Orleans Parish School Board s1

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Orleans Parish School Board s1

OPSB Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2007

ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR BOARD BUSINESS MEETING Mc DONOGH #35 HIGH SCHOOL 1331 Kerlerec Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70119 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 5:30 P.M.

The Orleans Parish School Board convened for a Regular Board Business Meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 2007, in the auditorium of McDonogh 35 High School, 1331 Kerlerec St., New Orleans, LA. Mrs. Phyllis Landrieu, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.

Board Roll call: Ms. Una Anderson, present; Ms. Cynthia Cade, present, Ms. Heidi Daniels, absent*; Mr. Jimmy Fahrenholtz, present; Mrs. Phyllis Landrieu, present, Ms. Lourdes Moran, present, Rev. Torin Sanders, present. Ex–officio Board Members: Mr. Darryl Kilbert, Superintendent, present; Mr. Edward Morris, General Counsel, present; Ms. Thelma French, Board Secretary, present.

*Mrs. Daniels arrived at the meeting at 6:43 p.m. and participated thereafter.

Mrs. Landrieu asked Superintendent Kilbert to lead the Board in a moment of silent meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance

An audio tape of the meeting is available in the Board Office.

ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: Additions 1. 3 cases to be added to the Executive Session agenda: Zaddie Reed vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-0400405 Chris Matherne vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-9900900 Elieen San Juan vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-9700037

The additions were adopted unanimously.

Modifications - none

Deletions 1. Defer Policies E500 and E501, Action Item Nos. 13 and 14, for one month

Motion to delete Action Items 13 and 14 from today’s agenda and defer them for one month; [within which time the Board directives the Administration to hold a hearing with the Charter schools on the proposed policy]; was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Cade. Motion passed 6 votes yea to 1 nay by Mrs. Moran.

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Motion to adopt the agenda as amended was made by Mr. Fahrenholtz, seconded by Mrs. Cade. Motion passed unanimously.

PRESENTATIONS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special Presentation: Premier Automotive and President’s Club 2008 Stay in school Campaign Mr. Troy Duhon of Premier Automotive and president of the 2008 President’s Club made a presentation to the Board. The TV and Radio advertisements for the “Stay In School Campaign” were shown before Mr. Duhon spoke. This year’s car is a 2008 Scion XB, courtesy of Scion of New Orleans. Runners up will receive a scholarship to the school of their choice. Al Cravens, General Manager, Gulf Coast Region, Gulf States Toyota, also addressed the Board about the project and sponsorships.

 Board Action Item No. 1. Resolution 30-07 A resolution Recognizing “2007-08 Stay In School Campaign”

Mrs. French read Resolution 30-07 into the record

Motion to adopt Resolution 30-07 was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Fahrenholtz.

Roll call vote Yeas: Anderson, Cade, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders Nays: none Absent: Daniels Abstentions: none Resolution 30-07 was adopted 6 votes with 1 absent.

Motion for a brief recess to view the car was made by Mrs. Anderson, seconded by Rev. Sanders. The board recessed at 5:50 p.m.

The OPSB reconvened at 5:57 p.m. Board Roll call: Ms. Una Anderson, present; Ms. Cynthia Cade, present, Ms. Heidi Daniels, absent; Mr. Jimmy Fahrenholtz, present; Mrs. Phyllis Landrieu, present, Ms. Lourdes Moran, present, Rev. Torin Sanders, present. Ex–officio Board Members: Mr. Darryl Kilbert, Superintendent, present; Mr. Edward Morris, General Counsel, present; Ms. Thelma French, Board Secretary, present.

Mr. Kilbert made a statement thanking Mr. Duhon and the committee for the “Stay In School” incentives.

APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES  Special Board Meeting September 13, 2007  Board Business Meeting, September 25, 2007

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Motion to approve the meeting minutes for September 13, 2007, and September 25, 2007, Board meetings was made by Mr. Fahrenholtz, seconded by Mrs. Cade. Motion passed unanimously.

SUPERINTENDENT’S AGENDA Division of Academics and Supportive Services

. Student Enrollment and COMSTAT Report Mr. Kilbert presented the PowerPoint presentation on the student enrollment and COMSTAT reports. The information is in the Board packets.

Student Enrollment is up 508 from last year’s enrollment.

The COMSTAT report gives information on a variety of data from each school, i.e. student attendance, staff attendance, number of 504 students, number of accidents, grades, etc.

Mrs. Landrieu complimented Bethune on their student and staff attendance. PM School student’s attendance is 100%.

. Schedule of Administrative Reports to OPSB FY ’08 (action item) Mr. Kilbert presented the schedule of administrative reports to the Board. The information is in the Board packet for Board members. Mr. Kilbert submitted this as his report

Motion to accept the Schedule of Administrative Reports was made by Mrs. Cade, seconded by Rev. Sanders. Motion passed unanimously.

. Reports for Information  2007 Louisiana Principal’s Association (LAP) Legislative Update  Policy recommendations on NCLB Teacher Requirements  Press Release: Free Flu Shots 10/25/07 – this announcement was put out for the public to take home with them. The Department of Health and Human Services is administering those flu shots.

 Division of Financial Services - Stan C. Smith, CFO . Monthly Financial Reports: September 30, 2007 (submitted October 16, 2007) Mr. Smith presented the Monthly Financial Report and PowerPoint presentation. This information was presented at the Budget & Finance Committee Meeting last week and is the same as was presented then. The reports are in the Board packet.

. Reports for Information  Special Revenue Grants Report: Schedule of Grants expiring 9/30/07

. Human Resources/Personnel (action item)

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 Approval of Personnel Actions: Appointments of Certified and Classified Personnel

Dr. Armand Devezin, Human Resources Director, presented the Appointments as listed below along with the Routine Personnel Actions Position Employee Salary Effective Date Funding Contract Name Source Status Executive 2 year contract Director of Herman Taitt $92,625 October 24, 2007 General Fund through October Operations 24, 2009 2 year contract Title I Director Bernell Cook $74,954 October 24, 2007 Title I through October 24, 2009 Professional 2 year contract Development Yolanda Smith- $46,920 October 24, 2007 Title II through October Facilitator Johnson 24, 2009

 Approval Routine Personnel Actions

Motion to approve the Human Resources Appointments and Routine Personnel Actions was made by Mr. Fahrenholtz, seconded by Rev. Sanders. Motion passed unanimously.

CONSULTANTS REPORTS  Status Report on the A & M Real Estate & Insurance Contract Services  WINK Project Managers

Mr. Jay Brown with Alvarez and Marsal addressed the Board to present a status report. This month’s report is presenting a little bit more detail as requested in the past, entitled “Alvarez and Marsal Monthly Update”. It includes an agenda of their weekly meetings with OPSB staff and FEMA, an agenda for their bi-weekly meeting with FEMA, and the last attachment is a new report that will be presented once a month on the status of the capital program. The purpose is to show how frequently they’re meeting with staff and FEMA. They’re trying to get FEMA to make decisions more timely. A&M has been asked to assist in the transition to the reorganization on an interim basis to support and manage several of our capital projects while the Operations Manager begins to take more responsibility for those. They will be coordinating architect and engineering in design processes, preparing requests for proposals on OPSB’s behalf, and managing several of the construction projects.

The A&M team is structured in two categories: construction and facility and the other is claims and reimbursements.

Under claims and reimbursements, they’re working with FEMA on claims and reimbursements to OPSB. They’re meeting with them every week to try to get more resources coming in. They’re also looking to de-obligate funding that went to the RSD by mistake. They have also appealed several FEMA decisions: (1) the Western Union reimbursements, and the (2) reimbursement for vandalism damages.

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Negotiations on content PWs also continues, the team continues working to increase the amount of funding that’s available for physical assets and buildings. Alvarez and Marsal will utilize the inventories compiled by AAA, an inventory company, who was contracted by the District through A&M and has now been engaged to inventory all the contents at the Timbers buildings, which will provide additional reimbursement opportunities.

Mrs. Moran asked where we were with the Timbers buildings. Mr. Brown stated that buildings will be gutted, with an anticipation that FEMA will fund the gutting of the buildings. The decision on how to proceed after that has not been made by the Board.

Mr. Eugene Wetzel with WINK, provided the Board with a review of the projects that have been assigned to WINK.

Mrs. Anderson asked about the Lusher kitchen review, when is it going to beyond the review stage so they can cook food onsite? Then she inquired about the status of the Priestley assessment. Mr. Wetzel responded that WINK stopped the review on Priestley. Mrs. Anderson inquired, is someone else doing the estimate for the Category B funding? Mr. Smith answered in regards to Priestley, we are waiting for the architect to finish the plan. The original plans for the Lusher kitchen were a little more exhaustive than expected and will have to go back to WINK to try to scale them down for it to qualify for Category B work. We are still going through the breakdown of the kitchen with FEMA to see how much they will cover and how much we will be able to cover if it goes beyond the scope of work that FEMA will cover.

Mrs. Landrieu asked about the stop work for Mahalia Jackson. We had an offer from a contractor to begin the site clean up. Ms. Amy Carbonette, Facilities Director, addressed this topic and stated that the stop work was for the modulars. For the site clean up, John Williams is working on that. This was going to be done on a volunteer basis, not on a contractual basis. Mr. Morris added that we need to clarify the scope of work in regards to liability issues. Attorney Morris also advised that the site clean up is included in the Associated Contractors contract as an add on volunteer service.

COMMITTEE REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTION ITEMS:  Accountability Committee: Rev. Torin Sanders, Chair . The Accountability Committee met on October 4 and 15, 2007 to receive the first draft of the OPSB Charter School Evaluations and to receive the second draft of the Evaluations and the Charter School responses.

Rev. Sanders presented the Accountability Committee report. Rev. Sanders commended the evaluation team for their hard work for putting together these evaluations.

Superintendent Kilbert submitted his recommendations for the Charter Evaluations. It is the recommendation to continue with the evaluations and submit the final evaluations at the November Board Meeting. During this time, a small evaluation team will meet with each of the charters to review the Final Evaluation before presenting them to the Board in

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November. Following the submission of the Final Year One Evaluation, a joint evaluation working group will be formed with representatives from the OPSB administration evaluation team and Charter Schools that will work together to work to develop recommendations to be submitted to the Board relative to definitions for the evaluative measures, evaluation procedures, and timelines for years two through five as well as technical assistance means.

Motion to accept the Accountability Committee’s report was made by Mrs. Landrieu, seconded by Mrs. Cade. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Kilbert also reviewed the NOPS schools evaluations and their requirements. The evaluation template is included in the Board packet along with the time frame. There are differences between the Charter evaluation template and the NOPS school template because several items that the Charter schools are responsible for, the District office is responsible for those activities for the NOPS schools, so there is no need for them to duplicate those services.

Motion to accept the report on the NOPS schools evaluations report was made by Rev. Sanders, seconded by Mrs. Anderson. Motion passed unanimously.

 Budget, Finance & Property Committee: Mrs. Lourdes Moran, Chair Mrs. Moran reviewed the Budget & Finance Committee meeting and the following Consent Agenda:

The Budget and Finance Committee met on Thursday October 18, 2007 and recommends the following items as Consent Agenda for the Board approval: (action item)

. Historical Invoices: Approvals: 1. John Hopkins University 2. Samuel A. Scarnato 3. Catholic Charities 4. Metro Disposal 5. Metro Disposal 6. Metro Disposal Rejection: 1. Metro Disposal 2. Barnes & Noble

. Purchasing Item: 1. Sodexho for Custodial and Maintenance and Lawn Services

. Change Orders: 1. Bethune Elementary $37, 361.41 2. PM High school $401,963.97

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Motion to approve the Budget & Finance Consent Agenda was made by Mrs. Moran, seconded by Mrs. Daniels. Motion passed unanimously.

The Budget and Finance Committee has reviewed the following Board Action Items and moves them forward to full Board with no recommendation as the items have been amended (these items will be addressed individually as Board Action Items). . FY ’08 Budget Amendment #1 . Restart 3rd Allocation . FY’08 Stipend and Seasonal Salary Scale . Revised Compensation Plan & Recommendations

 Policy Committee: Mrs. Cynthia Cade, Chair The Policy Committee meeting scheduled for October 22, 2007 was cancelled due to weather conditions. (The action items scheduled to be heard will be addressed as Board Action Items)

Mrs. Cade gave a verbal update on the Committee’s agenda items..

 Property Committee: Mrs. Una Anderson, Chair The Property Committee met at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 23, 2007, immediately preceding the Board Meeting.

Mrs. Anderson presented the Property Committee meeting report. They received a presentation from the ECFLC, a presentation regarding Langston Hughes, and Lake Forest and a potential action item from all three of these presentations. There are no action items to be addressed in this month’s Board meeting from this meeting, but there are several anticipated items upcoming.

BOARD ACTION ITEMS/RESOLUTIONS The Orleans Parish School Board is asked to act upon the following action items:

 Action Item No. 6: Adoption of Resolution 29-07: A Resolution levying and imposing taxes on all the property subject to taxation in Orleans Parish, State of Louisiana. Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board adopt Resolution 29-07 on the dollar assessed value on all taxable property in the City of New Orleans for the year 2008.

Mr. Morris addressed this Action Item and read Resolution 29-07 into the record; the resolution is attached to the minutes.

Mrs. Moran asked that the public know that the Board is neutral on this action item. The School District will not be collecting any additional revenues based on this resolution.

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The millage is shared by all public education entities in the City of New Orleans, not just OPSB schools.

Motion to adopt Resolution 29-07 was made by Mrs. Moran, seconded by Mrs. Daniels.

Roll Call Vote Yeas: Anderson, Cade, Daniels, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders Nays: none Absent: none Abstentions: none Resolution 29-07 is adopted 7 votes to 0 and will be published in the Times Picayune.

 Action Item No. 7: Approving FY’08 Budget Amendment #1 to FY ’08 General Fund Budget. R ecommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board adopt the proposed budget amendment to the General Fund Budget, transferring funds to Salary and Fringe Benefits to accommodate three (3) administrative positions.

Mr. Wayne DeLarge, Budget Director, presented the Budget Amendment. All General Fund vacant administrative positions were eliminated in September. We are now asking to reauthorize three positions that were previously budgeted in ’07 that were eliminated in the ’08 budgetary process. One position is the Chief Operating Officer that was approved tonight, a Secretary for the Board office, and an Administrative Analyst for the Board Office.

Mrs. French discussed the two Board Office positions. There has been a temporary assistant working in the Board Office since December. The secretary position is combining three clerical positions from the Old Board office. The Analyst position is a more skilled position with more responsibility than the Secretary position.

Motion to approve the funding of these three positions was made by Rev. Sanders, seconded by Mrs. Daniels.

Roll Call Vote Yeas: Anderson, Cade, Daniels, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders Nays: none Absent: none Abstentions: none Budget Amendment was approved 7 votes to 0.

 Action Item No. 8: Approving the amended plan for the 3rd allocation of RESTART funds. The amended proposed allocation is 70-30 allocation of federal RESTART funds between the OPSB and OPSB Charter Schools.

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Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the proposed allocation of the federal RESTART funds.

Mr. Stan Smith reviewed the 3rd allocation of RESTART for the Board

Motion to approve the amendment to the plan was made by Mrs. Moran, seconded by Rev. Sanders.

Mrs. Anderson made a statement that there is a need on the facility side to fund this but it is important to share this also be shared with the Charters as well.

Public comment was heard from Mr. Ray Nichols, President Emeritus of the Priestley School of Construction Board. Mr. Nichols addressed the Board in regards to being told before their charter was approved that they would be eligible to receive $200,000 a year for the first two years of operation. Their decision to open Priestley was made on that basis. Mr. Nichols states that this is changing the rules, that this is going to have a big impact on the school, and they will now have to raise a lot more funds than was anticipated. Priestley being labeled an ‘at risk’ school is going to have an impact on their fund raising efforts.

Roll call vote: Yeas: Anderson, Cade, Daniels, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran Sanders Nays: none Absent: none Abstentions: none The RESTART funding was approved unanimously.

 Action Item No. 9: Approving the FY’08 Stipend and Seasonal Salary Schedule in accordance with Board Policy G724. The stipend and salary schedule covers extracurricular, summer school, professional development and substitute teacher compensation and must be adopted annually. Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board adopts FY’08 Stipend and Seasonal Salary Schedule for FY’08, with rates effective July 1, 2007.

Dr. Devezin addressed the Board on this action item. Mrs. French read part of Policy G724 dealing with schedules for the Board.

Mrs. Moran asked if the Coaching staff has not been paid yet because we are waiting for this to pass? Dr. Devezin and Mr. Kilbert both acknowledged that yes, that was the case.

Motion to approve the stipend schedule was made by Mrs. Daniels, seconded by Mrs. Moran. Motion passed unanimously.

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 Action Item No. 10: Receive and approve the Internal Equity Report and authorizing the Board staff to implement the recommendations for redefining, realigning job classes and grades for Central Office personnel. Recommendations: That Orleans Parish School Board approve the report and authorize Board staff to implement the recommendations effective January 2008. Dr. Devezin addressed the Board in respect to the Internal Equity Report. Mrs. Moran stated that this is to correct and adjust the salaries based on the salary scale presented by A&M. During the time they were trying to craft this salary scale, they brought on new employees. This will correct the inequities between the salaries and place everyone on the same salary scale depending on their experience, education, etc. The Budget & Finance Committee has reviewed this and moves it forward to the full Board recommending that it be approved. Motion to approve the Internal Equity Report was made by Mrs. Daniels, seconded by Mrs. Moran. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. French clarified that this will be implemented effective January 3, 2008. The agenda says 2008, but the packet does say 2007.

 Action Item No. 11: Approving the appointments of Board Advisory and Ad Hoc Committees. Board President Landrieu announced the creation of several Advisory and Ad/Hoc committees at the September 25, 2007, Board meeting. In accordance with Board Policy B208, these committees must be approved by the Board. The Advisory/Ad/Hoc Committees are: . Dietary and Nutrition Advisory Committee . Financial Planning Advisory Committee . Media and Public Relations Advisory Committee . Academic Advisory Committee . Graduation Advisory Committee Recommendation: That Orleans Parish School Board approve the Board Advisory Committees as listed above, with committee membership open to community, parents, teachers and staff. Board Policy B208 spells out the advisory committees for the Board. The Board president announced ad hoc committees at the September 25, 2007, meeting, and this action item is to bring this announcement in alignment with Board Policy. Mrs. Cade proposed a change to the Dietary & Nutrition committee, to call it the Wellness Advisory Committee. Members of the public can also be appointed to these committees. All meetings are noticed and public. The committees and their members are as follows: Audit Committee: Mr. Fahrenholtz, Mrs. Moran & Mrs. Cade Legal Review Committee: Mr. Fahrenholtz, Mrs. Cade Financial Planning Advisory Committee: Mrs. Moran PR/Media Relations Committee: Mr. Fahrenholtz Graduation Advisory Committee: Mrs. Daniels Wellness Advisory Committee: Mrs. Cade

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Academic Advisory Committee: Rev. Sanders Rev. Sanders asked about funds being available to bring in national experts to come to speak on certain topics to the committees and the district. Mrs. Landrieu suggested that Rev. Sanders, Mrs. Cade and Mrs. Moran work to bring a budget or recommendation of a budget for the next Budget meeting and next Board meeting to possibly have some funds available to the committees. Motion to approve the Ad Hoc Committees was made by Mrs. Daniels, seconded by Rev. Sanders. Motion passed unanimously.

 Action Item No. 12: Approving an amendment to Board Policy B206, defining the scope of Board standing committees. Recommendation; That the Orleans Parish School Board receive on first reading an amendment to Board Policy B206, Board Committees for action at the November, 2007, Board meeting. This is a first reading on an amendment to Board Policy 206, which attempts to clarify the authority and responsibilities of each of the committees. Motion to approve the first reading of the amendment to Board Policy B206 was made by Mrs. Daniels, seconded by Rev. Sanders. Motion passed unanimously.

 Action Item No. 13: Adopting the amendments to Board Policy E500 Facilities and Capital Management. The amendments to this policy were heard in the September Property Committee meeting, read on first reading at the September 25, 2007 Board meeting, and discussed at a Public Forum on October 23, 2007. Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board adopts the amendments to Board Policy E500. This item was deferred at the beginning of the meeting

 Action Item No. 14: Adopting new Board policy E501 Charter School facility Management policy. This new policy was heard in the September Property Committee meeting, read on first reading at the September 25, 2007 Board meeting, and discussed at a Public Forum on October 23, 2007. Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board adopts the Board Policy E501. This item was deferred at the beginning of the meeting

Mr. Morris read the three additional legal cases to be considered during the Executive Session into the record. They are three additional workers comp cases. Zaddie Reed vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-0400405 Chris Matherne vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-9900900 Elieen San Juan vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-9700037


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Motion was made to adjourn to executive session by Rev. Sanders, seconded by Mrs. Daniels. The OPSB recessed into executive session at 7:23 p.m. to consider the following litigation/personnel matters:

Consideration of litigation /personnel matters: 1. Nathan Jones vs. OPSB, H&G Claim #OPSB-0000844 2. Melvin Mackey vs. OPSB, H&G Claim #OPSB-0100971 3. Deborah Laurent vs. OPSB, H&G Claim #OPSB-9700017 4. Leatrice Baham vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2001-8360 5. Stephanie Eleby o/b/o minor child Vernell Brooks vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2000-9086 6. Denise Cross o/b/o minor child Floyd Torry vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2005-11964 7. TBF Financial, LLC vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2006-3221 8. Tisha Hooks o/b/o minor child Kaharri Boyd vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2006-4181 9. Leo Mitchell vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2005-12620 10. Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Inc. vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2005-12300 11. Shontril Butler vs. OPSB, et al, CDC No. 2006-1258 12. Zaddie Reed vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-0400405 13. Chris Matherne vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-9900900 14. Elieen San Juan vs. OPSB, Case #OPSB-9700037

RECONVENE/ROLL CALL The Board reconvened at 8:08 p.m. Board member roll call: Ms. Una Anderson, present; Ms. Cynthia Cade, present; Ms. Heidi Daniels, absent; Mr. Jimmy Fahrenholtz, present; Mrs. Phyllis Landrieu, present; Ms. Lourdes Moran, present; Rev. Torin Sanders, present; Ex-officio Board members: Mr. Daryl Kilbert, Superintendent, present; Mr. Edward Morris, General Counsel, present, Ms. Thelma French, Board Secretary, present.

REPORT ON LEGAL MATTERS/LITIGATION: General Counsel Ed Morris presented the following report on legal matters/litigation:

1. Nathan Jones vs. OPSB, H&G Claim #OPSB-0000844 – recommend settlement in the amount of $54,500

2. Melvin Mackey vs. OPSB, H&G Claim #OPSB-0100971 – recommend settlement in the amount of $22,500

3. Deborah Laurent vs. OPSB, H&G Claim #OPSB-9700017 – recommend settlement in the amount of $72,500

4. Zaddie Reed vs. OPSB, claim #OPSB-0400405 – recommend settlement in the amount of $42,000

5. Chris Matherne vs. OPSB, claim #OPSB-9900900 – recommend settlement in the amount of $18,000.

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6. Elieen San Juan vs. OPSB, claim #OPSB-9700037 – recommend settlement in the amount of $12,000

7. Leatrice Baham vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2001-8360 – recommend settlement in the amount of $5,000

8. Stephanie Eleby o/b/o minor child Vernell Brooks vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2000-9086 – recommend settlement in the amount of $9,349.50

9. Denise Cross o/b/o minor child Floyd Torry vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2005-11964 – recommend settlement in the amount of $12,000

10. TBF Financial, LLC vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2006-3221 – recommend settlement in an amount up to $9,000

11. Tisha Hooks o/b/o minor child Kaharri Boyd vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2006-4181 – recommend settlement in the amount of $11,000

12. Leo Mitchell vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2005-12620 – recommend settlement in the amount up to $9,000

13. Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Inc. vs. OPSB, CDC No. 2005-12300 – recommend settlement in the amount of $21,000

14. Shontril Butler vs. OPSB, et al, CDC No. 2006-1258 – recommend settlement in the amount not more than $100,000

Motion to receive the litigation report was made by Mrs. Moran, seconded by Mrs. Cade. Motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Landrieu made a statement regarding her correcting the gentleman from Priestley where she earlier stated that the Times Picayune was responsible for the language in the article, not us. Darren Simon from the Times Picayune called her to task on this. What they were complaining about was the Superintendent’s recommendation of the school as being “high risk”. Mrs. Landrieu acknowledged that the article was based on the district’s recommendations, not the paper’s. Mrs. Landrieu stated she would write a letter correcting this.

Mr. Morris stated that the motion following the litigation report was to “receive” the report. We need a motion to approve the settlements as recommended.

Mrs. Moran moved for the acceptance of the recommendations by General Counsel, seconded by Mrs. Anderson. Motion passed unanimously.

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ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Cade moved for adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

This is certified to be a true and correct copy of the Minutes of Orleans Parish School Board Business Meeting held October 23, 2007, and approved at the November 20, 2007, meeting of the Board.

Respectfully submitted,

Thelma French Ex–Officio Board Secretary

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The following Resolution was offered for adoption by Mrs. Una Anderson, seconded by Mr. Jimmy Fahrenholtz:

A Resolution recognizing the President’s Club for their outstanding efforts on behalf of student attendance, and officially announcing the beginning of “2007-08 Stay in School Campaign”.

WHEREAS, on September 19, 2006, the Orleans Parish School Board recognized Troy Duhon, President and CEO of Toyota of New Orleans/Scion of New Orleans of the Premier Automotive Group, for his efforts to encourage high school seniors to “Stay in School” by donating a custom TransAm Pontiac automobile to be awarded to Orleans Parish Public High School Senior with perfect attendance; and

WHEREAS, the Orleans Parish School Board created by Resolution 26-06 the Orleans Parish School Board “President’s Club” acknowledging the group of local business owners who were joining Mr. Duhon in his effort to promote student attendance and graduation; and

WHEREAS, the Mr. Duhon, is here today, October 23, 2007, to present to the Orleans Parish School Board, the 2007-08 award vehicle, a 2008 Toyota Scion XB and to officially begin the 2007-08 “Stay in School” Campaign; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Duhon and Ms. Melissa Schank, Marketing Director of Premier Automotive Group, have worked tirelessly since last May’s award to produce and secure over $100,000.00 in media advertisement for this year’s campaign; and

WHEREAS, the 2007-08 Stay in School Campaign will be officially launched through a Press Event at Toyota of New Orleans on Thursday, October 25, 2007, at 10:00am; and

WHEREAS, the Orleans Parish School Board recognizes and acknowledges that Mr. Duhon is joined today by Mr. Bruce Butcher, Toyota Signature Process consultant/Scion Performance Coach and Coach Al Cravens, Area General Manager, Gulf Coast Region, Gulf States Toyota and Ms. Melissa Schank.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orleans Parish School Board that Mr.

Troy Duhon be recognized and reappointed as the President of the Orleans Parish School

President’s Club for the term of one year;

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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Orleans Parish School Board declares Thursday,

October 25, 2007, as the official launch of the 2007-08 Stay in School Campaign.

The above and foregoing Resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:

YEAS: Anderson, Cade, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders


ABSENT: Daniels


And the Resolution was declared adopted on this, the 23 rd day of October 2007.

PASSED AND ADOPTED AT THE ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD MEETING at McDonogh #35 High School, 1331 Kerlerec Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, on this the 23 rd day of October, 2007.

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The following Resolution was offered for adoption by Mrs. Lourdes Moran, seconded Mrs. Heidi Daniels:

A Resolution levying and imposing taxes on all the property subject to taxation in Orleans Parish, State of Louisiana.

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Orleans Parish School Board, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of the Parish–wide School District of the Parish of Orleans to levy taxes for the payment of bonds thereof for the year 2008; and

WHEREAS, it is also necessary for the Orleans Parish School Board to levy its Constitutional Millage and Dedicated Millages;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orleans Parish School Board, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of Orleans Parish for school purposes and as the governing authority of said Parish wide School District, that:

SECTION 1. Constitutional Mills. Acting under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana, there is hereby levied, assessed, and imposed on all the property in said Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana (the “Parish”) for the year 2008, 27.65 mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property located within said Parish.

SECTION 2. Special Dedicated Mills. Acting under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana, and pursuant to the authority of an election duly and legally held in the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana (the "Parish"), on May 2, 1998, there is hereby levied, assessed and imposed on all the property in said Parish for the year 2008, the following mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property located within said Parish, for the dedicated purposes specified:

Dedicated Purposes Mills Purpose A – School Books, Materials and Supplies 2.13 Purpose B – Early Childhood, Discipline and Dropout Programs 2.13 Purpose C – Employee Salary, Benefits and Incentives 10.00 Purpose D – Air Conditioning, Asbestos Removal, and Facilities Maintenance 3.19

SECTION 3. General Obligation Bond Tax. Acting under the authority of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana and pursuant to the authority of an election duly and legally held in the Parish–wide School District on July 15, 1995, a special tax of 5.40 mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all the taxable property in Orleans Parish is hereby levied, assessed and imposed on all of said property for the year 2008 for the purpose of paying

17 OPSB Meeting Minutes – October 23, 2007 the principal of and the interest on the general obligation bonds of the Parish–wide School District.

SECTION 4. Collection of Tax. The proper administrative officials of the City of New Orleans are hereby empowered, authorized and directed to spread said tax, as hereinabove set forth, upon the assessment roll of said City for the year 2008 and to make the collection of the tax imposed for and on behalf of said School Board and said Parish–wide School District, according to law, and the tax herein levied shall become a permanent lien and privilege on all the property subject to taxation as herein set forth, and the collection thereof shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.

SECTION 5. Publication. This Resolution shall be published in the official journal of School Board in the manner provided by law.

SECTION 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately.

The above and foregoing Resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:

YEAS: Anderson, Cade, Daniels, Fahrenholtz, Landrieu, Moran, Sanders NAYS: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSENTIONS: NONE

And the Resolution was declared adopted on this, the 23 rd day of October 2007.

PASSED AND ADOPTED AT THE ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD MEETING at McDonogh #35 High School, 1331 Kerlerec Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, on this the 23 rd day of October, 2007.


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