C: Pcdh-Shbmi-1 Suppressed Bmi-1 Mrna Expression in CD4+ T from ITP Patients (P=0.001)
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Figure 1.Transfected and infected of lentiviral vectors were observed and the effect of lentiviral vectors infection.
A: The lentiviral vectors of pCDH-shBmi-1 and pCDH-Bmi-1 with expressing GFP in 293T were observed with fluorescence microscopy.
B: pCDH-shBmi-1 and pCDH-Bmi-1 infected with in CD4+ T cell expressing GFP were observed with fluorescence microscopy.
C: pCDH-shBmi-1 suppressed Bmi-1 mRNA expression in CD4+ T from ITP patients (p=0.001).
D: pCDH-Bmi-1 promoted Bmi-1 mRNA expression in CD4+ T from ITP patients significantly
E: pCDH-Bmi-1 suppressed shBmi-1 protein expression in 293T significantly.
Bars represent SD, * represents P <0.05. Figure 2 Representative flow cytometry scatter plot of PE-BrdU positive CD4+ T cells from ITP patient and healthy control. Table 1. Clinical parameters of ITP patients
Patients Sex Age(years) PLT(109/L) Therapy * P1 F 43 14 Pred P2 F 20 25 Pred IVIG P3 M 48 24 Pred P4 M 41 5 Pred P5 F 23 25 IVIG P6 M 18 23 None P7 M 16 15 Dex P8 F 23 23 Pred P9 F 39 10 Pred IVIG P10 M 43 5 None P11 F 64 2 Pred P12 M 29 24 Pred P13 F 71 18 IVIG P14 F 36 4 Pred IVIG P15 M 38 1 Pred P16 F 50 5 None P17 F 42 10 Pred P18 M 54 22 Pred IVIG P19 F 28 3 Pred P20 M 45 33 None P21 F 38 19 None P22 M 42 120 IVIG P23 M 32 170 Dex P24 F 65 105 Pred P25 M 23 150 Dex P26 F 53 130 Pred P27 M 17 190 Dex P28 F 29 100 Pred P29 F 49 140 Pred P30 M 37 120 IVIG P31 F 68 300 Pred P32 F 34 180 Pred * Pred, prednisone; Dex, dexamethasone; Splen,Splenectomy; IVIG, intravenous gamma globulin.