Vestry Minutes Trinity Episcopal Church Hattiesburg, Mississippi August 16, 2016


Marian Fortner, Rector+ Meg Paul, Senior Warden Clark Callahan, Junior Warden Michael Watkins, Treasurer Jan Moore, Bookkeeper Toni Bailey Gretchen Grimsley Tom Hardy Chuck Tardy Elizabeth Lentz-HILL Bob Brahan Max Grivno, Clerk


Barbara Carter Ward Conville Ellen McKenzie

CALL TO ORDER – Rev. Fortner called the meeting to order at 5:15pm. OPENING PRAYER APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Calahan moved to approve the minutes. Hardy seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous assent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for the 25 July 2016 Regular Meeting – Paul moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Lentz-Hill seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous assent.

RECTOR’S REPORT – The Rector is meeting with parishioners and is getting the various commissions back at work, including working on the calendar of events for the coming year and creating a separate Christian education commission. Rev. Fortner reported that the curate is looking for a home in Hattiesburg. His first Sunday at Trinity will be 11 September 2016.

WARDENS’ REPORTS – Senior Warden (Meg Paul) – Paul reported that there is more interest in children’s education. There is also discussion of creating a confirmation class that would meet during the Sunday school hour. Finally, Paul reported that she and the Rector met with L. Lewis and had a productive discussion of the Master Plan for

1 grounds. His greatest priority is seeing the parking lot expanded and improved and the enhancement of the grounds. Paul suggested that these improvements are eminently practical, especially if we proceed without the pavilion, the serpentine fence, and the labyrinth.

Junior Warden (Callahan) – Callahan has drafted a letter that will be sent to four or five contractors to gauge their interest in our construction project. He hopes to have it sent later in the week. Callahan reported that the weather has delayed the installation of the air conditioner, but that the contractors may be at work as soon as this week. He added that the two units on the roof have been purchased and are ready to be installed once the weather improves.


Communications—Toni Bailey—No report.

Christian Formation—Elizabeth Lentz-Hill—The fall education program is beginning.

Master Plans for Grounds—Clark Callahan—No report.

Fellowship—Chuck Tardy—No report.

Liturgy—Ellen McKenzie—No report.

Newcomers—Tom Hardy—Jan Moore has been very busy. There were three new families at the last newcomers’ breakfast. The greeters are also identifying visitors and making certain that they are comfortable with the liturgy and on the Parish grounds. To that end, there are also new bulletins with more detailed instructions on what to do during the service. The committee has made new children’s activities packages that are specific for the week’s gospel readings and are redesigning the visitor’s cards and sending out handwritten notes to visitors. Finally, they have created an informational/welcome table in the parish hall.

Outreach—Bob Brahan—Brahan offered a brief report on the scout troop. Paul noted that there is a need for more Breadbasket volunteers. Becky and Doug Montague are working to build a partnership through the Art Smart program to adopt the elementary school in Rawls Springs. The parish will be gathering art supplies for the school on 11 September 2016.

Pastoral Care—Gretchen Grimsley—Grimsley has been checking in with parishioners

Stewardship—Barbara Carter, Ward Conville—No report.

TREASURER’S REPORT – The parish is in good financial health. July cash-in-hand was $98,945.89, which was an increase of some $14,000 over the previous month. The treasurer liquidated the Kinnaird account and combined these funds with the Burkes

2 account to cash to pay for the air conditioner. As of July, the parish is $9,100 over budget in pledges, which is a vast improvement over last year, when we were about $15,000 behind in pledges. In sum, pledged funds are coming in as expected and unpledged contributions are already over the amount budgeted for the year. Hardy moved to accept the report. Paul seconded the motion. The report was approved by unanimous assent.


Callahan suggested that we need some more hymnals and prayer books for overflow seating. The Rector will order 10 or 12 more sets.

The Vestry reviewed its goals:  Mission Statement – Framed – The Mission Statement has been framed and is in the narthex.  Redesign Visitor Cards – This project is underway. We completed an initial redesign and are preparing an improved version.  Redesign Bulletin/Print Communication – This has been completed.  Revamp Electronic Communications and Social Media – There was some discussion about the improvements made to the website. There was a consensus that the website needs to be further improved and that the website needs to be updated on a more regular basis. We need to put out a call for pictures and stories via “The Grail” and our social media outlets. Also, our website must be integrated more fully and strategically into our social media strategy.  Host Six “Out on the Streets” Events – Callahan suggested that we need to advertise the parish more clearly at the crawfish boil. We have done a speaker in conjunction with Festival South and have hosted Tuesdays at Trinity. Rev. Fortner noted that the downtown churches are considering having services in downtown Hattiesburg this October.  Publicize Trinity Events – The Rector noted that we could be better about advertising our services and various ministries.  Bring in Speakers – Stacy Wills and Joe Burnett will be speaking at Trinity.  Christian Ed Commission – Rev. Fortner suggested that we seek a commission leader for Christian education. Currently, the Rector and Paul are filling this role.  Integrate Newcomers – Jan Moore is making excellent progress on this front.  Clear Signage – The signage has been improved significantly. The Vestry expressed their gratitude to Toni Bailey for her work in this area.

There was some discussion of the work to be done by the curate. The Rector noted that she would like him to work on forging ties with the community, assisting with outreach to the homeless and establishing a firm policy for dealing with people who are either homeless or struggling with housing insecurity, working with our ministry at The University of Southern Mississippi, providing some structure with the youth program.

3 Placement of Cable TV – The Parish has signed up for cable television as part of the new Internet service. The cable connection will be in the parish hall. The Wi-Fi will be strong enough to reach the parish hall.


Garth repairs for November wedding – The repairs to the garth paving are proceeding but have delayed by the weather.

Air Conditioner Update – See above.

CLOSING PRAYER – The meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.