Aflta District and State Festival Judging Rubric
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Song Title: ______Target Language: ______Teacher Letter: ______
Instructions to judges: 1. Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself this rubric before watching the first presentation. This is a competition, but with the overall purpose of helping students to improve in and become more enthusiastic about their target language. 2. Please allow only one talent act on stage at a time. Take their rubric and verify the song title, language, and letter. Do not judge any student who is not wearing a name tag. 3. When you are ready, please ask the group or individual to proceed. Use the rubric below to give your honest professional opinion of the student’s presentation. Students will eventually see their results. So, please feel free --though not obligated-- to provide encouraging comments and advice to help them improve. 4. For District Contests only: Please keep in mind that we are hoping to send approximately half of today’s competitors on to state competition. This is in no way a mandate, as some groups may have an unusually high number of students who deserve to move on --or to be eliminated. It is merely a basic guideline to keep in mind. Students will need a score of at least 15 in order to advance to state competition. 5. After all students have competed and the allotted competition time window has elapsed, please select the top three students from your group. Each component of the rubric is initially weighted equally. In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, however, the components are arranged in order of importance to AFLTA, with originality being the first tie-breaker to consider, technical skill the second, etc. Please do not allow a tie in the top three spots. Use your discretion to choose the winner. Please give your results to the designated messenger, so that they can be processed.
Results to be filled out by the judge(s):
Originality: ______Technical Skill: ______Stage Presence: ______Cultural Connections: ______Audience Appeal: ______
Total Score: ______Did this group or individual rank 1st, 2nd, 3rd? If yes, please indicate which: ______
Comments: ______
Judge Signature(s): ______TALENT Song Title: ______
Target Language: ______
Teacher Letter: ______
Results to be filled out by judge(s): Circle performance levels demonstrated.
4 (Distinguished) 3 (Advanced) 2 (Proficient) 1 (Honorable Mention)
Originality Presentation involves Presentation involves Presentation involves Presentation involves (Creative Flair) impressive originality obvious originality little originality and/or no originality and/or and/or creativity. and/or creativity. creativity. creativity.
Technical Skill Participants Participants Participants are able to Participants do not (Polish, demonstrate an demonstrate a complete the have the presentation Memorization) impressive level of significant level of performance, though memorized, they seem skill and thorough skill. There has been they may hesitate disorganized, and/or memorization of both obvious practice and frequently in either they noticeably skip script and staging. memorization of both speech or movement. portions of the They are able to script and staging, Hesitations distract performance. perform in a natural, though they may be from the performance. comfortable manner indecisive (Any performance with no hesitations. occasionally in either restart should be speech or movement. automatically placed in the “2” or “1” category.)
Stage Presence Participants Participants Participants are Participants are unable (Poise, Confidence) demonstrate demonstrate adequate confident and poised to maintain confidence excellent, confidence and poise for some of the and poise during the professional-like throughout most of performance, but may performance. Irrelevant confidence and poise the performance. also demonstrate behaviors become the throughout the entire doubt or difficulty. focus instead of the performance. Irrelevant behaviors intended content. briefly distract attention from the performance.
Cultural Connections Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is neither (Appropriate Links to explicitly explained explained to be somewhat explained explained to be Target Culture) to be completely mostly or implied to be in authentic to the target authentic to the target authentic to the target some way culture, nor culture, or culture, or authentic to the target illustrative of a illustrative of a illustrative of a culture, or product, practice, or product, practice, or product, practice, or illustrative of a perspective of the perspective of the perspective of the product, practice, or target culture. target culture. target culture. perspective of the target culture.
Audience Appeal / Presentation is both Presentation is both Presentation is Presentation is not Comprehensibility (if highly entertaining entertaining and entertaining. entertaining. spoken content is and popular with the popular with the (Most spoken content (Most spoken content included) audience. audience. can be understood by cannot be understood (Any spoken content (Any spoken content some audience by audience members, can be understood by can be understood by members, but not by not even by those all audience members, most audience those unaccustomed accustomed to non- even those members, and to non-native speakers native speakers of the unaccustomed to non- somewhat by those of the target target language.) native speakers of the unaccustomed to non- language.) target language.) native speakers of the target language.)