Chapter II, Hinduism, Summary and Analysis
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Hinduism Chapter II, Hinduism, Summary and Analysis
1. Smith refers to two men whose life work has had a profound impact upon the world as we know it today. Who are these men? What was their impact? How does their impact relate to Hinduism?
Chapter II, Hinduism, What People Want, Summary and Analysis 2. Hinduism advocates that people can have what they want, which sounds hedonistically exciting but, in reality, tosses the problem of "wants" into the lap of the individual. Testing this theory, the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard attempted a life guided by the search for pleasure and found that it ultimately led to complete failure. Why is the Hindu not surprised by such a conclusion, and recognizes the ultimate futility of seeking pleasure alone? What is the alternate to the path of desire?
Chapter II, Hinduism, What People Really Want, Summary and Analysis 3. According to Hinduism what is it that people really want?
Chapter II, Hinduism, The Beyond Within, Summary and Analysis 4. What are the three limitations in life? How can they be overcome?
Chapter II, Hinduism, Four Paths to the Goal, Summary 5. What are the four paths to the ultimate goal? Give a brief explanation of each. Chapter II, Hinduism, The Stages of Life, Summary and Analysis 6. What are the four stages of life?
Chapter II, Hinduism, The Stations of Life, Summary and Analysis 7. What are the four stations in life?
Chapter II, Hinduism, Coming of Age in the Universe, Summary and Analysis 8. The spirit is eternal and changes its habitation when it outgrows an old one. Once residing in the human form, however, the soul ceases its "automatic" growth and the law of karma comes into effect. What does this imply?
Chapter II, Hinduism, The World--Welcome and Farewell, Summary and Analysis 9. The world, to the Hindu is tiered, karmic, middling (or in between), a training ground, and lila or the grace radiating from infinite vitality. What does this mean? What is the Hindu’s conception of the universe?
Chapter II, Hinduism, Many Paths to the Same Summit, Summary and Analysis 10. What does the Hindu mean by many paths to the same summit? Buddhism
Chapter III, Buddhism, "The Man Who Woke Up," Summary and Analysis 1. What does the word Buddha mean?
2. Briefly describe the life of Buddha.
Chapter III, Buddhism, The Silent Sage, Summary and Analysis 3. Why did the people refer to Buddha as the silent sage while they called his teachings were called “a religion of infinite compassion” ?
Chapter III, Buddhism, The Rebel Saint, Summary and Analysis 4. Why is Buddhism often compared to the Protestant Reformation?
Chapter III, Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths, Summary and Analysis 5. What are the four Nobel truths? Describe them. Chapter III, Buddhism, The Eight-Fold Path, Summary and Analysis 6. What is the eightfold path? Briefly describe each step.
Chapter III, Buddhism, Basic Buddhist Concepts, Summary and Analysis 7. Buddha saw life and transmigration as a candle being lit by the candle before it. How does this describe his description of Nirvana and God?
Chapter III, Buddhism, Big Raft and Little, Summary and Analysis 8. What is the difference between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism?
Chapter III, Buddhism, The Diamond Thunderbolt, Summary and Analysis 9. Explain the Tibetan version of Buddhism. Confucianism
1. Chapter IV, Confucianism, The First Teacher, Summary and Analysis
2. Chapter IV, Confucianism, The Problem Confucius Faced, Summary and Analysis
3. Chapter IV, Confucianism, Rival Answers, Summary and Analysis
Chapter IV, Confucianism, Confucius' Answer, Summary and Analysis
5. Chapter IV, The Content of Deliberate Tradition, Summary and Analysis
6. Chapter IV, Confucianism, The Confucian Project, Summary and Analysis
7. Chapter IV, Confucianism, Ethics or Religion?, Summary and Analysis
8. Chapter IV, Confucianism, Impact on China, Summary and Analysis Taoism 1. Chapter V, Taoism, The Old Master, Summary and Analysis
2. Chapter V, Taoism, The Three Meanings of Tao, Summary and Analysis
3. Chapter V, Taoism, Three Approaches to Power and the Taoisms That Follow, Summary and Analysis
4. Chapter V, Taoism, Efficient Power: Philosophical Taoism, Summary and Analysis
5. Chapter V, Taoism, Augmented Power: Taoist Hygiene and Yoga, Summary and Analysis
6. Chapter V, Taoism, Vicarious Power: Religious Taoism, Summary and Analysis
7. Chapter V, Taoism, The Mingling of the Powers, Summary and Analysis
8. Chapter V, Taoism, Creative Quietude, Summary and Analysis
10. Chapter V, Taoism, Other Taoist Values, Summary and Analysis
11. Chapter V, Taoism, Conclusion, Summary and Analysis Judaism
Chapter VII, Judaism, Meaning in God, Summary and Analysis 1. What was the difference between Jewish thought and that of other cultures of the day?
Chapter VI, Judaism, Meaning in Creation, Summary and Analysis 2. What is the main idea?
Chapter VI, Judaism, Meaning in Human Existence, Summary and Analysis 3. How did the Jews interpret the question, "What does it mean to be human?"
Chapter VII, Judaism, Meaning in History, Summary and Analysis 4. How did the Jews look at history? Give specific examples.
Chapter VI, Judaism, Meaning in Morality, Summary and Analysis 5. Why did Judaism feel the need to establish moral restraint? How do they accomplish moral restraint? 6. What did the Jews believe political stability depended on?
Chapter VI, Judaism, Meaning in Suffering, Summary and Analysis 7. What is the meaning and importance of suffering to the Jewish people?
Chapter VI, Judaism, Meaning in Messianism, Summary and Analysis 8. What is the meaning in Messianism?
Chapter VI, Judaism, The Hallowing of Life, Summary and Analysis 9. What is the chief unification of the Jewish people? Give examples.
Chapter VI, Judaism, The Chosen People, Summary and Analysis 10. What is meant by the Jews being the chosen people?
Chapter VI, Judaism, Israel, Summary and Analysis 11. What are four compelling motifs connected with its Judaism’s existence? Christianity
Chapter VIII, Christianity, The Historical Jesus, Summary and Analysis 1. Who was the historical Jesus?
Chapter VIII, Christianity, The Christ of Faith, Summary and Analysis 2. What made Jesus’ believers eventually accept the idea that he was God in human form sometime after his death?
Chapter VIII, Christianity, The End and the Beginning, Summary and Analysis 3. Although Jesus’ ministry was short, why did the movement rapidly expand across the Mediterranean?
Chapter VIII, Christianity, The Good News, Summary and Analysis 4. What did those see in the people who proclaimed “the good news?”
Chapter VIII, Christianity, The Mystical body of Christ, Summary and Analysis 5. What is the trinity or the mystical body of Christ?
Chapter VIII, Christianity, The Mind of the Church, Summary and Analysis 6. Summarize the tenets of incarnation.
Chapter VIII, Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Summary and Analysis 7. Why did the Roman Catholic Church split?
Chapter VIII, Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy, Summary and Analysis 8. What are some of the main differences between the Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox Church?
Chapter VIII, Christianity, Protestantism, Summary and Analysis 9. What are some of the main causes in the division between the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church?
10. Discuss the Protestant concept of "faith". Islam
Chapter VI, Islam, Background Summary and Analysis 1. When did the divergence between Judaism and Islam begin according to the Koran?
Chapter VI, Islam, The Seal of the Prophets, Summary and Analysis 2. What was the world like that Muhammad was born into?
3. What is the significance of Muhammad to Islam? Describe the events that took place after Muhammad received an angelic commission.
Chapter VI, Islam, The Standing Miracle, Summary and Analysis 4. How do Muslims view the Koran?
Chapter VI, Islam, Basic theological Concepts, Summary and Analysis 5. How do Muslims view Jesus? What does the term infidel mean?
Chapter VI, Islam, The Five Pillars, Summary and Analysis 6. Briefly summarize each of the five pillars.
Chapter VI, Islam, Social Teachings Summary and Analysis 7. Islam brought about major moral and social change amongst the Arabic people, what are the four areas of collective life to consider?
8. How did Muhammad change the status of Women? Exam Questions
Discuss the Hindu concept of worshipping God according to one's chosen ideal.
Explain the meaning of the Buddha's parable of the arrow.
In what sense do the Chinese refer to Confucius as "the first teacher"?
How did Islam elevate the status of women?
Give details about the Jewish understanding of their suffering.
How is the nature of God disclosed in the Exodus story?
What is the meaning of the statement that it was the disciple's experience that first drew them to Jesus?
Discuss the Protestant concept of "faith".
What is the primal concept of "everywhen" and discuss how it affects their culture.
Compare the temptations of Jesus and the Buddha.