Record No. Insert Record Number
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The Circuit Court An Chuirt Chuarda
Insert Plaintiff(s) Name Plaintiff
Insert Defendant(s) Name Defendant
The Plaintiff, Insert Plaintiff(s) name of Insert Plaintiff(s) address having applied for the issue of an Execution Order on foot of a Insert Decree/Judgment (whichever is applicable) obtained herein on the I nsert date of Decree/Judgment(whichever applicable)for the sum of Insert Amount, together with costs of Insert Amount (if applicable)(to be taxed in default of agreement)(if applicable)you the several Sheriffs and County Registrars with whom this order may be lodged are hereby authorised and required to take in execution the goods of the said Insert Defendant(s) Name Define Defendant(s) address i.e. h aving its registered office at/residing at/having its place of business at Insert Defendant(s) address within your Bailiwick to satisfy the amount due on foot of the said Insert Decree/Judgment (whichever applicable) together with the costs of the said execution including the sum of € as and for the costs of this Order and also interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum on the said sum of Insert amoun t (being the sum due under the Insert Decree/Judgment (whichever is applicable), Insert exclusive/incl usive of costs and expenses) from the Dated this day of 200. By the Court
County Registrar To the several Sheriffs and County Registrars NOTE This Execution Order is in force for one year from the date hereof ENDORSEMENT OF EXECUTION ORDER
This Execution Order was issued by
Lodged with the of the County of at his office in
At the hour of o’clock in the noon the day of 20
County of I Authorise and Empower
To wit
Court messengers, or either of them, and their assistants to execute this Execution Order.
Give under my hand this day of 20
______Sheriff or County Registrar of the said county.
The sum to be levied hereunder is €
______Sheriff or County Registrar. SCHEDULE OF SHERIFF’S FEES AND EXPENSES ORDER 2005
Reference Item Fees and Expenses Number (2) (3) (1) Fee to be paid at the time of lodgement with the sheriff of an 1. execution order directing or authorising the execution of an €19.00 order of a court by the seizure and sale of a person’s property. 2. Poundage fee for executing an execution order directing or authorising the execution of an order of a court by the seizure and sale of a person’s property – (a) if the entire amount stated in the order to be due for 5% of the first €5,500.00 and debt, costs and interest is levied, 2.5% of the balance, of that amount.
5% of the first €5,500.00 and 2.5% of the balance, of the (b) if the entire amount aforesaid is not levied. amount actually levied.
3. Fee to be paid at the time of lodgement with the sheriff of an execution order directing or authorising the execution of an €175.00 order of a court by putting a person into possession of land or premises. 4. For expenses incurred in gaining access to land or premises. The actual and necessary expenses of gaining such access. 5. Fee to be paid at the time of lodgement with the sheriff of an execution order directing or authorising the execution of an €56.00 order of a court by delivering specific property to a person. 6. For executing an execution order by court messenger. €40.00 and, if assisted by one or more bailiffs, €40.00 in respect of each such bailiff. 7. Travelling expenses in respect of the distance travelled for the purpose of the execution of –
(a) an execution order, or At the appropriate civil service mileage rate for the time being.
€32.00 (b) a certificate issued under section 962 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (No. 39 of 1997) 8. For the removal – The actual and necessary expenses of such removal. (a) of goods seized to a place of safe keeping , or
(b) for the removal of goods or animals from land or premises to facilitate an ejectment from the premises.
9. For the sustenance and safe keeping of cattle or other animals The expenses reasonably and while under seizure under an execution order and the storage necessarily incurred. and safe keeping of all other goods pending the sale thereof. 10. For the sale of property seized under an execution order or the The expenses reasonably and preparations for such a sale, whether or not the sale takes place. necessarily incurred. 11. For search for orders and certificate of search. €21.00