FGDC National Boundaries Group - Federal Lands Working Group (FLWG) Webinar
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FGDC National Boundaries Group - Federal Lands Working Group (FLWG) Webinar
June 14, 2017
Prepared by: Lisa Johnson PAD-US Coordinator, USGS Cooperator [email protected]
Participants (27):
USGS: Bob Pierce, Larry Moore, Gita Urban-Mathieux, Laurie Temple, Elizabeth McCartney BOEM: Doug Vandegraft Census: Dierdre Bevington-Attardi USACE: Ginny Dickerson NPS: Kyle Arndt (Roger Johnson out, send notes) BLM: Don Buhler, Pat Mahoney, Doug Albright, John Varner, Barbara McKay Archibald, Dario Lunardi, Ryan Tietjen, Joel Harrington USBR: Jerome Jackson, Barbara Simpson, Michele Porter, Bruce Whitesell, Kurt Wille DOI/NWCG: Andrew Bailey DOD: David LaBranche out (send notes) USFS: Troy Warburton out (send notes) FWS: Sean Killen, Ron Salz out (send notes) BIA: Beth Wenstrom Cooperators: Lisa Johnson (USGS, PAD-US Coordinator), Mason Croft (USGS, PAD-US Technical Specialist), Larry Orman (USGS, GreenInfo Network)
Meeting Objective: Review the DRAFT Federal Areas.gdb for PAD-US 2.0, discuss next steps and hear about the new BLM Navigator.
Agenda Outline
Welcome, intros and announcements (3:00 ET)
FLWG website updates – 2017 call notes
DRAFT FederalAreas.gdb now available (Lisa, Mason, Julie)
Geodatabase download link sent directly to call participants and contributors (June 22nd).
Review in ArcGIS directly (comments due July 7th)
Reference: 1 PADUS2_0_FedLands_Source_Documentation, especially “Master Crosswalk” PADUS2_0 Standard Tables
Category Owner Name and Manager Name Designation Type Unit Name State Name Source data in all “local” fields, when available Reference fields complete (Aggregator Source, GIS Source, GIS Source date) Feature class placement (Fee, Easement, Designation, Proclamation, Marine) Non GIS users – see topology overlap errors and census state standard in
Updates include:
FWS – parcel ownership, management and designations USFS – parcel ownership, management and designations NPS – parcel ownership, management and designations BOEM – parcel ownership and management BLM – SMA, ACECs, WSR Corridors DOD – MITRA boundaries Census – 2016 TIGERLine for state jurisdictional boundaries and “State Name” attribute
Transfers from PAD-US 1.4:
NPS – Designated and other categories of Wilderness USFS – Inventoried Roadless Areas USACE – Recreation areas and reservoirs USBR – Managed areas (legacy data) NRCS – Easements (update from NCED in 2.0) BIA – Removed as requested, final action pending June 26th call
Files Pending:
BLM – ADMU file (Field office names) and NLCS designations NOAA – Marine Protected Areas
PAD-US 2.0 – database structure change
New feature classes to better manage different data types and overlaps:
2 . “Designation” – Includes Congressional Designations and Presidential Proclamations (Wilderness, Wild and Scenic River, National Recreation Area), admin designations (ACEC, RNA), leases or agreements (“Category” = ‘Other’) that overlap fee ownership.
. “Proclamation” – Includes boundaries representing the exterior extent (outline) of the following land types: NPS Proclamation, FWS Approved Acquisition, DOD Military Installations, BIA American Indian Lands (pending).
PAD-US Review Tool updates (Lisa, Larry, all)
The MapCollaborator “PAD-US Edition” developed by GreenInfo Network (a non profit and USGS GAP Cooperator) for internal FLWG use to support data development for PAD-US.
Gathers and routes comments to data stewards – not connected yet o Test search and comment function
Includes PAD-US 1.4 Services – update with 2.0 after USGS publication Check large and small topology overlaps o Includes PAD-US 2.0 topology errors – slivers (less than 5 acres) and large overlaps (greater than 5 acres) Check current Census State boundary file (TIGERLine 2016 States)
H.R. 2199 Federal Land Asset Inventory Reform (FLAIR) Act of 2017
May 17, 2017 Call notes
Roger Johnson (NPS) summarized bill for the group in May. To improve Federal land management, resource conservation, environmental protection, and use of Federal real property, by requiring the Secretary of the Interior to develop a multipurpose cadastre of Federal real property and identifying inaccurate, duplicate, and out-of-date Federal land inventories, and for other purposes. Bob Pierce (USGS) – likely related to efforts by John Paletiello of MAPPS to obtain support – private company provides data, rather than managing agency. Nancy von Meyer (Census) will look into H.R. 2199 and report updates. June 14, 2017 UPDATE from Nancy: 5/23/17
On May 23, 2017, a legislative hearing for the House Committee on Natural Resources included the introduction of H.R. 2199 by Rep. Cramer and witness testimony by John Palatellio.
Read Hearing memo and video: https://naturalresources.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx? EventID=401967
3 Representative Cramer – 26:36 - 29:40
John Palatellio – 39:30 - 44:10
Bill Summary H.R. 2199, introduced by Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND-At Large), is a bipartisan bill that directs the Secretary of the Interior to create and maintain a cadastre of Federal real property to promote efficient use of real property and support land management activities such as resource development and conservation, agricultural use, active forest management, and environmental protection. COST A congressional budget office cost estimate has not yet been completed for this bill. CBO scored a previous version of this bill during the 113th Congress as costing $1.4 billion over a 5 year period.
Geospatial Data Act (GDA) of 2017
The Digital Coast Act, S. 110, passed the Senate by unanimous consent. A companion House bill will be introduced by Rep. Ruppersburger of MD and Young of AK when Congress comes back from its Memorial Day recess.
Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Mark Warner (D-VA), Dean Heller (R-NV) and Ron Wyden (D- OR) jointly introduced S. 1253, the "Geospatial Data Act (GDA) of 2017" to improve the coordination and use of geospatial data.
News Release: http://augustafreepress.com/sens-warner-hatch-reintroduce-bipartisan-geospatial- data-act/
More News: https://www.geospatialworld.net/blogs/us-geospatial-data-act-gda/
The Senate bill is S. 1253. It was referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
Text of the bill can be found here: https://www.scribd.com/document/349427074/Geospatial-Data-Act-GDA
This bill appears to be focused on the organization of FGDC and NSDI (NGDA).
Need to increase awareness of PAD-US/FLWG efforts – how to get the word out?
o Need to get PAD-US on the National Score Card (COGO) . Dierdre Bevington-Attardi (Census, NGDA Gov Units Theme Lead) was asked for COGO nominations. . She will nominate PAD-US when time and will share updates with FLWG. o Publish a “Federal Lands Edition” from PAD-US 2.0? 4 . Currently, FedLands.gdb developed by FLWG is only an input to the full PAD- US. . Derivative product with purposeful branding and metadata may help clarify product as the best available representation of federal ownership with management designations, published by USGS in cooperation with the FLWG. . USGS and FLWG to assess needs and resources during PAD-US 2.0 development. USGS open to consider FLWG needs, provided connection to PAD-US maintained. o Is a separate Federal product needed or just name map differently (focus outreach)? . PAD-US is broad to meet needs but name causes confusion. . Highlight parcel ownership and management designations . Land and Marine . “Proclamation” feature class o Who are stakeholders? . CRS? . USTopo? o Assess needs and available resources – draft memo
BLM Navigator Update (Doug Albright, Don Buhler)
Doug Albright – Navigator Technical Project Manager ([email protected])
BLM Navigator – Goal to provide a one stop shop when searching for BLM data (internal for DOI and external for public)
NEED: lots of data, lots of sites, many portals. Navigator helps you find data.
Requires robust indexing of internal and external geospatial data
Currently 13 million records indexed internally
About 12,000 records available externally (takes time to determine what should be public or internal)
Is there a way to highly rank authoritative data? o Rating is currently user based, filters by location may help o Consider adding “Commonly used” or “feature datasets” to top banner o Can’t find authoritative PAD-US 1.4 developed by FLWG . Needs to rank higher than older PAD-US versions and CBI edition How does this relate to GeoPlatform or Data.gov? o Data.gov should be able to harvest data from Navigator eventually. o Intent is to complement existing systems, not duplicate
5 Update for FLWG available winter 2018
Functionality will remain the same, improving the depth of searches is constant work
Schedule next call
Wed, July 19th (3-4 ET) o Draft Federal Areas.gdb – version 2 . Includes “PAD-US” attributes Conservation measures (GAP Status Code, IUCN Category) Public Access measures Date of Establishment Local Reviews . Example summary reports
Future calls, 2nd Wednesday of each month (3-4 ET): o Aug 9th o Sept 13th o Oct 11th o Nov 8th o Dec 13th
FLWG FY17 Objectives:
Automate lands data translation into PAD-US format. Contribute to the next PAD-US update, published by USGS. Assess and improve inventory completeness. Assess and improve core attribute compatibility between agency datasets. Identify, manage or edit major topology overlap errors (boundaries) between agency datasets. Share FLWG goals and accomplishments through outreach.