ASCCSN Senate Meeting #1 s1

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ASCCSN Senate Meeting #1 s1

ASCSN Student Government Senate Meeting Approved Minutes College of Southern Nevada Cheyenne Campus N103 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89030 Friday November 20th 2015, 12:00 P.M

Executive Board Officers: West Charleston Senators: Brenda Romero, President (present) Ocean Garner, WCH Senator (present) Sara Weston, Vice President (present) Biruk Gebremeskel, WCH Senator (present) Christel Marie San Diego, Secretary (present) Michele Johnson, WCH Senator (present) Priscilla Munoz, Treasurer (present) Elisa Miguez, WCH Senator (present)

Cheyenne Senators: Extension Senators: Katelynn Costa, CHY Senator (present) Clark Beltran, EXT Senator (excused) Jorge Lopez, CHY Senator (present) VictorLee Boardley, EXT Senator (present) Maria Ruvalcaba, CHY Senator (present) Shelly Thompson,, CHY Senator (present) Advisors: Christopher Brown, Interim Advisor (present) Millie Vuksanovic, Financial Advisor (present) Henderson Senators: Jonathan Bowdle, HEN Senator (present) Rachel Clark, HEN Senator (present) Darius Phillips-Perry, HEN Senator (excused) Zachary Stanczak, HEN Senator (present)


NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any time.

In accordance with NRS 241.020(6), supporting materials that are submitted to the Associated Students of the College of Southern Nevada (ASCSN) Office of Student Life and Leadership Development will be made available in advance of the meeting as follows: 1) from the (ASCSN) Office of Student Life and Leadership Development by calling Shakira Taylor at (702) 651-4051 or emailing her at [email protected]; or, 2) by accessing the electronic version of the agenda posted on the ASCSN page of the CSN website:

In addition, a limited number of copies of any such supporting materials will be available at the meeting site.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call Shakira Taylor at (702) 651-4051 in advance so that arrangements may be made.

Call to Order: President Romero calls the meeting to order at 12:05PM, and calls to recess until 12:15PM.

Roll Call: Secretary San Diego conducts roll call as reflected on the roster. There are fifteen (15) voting members present. 1. Public Comment (3 minute limit each speaker) Information Only a. Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The President may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered.

b. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the President may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.

c. Patty Charlton, Senior VP of CSN, states that the administration is currently working on having a student union for a couple of years now. They have been doing some planning and brainstorming of ideas of what the student union will look like. They would like to come together as a group for an opportunity for them to hear ASCSN members’ thoughts about it. The student union will be the center of each of the campuses. They are doing a partnership with students in order to fund the student union with the students’ inputs. They are asking what we would like to see in the student union and what we envision it having.

2. Consent Agenda Items (5 minutes) For Possible Action a. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for: a.i. Senate Meeting: November 6th, 2015 a.ii. By-Laws: November 6th, 2015 a.iii. Planning and Awards: November 6th, 2015 a.iv. Senator Bowdle motions to approve item 2. a.v. Senator Clark recommends to resend the motion because of the Planning and Awards Unapproved Meeting Minutes is still the process of being completed. Senator Bowdle resends the motion to approve item 2 with the exception of Planning and Awards November 6th meeting minutes. a.vii. Senator Thompson seconds. a.viii. Motion passes: 14-0-1

3. Approval of Black Student Association (10 minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition and allocation of $150 seed money to the Black Student Association for meeting the minimum qualifications to receive seed money for the 2015-2016 Academic school year. b. Arthur Powell, president of Black Student Association, presents to the Senate. The mission of BSA is to provide service such as academic, community involvement, and cultural service. They want the students to be involved and be a part of a family in CSN. c. Vice President Weston states that they were not added to the last agenda, if anyone has questions about the seed money. d. Mr. Powell states that everybody from the BSA last year has already graduated. They are building it from the ground up and they have a full executive board to start with. e. Vice President Weston motions to approve item 3. f. Senator Clark seconds. ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes Page 3 November 20th, 2015 g. Motion passed: 14-0-1

4. Approval of Student Secular Alliance (10 Minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon recognition of the Student Secular Alliance for meeting the minimum qualifications to be recognized as a club for the 2015-2016 Academic school year. b. Daniel Little and Toni Pacini, president and group coordinator of Student Secular Alliance, presents to the Senate. The organization envisions a future where students have a voice. They are against irrationality and dogma. They are for democracy and human-based ethics. Membership for this club is open to everyone. They encourage everyone to be a social supporter. It is a national organization. They welcome everyone. They are a coalition of atheist students. c. Vice President Weston motions to approve item 4. d. Senator Stanczak seconds. e. Motion passes: 15-0-0

5. Student Union Presentation (30 minutes) Information Only a. Sherri Payne, William Lewis and their team of architects will be presenting to the senate the plan for the student unions being planned for all three main campuses. They would like the support and participation of the student government and the student body in this project designed for our students. b. Sherry Payne states that in all of campuses the CSN campuses, CSN lack student space. Danny McGinnis meet different groups around the college for inputs regarding the student union. They have already met with faculty and staff and today with students, through ASCSN Student Government. c. Danny Mcginnis is from SH Architecture. He presents the master plan for the student union. He is developing a program for a new student union specifically designed to fit student needs. The initial program he designed, the first floor of the student union has first floor specifically for active spaces and second floor for passive spaces, which includes meeting room and quiet spaces. d. Guest Payne asks the student government members if this is something that they would like. e. Senator Bowdle states that he likes the idea of the student union that Nevada States College has. f. Guest Payne states that everything is open for discussion. She also states that difficult to have good vendors for the cafe. She states that CSN cant get those big companies, such as Panda Express, interested because of the facilities that CSN have. With student union, businesses will be attracted to conduct business with our school. g. Senator Costa asks how much is the project is going to cost and how is CSN going to pay for it. h. Guest Payne states that there will be an increase in student fees. i. Senator Costa addresses that if the bookstore and the fitness center will be moved, what will happen to the spaces that will be available. j. Guest Payne states that it varies for each campu. She also states that they have the ability to modify the plan presented. They want to put the student union in the front and center of each of the campuses to get initial impact to the students. They will also accommodate new additional parking if needed. k. Senator Bowdle asks if it is possible to do a parking garage? l. Guest Payne states that the problem is that legislature will not pay for parking garage unless students pay for it. m. Senator Bowdle asks when will the student union will take place. n. Guest Payne states that it is the priority project of the administration. As of now, they are gathering data from students about what they want to have in the stuent union. o. Senator Bowdle asks if student government gets a plaque for helping them. p. Guest Payne says yes. q. Senator Thompson asks that if we are funding the student union from student fees, will the fee continue even after the student union is built. r. Guest Payne states that they have not gotten to that level just yet. It would be something they will be talking with students about. s. Guest Payne gives suggestion to the student government members on how do we get student engagement regarding this project. They can send out surveys and also give us all the information that we need to share to the students when doing classroom presentations. t. Vice President Weston states that she will give the information to the clubs and ask the advisors to share to the club. u. Senator Thompson states that she does not think that we would get a lot of feedback from student emails but students do check canvas. Canvas might be a successful way for student input. v. AA Nicole asks how this project affect student government. w. Guest Payne states that we can have student government offices there. She also states that it will be about 25000 sq. ft. building. x. Senator Costa states that it should be a requirement for them to have current CSN student ID to have access in the building. y. Student Lea Tapia states that students who take classes at the K building, health and sciences, hardly get to participate in the happenings in the school ( k building) health and wellness building. Students should be able to scan their IDs to have access to amenities. z. Student Arthur Powell states that students should have current student IDs to access amenities.

6. Nurse’s Pinning Club Pinning Finance (10 minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon funding not to exceed $500 for the Nurse’s Pinning Ceremony. They have gone through Funding and Proposal for this request. b. President Romero states that during the Funding Proposal meeting, the Nursing Pinning asked for $500.00 for their fall pinning since they can only ask up to $500.00 in funding proposal. This is why they have another item that has a $1500.00 funding. c. Senator Bowdle motions to approve item 6 with funding not to exceed $500.00. d. Secretary San Diego seconds. e. Motion passes: 12-0-3

7. Nurse’s Pinning Club Pinning Finance (10 minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote on additional funding not to exceed $1,000 for the Fall Nursing Pinning Ceremony. b. Pinning is a solemn and distinguished event that includes the tradition of wearing the white nursing uniform, speeches from students, faculty, guests, and candle lighting. The passage shall also include the recitation of the nursing pledge. c. Leah Tapia and Nicholes Jasmine Parra come before the senate to present for this item. Guest Tapa states that that the right of passage is where we have our ceremony, which is basically considered as their graduation. This is a ceremony celebrating the graduates being full-fledged nurses. It is a transition from being a student to becoming a full-fledged nurse. Every semester, their graduates are about 80 to 100 students. They have to push through with doing the ceremony at the Cashman center because of the contract that they have with them. They also emphasize that they do try their best to use the school resources that they have. They give back to the community, most especially with CSN. The cannot deplete from the budget that they have now because of the contracts that they have to pay. As semester goes on, it is more and more difficult for them to fundraise. They were able to raise $5500.00. d. Senator Costa states that according from the budget presented in funding proposal last year, their budget for this year went up by $2000. She states that this budget covers the idea of having the best quality that you could get from the pinning ceremony. e. Guest Tapia states that they are worried about the contracts that they have to pay for. f. Vice President Weston suggests having the ceremony at the horn theatre and have a limited number of people they can invite. g. Guest Tapia states that they have a contract with the businesses and they cannot deviate from it. They have 80 to 100 people graduating and they expect about a 1000 people to come to the graduation ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes Page 5 November 20th, 2015 ceremony. They chose Cashman Center because they were given a discount. They have a contract with them until 2018. She does not have an answer regarding the budget from the last semester. h. The Advisor of Nursing Pinning states that the budget depends on what they need, such as stage decorations. i. Guest Tapia states that the programs that will be given out will go through the CSN printing. She emphasizes that this is their graduation. j. Advisor Brown states that normally when ASCSN funds a club, they are recognized by being in the program or recognized that it is an ASCSN funded event. He asks Guest Leah where does that come in. k. The advisor of Nursing Pinning states that it is going to be in the program. l. Senator Costa addresses that the club is spending twice as much money for the same thing every year. She recommends them to do the graduation ceremony once a year. m. Guest Tapia states that she does not any answer for it. n. The advisor of Nursing Pinning states that for the nursing students, by the time the new graduating students come in, the students who were about to graduate are no longer students. They cannot do the right of passage if they are already a nurse. o. Senator Johnson states that the club will save more money if they use photography students of CSN instead of hiring photographers outside of CSN. p. Nursing Pinning Advisor states that they have tried to use every possible CSN resource. They have a contract with the photographer that they hired. q. Senator Bowdle motion to approve item 7 with funding not to exceed $1500.00. r. Senator Boardley seconds. s. Motion passes: 6-4-5 t. Secretary San Diego addresses to the club that their budgeting strategy is very inefficient because they are in debt every semester, and tries to pay for the debt of the past semester to the new semester that they have putting the burden of paying the debt to student government. She recommends for them to do something about it.

8. Creative Writing Club (10 minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon allocating $ 500.00 to the Creative Writing Club to help fund their publication of the CSN literary magazine known as The Neon Dreams. This item has been discussed in the Funding Proposal committee as well. b. Vice President Weston motions to approve item 8 with funding not to exceed $500.00. c. Senator Stanczak seconds. d. Motion passes: 12-0-3

9. Winter Work Hours (15 minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon whether they wish to work during the winter break. b. President Romero make sure you commit to your work schedule c. Point of Privilege: Senator Bowdle leaves the room at 1:43PM. d. AA Sowell states that we can work until January 11th since the contract ends on that date. e. AA Nicole states that the Henderson office is shut down during break. f. Treasurer Munoz asks whether we need to work the whole break or not. g. AA Sowell states that as long as student government members give us schedule and time that they are working. h. President Romero states to the Senate to treat this like a real job. i. Vice President Weston motions to approve item 9. j. Secretary San Diego seconds. k. Motion passes: 13-0-1 l. Point of Order: Senator Bowdle arrives the room at 1:46PM. 10. Spring Semester Meeting Dates (10 minutes) For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon the meeting dates for the 2015 Spring Semester. b. The meetings will be as follows: b.i. January 8th and 22nd - West Charleston b.ii. February 5th and 19th – Cheyenne b.iii. March 4th and 25th – Henderson b.iv. April 8th and 22nd – West Charleston b.v. May 13th – Cheyenne c. Advisor Brown states that oath of office for the incoming 2016-2017 Senate will be done after the grades are posted. d. Vice president motions to approve item 10. e. Senator Johnson seconds. f. Motion passes: 15-0-0 11. Suspension of Dress Code For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon the suspension of the dress code for winter break and the December 4th meeting. b. President Romero states that we will be dress down and we will be in our holiday outfits for the December 4th meeting. We will also be taking pictures to send out holiday cards to CSN Departments. c. Point of Privilege: Senator Clark leaves the room at 2:29PM. d. Advisor Brown discourages the Senate to wear sweatpants and t-shirt for the meeting. e. Senator Bowdle motions to approve item 11. f. Senator Gebremeskel seconds. g. Motion passes: 14-0-0

12. Club Packet For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote on proposed changes to the 2015-2016 Club Packet. This item shall be led by Vice President Weston. b. Secretary San Diego motions to table item 12. c. Vice President Weston seconds. d. Motion passes: 14-0-0 e. Point of Order: Senator Clark arrives the room at 2:33PM.

13. VP Open Meeting For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote on proposed amendments to ASCSN By-Law Article IV Section 8 as it relates VP Open Meetings. This item shall be led by Vice President Weston. b. Senator Thomspon motions to table item 13 indefinitely. c. Senator Clark seconds. d. Motion passes: 15-0-0

14. ASCSN Club Amendments For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote on proposed amendments to ASCSN By-Law Article XXII. This item shall be led by Vice-Chair Thompson. b. Senator Bowdle motions to table item 14. c. Senator Stanczak seconds. d. Motion passes: 15-0-0

15. ASCSN Executive Board Hours For Possible Action ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes Page 7 November 20th, 2015 a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote on proposed amendments in relation to Executive Board working hours. This item shall be led by Senator Costa. b. Shelly and Costa presents the amended by law. c. Ad Brown takes note of the word “shall” because that means that an executive board will be automatically taken out of the senate. He also states that our academic pursuits a paramount of importance. However, your schedule is your schedule and you have to stick to it. d. Senator Clark states that we need a better system where everyone is accountable. e. Advisor Brown recommends that we use may instead of shall. f. Senator Thompson states that the future eboard members can adjust their schedule according to their work schedule. g. Point of Privilege: Senator Gebremeskel leaves the room at 2:58PM h. Advisor Brown suggests the secretary to modify their report to reflect location of work hours. i. Senator Bowdle motions to approve item 15 as reflected on the screen. j. Senator Thomspon seconds. k. Motion passes:12-2-0

16. Opening the Letter of Intent For Possible Action a. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon opening the letter of intent for the spring semester. The positions for openings are Secretary, 2 Henderson senate seats, and any that may arise from other campuses. b. Senator Clark states that she is not yet sure if she is leaving the Senate for the next semester. c. Senator Bowdle motions to open letter of intent today at 5pm and close it on January 4th at 5pm for 1 Secretary, 1 Henderson Senator and 1 Cheyenne Senator postions. d. Senator Costa seconds. e. Motion passes: 15-0-0

17. Club Rush (15 minutes) Information Only a. The senate shall discuss Club Rush for the Spring Semester. b. President Romero states that there is no definite date yet for the Club Rush. c. Senator Bowdle states that for the next Planning & Awards and Senate meeting, they will have line item budget and everything else needed to present to the Senate.

18. End of the Year Banquet 2016 Information Only a. The Senate shall start discussion on the banquet in May 2016. b. President Romero states that for the presentation of the EOTYB, we will have catering options and possible themes presented to the Senate. Anybody who has other theme ideas can present as well.

19. ASCSN Senate Report (15 minutes) Information Only a. Executive Board Officers Reports a.i. President’s Report  President Romero states that we should have a tree planting done at CSN connection, which symbolizes unity, in memory of all the attacks going on .  She also states that late registration is opening up again because of the low numbers of enrollment. Hopefully, it helps the number goes back up.  Advisor Brown states that late enrollment was closed due to studies showing that students had significantly lower GPA’s than those who registered on time.  President Romero got an email that states that there is possible consolidation of police departments within the southern Nevada institutes. UNR and TMCC are unifying their police departments to cut down on spending but President Richard’s concerns are that it is not saving any money and safety would be compromised.  President Romero mentions having a Diversity Talk event. President Richards and the multicultural department want to put on an event where President Richard goes around talking about diversity and diversity initiatives. He wants us to know that if there are any issues, he knows about them.  She also states that CSN is revamping the CSN website and everything that comes with it. On march, the website will be completely different. They need student input on what to put in the student portal.  Regarding the White elephant on December 4th, if you guys have not emailed back and if you want to participate, please let us know. The gifts will be $15 maximum.

a.ii. Vice President ’ s Report  Vice President Weston has no report at this time.

a.iii. Secretary ’ s Report  Secretary San Diego presents the work logbook to the Senate.

a.iv. Treasurer’s Report  Treasurer Munoz shows the folder she made in relation to all treasurer documents, budget, IVIXs. It is updated at all times if student government members would like to refer to them. Templates are made for the future treasurer.

b. Committee Chair Reports b.i. There are no committee reports at this time.

c. Campus Reports c.i. West Charleston: Senator Garner states that the Meet and Greet went really well. Six pages of sign in sheets are filled out. Ping pong days are doing great as well. c.ii. Henderson: Senator Stanczak states that the voter registration day went really great. 55 people registered to vote. He gives a shout out to ACDC as well for having a booth at the event and for helping out a lot.

20. New Business Information Only a. Items for consideration at future meetings may be suggested. Any discussion of an item under “New Business” is limited to description and clarification of the subject matter of the item, which may include the reasons for the request. b. There are no new business at this time.

21. Public Comment (3 minute limit each speaker) Information Only a. Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The President may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered. ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved Minutes Page 9 November 20th, 2015 b. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the President may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.

c. Dexter, from CSN athletic department, presents to the Senate. The volleyball team from the athletic department are local kids, and they receive no scholarship for being at the volleyball program. They currently hired soccer coaches and the soccer team will start playing games this coming fall. They have 60 full time students and they also have part time coaches. They have a plan of having basketball team. The softball field is being built with institutional funds at the Henderson campus. They have not partnered well with the students and it is not a financial issue. They will be funding for a new mascot. They have also gone back to royal school color. They want to be able to bring all of the campuses together to develop school spirit.

d. They athletic department will have tryouts in December 8th. Baseball season and Softball season starts in January. Guest Dexter reminds the Senate that student government is the strength of the student body.

22. Adjournment Action a. This meeting adjourns at 3:37PM.

Posted by President Romero on Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 by 9:00 a.m.


CSN Cheyenne Campus, Main Building 1st Floor across from Stu. Gov. Dept. Ste. #E102, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV 89030 CSN Cheyenne Campus, Main Building 1st Floor Room #S101, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV 89030 CSN Henderson Campus, “B” Building 1st Floor Stu. Service Hall, 700 College Dr., Henderson, NV 89002 CSN Summerlin High Tech Center, Main Building 1st floor student lounge room 106, 333 S. Pavilion Center Dr., Las Vegas NV 89144 CSN West Charleston Campus, “B” Building 1st Floor Room #107, 6375 W. Charleston Blvd.., Las Vegas, NV 89146 CSN West Charleston Campus, “D” Building 1st Floor near Advising/Success Coaches, 6375 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146

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