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Brumby Elementary School Student Handbook

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Address of School: 1306 Powers Ferry Rd Marietta, GA 30067 Phone: 770-916-7070 Fax: 770-916-7072 Dr. Amanda Richie, Principal [email protected] Brumby Pledge –this pledge is stated every day on the Brumby News. Today, I pledge to do my best for myself, my school, and my country. I will listen, I will learn, I will work hard, and I will treat others with respect. Brumby will be a better place because of me.

Vision: Inspiring personal success through collaboration and respect. High Expectations for the Students of Brumby Elementary School HALLS: Individuals will show respect for other students and the learning environment by: Staying quiet in the hall Walking on the right side Keeping hands off doors and walls Going directly to assigned area Having a pass when out of the classroom

PLAYGROUND: Individuals will maintain a safe environment on the playground by: Going down the slide, feet first, one at a time Keeping hands and feet to oneself Not picking up or playing with objects that could be dangerous Walking UP the stairs Primary: no monkey bars Intermediate: having one at a time on the monkey bars and moving in one direction

BATHROOM: Individuals will show respect for other students and school property by: Entering and exiting the bathroom quickly and quietly Using only toilet paper and flushing the toilet Washing hands with soap and water before leaving the bathroom Throwing trash in trash cans Using the facilities for which they are intended and in an appropriate manner

MEDIA CENTER: Individuals will show respect for other students and school property by: Using quiet, inside voices Respecting books, computers, and other equipment Checking out properly and neatly

CAFETERIA: Individuals will create a pleasant eating atmosphere by: Using the restroom and washing hands BEFORE coming to lunch Using quiet, inside voices Using appropriate table manners Remaining seated at the assigned table Selecting condiments BEFORE sitting down Showing respect for students and adults Cleaning up trash before leaving the table

***Glass containers, soda and restaurant “fast food“ items are NOT PERMITTED in cafeteria. Dismissal: Individuals will be responsible for the safety of others and themselves by: Walking in an orderly fashion to designated area Going straight to the bus, car rider area, or daycare leading area Behavior Expectations

Dear Brumby Families, We hold very high expectations at Brumby, for all students, both academically and behaviorally. We are dedicated to providing a positive, safe school environment that allows all students the opportunity to learn and be successful. As educators, we understand the importance of home and school sharing the vision of sound discipline practices and working together for our students. We follow Student Behavior Policies provided by the cob County Board. These policies are age appropriate and put in place for the welfare of our students. Latest research proves students are more likely to be successful academically when on task and demonstrating acceptable, respectful behavior. We provide avenues for sharing our expectations through assemblies, class discussions, individual reminders and modeling proper behaviors. We provide multiple opportunities for students to improve behavior. Our students are provided consequences after careful consideration of the infraction, age of the child and intent. We also discipline out of a deep respect for the growing child and his/her developing self-esteem. This individual self-esteem comes in part from academic success. We will not allow this development to be hampered by inappropriate behavior that prevents learning. As parents we should want a strong code of discipline, fairly, administered, even if it affects our own child. Providing an excuse for our child’s misbehavior often results in the root for the misbehavior being lost in emotions and words. Our students quickly rise to our expectations and they understand at an early age the strong bond between home and school. If we are to teach our students honor, respect, encouragement and trust, we must do so together. The school day at Brumby will be dedicated to students remaining on task in order to attain academic success. Any inappropriate behaviors will not be accepted. We are committed to teaching character, respect for our diversity and trust. Please join us in providing the very best academic environment for your child so that these expectations may be realized. Talk with your child and review our combined high expectations. Together, we will see your child reach the greatest success.


The Staff of Brumby Elementary

Title I: Brumby Elementary School is a School wide Title I School. Please see the Title I Program. Please see the Title I tab on the school website for our parent policy and other Title I information. Brumby Elementary School Programs and Information for Parents and Students

Our School Day: School begins promptly at 7:30 am and is dismissed at 2:20pm. It is imperative that your child arrives at school on time and is in attendance daily. Any child who is not in his/her classroom by 7:30am is considered tardy for the day. Students arriving late due to county transportation are excused. Those students who come in tardy must report to the office with a parent/guardian BEFORE going to their classroom. The child must take a tardy slip to the class so that the teacher can record the tardy. Parents are not allowed to walk students to class after the tardy bell rings. If a child comes to school after 11:10am, or leaves before 11:10am, he/she is counted absent. A written excuse must accompany a student when returning from an absence. Excessive tardies and absences will result in a referral to the school social worker. Excused Absences: Absences are excused when: 1. Personal illness endangers the students’ health or the health of others (Please include note stating this to teachers). 2. There is serious illness or death in the immediate family 3. Recognized religious holidays are observed

In Compliance with Georgia State Law, all other absences are unexcused. View for a complete list. Any absence still affects the regulated attendance law for the state of Georgia. After School Program: The After School Program (ASP) will begin the first day of school. The program operates from 2:30pm-6:00pm Monday through Friday. The After School Program is an extension of the instructional day for the parents and students of Brumby Elementary School and the students must comply with our Behavior Expectations. It functions under the guidelines established by the Cobb County Board of Education. All children must be registered BEFORE attending ASP. Registration forms are available in the front office. THERE IS A REGISTRATION FEE OF $10.00 PER CHILD. This fee is necessary to fund the initial start-up costs each year including forms and supplies. The fee is $35.00 per week or $7.00 per day per student. ASP is a prepaid program so payment is due on the Monday of each week. Office hours for the after school program are 2:30-6:00pm. We may be contacted at (770) 916-7082. The ASP offers a variety of activities including physical education, movies, games, and arts and crafts. At homework session is held daily for each grade level. A nutritious snack is provided daily and is included in the $7.00 fee. ASP closes at 6:00pm. There is a $1.00 per minute late fee per child beyond 6:00pm. Check the calendar for dismissal times and changes. Park only in designated parking spaces. Cones are placed outside to protect the students from traffic. Awards/Student Recognition: Student achievement for academic, social and behavioral growth is an important part of nurturing a child’s self- respect for work well done. As parents, teacher, and administrators, it is our responsibility to encourage all students to strive to do their best. Brumby maintains a high level of standards in each grade level. We recognize student achievement in all areas, and it is at this time we invite parents, family and friends to witness academic successes of the children. Each classroom, grades 1-5 will hold a program in their classrooms to recognize student achievement at the end of the first, second, and third nine week grading period. At the end of the fourth nine-week grading period a school-wide awards program will be held to recognize student achievement. School Communication: Any school wide communication, such as newsletters, calendars, etc. will be sent home in your child’s take home folder every week on Thursday. Behavior/Conduct: In order for effective learning to take place, there must be an environment that is conducive to learning. Students at Brumby Elementary School are expected to behave in a way that demonstrates respect for students, staff and the classroom environment. Breakfast/Lunch: A nutritionally balanced breakfast and lunch as prescribed by state and federal standards is served each day in the cafeteria. A copy of the daily menus is available at You are encouraged to complete a Free and Reduced Price Meal Application if you believe you meet eligibility standards. The processing and approval time may take up to 10 days for determination; therefore, you will need to either provide breakfast and pack a lunch or purchase breakfast and lunch from the school cafeteria. The cost for breakfast is $1.25 and lunch is $2.15 NO CHARGES WILL BE ALLOWED. To prepay for meals, call 1-866-210-3679 or go online to You may contact our Food Service Manager at (770) 916-7071 for any questions. Parents are encouraged to join the students for a well-balanced school meal at lunch time. Adult lunches are $3.25. Due to the short amount of time in the morning for students to eat and get into class on time, parents are not allowed to eat breakfast with their student on a regular basis. Clinic/Medication: A school nurse assistant is on staff from 8:00am-2:00pm daily. If a child has a fever or other indications of illness or injury requiring more than first aid, parents will be contacted and MUST make arrangements to come for their child within one hour of receiving the phone call. Contact information needs to be updated in the front office if an illness should occur. Children should be free of a fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours BEFORE returning to school. A child may be sent home due to a rash that may be contagious, or any other condition that the school nurse or administrators believe may be contagious or disruptive to the class or teacher. For inhaler and asthma concerns, contact the school nurse. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) that will be given to students by the nurse assistant must be in the original container. Parents must complete an “Authorization to Give Medication to School” form, which is available in the front office. Parents must also deliver ALL medication to the office staff or nurse assistant. Children are not permitted to bring medication to school. You may reach our nurse assistant at (770) 916-7076. For additional questions regarding medication at school, refer to Form JLCD-13 at or see the back of the handbook. ***All medications not picked up by parents by the last day of school will be destroyed*** Dress Code: For the school year 2013-2014, Brumby will participate in Standard School Attire. These uniforms for grades K-4th consist of a blue Brumby polo shirt that may or may not be purchased through the Brumby Uniform Store and khaki pants, shorts, shorts, or jumpers that may or may not be purchased through the Brumby Uniform Store. 5th grade students will serve as Ambassadors of our school (see 5th grade guidelines) and their uniform will consist of red Brumby polo shirts and khaki bottoms. *Uniforms guidelines: 1. Clothing must be in appropriate sizes-no more than one size smaller or one size larger than the students’ actual clothing size. 2. Blouses and shirts should be properly buttoned and tucked inside pants, shorts or skirts. 3. Brown, black, or tennis shoes may be worn. 4. Brown or black belt required for pants with belt loops. You may purchase uniforms through the Brumby Uniform Store which will be open daily from 7:30am-9:00 AM at Brumby Elementary School or online at You may pay by cash, money order made out to Brumby Foundation or by credit card online or pay pal at If you need assistance with funding uniforms for your student, please see a member of the administrative team. Emergencies: In an emergency situation, parents who wish to pick up their child must use the sign-in/out form in the front office. For safety reasons, parents are prohibited from going directly to the classroom or bus loading area. The office will call and give the teacher or administrator permission to release the child. Field Trips: Teachers are encouraged to schedule field trips to enrich a particular unit of study or class project. To attend, the child must have written permission from his/her legal parent/guardian. The cost of transportation and admissions vary based upon the trip. Trips may be canceled for insufficient funds. Send field trip money in a separate envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name and name of field trip for accurate accounting purposes. Homework and Make-up Work: The Brumby family believes that homework is an integral part of the learning process. The purpose of homework is to reinforce concepts and skills, which are taught in the classroom. Time spent on homework should not exceed 60 minutes for the intermediate level. The teacher will provide homework and class work for students with excused absences. The teacher is under no obligation to provide lesson plans and/or work for students who have an unexcused absence. Money: All money should be placed in separate envelopes indicating your child’s name, the teacher’s name and what it is for, including, lunch money, After School Program money, PTA money, and field trip money. Money for 2 or more separate programs should not appear in the same envelope. Please place this envelope in your child’s take home folder. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Nutrition Break: Each grade level has set the criteria pertaining to snacks during the day. Consult your child’s teacher for specific information. Parties: The school board policy limits social functions during the school day to 1 per year. Class parties take place on the last school before the Winter Holidays. Individual birthday parties for students cannot be held at school. Ask your child’s teacher if a birthday snack may be sent on your child’s birthday. The snack must be brought to the front office where it will be sent to the classroom. Please note: Birthday party invitations may only be passed out at school IF the ENTIRE class is receiving an invitation. If you are not inviting the entire class, then the invitations must be distributed SEPARATELY from school and may not be brought to school to be distributed. Policies and Procedures: Cobb County School Policy and Procedures Manuals are available online at for parents and staff use. They are also kept on file in the school Media Center for public viewing. Policies on Weapons (JCDAC) and Sexual Harassment (JAB) are provided in the student folder sent home at the beginning of the school year or given to parents when they register during the year. Parents are expected to discuss these policies with their children. Should you need clarification of any policy, contact a school administrator. Registration: The information regarding fall registration for all new students and kindergarten students is available in this handbook. A registration card must be completed and signed for all students. Contact office personnel for further information. School Closing: Schools may be closed due to inclement weather. Each student should have an Inclement Weather form on file with appropriate emergency numbers should the school have to close during the instruction day. The After School Program will close if the school closes. School buses will transport students home. Refer to for school closings. For safety reasons, we strongly suggest that students not be checked out at this time. Please do not call the school office, as all phone lines must be used for emergencies. Background Checks: All district employees and contracted service employees are required to have background check before working in our schools. Transportation: All students who reside within bus transportation boundaries are strongly encouraged to ride the bus daily. Any notice of transportation change must be in writing and submitted to office personnel before 1:30pm every day. Parents may place a notice of change in the child’s folder or fax or written and signed note, including a picture ID to the front office. Refer to the front page for fax numbers for the school. A phone call is not acceptable. Please do NOT send dismissal changes via email as there may be technical difficulties that may interfere with that process. Car: Brumby Elementary is committed to the safety of your children. We appreciate you consideration and cooperation in following these directions. Bus transportation is available to all Brumby students. We encourage you to allow your child to ride the bus. We provide adult supervision in the bus area every morning and afternoon! However, should you have circumstances that require that your student arrive or depart by automobile, please adhere to the following procedures: Morning Routine: 1. Children may begin arriving at school at 7:00 am. There is NO student supervision prior to this time. All car riders must arrive by 7:30am. 2. Only drop off and pick up students in the designated in the front of the school. This includes lined parking spaces. The side or back drive and parking lot are reserved for buses and staff parking only. Carpool vehicles and visitors’ cars are not permitted in this area between 7 am and 3 pm. 3. If dropping students off please follow the established traffic pattern, which includes one way traffic to the right. 4. Pull up as close as you can to the car in front of you. DO NOT pull out of line or pass cars ahead of you once you are in the car pool line. 5. Follow the directions of the staff members on duty. Watch for hand signals and the crossing stop sign. 6. Keep goodbyes and greetings brief. Please have you child ready to exit the car when you stop (book bag, lunch, money etc.). 7. If entering the building, please park in the parking lot in the front of the building only. 8. If you arrive after 7:30 am, you must park, escort your child into the building and sign him/her in at the sign in desk in the front hallway.

Afternoon Routine: 1. Please remain in the driver’s seat. Your child will be escorted to your car. Only staff and students are allowed in the hallways during dismissal period. This is for your child’s safety. 2. All students should have a “Ticket to ride”. This is a color-coded ticket with your child’s name that assists staff in locating your child. Additionally, this enhances your child’s safety as only those with a “Ticket to Ride” may pick up the named student. 3. Have your “Ticket to Ride” ready when you enter the driveway. A staff member will come to your car to get the ticket. They will locate your child and escort them safely to your car. 4. If you do not have your “Ticket to Ride”, you will be required to submit identification that has a photo. The staff member will collect it, check it against the child’s registration card and locate your student. Only people listed on the students’ registration card will be allowed to pick up the student. 5. Pull up as close as you can to the car in front of you. DO NOT pull out of line or pass cars ahead of you once you are in the car pool line unless a staff member directs you to do so.

Your child’s safety is a priority at Brumby. Thank you for adhering to our policies that were designed with your child in mind! BUS: Brumby is a part of CCSD’s Safe Rider Program. For bus riders, the day begins and ends at the bus stop and not at Brumby. It is imperative that students are supervised at all bus stops. This is a great time to let your sons and daughters know that you expect the best from them while they are away. It is also a great time to interact with other students and parents and to give a big hug, smile and a wave as making sure that the students are getting on in and orderly manner and are treating each other with respect. The way the students leave home and arrive at school has a big impact ton their attitude and performance for the day. Likewise, it is imperative that a student feels comfortable riding to school on a bus that enforces safety procedures and good school conduct. Remember that the bus is an extension of the school day and all rules will be enforced. Students may lose their privilege to ride the bus for a period of time if proper procedures and rules are not followed at the bus stops or on the bus. Bus Conduct Rules: Students must show proper respect to the driver at all times and obey all driver instructions. Objectionable or dangerous objects are not permitted on the bus. Tobacco, drugs, and/or alcohol are prohibited on the bus. A student will keep his/her arms and head inside the bus at all times Nothing is to be thrown out of or inside the bus. The use of obscene language or gestures is prohibited on the bus. Willful destruction or defacing school property is prohibited. Fighting or physical play is prohibited on the bus. Unnecessary noise is prohibited. Food or drinks must not be consumed on the bus. Drivers may assign seats to students. Students must remain seated at all times. Students must be quiet at railroad crossings. When crossing a street is necessary, students will immediately cross in front of the bus in full view of the driver. The emergency door is to be used only at the direction of the driver. Students are to be at the bus stop at the scheduled time and are to wait in an orderly manner. Any behavior covered will be subject to disciplinary action. Students who fail to respond to the direction of the bus driver will be reported to the school principal who may deny students bus transportation. Improper bus conduct may result in the suspension or expulsion from school.

Visiting/Messages: Our doors are automatically locked beginning at 8:00. All visitors must press the doorbell outside to obtain entry and be buzzed into the building. Once in the building, all parents and visitors are required to sign in at the school welcoming area upon their arrival and to wear a Visitor’s Badge while at school. An administrator or school designee will escort you to the classroom or staff member’s office. Parents and visitors must make prior appointments with any school staff before visiting any classroom or office. A twenty- four hour notice is required before visiting or volunteering in a classroom. This ensures that teachers have the proper information or materials for our volunteers or parents. These rules and regulations ensure the safety and security of our students. If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, an appointment is necessary. A message may be left with office personnel and they will see that your child’s teacher receives the message and responds as soon as possible. We know that many of our parents enjoy walking their students to class, especially our kindergarten students. However, we ask that after the first two weeks of school, parents refrain from walking their children to class as the teacher is beginning instruction as soon as students enter the classroom. Brumby Elementary School 1306 Powers Ferry Road SE Marietta, GA 30067 Office: 770-916-7070 Fax: 770-916-7072 Principal: Dr. Amanda Richie [email protected] Assistant Principal: Lindsey McGovern [email protected] Assistant Principal: William Dryden [email protected] Administrative Intern: Kevin Carpenter [email protected] Academic Coach: Tami Shields [email protected] Webmaster: William Dryden [email protected] Websites Georgia department of Education: Cobb County Public Schools: Brumby Elementary School: Brumby Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) President: Amoni Witcher [email protected]

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