MKTG 330: Integrated Marketing Communications

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MKTG 330: Integrated Marketing Communications

KUWAIT UNIVERSITY MKTG 330: INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS FALL 2009 MON-WED 11-12:15 Instructor: Dr. Abdullah Sultan Phone: 2498 8543 (Office), Office: Management & Marketing Department (First Meeting Room: 209 Floor) Email: [email protected] Office hours: Sunday, Tuesday: 10-10:50AM

Course Website:

The best way to contact me is through email. I will check it regularly and get back to you as soon as possible


Clow & Baack, Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 4nd Edition, Pearson/Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, ©2010. ISBN 0-13-607942-3.

Courses Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to accomplish the following:

1) Exhibit competence and comfort with making a sales or persuasive presentation. 2) Develop communication methods to deliver messages to targeted audiences and achieve coordination and consistency in addressing multiple audiences, with multiple messages, using multiple media. 3) Understand the importance of internal as well as external marketing efforts and the necessary coordination of all communication.


1. Three exams, 100 points each, 300 pts 2. Ad Critiques 50 pts 3. IMC Assignments:  IMC #1 50 pts  IMC #2 75 pts  IMC #3 125 pts  IMC Presentation 100 pts 4. Class attendance, participation, and/or assignments 50 pts TOTAL 750 pts

Course letter grades will be assigned using the following scale.

705 – 750 pts: A 577 - 599 pts: C+ 675 - 704 pts: A- 547 – 576 pts: C 652 - 674 pts: B+ 525 – 546 pts: C- 622 - 651 pts: B 502 – 524 pts: D+ 600 - 621 pts: B- 450 – 501 pts: D Below 449 pts: F IMC Assignments:

The IMC assignments are based on the “Complete IMC Campaign” project, of which additional details will be available in class and online. The assignments will, generally, have the following deliverables – there may be some deviation depending on the nature of your project.

IMC #1 (group effort): An executive summary of what the project is expected to achieve. All of the necessary elements of your IMC plan should be noted. Obviously, as you work on the plan over the semester you may develop revisions to this plan. A suggested format for this summary will be posted on the web. This assignment includes a timeline (a schedule of your activities over the semester that will lead to successful completion of the IMC plan.) This assignment is due in Oct 26th.

IMC #2 (group effort): A corporate identity assignment for your group and for your client – really two identities! • Your group should create your own corporate image as an IMC consultant. Deliverable materials should include a logo, tagline, letterhead and envelope, and/or business card. • For your client your deliverables for this assignment include a corporate logo, tag line, stationery and matching envelope design, business card design, plus one other piece of collateral material specific to your client (such as a menu of a restaurant). • Included in this assignment is the master layout of your power point presentation, including colors, fonts, and incorporation of your and your client logo. You don’t need to give the details of the presentation; only the layout. This assignment is due in Dec 7th.

IMC #3 (group effort): Your completed IMC plan. You are expected to present and provide a copy of your plan to your client. It is recommended, though not mandatory, that your client be able to attend the presentation class session. Additional details will be provided in class. This assignment is due in Jan 13th.

Presentations (individual effort): Each student in the group will make an individual presentation of a portion of the group IMC. Specific portions and timing will be discussed in class. Note in the schedule that “presentation days” occur toward the end of the course. The entire presentation should not exceed 15 minutes (a penalty will be given to groups that exceed the 15-minute timeslot.

Group Size: The number of students in each group will vary with class size. The number of groups per class section, based on eight available presentation sessions, will be limited to eight (8). Each group will submit one of the above assignments.

Ad Critique:

Each student will select one ad of their choice and write a creative brief critique (2 pages long; 12” font; 1” margins; double spaced). This assignment is due in November 9th.

Class Participation:

The class will be more fun and higher quality if you all prepare and participate on a daily basis. Your insights and remarks on lecture materials and presentations are not only encouraged but also required. If you do not volunteer your comments, I may call on you. This means that you must come to class prepared, having read the assignment for the day, and ready to discuss it. I’m looking for evidence that you’ve read and thought about the assignment and that you are able to relate the assignment to your intuition and personal experiences. If you are shy and have trouble speaking up in class, please talk to me during the first week of class; we will work on a way for you to feel more at ease in class. Do not wait until the end of the semester to tell me that you don’t like to talk in class – it is difficult for me to do anything to help you at that point. Remember – preparation is a great way to reduce nervousness! I also encourage you to bring in news articles, stories, anecdotes, etc. as they pertain to the topic of the day. Cheating: Cheating in any form is not allowed in this class. Cheating consists of copying a fellow student’s work inside or outside of class, accessing any unauthorized materials such as test banks or teacher's guides, etc., accessing crib notes or other "cheat sheets" during examinations, using someone else’s words and ideas in a paper without proper citation, and asking a friend or an agency to write a paper or assignment. The offense will be punishable by automatic failure in the course, and will be referred to university authorities for further action. Simply, try to show me intelligent work and you will be OK in the class.

Attendance Policy:

- It is your responsibility to attend the class. - No student will be allowed to enter the classroom after 5 minutes from the instructor’s arrival. - Part of your grade is based on participation, and it is quite difficult to participate when you’re not in class. - Each student is responsible for the missed work. Again, there will be no makeup work accepted. - I have the right to accept or reject the reasons for absence. - Each absence day will account for -0.25 point and if students did not have any absence s/he will get awarded 0.5 point. - All mobile phones and electronics should be turned off or on silent mode. The student will be considered absent for the day if caught. - During exams, mobile phones should be turned off; otherwise, the student will get an F if caught.

Final Note:

The instructor holds the right to change the content of the syllabus at any time. Students will be given a notice before applying any change. Course Calendar Day/ Date Topic Readings IMC Session M 1 5/10 Syllabus, Introductions and Overview W 2 7/10 Introduction to IMC 1 M 3 12/10 Corporate Image and Brand Management 2 W 4 14/10 Buyer Behaviors 3 M 5 19/10 W 6 21/10 Advertising Design (Part 1) 6 M 7 26/10 IMC # 1 assignment is due W 8 28/10 No Class

M 9 2/11 Exam 1 W 10 4/11 Advertising Design (Part 2) 7

M 11 9/11 Ad critique assignment is due

W 12 11/11 Traditional Media Channels 8

M 13 16/11 W 14 18/11 Alternative Marketing 10 M 15 23/11 W 16 25/11 EXAM 2 M 17 30/11 No Class W 18 2/12 Sales Promotion 12 M 19 7/12 IMC # 2 assignment is due W 20 9/12 Public Relations 13 M 21 14/12 W 22 16/12 Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program 15 M 23 21/12 W 24 23/12 M 25 28/12 Group work day W 26 30/12 Group Project Presentations Attendance is mandatory

M 27 4/01 Group Project Presentations Attendance is mandatory

W 28 6/01 Group Project Presentations Attendance is mandatory

4 M 29 11/01 Group Project Presentations Attendance is mandatory

W 30 13/01 IMC # 3 assignment is due


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