Hatherleigh Town Council Minutes of Annual General Meeting Held Tuesday 4Th May 2010 6

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Hatherleigh Town Council Minutes of Annual General Meeting Held Tuesday 4Th May 2010 6

Hatherleigh Town Council – minutes of Annual General Meeting held Tuesday 4 th May 2010 6.30pm in the Community Centre

Present: Cllrs.Jacobs (chair), Alford, Bush, Abell, Taylor, Winser, Trenaman Bater, Calkin. The Clerk Mrs.R.Lock Apologies: Cllr.Jones

1. Election of Officers a) Mayor Cllr.Graham Alford b) Deputy: Cllrs.Gary Bush and Mrs.Elizabeth Abell

Propsed Cllr.Bater seconded Cllr.Taylor – all agreed

2. Election of Representatives to Committees: a) Sportsfield Cllr.I.Trenaman b) Moor Management Cllrs.Jones, Bush and Calkin c) DCC P3 Scheme Cllr.Taylor d) Okehampton Area PC Cllr.Alford e) Northern Links Cllr.Calkin f) Community Centre Cllrs.Jacobs and Alford g) Ruby Run Cllrs.Bush and Bater

Resolved that all the above be elected en bloc.

Minutes of the meeting held 13th April, having been duly circulated, were signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record. Proposed Cllr.Bush seconded Cllr.Taylor. All agreed.

MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 3. Cllr.Calkin to submit his register of interests by post to the Clerk.

4. ToB (min.426 refers) No reply received from Mr.R.Beavis on our letter of 15th April. Resolved that Clerk inform Cllr.J.McInnes

5. Hatherleigh Care village road improvements (min.429 refers) DRJones in receipt of all paperwork – now awaiting licence from Highways to commence work.

6. Moor View ditch (min.430 refers) awaiting information from Mrs.J.Skelton of WDBC

7. Nat.West Bank (min.432 refers) new cash machine now installed.

1 8. Pyles auction rooms (min.433 refers) School are sending reminders to all parents about considerate parking, and speaking to those parents who may be Causing parking problems. Resolved copy of school letter be sent to Mr.Pyle.

9. Bushes at Moor View (min.435 refers) resolved that Cllr.Alford speaks direct with the property owners over this matter.

10. Speeding traffic (min.449 refers) resolved that we ask Devon County Council Highways representative to attend a meeting to discuss various traffic issues within Hatherleigh.

11. WDBC Sign in Square (min.464 refers) still not replaced.

PLANNING MATTERS 12. Applications to consider:- a) Mr.J.Kimber 46 Pearse Close cou land to garden and garage Following further information received from WDBC the Council support the application but are concerned about the large size of the garage which has double doors and a single side door b) Mr.A.Munn 13 Claremont Place new access with parking Council support this application c) Mr.G.Vick Rowans Park Road conservatory (retrospective) Council support this application

13. Permissions: none granted

14. Refusals none advised

FINANCIAL MATTERS 15. Clerk presented accounts for year ending 31st March 2010, including copies of figures for all years special projects ie. Tour of Britain, Island Park play equipment and allotments. Proposed Cllr.Abell seconded Cllr.Alford that accounts be adopted. All agreed. Clerk to submit paperwork to Internal Auditor.

16. Clerk presented the following accounts for payment:- a) Mrs.Leahy toilet cleaning £ 139.20 b) Mrs.Lock wages £ 193.20 c) Mrs.Lock expenses £ 29.80 d) DAPC subscription £ 290.54 e) Mrs.J.Harris Awards evening catering £ 350.00 f) Contrast Awards evening band £ 300.00 g) Mr.N.Moorcroft Island park caretaker £ 417.60 h) Hatherleigh Comm.Cen hiring £ 10.00

2 i) Madewell hardcore for sheds £ 45.00 j) Allianz insurance premium 10/11 £ 1553.56 k) Allianz insurance prem.May/June £ 36.98 l) Top Cut graveyard trees cutting £ 176.25 m) Area Leisure training course exams £ 180.00 n) Playdale 2nd instalment Island Park £ 19032.65 o) R.Balsdon Belvedere donation £ 100.00

Proposed Cllr.Taylor 2nd Cllr.Jacobs that the above accounts be paid and Cllrs. Bater and Trenaman signed the cheques.

17. Moneys received:- a) Ruby Run Island Park donation (Feb) £ 1000.00 b) DCC 2nd instalment play grant £ 17231.00

18. Any other financial matters:- a) Roz Chard Town Crier – request for donation. Resolved to grant £150.00

ISLAND PARK 19. Cllr.Bush reported as follows:- a) zip wire still work required to be carried out b) 2 extra rubbish bins need to be added to WDBS list for emptying c) Open Day had been a success. d) Gap by the flower bed – it was resolved that a stile should be fitted. Cllr.Bush to contact M.Cole.

SKATEBOARD RAMP 20. An inspection rota needs to be established.

ALLOTMENTS 21. Cllrs.Abell and Alford reported as follows:- a) £2000 from Awards 4 All had been notified b) Further grant forms would now be submitted c) NDJ and Okehampton Times to be contacted for further publicity d) Problem with one allotment, otherwise project going very well.

NEW GRAVEYARD 22. Cllr.Jacobs reported as follows:- a) M.Cole would complete the new footpath in July b) All paperwork nearing completion

3 MAINTENANCE/TRAFFIC ISSUES 23. Uneven pavement reported on footpath by No. 8 Claremont.

24. Georges Burger Van – sought Council’s views on him establishing a permanent building on Island Park. Following a discussion, it was resolved that the Council did not want such a building. Clerk to advise.

COMMUNITY AWARDS EVENING 25. All Councillors had received positive feedbacks for a successful evening with the wish that it was repeated next year

26. Resolved that letter of thanks be sent to Mr.M.Thomas for his preparation of all the certificates.

BELVEDERE 27. Following a discussion on the matter, it was resolved that as the Belvedere was of value to the community that a donation of £100 be made to Mr.Balsdon for the past use of the monument with an offer of an annual donation of £50 to commence lst April 2011.

CAR PARKING 28. The ongoing problems with car parking throughout the town Council’s thoughts on the matter were as follows:- a) too many cars – should encourage car sharing schemes b) there is insufficient suitable parking within the town, consideration should be given to a residents annual car park permit, perhaps taking over the car park from WDBC, giving more consideration to parking when discussing planning applications, were there any more suitable sites for parking within the town. c) “Access only” for some of the narrow streets d) Continued bad parking at junction of South Street by the school – more zig zag road markings needed. e) enforcement actions are an issue

Resolved that we invite Ms.J.Skelton from WDBC and DCC Highways to a meeting to discuss these important ongoing issues.

BOROUGH COUNCILLOR’S REPORT 29. Cllr.Bater had nothing to report

MEETINGS ATTENDED BY COUNCILLORS 30. Sportsfield – Cllr.Trenaman - recent RoSPA inspection had taken place.

4 CORRESPONDENCE 31. WDBC LDF and Core Strategy update in reading file.

32. Hatherleigh Festival – road closure applied for Market Street Sat.24th July.

33. Hatherleigh Carnival Comm request to use Island Park for duck race on llth Sep. Granted.

34. South Molton Olde English Fayre – details handed to Cllr.Alford

ANY OTHER BUSINESS 35. Cllr.Bush:- a) sheep statute damaged 30/31 April. Reported to police log no. JO/10/3111. Mr.R.Dean, coming to inspect damage and give quote for repairs. b) Loose dogs at Claremont – police had paid two visits to the property. c) “Force Action Day” he had arranged to go around the town with the Police Beat Manager. d) Website – photos to be taken and Councillors to write short blog of themselves. Agreed that if possible website address to be as follows: hatherleightowncouncil.gov.uk.

36. Cllr.Taylor:- a) reported that Old School lights had now been replaced and working b) Complaint received concerning Mr.C.Brown Martin of Hatherleigh Motor Services parking vehicles on pavement opposite the garage.

37. Cllr.Alford on behalf of all Councillors present thanked and congratulated Cllr.Jacobs on his excellent year as mayor and for all his hard work.

38. Date of next meeting Tuesday 8th June.

There being no further business, the chairman thanked those present for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.55pm.



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