Welcome to 2Nd Grade

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Welcome to 2Nd Grade

Mrs. Hanlon’s Procedure Handbook

Welcome to 2nd grade. I know that this year is going to be an exciting year for you. We are going to have so much fun learning new things, getting better at being organized, learning to be independent students, and making new friends. I have written this handbook for you and your parents to help explain how we can make our classroom run smoothly.

Please take a moment to glance through my classroom procedures. If at any time, we need to check and see how something is done, we can look back to make sure we are following the procedures.

When students forget the procedures, I will ask them to look back in the manual to find out what they should be doing. List of procedures and page numbers

Start of the day routine page 4 Pencil Sharpening page 5 Morning work routine page 6 Morning Meeting page 7 Bathroom & drinks page 8 Asking a question page 9 While others are talking page 10 Exiting the classroom page 11 Entering the classroom page 12 Walking in the hall page 13 Lunchroom procedures page 14 Recess page 15 Turning in papers page 16 Homework page 17 I.N.S.E.C.T. folder page 18 Packing up page 19 Exiting at the end of the day page 20 Show and tell page 21 Bringing toys to school page 22 Consequences page 23 Rewards page 24 Taken and adapted from Mrs. Christina Bainbridge Start of the day

1. Enter the classroom from the hall quietly. 2. Say hello to the teacher. 3. Empty your backpack and put it in the correct bin. 4. Put your INSECT folder in the correct place. On the last day of the week, be sure to put your Homework Book and Reading Log in correct place. 5. If you are buying lunch, please put your name on the lunch board. 6. If you have a note from your parent for Mrs. Hanlon, please let her know. 7. Sharpen two pencils. 8. Start your Morning Work. Page 4

Pencil Sharpening

1. If you need to sharpened pencils, make sure you sharpen the pencils by 7:30. 2. If your lead breaks during the day and do not have another pencil, you may borrow one from Mrs. Hanlon. 3. You may not sharpen using the electric sharpener at any time than at the beginning of the day or the last 5 minutes. Page 5 Morning Work

1. This is quiet time. 2. Your morning work will be on your desk and/or the SMART board. 3. You have approximately 30 minutes to finish your morning work. If you do not finish by this time, you need to work on it whenever you can. We will check the work at the end of the day. 4. If you finish early, READ. Page 6 Morning Meeting

1. After about 30 minutes, Mrs. Hanlon will call each group to our meeting area to begin Morning Meeting. 2. Morning Meeting is an important way for us to learn and have fun together. 3. We say good morning to each other! We will each give a numerical number (1-5) and one reason why we are that number. 4. We have a positive attitude. 5. We listen to each other. This means we do not talk when our friends are talking. We do not talk when Mrs. Hanlon is talking. 6. We participate! This means listening, participating in activities, and responding to questions. 7. We are all friends. We’ll try to sit by a different friend each day. 8. When Morning Meeting is over, you are responsible to move to your seat quickly and quietly so we can begin our next activity. Page 7 Bathroom/Drinks

1. When you need to use the bathroom, please raise two fingers in the air and when Mrs. Hanlon sees them, she will let you go. This means, during a lesson you need to wait until the teacher is done giving directions or talking until you raise your hand. 2. When you are done, wash and dry your hands. 3. When you need to get a drink of water, please raise three fingers in the air and when Mrs. Hanlon sees them, she will let you get water. You may bring a water bottle to keep at your desk as long as you drink correctly. Page 8 Asking a question

1. Raise your hand quietly with one finger extended. When we call out no one can hear what anyone is saying! 2. If I see you hand, I know you have a question and I will give you time to ask. You do not need to wave your hand in air or make noises. This is distracting to me and to other students. 3. Mrs. Hanlon will let you know when it is a calling out time and when it s a raise your hand time. Please listen to find out what “time” it is! Page 9 While others are talking

1. We all want to be respected and heard. This is why when another student is talking to the class during a lesson, we all look at the student and listen to them. 2. We do not play in our desks when others are talking. We do not talk to our neighbors when others are talking. We are a community of students who know how to make responsible and respectful choices that we can be proud of! Page 10 Exiting the classroom

1. When it is time to leave the classroom, Mrs. Hanlon will ask you to line up in a certain order. Please do not line up until are asked to do so. This is true even of the line leader. Problems lining up will result is us having to line up in our student number order. 2. We wait in line quietly with our hands by our side and facing forward. When everyone is ready to walk in the halls, we will leave the room. Page 11 Entering the classroom

1. We enter our classroom quietly. Please come in and go to your seat. Mrs. Hanlon will give you instructions when everyone is seated. 2. This is an excellent time to earn “extra points!” Page 12 Walking down the hall

1. Other students are learning, and we do not have the right to take that away from them. We walk down the hall quietly! 2. We are responsible students, who respect the rights of students who are learning. 3. We walk on the right hand side of the hallway and stay in a line, one student behind the other. 4. There is a line leader and a caboose. The line leader will always walk first and the caboose will always walk last. 5. Being appropriate in line means: Keep your hands to yourself, keep your shoes on your feet, walk, and stay behind the person in front of you. We are going to the same place, so there is no need to push and rush! 6. Failure to walk appropriately in the halls means we will line up in student number order. Page 13 Lunchroom Procedures

1. Upon entering the cafeteria, students who bring their lunch from home, choose the empty, clean table that is closest to the entrance to the cafeteria. 2. Students are allowed to talk only to students at his/her table. 3. Students have to sit on their bottom at all times. 4. Students will only talk to the two students on either side of them and the one student across from them. 5. Students will use inside voices. Being TOO LOUD will result in silent lunch. 6. We will wait to eat until everyone is at the table. 7. Students will use appropriate social manners when eating. 8. When leaving, students will pick up all trash that they have on the table and on the floor. We need to leave our eating area as clean as we received it 9. Students that have to go to the rest room during lunch will lose 10 minutes of recess. Recess

1. When it is time for recess, Mrs. Hanlon will call you to line up. 2. When everyone is ready for the hall. We will exit the classroom. 3. We will walk down the hall quietly the correct way. We know that there are other classes learning. 4. When we get outside, we will walk until get to the gate of the playground then we can run. 5. We will follow the playground rules at all times. 6. When it is time to come in from recess, we will line up quickly and quietly and wait for instructions. 7. We will enter the building the same way we exited it. Page 15 Turning papers in

1. Most papers will be put in the yellow bin when you finish. There is no need to give them to Mrs. Hanlon. 2. Tests papers are held until everyone is finished and then they will be taken up by someone. 3. You must put your name and date on all assignments. This way, I know which good work is yours and we can keep track of how you grow and change in your work habits by looking at assignment dates! Page 16 Homework

1. You will be given a homework sheet on the first day of each week. 2. You are expected to complete your Math each night. Students who complete their homework every night will receive extra points. Students who choose not to complete homework, will be required to do their homework during recess. Spelling homework will be turned in the last day of each week. 3. Students are expected to fill in his/her Reading Log nightly. Mrs. Hanlon will take up the logs on Friday to check that you are reading nightly. Page 17 I.N.S.E.C.T. Folders

1. You have been given an I.N.S.E.C.T. folder to use this year. 2. You must bring it to school every day and take it home at night. 3. You are responsible to have your parents sign your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder each night. 4. If you forget your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder two days in a row, you will stay in from recess to write a reminder note to yourself. Your parents need to sign your note and help you look for your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder. 5. If you loose your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder, you will need to replace it. Page 18 Packing up

1. You may not pack up until Mrs. Hanlon has checked your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder. 2. Listen to Mrs. Hanlon for what books you need to take home. She will tell you what you need to pack. 3. Place your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder inside your backpack. 4. If you brought your lunch, don’t forget to take your lunchbox home. 5. Wait quietly while others pack up. This will help pack up time go quickly. Page 19 Exiting at the End of the Day

1. When the bell rings, place your chair on top of your desk. 2. When the bell rings, walkers and car riders quietly and orderly leave the classroom. 3. Students that ride buses or go to Kaleidoscope need to watch the Smartboard to see when they are dismissed. 4. Remember to say goodbye to Mrs. Hanlon. You need to exit the building on on the right side of the hallway… remember that’s the side we always walk on! Page 20 Show and tell

1. You will be assigned a day each week to bring show and tell. Students number: 1-5 will go on Monday 6-10 on Tuesday 11-15 on Wednesday 16-up on Thursday There is NO show-and-tell on Friday. 2. You will have up to 2 minutes to tell us about what you brought. This is show-and- tell. We do not pass items around the room. 3. You are responsible for the item you bring to school. Don’t bring anything that you will be sad if you lose it or it is broken. 4. If you do not have school on the day you would normally do show-and-tell or if you are absent on your day, I’m sorry! Save your show-and-tell for the next week. Page 21 Bringing toys to school

1. You may bring an item for show-and- tell. 2. It cannot leave our classroom, except to go home. This means it can’t go to recess, lunch, or specials. You may not keep it in or on your desk. You must put it on Mrs. Hanlon’s desk. 3. After show-and-tell, your toy MUST stay on Mrs. Hanlon’s desk. You can get it at the end of the day. 4. Mrs. Hanlon will take any toys that she she sees that were not for show-and-tell. Mrs. Hanlon does not return any toys taken unless a parent comes in to retrieve them. Page 22 Consequences

1. Sometimes we make mistakes, and that’s ok! The first time a rule or procedure is broken, you will receive a “STOP” sign. That means that Mrs. Hanlon will remind you about what you are doing. If that mistake is a repetitive one, she may ask you to use the Procedure Handbook to figure out what the right choice is. 2. The second time it happens, you will receive a verbal warning and move down a color. 3. If it happens again, you will move down another color and will lose ten minutes of recess or have ten minutes of silent lunch. 4. If it happens another time you will remove a third color and miss all recess. 5. If you frequently make mistakes, you will go to red. This means that you will lose all of recess and a note will be sent to your parent(s). Page 23 Rewards

1. Thanks for making good choices! You can be rewarded by a piece of candy, a ticket, an “X” on or PBIS chart, a move up the behavior chart and the best reward of all is getting to feel good about yourself and your choices! 2. Mrs. Hanlon will be handing out tickets during the day. You can earn tickets for things like following directions, following procedures, being a good citizen, making good choices, bringing your I.N.S.E.C.T. folder to school every day, walking in line the correct way, and many other things! Tickets will be put in the orange M&M and Mrs. Hanlon will draw five names for prizes. 3. For each PBIS ticket or complement that is given to the class by another teacher or a ticket given by a Special Area teacher, an “X” will be put on the PBIS chart. When we have earned 50 coupon, we will have a special treat. Page 24 4. All second graders will have a special treat at the end of the month if you have earned enough points from your behavior calendar. At the beginning of each month, Mrs. Hanlon will let you know how many Points are needed by the end of the month to earn the party. This means that you need to be in control of your body at all time.

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