Join the SHRM Maryland State Council
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Leading HR in the New Economy 8th Annual Maryland SHRM State Conference October 2-4, 2011 Exhibit Times: Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday 7:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m. Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities Do not miss this opportunity to reach over 6000 SHRM members as the Maryland SHRM State Council promotes and delivers this extraordinary event! 250+ attendees in 2010 with over half were having titles of Manager or Higher!
Maryland’s HR leaders will be drawn to this event for the outstanding networking and educational opportunities. Sponsorships and exhibit space is limited to provide attendees ample time to meet you and learn about your products and services, without sacrificing session offerings or duration.
PLATINUM Sponsor (1 available) $10,000 Highlighted as the OVERALL EVENT sponsor in all promotional activity (E-blasts, USPS mailings, flyers, website) Your company logo on MD State Council website, with 25-word message and link back to your website, through December 31, 2011 Representative remarks during Lunch on Monday October 3, 2011 (3 minutes) Recognition throughout conference as Event Sponsor Company Banner (provided by Company) to be displayed during the entire event, in addition to Onsite signage Full Page Ad in conference program Bag inserts (up to 2 promotional items and 4 pieces of paper) Priority Placement Booth with 6’ table with tablecloth, electric and wireless internet provided (Double Booth if needed at no additional cost) (4) two-day (Sunday & Monday) conference passes which includes lunch on Monday Post-event attendee List
DIAMOND Sponsor (1 available) $7,500 Highlighted as the OPENING Keynote on Sunday and RECEPTION Sponsor in all promotional activity (E-blasts, USPS mailings, flyers, and website) Your company logo and tagline on MD State Council website Keynote Page and link back to your website, through December 31, 2011 Company representative to introduce Keynote Speaker to General Session on Sunday October 2th. Full page ad in conference program Recognition throughout conference as KEYNOTE & RECEPTION Sponsor Priority Placement Booth with 6’ table with tablecloth, electric and wireless internet provided Conference Bag inserts (1 promotional item and 2 pieces of paper) Company Banner (provided by Company) to be displayed during event, in addition to Onsite signage (2) two-day (Sunday & Monday) conference passes which includes lunch on Monday Post-event attendee List
GOLD Sponsors (4 available) $5,000 Choice of BAGS or LANYARDS or RECEPTION ENTERTAINMENT or BROCHURE Highlighted as GOLD Sponsor all promotional activity (E-blasts, USPS mailings, flyers, and website) Your company logo and tagline on MD State Council website, with link back to your website, through December 31, 2011 Opportunity to insert either 1 piece of literature or 1 gift into Conference Attendee bag ½ page ad in conference program Priority Placement Booth with 6’ table with tablecloth, electric and wireless internet provided Onsite signage during conference (2) two-day (Sunday & Monday) conference passes which includes lunch on Monday Post-event attendee List
SILVER Sponsors $2,500 Choice of PEDOMETERS or BREAKOUTS or TUESDAY WORKSHOP Your company logo on MD State Council website, with link back to your website, through December 31, 2011 Company representative to introduce presenter IF BREAKOUT SPONSOR 1 /8 page ad in conference program Booth with 6’ table with tablecloth, electric and wireless internet provided Onsite signage during conference (2) two-day conference passes which includes lunch on Monday Post-event attendee List
BRONZE Sponsors $1,800 Choice of REGISTRATION or SHRM BOOKSTORE or COFFEE BREAKS or VOLUNTEER DINNER or BREAKFAST Your company logo on MD State Council website, with link back to your website, through December 31, 2011 Company Logo in conference program Onsite Signage at designated area depending on sponsor type listed above Booth with 6’ table with tablecloth, electric and wireless internet lines provided (2) two-day conference passes which includes lunch on Monday Post-event attendee List OTHER NETWORKING EVENTS If you’d like to sponsor a special networking event on Sunday evening after Opening Reception…contact us for details
Exhibitor Fees: 2010 Returning Exhibitor $675 (until 6/1/11) $750 (until 6/1/11) $800 (until 7/15/11) $900 (after 7/15/11) Listing on MD State Council website Booth with 6’ table with tablecloth** Listed on onsite signage Two passes to luncheon on Monday, October 3, 2011 Post-event attendee List
** Electricity and/or Wireless Internet Access is NOT Included; it is an additional charge of $125.
Additional luncheon only attendees are invited at a cost of $70 per person.
Thank you for your consideration of this event. Exhibit space and sponsorship level options will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional information, including a diagram of the exhibit area, is available by contacting either Karlyn Young – Sponsorship - 443-518-3802 - [email protected] Jeanne Sherwood – Sponsorship - 410-795-7579- [email protected] Gina Weaver – Conference Chair - 443-933-4275 - [email protected] General inquires: [email protected] SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM Leading HR in the New Economy 8th Annual Maryland SHRM State Conference Sunday, October 2 thru Monday, October 3, 2011 Exhibit Times: Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday 7:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel
Please Print/Type (list company name exactly as it should appear on conference materials)
Company Name:______
Contact Person (for exhibit info): ______
Product or Service: ______
Check if you need ______electric ______internet
Please list company representatives attending the conference: (Two registrations are included in all sponsorship levels and exhibit table.)
1. ______Name e-mail 2. ______Name e-mail
Please list any additional representatives: (include $70 each for lunch passes)
3. ______Lunch? Yes No
4. ______Lunch? Yes No
Please e-mail or fax this completed form by September 16, 2011 to Karlyn Young at [email protected] or fax to 443-518-4447
Make check payable to: Maryland SHRM State Council Send your form and payment to: Maryland SHRM Council P.O. Box 794 Cockeysville, MD 21031-0794 Any questions, please call Karlyn Young – 443-518-3802 or email: [email protected] Sponsorship Application/Contract 8th Annual Maryland SHRM State Conference Sunday October 2 – Monday 3, 2010 Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel 202 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
Deadline for Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration and Advertisements Friday September 16, 2011
PLATINUM Sponsor $10,000 ____
DIAMOND Sponsor $7,500 ____
GOLD Sponsor $5,000 ____
SILVER Sponsor $2,500 ____
BRONZE Sponsor $1,800 ____
Exhibitors 2010 Exhibitor Until June 1, 2011 $ 675 ____ Until June 1, 2011 $ 750 ____ Until July 15, 2011 $ 800 ____ After Unitl July 15, 2011 $ 900 ____
Total Amount Enclosed
$______1. Contract for Exhibit Space: The2011 order of Exhibitor booths, assignment ofRules 10. & Liability Regulations continued: Further, the exhibitor shall at all times protect space, and the payment of the charges constitutes a contract. the board of directors for Maryland SHRM against any loss, damage, Please read these rules and regulations. You must liabilityknow orand expense agree arising to uphold from the thisexhibitor’s entire occupancy page. 2. Assignment of Space: Allocation of space will be of the exhibit space. Maryland SHRM will exercise great care as to the made on a first come—first served basis. Maryland SHRM State protection of the exhibitor’s property. By signing this contract the Council reserves the right to change the assignment. exhibitor releases Maryland SHRM, and the conference center from any liability. 3. Payment for Space: Application/Contracts must be accompanied by full payment and mailed to the address on the application/contract 11. Safety: Fire regulations require that all display material used for within 30 days of receiving application OR no later than September 16, decoration be flame proof. All electrical equipment, including signage 2011 and lights shall be in good condition and be able to pass inspection by the Fire Marshall. Use of flammable materials necessary to the exhibit 4. Cancellation or Withdrawal: An exhibitor may cancel where no alternatives can be used must first be brought to the attention or withdraw from the 2011 Maryland SHRM State Conference in of Maryland SHRM sixty (60) days prior to the event in writing. writing before August 15, 2011 for a full refund minus $50 administrative fee. After August 15, 2011 no refund will be given. 12. Shipping: The exhibitor agrees to ship at their own risk and expense all property to be exhibited. All shipments must be prepaid. 5. Occupancy of Space: Setup may begin at 10:00 am on Sunday, Shipments are not to arrive any earlier than two days prior to event. October2, 2011, and exhibitors MUST be set up by 2:00 p.m. on There will be a $10 per box charge for storage after the event. Further Sunday, October2, 2011. The Conference officially opens Sunday, information will be forwarded upon receipt of the application/contract. October 2, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. The exhibition floor will officially close at 5:15 pm on Monday October 3, 2010 for breakdown. All exhibits must 13. Booth Furniture and Special Work: Information will be be removed from the floor by 6:00 pm on Monday, October 3, 2011. forwarded upon request and the receipt of this application/contract. Maryland SHRM is not responsible for items remaining after this time. 14. Electrical & Wireless Internet Access: Most exhibit booths will 6. Terminations of Contract: If the premises where the 2011 have electrical hook up and wireless internet access. However, there Maryland SHRM State Conference is to be housed is destroyed or will be an additional charge for those booths needing electrical and/or damaged, or the exhibition fails to take place as scheduled or is Wireless Internet access. relocated, interrupted or discontinued; or access to the premises is prevented due to any strike, lockout, injunction, act of war, act of God, 15. Copyright Permission: Exhibitor represents and warrants that no or emergency declared by any government agency, this contract may be work protected by copyright will be staged, produced or otherwise terminated by Maryland SHRM. In the event of such termination, the performed without the expressed written consent of the owner of the exhibitor waives any and all damages and claims for damages and copyrighted material. agrees that the sole liability of Maryland SHRM is to return the payment in full. 16. Miscellaneous Regulations: Exhibitor shall not foster or conduct outside activities which would take participants from the conference 7. Exhibitor’s Representative: Each exhibitor organization functions and/or exposition during the scheduled hours. must have at least one person acting as its representative with authorization to enter into service contracts necessary for the 17. Specific Site Rules and Regulations: By signing this installation and removal of exhibits, and materials placed within an application/contract the exhibitor agrees to all rules and regulations set exhibitor’s booth are the responsibility of that exhibitor. The exhibitor forth by the conference center as well as any union rules specific to the agrees not to sublet any of their assigned space as provided. location.
8. Exhibit Standards: Maryland SHRM shall retain the right to 18. Amendments to Regulations: Any and all matters not related or prohibit any part of an exhibit that it does not deem suitable for the mentioned in these rules and regulations shall be the decision of exposition, or in keeping with the character or the purpose of this Maryland SHRM. The aforementioned items covered in these rules and conference. regulations may be changed at anytime by Maryland SHRM in the interest of the conference and notice thereof shall be binding. 9. Liability and Insurance: Exhibitor agrees to protect, save or keep Maryland SHRM forever harmless from any damages or 19. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be fully charges imposed for a violation of any law or ordinance by the familiar with these rules and regulations. negligence of the exhibitor, as well as strictly comply with the applicable terms and conditions contained in the agreement between the 20. Rights Reserved: Maryland SHRM reserves the right to refuse conference center and Maryland SHRM regarding the exposition space to any potential exhibitor or advertiser. premises.