lab MOU (Annex 3k) to USDA District office 3. A quarantine is placed on the premise by GDA (Annex 3v) as soon as the case is confirmed positive by NVSL. Quarantines are also placed as needed if dangerous contacts and epidemiological links are identified. 4. Inform the Senior coordinator of the NPIP, neighboring state vets (Dr Cobb), local EMA if necessary and as decided by the Committee (GDA) 5. Activate the PTAC (members within 50 miles of case, or by region – Annex 7i): Meetings on a daily basis or as needed, by phone or in person for situation updates 6. Request that non-commercial assemblages that involve poultry in GA be cancelled if deemed necessary. By GDA 7. Request for free range birds to be placed inside (Annex 3u) 8. Meet with affected company and discuss their Flock Plan 9. Preparation for first meeting or conference call  Summarize Lab findings/preliminary epidemiological findings GA LPAI Avian Influenza H5 and H7 State First Response and Containment Plan 2014

 Activate GIS, draw 6 mile zone (zones may be added/modified as risk is assessed by PTAC), with farms labeled on the map and listed  Contact companies to get farm status and/or age of birds of all farms in Zones 10. Implement Flock and Zone Plans with PTAC IMPLEMENT FLOCK PLAN  Summarize case description and lab findings  Summarize immediate actions by company  Designate embedded official  Share Flock Plan

Flock Plan by COMPANY, conducted with embedded official; All decisions are risk based. Annex 3l  Decide on Security: The need for farm security is assessed. If necessary, the entry to the farm is secured. This will be done by the company and overseen if necessary by GDA, USDA or local law enforcement (if needed), who will see that the necessary equipment and personnel are available.  Establish enhanced farm Biosecurity: Follow Annex 1e for grower, Annex 1a for company, Annex 1b for Premise Control Point  Schedule Appraisal ASAP: o Commercial poultry: Inventory is taken by embedded official before euthanasia, form 123 (Annex 3n) is filled and sent the District Office. o Non Commercial Poultry: A USDA appraiser comes on site (Annex 3n).  Schedule Epidemiological Investigation: Started by the veterinarian visiting the farm for sampling; completed by a designated poultry veterinarian on a visit within the first week of the diagnosis.  Decide on Euthanasia method (in accordance with AVMA guidelines): GOAL: Euthanize within 24 hours of confirmation (Annex 4).  Decide on Disposal method (In accordance with GDA guidelines (Annex 5)  Decide on C&D procedure (by company or contract) (Annex 6)  Schedule post C&D testing (Annex 6b);  Quarantine released after clean post C&D test

IMPLEMENT ZONE PLAN (6 mile Zone)  Describe location of farms in 6 mile zone  Summarize status of farms in zone  Establish if there are dangerous contacts to quarantine  Follow Zone Biosecurity (Annex 1f)  Agree on a 24 hour no movement period; Then follow Annex 1c for movement and permits (Permit form Annex 3t).

LPAI PLAN GA JUNE 2014 Page 3 of 8  Surveillance by industry teams. Start within 24 hours, follow priorities (See 11. Below). Give lab forms out (Annex 3d).  GDA starts non commercial survey in 2 mile Zone  Forms to complete (if applicable):  Compliance agreement birds (Annex 3f)  Compliance agreement eggs (Annex 3g)  Cooperative agreement surveillance (Annex 3k) 11. Details on Surveillance  Priorities for testing within Zones: Test first:  Farms with a epidemiological link to the suspect flock  Flocks with higher than expected mortality  Flocks with clinical signs: drop in egg production or feed refusal  All broilers ready to go to processing within 6 mile Zone. Only negative flocks move (virus detection test within 48 hours of movement)  On the first round of testing, breeders and layers are tested using virus detection and serology. Subsequent testing is virus detection only.   Guidelines for surveillance activities (Annex 7b for procedures):  Use monitoring kit and instructions, Annex 1i  Retest every 7-10 days until the affected farm quarantine is lifted.  Virus detection (swabs) can be done by the barrel method or in house.  Numbers: All bird types: Minimum 10 samples/house, minimum 30 samples/premise  Broilers are tested when 21days or older  Before releasing the Zone, all farms not yet tested because of age get one round of testing  Adult birds are also tested by the barrel method or in house. They are also bled on the first round of testing. No eggs are submitted for testing.  Barrel Surveillance: Annex 7b  Instructions for sampling using pre made kits Annexes 1h and 1i   Monitoring Activity: SURVEILLANCE every 7-10 days, 10/house; min 30/premise  Virus   Serology detection  Zone broilers over 21 days  no  yes  Yes 1st  Zone adult birds round of  yes testing only  Monitoring Activity: MOVEMENT; within 48 hours of movement; If bleeding, within 5 days of movement  6 mile Zone Adult birds for  No unless this is  yes movement their first test  6 mile Zone Processing Age broilers  No  yes    GA LPAI Avian Influenza H5 and H7 State First Response and Containment Plan 2014

12. Survey and Surveillance of Non commercial Birds:  Start Survey for non commercial birds within the 2 mile zone (by GDA). Test schedule 10 OP/T swabs from live birds and, if available, OP/T swabs from mortality. Follow Annex 1g for instructions regarding sample type and handling different species. During the visit, explain and leave Annex 3wx. Repeat every 7-10 days. 13. Quarantine release and repopulation and continues surveillance:  The positive farm will be released from Quarantine after C&D and proof of absence of virus (Annex 6b).  The Quarantines on dangerous contacts and epidemiological links are lifted after 2 rounds of negative testing  The farms in the 2 mile Zone can be repopulated after 3 rounds of negative testing of the 6 mile Zone; although decisions about repopulating the farms within 1 mile to the case will be made by the Committee, and will depend on risk.  Surveillance every 7-10 days in the 6 mile Zone continues until the affected farm is released from Quarantine.  After the 3 rounds of testing in the 6 mile Zone every 7-10 days, relax to every 2-3 weeks  Monitoring after last positive flock is released from Quarantine o All populated farms (over 21 days old) within the 2 mile Zone once a month for 2 more months. o Sixty days after the affected farm quarantine is lifted, monitoring returns to NPIP levels.   ADDRESSING NON COMMERCIAL POULTRY ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE ZONE (GDA)  When the premises are found and tested, the situation is explained to the non commercial poultry owners to not buy or sell/give away birds for the period of the outbreak. Letters are left with them and explained. Annex 3w   INDEMNITY  USDA has 100% indemnity for flocks in states that participate in the NPIP AI monitored program and that have an approved Low Path AI Containment and First Response Plan, only if funds are available. Indemnity may not be available if birds are depopulated prior to USDA approval. Companies have to submit an estimate of costs for Euthanasia, Disposal and C&D for approval. Annex 3r can be used as a guide. After the activities, receipts have to be submitted for reimbursement. Specific rules addressing appraisals, destruction, disinfection and claims are addressed in 9CFR 53.3-11 and 9CFR 56.8.   DOCUMENTATION

LPAI PLAN GA JUNE 2014 Page 5 of 8  Throughout the outbreak, situation reports will be prepared every day or as needed, by the person in charge of the event or designee. Annex 3b   VACCINES  GA would consider vaccination:  In some extreme circumstances where very large numbers of confined poultry would be found positive such as commercial layers.  As a means towards eradication, and NOT as a sole control method.  The process of approval will include concurrence of the State Veterinarian and approval of the Deputy Administrator of USDA for H5 and H7 vaccines as part of the eradication program.  Forms needed:  Transfer of vaccine (Annex 3j)  Covering cost of vaccination Annex 3i)  Vaccine would be purchased and administered by the company and be under the control and permitted for use by the State of GA. The Federal and State role in the vaccination process will be limited to oversight and monitoring.  Our strategy is that we would use an inactivated vaccine and the DIVA strategy (Same H type, different N type in vaccine). We would only consider vaccinating primary breeders, and/or pullets or adult birds on multiage complexes with the goal of eradicating Avian Influenza.   CONTROLLED MARKETING  Controlled marketing (processing virus negative, antibody positive flock) will only be considered under extreme circumstances.   EDUCATION PROGRAMS  In 2014, an educational poster was placed on every GA farm, thanks to a USDA cooperative agreement. GPLN is in contact with industry regarding disease events.    INFORMATION SHARING  Prior to any official report, all inquiries go to GDA.  With a presumptive positive result, the information will be exchanged confidentially with the affected company by GPLN, although companies that are close to the case may be notified (decision made on a case by case basis). Those companies should treat this information as sensitive.  Notification of poultry industry of first confirmed positive case: State veterinarian or delegate (email/conference call).  After the first report, information flows from PTAC to Industry through list serve.  For Press: Information flows from PTAC Information person to GDA to Press GA LPAI Avian Influenza H5 and H7 State First Response and Containment Plan 2014

 Secure information flow: From growers, public, etc to PTAC (analysis of information). PTAC releases one consensus message to GDA and to industry (situation report – Annex 3b).   GA Plan Quick Reference Chart   GPLN LPAI Plan Quick Reference Chart  Quarantine released and farm  After C&D and Environment test negative repopulation  2 mile Zone repopulation  After 2 rounds of negative tests for all farms  Number of samples monitored/ farm  10 per house – 30 minimum  Number of foamers in GA  4 (2 trailer foamers at GPLN, 1 Kifco at GPLN, 1 Kifco at Fieldale)  Zone sizes  2 and 6 miles  Critical Forms  MOU Flock Plan (3l) and Appraisal Form (3n)  Euthanasia method of choice  Foaming  Anticipated cost of E, D, and C&D  Breeders: $3/bird; Broilers: $0.75/bird (commercial poultry)  Approved AI testing labs  GPLN, AVDL, TVDL  Embedded Officials  Anderson, Crane, Johnson , Smeltzer, Surles, Zavala   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Annexes 23. 1. Biosecurity c. Movement of poultry and poultry a. Biosecure deliveries (Feed trucks) products b. Biosecure essential visit to a positive d. Premise control point (PCP) farm

LPAI PLAN GA JUNE 2014 Page 7 of 8 e. Positive farm biosecurity v. Quarantine placement (grower/company) w. Letter to non commercial poultry f. Zone Biosecurity owners g. Monitoring a non commercial flock 6. h. AI Diagnostic sampling 7. Euthanasia i. AI Monitoring sampling a. CO2: Breeder floor 2. b. CO2: Broiler floor 3. Contacts c. CO2: Enclosures a. Laboratory contacts d. CO2: Whole House b. Indsutry Contacts e. CO2: Carts c. GDA Livestock and Poultry f. CO2: Backyard d. USDA Contacts g. Foaming using trailer e. Landfills h. Foaming trailer: Checklist of supplies f. Rendering Plants i. Foaming using Kifco 4. j. Kifco: Checklist of supplies 5. Forms 8. a. NVSL submission form (10-4) 9. Disposal b. Situation report a. GDA animal mortality summary c. Epi questionnaire b. Disposal by county d. Lab submission form for GPLN c. Composting summary e. Utilities form letter d. Moving materials off premises f. Compliance agr for euthanasia and 10. disposal 11. Cleaning and Disinfection g. Compliance agr for destruction of a. GDA C&D document eggs b. Swabbing after C&D h. Compliance agr for C&D 12. i. Cooperative agr for payment for 13. Miscellaneous vacc admin a. Supplies available at Oakwood j. Cooperative agr for transfer of b. Blood and Barrel Surveillance SOGs vaccine c. PPE k. Cooperative agr for the payment of d. GA rule for poultry movement from surv costs an LPAI state l. MOU Flock Plan e. Approved appraisers m. PCP Form f. Embedded official n. Appraisal form 123 g. Trade issues o. CVI for movement of poultry from h. Packaging and Labeling LPAI requirements for shipment p. Company isolation: Letter of i. PTAC contacts notification j. Minimum biosecurity for all farms q. Euthanasia to proceed k. Diagnostic resources (Labs) r. Estimated costs and useful numbers l. GA AI Surveillance Programs s. Indemnity request m. Definitions and Acronyms t. Permit for movement n. GPLN Early testing details u. Letter for free range birds 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

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