East Williston Little League - 2010 Intramural Rules T-Ball (41310)

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East Williston Little League - 2010 Intramural Rules T-Ball (41310)

East Williston Little League Rules "Tee Ball” (5 & 6 year olds - Pre-K & Kindergarten)

Development: Introduction to batting, throwing and catching. Encourage watching televised baseball games. 1. Hitting off the Tee with a Safety "T" Ball. 2. All players bat once per every inning. 3. Score is not kept. No outs, No put outs at bases. 4. Runners may advance only one base until the last batter. The last batter runs all the bases. 5. All players must play in the field every inning. 6. No kids will stand in front of the “imaginary line” from 3rd base to 1st base. 7. No leading off bases, stealing, or sliding. 10. Runners must not run into fielders. Fielders must not block bases or running path. 11. All players play field every inning and must rotate between playing infield and outfield. 12. Games should be approximately 1 hour: ½ hour practice followed by 2 innings of game play. (The ½ hour practice is where the player will get better, not in the game) 13. Have FUN.

Requirements and Guidelines for Coaches

1. Become familiar with our website: www.ewlittleleague.com 2. Encourage other parents to assist, the more help the better as long as you don't bump heads. Anyone who steps on the field must fill out a volunteer application each year and send it to: Kevin Quinn 208 Glenmore Street East Williston New York 11596 516-877-2735 [email protected] 3. All selected coaches and managers must take an approved CPR/AED course once every 2 years and attend any training that we provide for you to be a better coach. 4. AED is located in the green garbage enclosure located near the playground and parking lot. The combination will be emailed to you. 5. Put all coaches in your division in your cell phone.(your team parents as well) 6. Contact your team that they were selected to play for you within 48 hours of the draft/selection process. Every year we have guys that have had 4 practices already and others coaches that have not even contacted their team yet. 7. Team meeting is really important. This is the time for you to spell out your goals/rules and what you are going to do as a coach. Do not skip this. Send some preseason emails to gather up all of the info that you will need. The time right after the draft /selection process when you cannot practice, is the time to do all of the information gathering that you need. You will have to really pursue the parents to get the info. The winter time is the right time to get all of this done so that when spring arrives, all you have to do is go outside and have FUN. The day that you handout the uniforms is another great way to get info that has been slow in coming. NO cooperation from the parents, no uniform until they supply you with the info that will help their child succeed and be SAFE. 8. Make sure that you have all of your players emergency contact numbers with you at all times. 9. Make sure that you have your players medical releases with you at all team events. Make a few copies in case you lose them. Do you know which kid is allergic to bees, penicillin, peanut butter ,etc.? You don't want the team snack to be peanut butter cups and you have an allergic kid. This is important! Leaving the forms at home defeats the purpose of having them. Keep them in a folder in your car if you are afraid of losing them. Do whatever works for you to be fully prepared in an emergency. Have 3 cars? Make 3 copies. Have four assistants, make sure they have the info in case you are away and they are running the show. 10. Schedule at least 1 practice per week using the field reservation system on the fields where you normally play your games 1st, if unavailable, select another open field. You should always have an assistant with you at all times. If you collapse or a player accuses you of something, you will need adult help. Ask a parent to stay and watch if that's all they can do. 11. Use sound judgement on field/weather conditions and act accordingly. Any thunder and lightning? Get off the field away from trees, open areas, and the backstop. Get those kids inside parents cars. We have field conditioner available if there are some puddles and your are welcome to use it. There is more information on the website about proper field preparation. 12. Remind team to label all equipment with their name clearly written. It is strongly recommended that you write each kids name in their caps before you hand out the uniforms. Let the parents do the switching of sizes after you give them what they actually ordered. 13. Make sure that your parents get a properly fitted helmet, very light tee ball bat, and a super soft small cheap tee ball glove. No heavy bats or cinder block gloves. This is important! 14. Bases, tee, soft colored domes, and buckets will be in an equipment storage bin behind the backstops. We will also include a few helmets and bats in case your players forgot their own. Combo will be emailed to each coach (EWLL on your key pad) – Make sure that the box is locked during/after games/practices. Kids tend to play with the door of the box and we do not want a kid losing a finger because the box was left open during a team event. 15. Make sure that you walk the field before any team event. Look for rocks, broken glass and anything else that you wouldn't want your players to come in contact with! 16. To ensure player safety, place ALL bats in the “BAT BUCKET” at the very beginning. Put the bucket on the field side of the backstop. Bench coach needs to monitor the kids on the bench while batting is taking place. The bench coach is responsible for keeping the players in order on the bench as each kid leaves the bench to bat. Place one coach at the tee (have the tee coach draw a bat circle near the tee for the player to drop the bat in after hitting). Another coach retrieves the bat from the bat circle placing it in the bucket. The coach that placed the used bat in the bucket then proceeds to the bench area to escort the next batter to pick out their bat from the bucket and then proceed to the batting coach at the tee. No kid should have a bat in their hands unless they are being escorted from the bucket to the tee. Simple and safe. Accidents happen. Lets prevent them. 17. Position the players front leg opposite the tee that is stationed on top of home plate so that the player is extending their arms and hitting the ball out in front 18. Be sure to have ICE in case of injuries. There are some cold compresses in the AED box for you to use if you forget ice. Ice is the number1 first aid item next to positive encouragement 19. Have a rotating snack schedule with families on your team for games.(know the allergic kids on the teams). 20. Allow your approved assistants to chaperon the players on the field while the other team bats. Be positive at ALL times. Preach to your parent spectators to be positive at all times. EWLL has a zero tolerance policy for bad behavior. 21. No player should play the same position in the same game. 22. Coaches MUST rotate infielders to the outfield position and vice versa for both innings unless a players’ safety is questioned. Use the soft , colored field markers to keep kid from bunching up and you can easily rotate them in an orderly fashion. 23. NO pitching to the players during games… but recommended/suggested during your practices depending on the developmental level of your team. Pitch from one knee ONLY, they’re little and will develop bad swings if you are standing up. Pitch overhand not underhand. Perfecting the swing is the key and the tee is the key to perfecting it. MLB uses it every day. 24. Use practices as the place to introduce putouts and other baseball related rules, at the discretion of the coach. Make sure that your parents know the proper mechanics so that they are not undermining your hard work. If the parents are showed the proper mechanics and practice at home, you will be the best coach ever. Suggest that they go online to view the numerous free sites that show proper mechanics. Suggest they buy their own tee for home use(whiffle balls too) 25. Have fun and DO NOT yell at any player for mistakes on the field. make sure the parents don't yell either unless its 100% positive. 26. Any game rained out or rescheduled MUST be played, the parents paid for it. 27. Coaches who have any issues must contact the grade coordinator to have the matter resolved first, before any board member is contacted. 28. Hand shake at the end of each game. 29. Cleanup the dugout and field and make sure that you secure all of equipment in the storage bin. Please make sure you lock up. Make sure the AED box is also secure. 30. Have FUN and enjoy this time, it doesn't last. Make the most of it!!!

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