A Service for the Worship of God

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A Service for the Worship of God

A SERVICE FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD People: My the God of mercy, who forgives us our sin, strengthen us in all Eighth Sunday After Pentecost goodness, August 3rd, 2014 - 11:00 AM and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen.

PRELUDE Draw Us In The Spirit's Tether RESPONSE Glory Be to the Father James Biery (Hymn 579)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; Welcome and Announcements As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Minute for Dimes/ Dimes for Hunger Harriett Amen. Amen. Brown Introit Come Thou Almighty King Hopson/ Glass

OLD TESTAMENT LESSON Psalm CALL to WORSHIP 17:1-7, 15 Liturgist Come to the waters; come, eat, and drink. People: The Lord gives us food in due season. ANTHEM Draw Us In The Spirit's Tether W. Liturgist: Come to Christ; come, eat and be filled. James Glass People: By the grace of God, there is plenty for all. All our meals and all our living Make as sacraments of thee, That by caring, helping, giving, We may true disciples be Alleluya! Alleluya! We will serve thee faithfully. HYMN 473 For the Beauty of the Earth . Dix NEW TESTAMENT LESSON Matthew 14:1-21 CALL to CONFESSION PRAYER of CONFESSION (Unison) RESPONSE: O Lord our God, we confess that we do not reflect your glory. You bless Leader: This is the word of the Lord. us so generously, but we deny your blessing to others. You provide for us People: Thanks be to God! so richly, but we are slow to share your gifts. Forgive us; restore and reorder our lives by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may SERMON "Two Feasts" Rev. Billy Robinson proclaim with gratitude the great abundance of your love, to the glory of

your holy name… HYMN 414 As Those of Old Their Firstfruits Brought Forest Green ASSURANCE of PARDON Liturgist The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. In the name of AFFIRMATION of FAITH The Apostles' Creed, Traditional (Hymnal, Page Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. 14) PASTORAL PRAYER and THE LORD'S PRAYER (Hymnal, Robert K. Folks Jennifer L. Bryan Suzanne F. Harper Page 16) Elizabeth W. Gregory H. Max Clyburn Barbara L. McKinnon James H. Howey Jr. David A. Ghent Jamie C. Williams PRESENTATION of TITHES OFFERINGS and GIFTS

OFFERTORY Let Us Talents And Tongues Employ Folk MINISTRY BOARDS Melody Christian Formation Congregational Care Columbarium & RESPONSE Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Hymnal, H. Max Clyburn Barbara L. McKinnon Memorial Garden Page 592) Jamie C. Williams Kim M. Moredock Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen Fellowship Hospitality & Nominating Committee PRAYER of DEDICATION David A. Ghent Outreach Robert K. Folks Jennifer L. Bryan Jennifer L. Bryan Jennifer L. Bryan HYMN 514 Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ Jamie C. Williams David A. Ghent Suzanne F. Harper Linstead Suzanne F. Harper

Worship CHARGE and BENEDICTION Elizabeth W. Gregory Suzanne F. Harper

RESPONSE Go with Us, Lord (Hymnal, Page SUPPORT COMMITTEES 535) Go with us, Lord, and guide the way Through this and every coming day, Pastoral and Property Management Stewardship and That in Your Spirit strong and true Our lives may be our gift to You. Staff Relations James H. Howey Jr. Operational Support

Elizabeth W. Gregory H. Max Clyburn Robert K. Folks POSTLUDE Improvisation on "Linstead" James H. Howey Jr. Barbara L. McKinnon

(All who are able, please stand) STAFF Rev. Billy Robinson - Interim Pastor Jim Glass - Director of Music and Organist First Presbyterian Church Susan Lott - Administrative Assistant Philip W. Neely - Treasurer 700 North Main Street/PO Box 990 Lancaster, South Carolina 29721 www.fpc-lancaster.org SESSION MEMBERS 803-283-3329 Rev. Billy Robinson - Moderator Robert K. Folks, Clerk A Place to Belong, A Place to Serve Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 "Now you are the Body of Christ , and Individually members of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27 Friends of the church (recently brought forward for prayer): Dean Williamson; Diane Ghent; Iris Steele; Eileen Lloret; Thelma Likens; Allison Carnes; Max Ballard; Lisa Bumgardner; Bill Fox & Family.

Please pray for those serving in our military: Angela Armour; Heath Foster; Ramon McCullough; Gary Hogan; Vicky Taylor; Mitch Maybray; Daniel Byrd; Andrew Moffett OUR VISION AND MISSION

We, the members of First Presbyterian Church, are disciples of the risen Christ and members of his universal PRAYER MINISTRY TABLE Body, who are empowered by God’s Spirit to WORSHIP God with joy and thanksgiving; PROCLAIM the Today: Cindy Ruh/Joy Williams Gospel through word and deed; TEACH the message of God’s love in Christ; SHARE God’s love for all people Next Week: Cindy Williams/Adele Williams by reaching out in hospitality, ministry and mission; WORK together in harmonious unity as a loving and caring people; and to SERVE one another and others beyond our fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.

OUR VALUES The values we cherish to enable us to accomplish our vision and mission are the fruit of God’s Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)


Robert, Anne, Caroline & Jackson Howey Linda Hutchinson Mark, Vickie, David & Leanne Jewell Henry & Martha Johnson

WE INVITE EVERYONE TO ATTEND one of our Sunday School classes: Nursery/Preschool Class; K-5th PASTORAL NEEDS: The Session desires to be informed when members and friends of the church are in grade; 6th-7th grade; 8th-12th grade. Adult Classes: Men's Bible Class; Elizabeth Tennant Bible Class; need of pastoral care. During office hours, please call the church office (803-283-3329), in order that the elder Friendship Class; Spirit/Passage Class. Come join us as we explore God's Word together as a church family! under whose care the person or family is assigned may be notified. A SPECIAL INVITATION! You are invited to become a member of our church by making your profession FIRST PREBYTERIAN'S PRAYER MINISTRY of faith in Jesus Christ, by making your reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ, or by transferring your Please come by the Prayer Ministry Table before or after our services and give the name of your prayer request membership from the church where you have been active. If you are interested in becoming a member of First to our prayer ministry representatives. Their name will be given to our pastor before the pastoral prayer to be Presbyterian, please speak to the pastor, indicate this on the Friendship Register, or call the church office at raised to God in corporate prayer. At the Prayer Table cards are available to express our corporate love and 283-3329. concern to those remembered in prayer. Please stop by each Sunday on your way into church to sign these CHURCH ACITIVITES: August 03, 2014- August 09, 2014 cards. Help us in this way to further our church's ministry of sympathy, witness and service to others in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday 9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 AM Worship/Dimes for Hunger Please pray for our members: Darrell & Peggy Bell; Nell Carter; Locketta Stephenson; Ann Powers; Margaret Marshall; Louie Belk; Barbara McKinnon. Monday 7:00 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast LUNCH BUNCH meets every Thursday at noon in the fellowship hall. Tuesday 9:00 AM St. Fiacre Brown bag a lunch and join us for the purpose of fellowship, prayer and sermon review. 7:00 PM Finance Committee

Wednesday 12:00 PM Bulletin Deadline BACK-TO-SCHOOL. FPC has started the collection of school supplies for high school students through August 10th. The items needed are: graph paper, 3x5 index cards, lead & Thursday 12:00 PM Lunch Bunch colored pencils, blue or black ink pens, loose-leaf paper, 12" rulers, graphing calculators & 8:00 PM Al-Anon flash drives. Please place your donation in the wooden box located inside the back entrance of the church.

BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please submit all announcements to the church office by 12:00 p.m. on ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Make plans to attend the FELLOWSHIP ICE CREAM Wednesday of each week unless otherwise noted in bulletin. You may also send them via email to SOCIAL Sunday, August 17th beginning at 5:30pm. Come with a friend and enjoy ice [email protected] cream with all the toppings, cookies and other desserts. There is no cost to you and you do not have to sign up. Front cover artwork by Nicole Anderson. During this social, we will continue "Blessing of the Backpack". See you there! OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINISTRY LEGACY AWARD. Submit your honoree for the 2014 Legacy Award: Celebrating the WEE WORSHIP BAGS are available in the narthex. Return the bags to the basket after Legacy of Faith. With your submission, include a narrative expressing your reason for the worship. nomination. Deadline for submission to the church office is August 10th. Legacy replaces Older Adult of the Year Award. The HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE would like to announce, during the summer months before worship, lemonade will be served in the narthex. Enjoy a glass before heading into PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN. The Commissioning of Officers has been set for Sunday, the sanctuary. August 24th during worship. There are positions open that need to be filled; contact Carolyn Hardin at 804-0496 for more information. MINUTE FOR DIMES. Today, we welcome from Providence Presbytery- Central America THESE DAYS are available in the narthex and on the console at the back door entrance. Missions, Harriet Brown. Harriet will share with us an insight on one of the collaborative ministries of Providence Presbytery, Dimes for Hunger. Together, we can give hope to THANKS. A few months back, FPC donated glasses for a Providence Presbytery mission to others. Honduras. 311 individuals were seen and 175 pairs of glasses were given to those in need. Success! MONTREAT. We welcome the FPC Youth back from the weeklong conference at Montreat. SUMMER SPRUCE UP. Tentative work day. Saturday, August 23rd from 9:30am to 11:00am. Clear and clean Sunday school rooms, pressure wash, etc. TLC goes a long way! MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 4th beginning just before 7:00am. See you there! PLAN AHEAD. Tuesday, September 9th will be "Wear Your Team Colors" Pasta Night. Rah! Rev. Billy Robinson's office hours are 9:00am until 12:00pm Monday through Thursday with the afternoon reserved for visits outside the church. Billy may be reached after hours by phone, (803) 389-6852 or by email at [email protected]. ______

BIRTHDAYS: August 03-August 09 ANNIVERSARIES: 07 Jimmy Williams 05 Steve & Cindy Williams

ATTENDANCE for July 27, 2014 SS -18 MW -51 ATTENDANCE for July 28, 2014 Men's Prayer Breakfast - 26


07/27/14 Year To Date

Amount Budgeted $ 3,124.60 $ 93,738.00 Amount Received 1,694.00 91,162.55 Over/(Under) $(1,430.60) $ (2,575.45)

Count Team: Jim Morton/Jennifer Bryan Ushers: Glenn Simpson/Casey Ballard/David Ghent/Max Clyburn Church Opening: Max Clyburn Front Door Greeters: Peggy Furr/Linda Hutchinson Back Door Greeter: Carolyn Hardin Alternate Greeter: Betsy Gregory Chancel: Betsy Folks

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