STUDY GUIDE FOR Biology Midterm 06-07

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STUDY GUIDE FOR Biology Midterm 06-07


1. Parts of an experiment:

2. Independent variable-

Dependent variable-

3. Quantitative Data-

Qualitative Data-

4. pH –How is it determined (ion concentrations) more H+ is an ______more OH- is a ______pH- give number examples of the following: a. Acid : d. Base : b. Weak acid : e. Weak base: c. strong acid : f. Strong base

5. 4 Major Macromolecules, main function in cells, building blocks, and examples (Your macromolecule chart) 6. Enzyme –

Draw labeled diagram of enzyme action.

7. What different factors can affect enzyme activity and denature enzymes?

8. Trophic levels- Given a food chain or web be able to identify:

a. Producer-

b. Primary consumer-

c. Secondary consumer-

d. Tertiary consumer

e. decomposer

Be able to draw a food web and Trophic pyramid and explain what happens to the energy. 10% rule Remember the shortest chain gets the most energy! 9. Water cycle- sketch here(include: A.evaporation, B. transpiration, C.condensation ,D.precipitation, E. runoff, F. percolation

10. Carbon cycle- know sinks and sources (draw cycle) include photosynthesis , respiration and combustion

11. Abiotic factors- (examples)

12. Biotic Factors- (examples)

13. Autotrophs-

14. Heterotrophs-

15. Population Density-define and give example

16. a. Primary Succession- (example)

b. Secondary Succession- (example)

17. Three types of Symbiosis and examples of each

18. R= B-D + I-E (Know what each variable means)

19. Density Dependent Limiting Factors+ examples-

20 Density Independent Limiting Factors+ examples-

21.Carrying Capacity-(draw a logistic graph and label) including a predator/ prey graph

Exponential Growth Graph 22.Age Structure Diagrams(What they show and type of growth )

23.Renewable resources-(define & examples)

24.Non-renewable resources-(define & examples)

25.Sustainable use (define &examples)

26. Ozone Depletion - (causes, effects on Humans)

27. Global Warming (causes, effects)

28. Acid rain (causes and effects)

29. Invasive Species- examples and problem in the environment 30.Biomagnification and DDT in the food chain (DRAW)- 31. Charles Darwin and Natural selection-

32 Artificial selection-

33 . Adaptation-

34. Properties of water

31. What do these units measure? a. Meter - b. Liter - c. Gram - 32. Characteristics of Living things( 7) inc. homeostasis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


43. List and describe water properties.


 CH 1: The science of Biology –all topics  CH 2 : Chemistry of Life-all topics  CH 3: The Biosphere-all topics  CH 4: Ecosystems and Communities –all with exception of aquatic ecosystems lesson 4.5  CH 5: Populations –all topics  CH 6: Humans in the Biosphere-all topics  CH 7: Cell structure and Function-all topics

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