Registered Office: Kelly Roche House, 619 North Circular Road, Dublin 1 CRO registration number: 134567 Website: Directors: Anthony Mitchell, Carl Fullerton, Ciaran McKenna, Eugene Moriarty, Jack Watson, John Horgan, Liam Twomey, Michael Mannix The Irish Cycling Federation trading as Cycling Ireland, an Irish registered company limited by guarantee.

10th August 2017

Dear Club Secretary / Commission Chairperson / Provincial Secretary,

The AGM and Awards’ Night will be held on separate dates as shown below:

 AGM - on the 11th November in the Newry Canal Park Hotel, Newry;  Awards’ Night - on the 25st November at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Santry, Dublin.

Motions and nominations to be returned no later than 1700 hours on 21st September, 2017 to Cycling Ireland preferable by email to [email protected] with the subject line “2017 CI AGM”. All submissions will be acknowledged. It is recommended that any motions of a sporting or technical nature should be discussed with the relevant National Commission(s).

Motions should be submitted using the motions form included with this notice. National Commissions and Provinces AGMs ideally should be held in advance of the deadline for motions and nominations to Cycling Ireland AGM in order to facilitate submission of motions arising from National Commissions/Provinces AGMs. National Commissions and Provincial Executives are reminded that the standard requirement for final notification of Commission and Provinces AGMs is 21 days. This would require Commissions/Provinces to issue preliminary notice of their AGM and invite motions and nominations for vacant posts in sufficient time so as to be included on the final notice of their AGM.

Yours sincerely,

Geoff Liffey, Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary, Cycling Ireland. Registered Office: Kelly Roche House, 619 North Circular Road, Dublin 1 CRO registration number: 134567 Website: Directors: Anthony Mitchell, Carl Fullerton, Ciaran McKenna, Eugene Moriarty, Jack Watson, John Horgan, Liam Twomey, Michael Mannix The Irish Cycling Federation trading as Cycling Ireland, an Irish registered company limited by guarantee. IRISH CYCLING FEDERATION – 2017 AGM Preliminary Notice

Notice is hereby given that the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the company will be held at 11 a.m., on the 11th November at the Newry Canal Park Hotel, Newry, Do Down.

The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be: a) To consider the minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting b) To receive and consider the Directors’ Report annexed to the 2016 annual accounts of the Company. c) To receive and consider the certified audited financial statements of the Company for the previous year. d) To elect a Board Director as Honorary President (Incumbent by C McKenna), subject to the terms of articles 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 & 42. e) To elect two Board Directors without executive post, subject to the terms of articles 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 & 42. Note: The following Board positions are vacant as at the Annual General Meeting: 1. One Board Director (Incumbent by A Mitchell). 2. One Board Director (Incumbent by J Horgan who is vacating his post as term limit is reached) Nominations are invited for the above posts on the enclosed nomination form, to reach Cycling Ireland by 1700 hours on 21st September, 2017. f) The following Appointed Directors for confirmation are: 1. Eugene Moriarty 2. Gillian Mc Darby g) To approve the principles of the following year’s budget. h) To fix the entrance fees and rate of annual subscriptions for the following year. i) To appoint Auditors to the Company for the following year. j) To transact any Special Business or to discuss any general business of the Company. Notice, in writing, of motions for discussion shall have been deposited with the Secretary by 1700 hours on 21st September, 2017.

By order of the Board and dated the 10th day of August, 2017.

Geoff Liffey, Chief Executive & Company Secretary. NOMINATION FOR BOARD POSITION

We (Please Specify the nominating Club, Provincial Executive, Commission or Board:)



Name: ______Current C.I. Licence Number:______

For the following position:

Please tick the position nominated for (nominating bodies may submit multiple nominations however a separate form must be used for each nomination, in addition a person may be nominated for more than one position):

( ) Honorary President;

( ) Director Position A (Incumbent A Mitchell);

( ) Director Position B (Incumbent J Horgan);

Signed: ______Name & Position (in block capital): ______

Signed:______Name & Position (In block capital): ______

Nominations must be signed by any two of the following officers from the nominating body:  Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer of the nominating Club, Provincial Executive, Commission or Board;

I accept the nomination for the above position:

Name: ______Current Licence Number: ______

NB: The nominee must sign the nomination form. Completed forms to be returned no later than 1700 hours on 21st September, 2017 to Cycling Ireland by email only to [email protected] with the subject line “2017 CI AGM”. All submissions will be acknowledged. MOTION PROPOSAL FORM for the 2017 AGM OF CYCLING IRELAND

Note; Motions - one per form - can only be submitted on this prescribed form (MPF) and must be received by the Company Secretary by the closing date as set out in his preliminary notice calling the AGM. Failure to fully complete the form will lead to the proposal being rejected. PLEASE TYPE or USE BLOCK CAPITALS. Attach additional sheets if required.

Name of proposing club; ______

Text of motion being proposed; ______







Is this an amendment to a rule or other current practice? YES ____NO_____

If YES please indicate what rule by reference to the technical regulations, where appropriate, and indicate how the new text would read if this motion was passed.






CLUB CHAIR Signature______Date______

NAME in block capitals______Tel. No. ______

CLUB SECRETARY Signature ______Date: ______

NAME in block capitals ______Tel No. ______