Community Advisory Committee (Cac) Meeting

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Community Advisory Committee (Cac) Meeting

AGENDA COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) MEETING Tuesday September 8, 2009 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. AON CENTER 707 Wilshire Blvd. 6th Floor Conference Room Los Angeles, CA 90017

Address for Scheduling Access Paratransit Trips: 706 W. 6th Street (CAC) Mission Statement

“The mission of the CAC is to provide input, advice, and recommendations to Access Services’ Board and staff on policies related to eligibility, customer service, and operations.”

We represent the diverse opinions and experiences of the Access riders. We obtain rider input to identify barriers to good service and work collaboratively toward solutions.

CAC members are educators, role models, and disseminators of information. Our goal is to work with the Board and ASI to enhance riders’ awareness of their options for transportation independence, including superior ADA paratransit.” (CAC) CODE OF CIVILITY

The members of the Access Services Community Advisory Committee (CAC) ascribe to the following Code of Civility to ensure that all business and meetings of the CAC are conducted in a positive and respectful manner. We welcome the views and opinions of all CAC members and attendees and pledge to truly listen and to consider diverse points of view.

As CAC representatives, we will conduct ourselves in a respectful and civil manner regardless of differences of opinion. We will practice the art of disagreeing without being disagreeable.

We will support CAC officers and members in reminding all participants to conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner.

If someone feels they have an unresolved civility issue regarding the CAC, they may take this concern to an ad hoc executive committee of the CAC composed of the Chair, other CAC Officers and/or additional members appointed by the Chair.


Public comment forms are available for anyone that wishes to make a public comment. Each speaker will have 3 minutes to make a comment. If the comment pertains to a service related complaint, it will be entered into the complaint process database.

Item Item Description Disposition Pages

12:30 p.m. Call to Order Procedure for Public Comment

12:35 p.m. Roll Call

12:35 p.m. Approval of the August 11, 2009 CAC Action 5-12

2 | P a g e Meeting Minutes

12:35 p.m. General Public Comment (3 minutes per Information speaker)

12:45 p.m. 1. Reports Information 13-22  Chair  Board Meeting Update  Staff  OMC – July 2009  Complaints – July 2009  Metro OIG Audit

1:00 p.m. 2. Subcommittee Updates Information  Service Animal  Incentives and Penalties  CAC Goals Subcommittee

1:40 p.m. 3. Regional Centers and Access Services Information/Po ssible Action

1:50 p.m. 4. Tap Card Information/Po 23-24 ssible Action

2:00 p.m. Break

2:10 p.m. 5. No Show Trends Information

2:20 p.m. 6. CAC Officer Elections Action 25-35

2:25 p.m. Member Communication Information

3 | P a g e 2:25 p.m. New Business Raised Subsequent to Information posting of the agenda

3:00 p.m. Adjournment

Access Services does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Accordingly, Access Services seeks to ensure that individuals with disabilities will have an equal opportunity to participate in the range of Access Services events and programs by providing appropriate auxiliary aids and services to facilitate communication. In determining the type of auxiliary aids and services for communication that will be provided, primary consideration is given to the request of the individual with disabilities. However, the final decision belongs to Access Services. To help ensure availability of those auxiliary aids and services you require, please make every effort to notify Access Services of your request at least three (3) business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting in which you wish to utilize those aids or services. You may do so by contacting (213) 270-6000.

Note: ASI board meetings are held pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act [Cal. Gov. Code §54950] and are open to the public. The public may view and obtain all written information supporting this agenda provided to the board both initially and supplementaly prior to the meeting at the agency’s offices located at 707 Wilshire Blvd., 9th Floor, Los Angeles California and on its website at Documents, including Power Point handouts distributed to Board Members by staff or Board members at the meeting will simultaneously be made available to the public. Three opportunities are available for the public to address the board during a board meeting: (1) before closed session regarding matters to be discussed in closed session, (2) before a specific agendized item is debated and voted upon regarding that item and (3) general public comment. The exercise of the right to address the board is subject to restriction as to time and appropriate decorum. All persons wishing to make public comment must fill out a yellow Public Comment Form and submit it to the Secretary to the Board. Public comment is generally limited to three (3) minutes per speaker and the total time available for public comment may be limited at the discretion of the Chairperson. Persons whose speech is impaired such that they are unable to address the board at a normal rate of speed may request the accommodation of a limited amount of additional time from the Chair but only by checking the appropriate box on the Public Comment Form. Granting such an accommodation is in the discretion of the Chair. The Board of Directors will not and cannot respond during the meeting to matters raised under general public comment. Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act governing these proceedings, no discussion or action may be taken on these matters unless they are listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. However, the board may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Board of Directors Meeting and the staff will respond to all public comment in writing prior to the next board meeting.

DRAFT MINUTES Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4 | P a g e 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Shawn Solomon convened the meeting at 12:35 p.m. Luis Pacheco read the public comment procedures and announced that Nahila Hussen was in attendance to take additional information.

ROLL CALL CAC Members Present: Tommy Johnson Sr., Michael Anthony Arrigo, Gay Parrish, Gary Jansen, Ray Louis McKeever, Ken Schwartz, Terri Lantz, James Hogan, Jesse Padilla, Gloria Broderick, Sandy Varga, Michael Williams, Tina Foafoa, Kurt Baldwin, Veronica Martinez, James Harris and Shawn Solomon.

CAC Members Absent: Adinah Solomon, Michael Conrad and Frances Kitrell.

Board Members: Michael Greenwood and Theresa De Vera.

Access Services Staff: Evie Palicz, Charace Thompson, Luis Pacheco, Nahila Hussen, Marcia Velis, Matthew Avancena, Nicole Leiva, Alfredo Torales, David Foster, Steve Chang and F Scott Jewell.

Guests: Tonni Hemphill, Scott Manchan, Daniel Garcia and Lee Habibi.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 14, 2009, MEETING Motion: Gary Jansen moved the approval of the minutes of the July 14, 2009 CAC meeting.

Vote: 17 Yes

GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Tonni Hemphill discussed how she is having issues with Global’s routing because it made her to be late to last month’s CAC meeting and on a recent trip experience where she had difficulties booking her return trip.

Veronica Martinez discussed how the State’s budget cuts will impact the regional centers and their consumers and how Access Services may be

5 | P a g e affected as well. Ms. Martinez also added that individuals that are found capable of utilizing public transportation will no longer receive specialized transportation; she encouraged the CAC to be more active.

Gay Parrish suggested that the regional centers and Access Services should work collaboratively to address any potential service issues that may rise do the State’s budget cuts.


CHAIRS No report was provided.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board member Theresa De Vera reported that there was no Board meeting for the month of July and that the Board will be welcoming two Board members. Ms. De Vera announced that the August Board meeting was scheduled to start at 11:00 a.m. and it will go until 1:00 p.m. followed by closed session. Board member Michael Greenwood provided an update with regards to the Metro gates and said that they have began installing a number of turnstiles at various stations.

STAFF Matthew Avancena gave the staff report and announced the following:  Arun Prem was out and should be back for next month’s meeting  TPAC elected Chair Jesse Valdez and Vice Chair Kathryn Engel

Gary Jansen asked when the next Board meeting would take place. Ms. Theresa De Vera said August 24th

METRO OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL AUDIT RECOMMEDATIONS UPDATE No questions were raised from the committee. OPERATIONS MONITORING CENTER (OMC) REPORT – June 2009 Kurt Baldwin asked with regards to late cancellations if there has been a difference since the policy was put into place to suspend riders for late

6 | P a g e cancellations and if there has been a decrease in cancellations. Steve Chang responded that since the policy was put in place back in March, Access Services did see a change and an updated statistical report will be provided at the next meeting.

Sandy Varga asked what steps she needs to take as a rider when she receives letters indicating she was no showed. Mr. Chang responded that riders need to let customer service know when disputing a no show.

Further discussions followed and the committee decided to agendize the discussion for next month’s meeting.

COMPLAINTS REPORT – June 2009 No questions were raised from the committee.

4. ADEPT Software Implementation ****(this item was moved in front of the subcommittee reports)***

F Scott Jewell first introduced the new Access Services coupons which can be ordered by mail or through one of the purchase locations. Mr. Jewell passed around samples of the new Access Services forever coupon, which is good up to 20 miles and the plus zone coupon for trips longer than 20 miles.

Mr. Jewell reported that Access Services is working with Global in trying to improve the ADEPT Software routing capabilities with taxis as well as managing the trips in anticipation of the canceled trips.

Mr. Shawn Solomon commented on the new coupon and said that white print on blue is not visible.

Michael Anthony Arrigo said that he has never understood the advantage or disadvantage of having coupons. Mr. Jewell said that the main advantage of having coupons is for riders not to carry cash.

Sandy Varga added that with the new software the drivers no longer have the ability to press a button to request a call out and that now they have to wait for dispatch to make the call out. Mr. Jewell responded that the system is still working the way it is supposed to work for call outs.

James Harris suggested that Access Services make sure drivers are aware of the new coupons.


New Outreach No report was provided.

Service Animal Michael Anthony Arrigo gave the service animal report and said that the main topic discussed had to do with tethering straps for service animals and that Ken Metz plans to purchase them to see how they work.

Penalties and Incentives No report was provided.

CAC Goals and Objectives Veronica Martinez gave the CAC Goals and Objectives report and said that all nine goals were put on a separate sign-up sheet and each goal will have a subcommittee. Ms. Martinez encouraged everyone to sign-up in order to move forward with the goals.

3. CAC Nomination Subcommittee

Gay Parrish discussed the CAC nomination process and reported that annually in September officers are elected in accordance with the CAC bylaws. Ms. Parrish added that a questionnaire will be sent out to all the candidates and it will need to be answered so that it may be included in the September CAC agenda packet. The candidates are as follows:

Chair Gloria Broderick Sandy Varga Michael Williams Vice-Chair Michael Anthony Arrigo Gloria Broderick Gary Jansen Tommy Johnson Sr. 8 | P a g e Veronica Martinez Ken Schwartz Shawn Solomon Michael Williams

James Hogan requested that staff provide the committee a copy of the CAC bylaws as well a copy of the CAC roster. Matthew Avancena thanked everyone for their efforts on the CAC nominations subcommittee and said that staff would appreciate if the questionnaires can be sent in by August 24 so that they may be included in the agenda packet.

3. Return Trip Booking Policy Subcommittee

Matthew Avancena said that the Return Trip Booking policy was passed by CAC in May 2009 and the policy went to TPAC for their review and that TPAC approved the policy. However, TPAC had questions on some of the language in the policy and they felt that the language was not clear enough for the rider. Shawn Solomon added that CAC did not vote on a suspension on the first violation. Mr. Avancena said that TPAC asked if CAC can form a joint subcommittee with members of TPAC to look at the policy.

Motion: Gay Parrish made a motion to form a subcommittee that will gather and look at all the input from TPAC and CAC.

Michael Williams made a recommendation to meet with TPAC and to hopefully get things resolved in one meeting. Board member Michael Greenwood asked who was responsible for typing the CAC minutes. Mr. Avancena responded that the transcripts are forwarded to staff and staff puts them together. Mr. Greenwood said that according to the minutes and staff‘s recommendations,- first offense a 10 day suspension of privileges; second offense a 30 day suspension of privileges; and fourth offense a 90 day suspension of privileges, the July CAC minutes do not reflect what the committee approved. Gay Parrish suggested creating a joint committee or inviting representatives from TPAC and CAC to the September QSS meeting.

9 | P a g e Second Motion: Shawn Solomon asked those in favor of having a subcommittee appointed now to resolve the differences between the TPAC version and CAC version. Amended Motion: Gloria Broderick said that CAC was voting on the establishment of a subcommittee between TPAC and CAC.

Friendly Amended Motion: Veronica Martinez added that she likes Gay Parrish’s idea, to create a joint committee or invite representatives from TPAC and CAC to the September QSS meeting.

Vote: 17 Yes

Matthew Avancena asked for clarification as to who were the volunteers: o Terri Lantz o Michael Williams o Veronica Martinez o James Hogan o Gloria Broderick

5. Access Services Identity Program Matthew Avancena gave the Access Services Identity Program report. Mr. Avancena said that the Board of Directors passed a new identity program for Access Services in February 2009 and the new logo will be integrated with all the materials and stationary products like the business cards, letterheads and coupons. He thanked CAC for their input on the new Access Services coupon. Mr. Avancena also added that staff is currently working on a new welcome packet that will incorporate many elements. Staff put together a focus group that is working to determine which elements should be part of the welcome packet. Kurt Baldwin asked who formed the focus group. Mr. Avancena responded that CAC members as well as staff.

Member Communication

10 | P a g e Gary Jansen asked where Access Services will be picking up at the Pomona Fair.

Ken Schwartz said that the Santa Fe Springs Metrolink station does not provide an Access Services stand sign and hopes that a sign is placed on the side where the buses come in.

Tina Foafoa commented on how drivers do not recognize the complementary pass that is given to each CAC member for attending the meeting.

Gloria Broderick discussed some problems that a friend of hers is having when canceling his steady trips.

Michael Anthony Arrigo said drivers do not recognize the complementary coupons and reminded everyone to call the information line.

Veronica Martinez talked about the sign-up sheet and that she will be contacting those that signed up and those that did not.

Terri Lantz said that she appreciates everyone’s efforts and would like to see somebody being assigned as a note taker and would like it to be agendized.

Gay Parrish asked for an actual note taker especially when motions are put forward; asked for an email reminder with regards to the sign in sheet; discussed the new Board training committee process.

Sandy Varga shared a call from rider where the rider was sexually compromised on a trip and would like a clear feedback as to what to do when an issue like this one takes place and what is the proper way for a rider to report such incident.

Steve Chang responded that Access Services takes sexual harassments very seriously. When such incident is reported, the driver is immediately taken off the road for further investigations. Michael Williams thanked Terri Lantz, Gay Parrish and Veronica Martinez for taking the lead on different issues.

James Harris said that this was one of the most productive meetings and mentioned issues he is still having with the new software when making reservations.

Kurt Baldwin talked about his recent FTA training experience and discussed the different ideas that came out of the training such as reasonable 11 | P a g e accommodation and origins to destination.

Jesse Padilla talked about the new scheduling software and hopes the issues are soon fixed.

New Business Raised Subsequent to Posting of the agenda James Hogan discussed a recent complaint filed with the FTA and the department of justice with regards to a transfer issue in the Santa Clarita area and that it has been more than 180 days and as of today, the complaint has not been looked at by the FTA nor the department of Justice.

Mr. Solomon adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

12 | P a g e REPORTS


 Approval To Increase Funds And Extend Eastern Area Service Contract: San Gabriel Transit (ASI-1928)  Approval of Overall Annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal For Fiscal Year 2009/10  Ratification of Line of Credit  Authorization of Funding For Back-Up Service Providers  Board Meeting Transcripts  Claims Handling Designations and Authorizations  Approval To Increase Fixed Hourly Rate For Overflow Service Provider Contract No. ASI-2689  Board Officer Election


 Sandy Varga has been appointed to the Board and therefore has given up her CAC seat  Access Governmental Services was successful in getting stand signs installed at designated locations at LAX  TPAC has a new Chair, Mr. Jesse Valdez, and new Vice Chair, Ms. Kathryn Engel  Access Services Annual Report selected for First place in APTA Adwheel Awards 2009  Staffing Updates  New Access coupons will be sent to CAC members as of September 2009  Future Board Meetings open session will once again begin at 1pm.

13 | P a g e Date: September 8, 2009

To: Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

From: Sean Frye, Director of Customer Support Services

Re: Operations Monitoring Center (OMC) Report – July 2009

July 2009

A total of 6,224 calls were logged by OMC for the month of July. Exactly 1,881 of these calls pertained to Late Trips. Of the total Late Trip calls, 1,626 were reconciled on the First ETA call to OMC, which could mean: a) an ETA was given, b) a Next Available trip was booked, c) Backup Response was dispatched, or d) the call was otherwise terminated. The OMC dispatched a total of 392 Backup Response vehicles in July. Exactly 229 of these trips were performed by Overflow Service and 163 were performed by Non-Certified Providers. July’s average Length of Time (LOT) between initial call to OMC and their pickup by a Backup Response vehicle was approximately 50 minutes; July’s longest single LOT was approximately 4 hours and 35 minutes.*

*This Rider contacted Operations Monitoring at 2:56 pm to check on his 2:00 p.m. pickup. The OMC agent contacted the Provider and discovered that at 2:17 p.m. the driver reported he was not able to locate the Rider. The OMC offered the Rider the Provider’s next available pickup. The Rider accepted and the trip was rebooked for 4:55 p.m. The Rider again contacted Operations Monitoring at 6:23 p.m. to inquire about his 4:55 p.m. pickup. While checking, the OMC agent discovered that the Provider was once again unable to locate the Rider at 5:36 p.m. The OMC agent immediately dispatched the first available overflow vehicle to pick up the Rider, as the Rider travels in a wheelchair and is not transferable. The overflow driver picked up the Rider at 7:31 p.m. and dropped him off at 7:49 p.m.

14 | P a g e June 2009 July 2009

Total OMC Calls 6,009 6,224

Total Late Trip Calls 1,811 1,881

Late Trips Reconciled on 1st 1,566 1,626 ETA

Total Backup Trips Dispatched 373 392

Subtotal Overflow Backup* 218 229

Subtotal Uncertified Provider 155 163 Backup*

Average LOT (call to pickup) 52.0 minutes 50.0 minutes

Longest LOT (call to pickup) 5 hours, 35 4 hours, 35 minutes minutes

*Data Not in ASI Operations Report

15 | P a g e Date: September 8, 2009

To: Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

From: Susanna Cadenas, Customer Care Coordinator

Re: Complaints Report – July 2009

Total Complaints for July 2009 1326 Complaint Response Complaints Under Investigation for Preference July: 122 July ‘09 FY Total: 585 Post Card 895 895

Total Complaints that still require a Phone 35 35 Written response 68 Complaints Over 2 Weeks and Written 130 130 TRIP SERVICE RELATED COMPLAINTS investigation open or reopened 406 Complaint Type Total ASI CARE GPI MV Valley Southland STI- Complaints over 2 weeks where rider SGT Transit SCT WC has not been given a status call 11 ADA 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 Animal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Booking 221 0 0 146 10 50 1 0 14 Cancel 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 Conduct 41 0 0 13 6 15 2 0 5 Denied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discourt 123 5 1 45 20 39 4 0 9 Fare 22 0 0 8 4 7 1 0 2 Late1 34 0 0 11 9 7 4 0 3 Late2 39 0 0 21 5 10 1 0 2 Late3 28 0 0 20 2 2 1 0 3 Late4 169 0 0 86 13 34 7 1 28 Routing 41 0 0 25 4 8 0 0 4 Service 244 3 1 131 23 42 9 1 34 TravelTime 49 0 0 28 6 10 0 0 5

16 | P a g e Urgent 76 0 0 20 22 18 0 0 16 Vehicle 17 0 0 4 6 3 4 0 0 Total 1112 8 2 564 130 245 35 2 126

Southland STI- Complaint Type Total ASI CARE GPI MV Valley SGT Transit SCT WC Cert 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 Incident 6 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 Lost/Found 7 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 0 Phone 5 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 Policy 29 1 0 13 1 8 3 0 3 Suggestion 19 14 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 Total 70 16 0 21 10 13 4 0 5

No Shows 1102 1 0 64 261 405 57 13 301 LSOX 140 0 0 26 46 28 4 2 34

Commendations 180 11 0 28 76 37 2 0 26

Date: September 8, 2009

To: Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

From: Steve Chang, Director Of Contract Services

17 | P a g e Re: Status Update Office of the Inspector General’s Audit Recommendations


The audit of Access Services Incorporated conducted on behalf of the Metro Office of Inspector General (OIG) in FY 07 – 08 confirmed Access Services system design and operational compliance with the ADA and funding requirements and the general satisfaction of Access Services riders with that service. The audit contained no negative findings, but the auditors did make sixteen recommendations and the audit report contains Access Services affirmative responses to these recommendations.

This item comprises the monthly update for June 2009. Of the sixteen recommendations, twelve have been completed and four are remaining as shown in the attached update.


Receive and file the attached status report on the implementation of the audit recommendations from the “Report on the Evaluation of the Paratransit Eligibility Process; Administration, Performance, and Management of Paratransit Operations; and Compliance with Memorandum of Understanding.”


One of the early recommendations from the OIG was for Access to develop a procedure to periodically update the Board of Directors on the status of recommendations contained within audit reports performed on Access Services. Reporting on the status of audit recommendations through the Board Agenda should provide the Board and the general public assurance that recommendations/findings contained in audit reports were being addressed. The majority of the recommendations were implemented by July 1, 2008 and the remaining few will be addressed by the implementation of the new reservations/scheduling software.. A written status report on the recommendations will be on the Board, CAC and TPAC monthly agendas until all recommendations have been implemented.


Recommendation 3

ASI should evaluate the process for informing individuals who complete the eligibility evaluations of their right to appeal and the process on how to make an appeal.

Apr - 08 ASI will re-evaluate the eligibility determination packet with the help of TPAC and CAC to ensure that appeal information is presented in a manner most likely to be understood by applicants. Staff is anticipating a new brochure to be available in July of 2008.

May - 08 ASI will work with communications professionals and small focus groups to re- evaluate the eligibility determination packet. This will be implemented in July 2008.

Jun - 08 No update to report.

July – 08 On July 17, 2008, the QSS reviewed recommended changes to the eligibility fact sheets. New information sheets detailing the eligibility and appeal process are being formatted by Metro Design Center and will be available in September 2008. Per ASI Policy, alternative accessible formats will be available upon request.

Aug – 08 The formatted fact sheets are expected to be ready for distribution in the near future.

Feb -08 The Board of Directors approved a new identity program for Access Paratransit at their February 2009 meeting. Metro Design Center will begin work on finalizing these new information sheets. The new sheets are expected to be distributed in April 2009.

May -09 The eligibility and appeal information sheets consisted of four different parts. The four parts have been condensed and simplified into one user friendly document. Metro Design is currently finalizing the language and the layout. It is expected that

19 | P a g e the finalized document will be distributed in the Summer of 2009.

Aug – 09 The final proof of the new eligibility information guide was completed in early August 2009. After the final layout changes have been completed the guide will be sent to print.

Recommendation 6

ASI should evaluate whether the service providers are using the most efficient methodology for scheduling vehicles and drivers and whether there are opportunities to shift resources from low demand to peak demand periods.

Apr - 08 Prior to the audit in January 2006, ASI retained the services of the IBI Group to perform a Needs Analysis on ASI’s Access Paratransit service. The recommendations from the analysis were presented to the Access Services Board of Directors in March 2007. One of the principal recommendations was the design and implementation of a centralized reservation/scheduling software to be used by all of ASI providers. The Board approved the award for that reservation/scheduling software in November 2007. The first phase of the implementation of this recommendation is scheduled to begin in August 2008. The implementation of the first service region, with phase--in to other regions as contracts renew, is scheduled for fall of 2008.

May - 08 The centralized reservation/scheduling software will be implemented within the first service region in September 2008 and will be phased in by region as contracts are renewed. Staff is anticipating system wide implementation will be completed in 2010.

Jun - 08 A notice to proceed was issued to the software contractor on June 9, 2008 and a kick off meeting was held with Global Paratransit.

July - 08 The project team has begun the implementation period for the software installation in the Southern Region. As the system is implemented relevant ride statistics such

20 | P a g e as travel times, will be reported monthly in the Operations Report contained in the Board Box.

Aug – 08 No status update to report.

Feb - 09 Due to beta testing and related infrastructure issues the implementation of the new software has taken longer than expected. The first phase of implementation will begin in the Southern Region in Spring 2009.

May – 09 Implementation began in the Southern Region. The contractor is working to fine tune all of the scheduling parameters within the software and things are moving accordingly.

Aug – 09 The service quality in the Southern Region has stabilized. A modification of the software that’s related to the scheduling of stand-by trips and pick-up times being changed has been completed and installed. The next region scheduled for implementation is MV Transit in the San Fernando Valley in early 2010.

Recommendation 8

ASI should evaluate the scheduling system to minimize or eliminate circuitous routing of share rides and to ensure that the routing/dispatching methodology minimizes wait times and trip times.

See Recommendation 6 above.

Recommendation 11

ASI should reinforce to paratransit applicants and riders that the primary purpose of using Access Paratransit Services is that the individual is unable to use the regular bus and rail service.

21 | P a g e Apr - 08 ASI will work with TPAC and CAC to ensure that information on eligibility is consistent with the recommendation and presented in a manner most likely to be understood by applicants. Staff is anticipating new brochures to be available in July of 2008.

May - 08 Staff is anticipating new brochures to be available in July of 2008.

Jun - 08 No update to report.

July – 08 In addition to the information sheets discussed in Recommendation 3, the new eligibility center’s transit theme and presentation should reinforce the connection between Access Paratransit and regular bus and rail service.

Aug – 08 See item 3 above.

Aug – 09 With the issuance of the new eligibility information guide this item will be closed.


Penalties and Incentives No report was provided.

Service Animal No report was provided.

22 | P a g e Date: September 8, 2009

To: Transportation Professionals Advisory Committee (TPAC)

From: F Scott Jewell, Director Administration

Re: Complementary ADA Paratransit Plan Update – Free Fare Program


With the planned gating of Metro’s Rail system it is necessary to modify the Free Fare program as it will be no longer possible to allow personal care attendants to travel free. This recommended change requires an update of L.A. County’s Complementary ADA Paratransit Plan effective January 1, 2010.


Staff recommends the continuation of the free fare program for Access eligible riders utilizing a TAP card while personal care attendants may have to pay a fare while travelling on Metro, municipal, and Metrolink service.


The recommended policy change has no impact on the budget.


Access’ Free Fare program is a premium service that was established to provide free fares on regularly scheduled Metro and municipal transit services for riders certified as eligible for ADA paratransit service and carrying Access Rider ID cards as well as free fares on Metrolink commuter trains operating within Los Angeles County. The program also allows free fare transportation for personal care attendants (PCAs) when a PCA accompanies an Access-certified rider on Metro, municipal, and Metrolink service. 23 | P a g e TAP, or Transit Access Pass, is the electronic fare payment system that will eventually unify all of Los Angeles County’s transit operators through a single, reusable payment card. This card contains a “smart” chip which contains a unique identifier and fare that allows a rider to use fixed route transit (bus and rail) without paying cash at boarding. In order for Access’ Free Fare program to continue it will be necessary to migrate Access’ Rider ID card to the new TAP card. This migration will allow for a number of benefits including more exact accounting of Free Fare usage on participating transit partners, an updated design to reflect Access’ new logo and style guide, and a significant improvement in security and fraud protection.

As a TAP card is linked to a specific rider and will allow only one boarding for a particular trip, the situation of an Access rider with a PCA has become problematic to accommodate, especially in terms of Metro Rail stations. In this case since the planned gates will be unmanned there is no effective way to allow the PCA onto the system without overcoming significant technical and logistical issues. In light of this situation staff feels that modifying the policy by removing free fare for PCAs will allow the program to continue for Access riders.

Date: September 8, 2009

24 | P a g e To: Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

From: Gay Parrish, Jesse Padilla and Terri Lantz

Re: CAC Officer Elections

RECOMMENDATION Review a slate of candidates for officer and hold elections.

ISSUE The by-laws of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) state that an election subcommittee be established and that elections be held in September.

BACKGROUND The nomination subcommittee presented a slate of candidates at the August 11, 2009, meeting for elections to be held at the September 8, 2009 CAC meeting.

The CAC by-laws read as follows:

Section 3 - Election Subcommittee Section 3.1 - Purpose - recommend nominees for the election of CAC officers and report in writing at the August meeting or sooner in the event of a vacancy. Section 3.2 - Composition - The Election Subcommittee shall consist of 3 or 5 CAC members. Section 3.3 - Term - one year commencing in July (June appointment). Section 3.4 - The Election Subcommittee shall meet as needed.


25 | P a g e Gloria Broderick

*Background & and Leadership Experience:* 1) I have my own experience of being blind from birth. I worked with many organizations advocating for various people with disabilities. I have many friends and associates that have various disabilities. I have been an ASI rider since the beginning of the program in 1992. I have served on many ASI subcommittees, including the no- show and conduct appeals panels. I currently chair the MTA's Access Advisory Committee. I have also served in other leadership positions on that committee. I have served as secretary of Friends-In-Art, an affiliate of American Council of the Blind. I am currently second vice chair of the CAC.

*Other present organizations commitments, capacity and potential impact:* 2) For the past seven years, I have served on the Pasadena Accessibility/Disability Commission. I have chaired two of it's subcommittees. I currently serve as chair of the MTA's accessory advisory committee. I am a member of the American Council of the Blind and the California Council of the Blind. I am currently on the board of Library Users of America, an American Council of the Blind affiliate. None of these activities will interfere with being chair of CAC.

*Encouraging Community Participation and Awareness:* 3) I disseminate information about ASI community meetings to various organizations with which I'm acquainted. I remind the community that these meetings are opportunities for hearing news from ASI, getting questions answered, and giving suggestions. In the organizations with which I'm involved, I educate riders about ASI's policies and procedures. I also encourage riders to file complaints.

*Facilitation of CAC Goals:* 4) I am currently a member of four of the goals subcommittees (4,7,8 and 9). I certainly would be available to assist the chairs of the other subcommittees, and possibly will attend those meetings as well. I will be sure that the chairs are given time during meetings to report on subcommittee activities.

*Availability for Board Meetings:* 5) Yes I would be available to attend ASI board meetings.

Michael Williams

1 - Tell us about your background and your experience in chairing or leading a

26 | P a g e group of your peers, especially as it relates to transportation, disability issues & advocacy.


1998 – 2000 While I have never sought chairmanship within any organization or group, in 1998, I proudly served as Lead Representative and Spokesperson of the Metro Transit Bus Division 3203 Passenger Advisory Committee (PAC) where, under my leadership a small group of 5 determined individuals did design, develop and encouraged the full implementation of “Courtesy Corps”, a Graffiti Abatement, Prevention, Education and Youthful Offender Tracking Project. Through the insistent urgings of this PAC, Metro committed to and, was an active participant in, an “Anti-Graffiti Symposium” held in the spring of 1998. This day-long event was attended by numerous state and county dignitaries; mutually sponsored by the Division 3203 PAC and CAL TRANS.

2 - What other organizations are you active with at present, and in what capacity? Would these commitments possibly conflict with your ability to satisfy the requirements of the CAC officer position?


2003 Founded “The People’s Transit Consortium”, a transit advocacy group dedicated to challenging Metro’s June, 2003 Re-Alignment of Metro Provider Bus and Rail Services while showing Just Cause for and, allowing patron-based participation in, the appropriate re-design and restoration of cost-efficient, effective and user- friendly Metro System Services through the maximized utilization of available Metro Bus and Metro Rail resources. While this is an ongoing and involved endeavor, it would not conflict with ASI-related commitments or requirements.

3 - How would you encourage increased community participation and

27 | P a g e awareness of ASI?


It is incumbent upon any community-oriented transit provider to advertise its services throughout the communities it services. Therefore, as Chairperson of the Access Services’ Community Advisory Committee I would champion and encourage this agency’s participation in all Los Angeles County and Los Angeles City-wide holiday and/or, family-oriented events where appropriate and possible. Availability for, and access to, such public gatherings will assists in the fostering of Goodwill, improve this agency’s overall reputation and, provide a platform from which Access Services could network with existing public mass transit and other area Para-Transit Service Providers. Recognizing their continued participation in these types of community-sponsored events, persons from all segments of Southern California’s diverse communities will express greater awareness of Access Services.

4 - At the July 2009 meeting, the CAC renewed their commitment to a priority list of Goals for the next year. The CAC designated the Goals Subcommittee to establish and coordinate ad hoc subcommittees to address each of the 9 goals and report back to the CAC at least by July 2010. In your role as Chair, or Vice-Chair, how might you encourage and monitor these activities to bring results?


Since my appointment to the Access Services Community Advisory Committee (CAC) I have identified several members who often exhibit unique leadership qualities. While they seem satisfied to “Fly under the radar”, as chairmen, I would seek to highlight and encourage those identified and unique leadership qualities, encourage and set “Update Deadlines”, facilitate ASI Staff availability and, make myself available to lend support and assistance where necessary.

28 | P a g e As I do support the formation of these ad hoc subcommittees, I must also acknowledge awareness of the fact that the goals and objectives of the “New- Look CAC” cannot and will never be achieved without the complete support, encouragement and dedicated labors of each appointed CAC member and, the participation of ASI Staffers.

5 -Are you available to attend the monthly ASI Board of Director's meetings on behalf of the CAC? (Usually held the 4th Monday of each month from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.) (Necessary for the Chair and for the Vice-Chairs as a backup in the absence of the Chair.)


Yes. This is a challenge which I would welcome.

Veronica Martinez

1 - Tell us about your background and your experience in chairing or leading a group of your peers, especially as it relates to transportation, disability issues & advocacy. 29 | P a g e PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

R&D Transportation Services, Inc. 1991 to present Director of Operations (2008 – present)

I am responsible for our transportation management firm in meeting all high quality of standards for our customers, which consist of regional centers, FTA, Not-for-profit agencies, paratransit agencies, and school districts in regards to the management and coordination of specialized transportation for the overlapping populations of seniors, disabled individuals, and low-income persons.

Previous Positions held with R&D,

Senior Transportation Quality Assurance & Senior Project Manager (2002-2005)

Developed various quality assurance departmental wide systems.

Developed, generated and published Executive Reports for active contracts on a monthly basis. Assisted in developing and administrating a Balance Scorecard system for the complete organization. Ongoing company-wide Quality Assurance. Grant and proposal writer.

Community Travel Training Manager (1999-2002)

Managed various active regional center contracts, and brought to a successful conclusion a quarter of a million dollar grant, the largest awarded in the state of California, for travel training, as the Community Transportation Manager. Contract Manager, North Los Angeles County Regional Center (1996 – 1999) Monitor services at the Regional Center program sites and in the community. Conduct investigations and follow-up to successful resolution all incidents, accidents, complaints, customer service issues, and quality concerns. Conduct audits of transportation vendors training, maintenance and operations. Prepare monthly reports. Insure contract and regulatory compliance. Prepare and present emergency/disaster plans. 30 | P a g e Mobility Trainer (1997) Directed one-on-one training of disabled adults on use of public transportation alternatives. Trained the disabled adult regarding use of public transportation, including appropriate conduct, routes, safety issues moving in the general transit population, and doing follow-ups to insure individual success in transportation use.

Scheduler (1994 -- 1996) Using the Edulog system, scheduled Regional Center consumers on appropriate routes. Performed route updates and data entry to keep all systems timely. I Prepared letters and memos regarding changes. Coordinated trip requests from Regional Center representatives and consumers, arranging the transportation through independent transportation vendors. Monitored service and generated monthly reports.

Operations Assistant (1992 – 1994) Reporting to the operations manager monitored the safety and performance of contracted transportation vendors.

Client Relations Technician (1991 – 1992) Responded to telephone inquiries particularly regarding consumer concerns. Coordinated response to issues with the scheduling and operations department.

2 - What other organizations are you active with at present, and in what capacity? Would these commitments possibly conflict with your ability to satisfy the requirements of the CAC officer position? Through my responsibilities at R&D, I am presently actively in contact with the North Los Angeles County Regional Center, Tri-Counties Regional Center, The Golden Gate Regional Center, The San Andreas Regional Center, the Regional Center of the Eastbay, MTC, Access, Metro, and various school districts.

3 - How would you encourage increased community participation and awareness of ASI?

31 | P a g e In my dealings with Regional Centers I try to educate individuals who fall within the catchment areas of Access about the services provided by Access and in catchment areas outside of Access I use the Access model as an example of one of the para transit systems that works.

4 - At the July 2009 meeting, the CAC renewed their commitment to a priority list of Goals for the next year. The CAC designated the “Goals Subcommittee” to establish and coordinate ad hoc subcommittees to address each of the 9 goals and report back to the CAC at least by July 2010. In your role as Chair, or Vice- Chair, how might you encourage and monitor these activities to bring results?

I would like to run for 2nd Chair and I am an original member of the committee that developed the CAC Goals. I will participate in specific teams, as well as help usher the process through the committee to make sure that all 9 ad hoc committees reach their goals.

5 - Are you available to attend the monthly ASI Board of Director's meetings on behalf of the CAC? (usually held the 4th Monday of each month from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.) (Necessary for the Chair and for the Vice-Chairs as “backup” in absence of the Chair.)


Gary Jansen

1 - Tell us about your background and experience in leading a group of your peers as it relates to the CAC.

I currently serve at the San Gabriel regional Center and CAC.

32 | P a g e 2 - What other organizations are you active in, and in what capacity? Will these commitments interfere with your ability to satisfy the requirements of the CAC position?

I currently serve in the San Gabriel regional center and it will not interfere with my ability to satisfy the requirements of the CAC position.

3 - How would you encourage increased community participation and awareness of ASI?

I would encourage increased community participation and awareness of ASI by visiting regional centers and community meetings.

4 - At the July 2009 meeting, the CAC renewed their commitment to a priority list of Goals for the next year. The CAC designated the “Goals Subcommittee” to establish and coordinate ad hoc subcommittees to address each of the 9 goals and report back to the CAC at least by July 2010. In your role as Chair, or Vice- Chair, how might you encourage and monitor these activities to bring results?

If elected 2nd Chair, I will work hard to make certain that all 9 goals are met.

5 - Are you available to attend the monthly Board of Director's meetings on behalf of the CAC? (held the 4th Monday of each month from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.) (Necessary for the Chair and for the Vice-Chairs as "backup" in absence of the Chair.) I am available to attend Board meetings. Ken Schwartz

Tell us about your background and your experience in chairing or leading a group of your peers, especially as it relates to transportation, disability issues & advocacy.

Presently I am the chair of three local organizations, two of which are advisory committees that deal directly with transportation issues for seniors and disabled.

33 | P a g e 2 - What other organizations are you active with at present, and in what capacity? Would these commitments possibly conflict with your ability to satisfy the requirements of the CAC officer position?

 Santa Clarita Transit Accessibility Advisory Committee (Chair) (1st Thursday -morning) (NO)  Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center Advisory Council (Chair) (3rd Monday- morning) (NO)  Santa Clarita Senior Radio Club (Pres.) (3rd Wednesday -evening) (NO)  Santa Clarita Emergency Communications Team (Cor. Secretary ) (2nd Monday- evening) (NO)

3 - How would you encourage increased community participation and awareness of ASI?

Making myself available to the community in an advisory capacity, using media coverage.  The following article recently appeared in our local paper.: AIf you are disabled and are unable to use our local bus service, you may qualify for Access, a curb to curb transportation service. Please call Ken Schwartz at ------A I have presently started over a dozen people in our certification process.

4 - At the July 2009 meeting, the CAC renewed their commitment to a priority list of Goals for the next year. The CAC designated the AGoals Subcommittee@ to establish and coordinate ad hoc subcommittees to address each of the 9 goals and report back to the CAC at least by July 2010. In your role as Chair, or Vice- Chair, how might you encourage and monitor these activities to bring results?

I have made myself available to serve on five of these subcommittees. As time evolves, I will contribute using my expertise to influence these panels in making resolutions to their issues.

5 -Are you available to attend the monthly ASI Board of Director's meetings on behalf of the CAC? (usually held the 4th Monday of each month from 1:00 - 4:00

34 | P a g e p.m.) (Necessary for the Chair and for the Vice-Chairs as Abackup@ in absence of the Chair.) YES


ARTICLE 1 - NAME Section 1 - The name of the committee shall be the Access Services Community Advisory Committee (CAC).


35 | P a g e Section 1 - The CAC was formed to provide input and advice to Access Services concerning operational policy issues for Access Services transportation program and to make recommendations to the Access Services Board and staff concerning the Access Services transportation program. Section 2 - CAC is not intended to be a complaint resolution or appeals board. . ARTICLE 3 - REPRESENTATION Section 1 - Each director of the Access Services Board of Directors shall appoint three (3) persons with disabilities or, where needed, persons with knowledge of specific disabilities to the CAC following receipt of an application for membership and personal interview by the appointing director. Representatives shall be appointed to ensure that the committee reflects the diversity of individuals with disabilities and geographic area being served by Access Paratransit. Section 2 - Removal of Representatives 2.1 - Representatives serve at the pleasure of their appointing authority and may be removed at anytime. 2.2 - A representative who misses three meetings during each year of their term may be subject to removal from the CAC. 2.2.1 - The representative and appointing director shall be notified in writing after the third absence. 2.2.2 - The representative shall be requested to provide justification for continued service. 2.2.3 - The CAC shall review such justification and shall recommend to the appointing authority whether the representative should continue to serve on the CAC. 2.2.4 - The appointing authority will then make the final determination whether or not to remove the representative.

36 | P a g e ARTICLE 4 - TERMS Section 1 - Representatives shall serve for a period of two years concurrent with the appointment term of their appointing Director with the term beginning September 1st and ending August 31st Section 2 - There shall be no limit to the number of terms an individual may serve.

Section 1 - Representatives who are unable to complete their terms may submit their resignations to the CAC through the Access Services Administrator. The appointing authority will appoint new representatives as vacancies occur.

ARTICLE 2 - OFFICERS Section 1 - The CAC will have a Chairperson, a First Vice-Chairperson and a Second Vice-Chairperson. Section 2 - The term is one year from October through September. 2.1 - Officers will be elected each year at the September meeting by a voice vote. 2.2 - Officer seats will be limited to two consecutive terms served by any one individual. Section 3 - Duties of the Chairperson 2.1 - Preside at the CAC meetings, and 2.2 - Represent the CAC at meetings of the Access Services Board and Board committees when appropriate. 2.2.1 - Reports, at a minimum, concerns, actions taken by the CAC, including the establishment of subcommittees, and potential agenda items for the next CAC meeting. Section 3 - Duties of the First Vice Chairperson 3.1 - Perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson. Section 4 - Duties of the Second Vice Chairperson 4.1 - Perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and First Vice-Chairperson. Section 5 - Vacancies of Officer Positions 5.1 - A Vacancy of an officer position shall exist in the following circumstances:  the resignation or death of an officer;

37 | P a g e  the removal of an officer by a voice vote of the majority of the Advisory Committee;  the removal of an officer as a representative on the CAC by the Board of Directors as provided in Article 3 of these Bylaws. Section 6 - Filling Vacancies of Officer Positions 6.1 - Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, vacancies of an Officer position shall be filled by approval of the affirmative voice vote of the representatives present at a regularly scheduled or special meeting held pursuant to Article 7 of these Bylaws. 6.2 - In the event of a vacancy of the officer position of Chair, the presiding First Vice-Chair officer will automatically assume the role of Chair and the Second Vice-Chairperson will assume the role of First Vice- Chairperson for the remaining term. 7.3 An election will be conducted for the vacant position(s) by approval of the affirmative voice vote of representatives present at a regularly scheduled or special meeting held pursuant to Article 7 of these bylaws.

ARTICLE 5 - SUBCOMMITTEES Section 1 - The CAC may establish subcommittees which will be charged with a specific purpose or task. 1.1 - Subcommittee membership will be appointed by the CAC. 1.2 - Members will include CAC members. 1.3 - Members may include non CAC members who have expertise, insight, knowledge, or specific interest in the specific purpose or task. 1.4 - Subcommittees will encourage open discussion and dialog with all persons attending their meetings. 1.5 - All meeting locations shall be posted at the Access Services headquarters. An Access Services staff person will be assigned to each subcommittee and will attend subcommittee meetings. 1.6 - Subcommittees shall report their activities to the CAC on a regular basis. The CAC shall take recommendations under advisement and determine further action, if appropriate. Section 2 - The CAC shall have the following standing subcommittees. 2.1 - Election Subcommittee 2.2 - Quality Service Subcommittee

38 | P a g e Section 3 - Election Subcommittee 3.1 - Purpose - recommend nominees for the election of CAC officers and report in writing at the August meeting or sooner in the event of a vacancy. 3.2 - Composition - The Election Subcommittee shall consist of 3 or 5 CAC members. 3.3 - Term – one year commencing in July (June appointment). 3.4 - The Election Subcommittee shall meet as needed. Section 4 - Quality Service Subcommittee 4.1 - Purpose – monitor the quality of service of Access Paratransit and to make comment and recommendations. 4.2 - Composition – 4.2.1 - One Access Paratransit rider from each existing service region appointed by the CAC. 4.2.2 - One additional appointment from each existing service region appointed at the discretion of the CAC. 4.2.3 - Access Paratransit staff from Operations and Customer Service appointed by Access Services Executive Director (nonvoting members). 4.2.4 - A representative from each transportation contractor appointed by Access Services Executive Director. 4.2.5 - A member of the Board of Directors of ASI appointed by the Board of Directors. 4.2.6 - At least one member from the CAC appointed by the CAC. 4.2.7 - Up to 5 “At Large” Members appointed at the discretion of the CAC. “At Large” members should represent countywide ridership or expertise rather than being identified as a representative from an existing service region. 4.3 - Term – one year commencing in February (January appointment). 4.4 - The Quality Service Subcommittee shall meet at least quarterly.

ARTICLE 6 - MEETINGS Section 1 - The CAC shall meet once a month at the Access Services corporate offices at a day and time to be determined at the September meeting of the CAC.

39 | P a g e Section 2 - CAC meetings are subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54952.3), requiring that all meetings involving CAC deliberations are open to the public, with advance posting of agenda(s). Section 3 - CAC meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order, except where these bylaws provide other provisions. Section 4 - Special meetings of the CAC may be called by Access Services staff or at the request of the Chairperson. Section 5 - To facilitate full discussion of issues by the CAC, discussion of items will first involve CAC representatives. 5.1 - Public comment will be limited to brief comments, as directed by the Chairperson, on each agenda item after the items have been discussed. As appropriate, the Chairperson may suggest persons contact staff directly regarding specific questions. Section 6 - Change in meeting location, date or special meeting requires representatives to be notified at least seven (7) days in advance and follows the required posting procedure. Section 7 - Alternative formats are available, upon request, by contacting Access Services three (3) business days prior to the date of a meeting to assure availability. Section 8 - Minutes of the Committee shall be recorded by Access Services staff and returned to the Committee for review and approval. Minutes of the Committee shall be forwarded to the Access Services Board of Directors by an agreed upon method.

ARTICLE 7 - VOTING/QUORUM Section 1 - A majority of the representatives currently appointed must be present at a meeting for a quorum. Section 2 - An affirmative vote of a majority of the representatives present is required for any action items. Section 3 - A representative must be present at the time of a vote to vote on a particular issue. Section 4 - An absent representative cannot authorize a proxy vote. Section 5 - Representatives are expected to actively participate in regularly scheduled CAC meetings and Subcommittee meetings.


40 | P a g e Section 1 - Per the Access Services Board of Directors, CAC Representatives may receive such compensation, if any, for their services as committee representatives or officers, and such reimbursement of expenses. Section 2 - Per the Board of Director’s action, CAC Representatives are provided stipend FOR EACH meeting in which their attendance is requested by Access Services staff or Board of Directors. Section 3 - Additionally, compensation is only applicable two (2) times monthly for CAC Representatives, with the exception of the Chair who is allotted four (4) monthly stipends unless approved by the Access Services Board of Directors.

ARTICLE 9 - AMENDMENTS Section 1 - These bylaws may be amended at any regularly scheduled Committee meeting as defined by Articles 7 and 8 above, subject to approval of the Access Services Board.

41 | P a g e Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Roster

Jesse Padilla 904 Sanchez Avenue Montebello, CA 90640 Phone: 323-888-1187 Phone: 626-299-4676 [email protected] Start Date: 6/1/2008 Exp Date: 6/30/2009 Appointed By: Hugh Hallenberg

Michael Anthony Arrigo 7516 Fountain Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90046 Phone: 323-876-1414 Cell: 323-376-1717 [email protected] Start Date: 5/1/2006 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Theresa De Vera

Kurt Baldwin 14407 Gilmore St., Ste 101 Van Nuys, CA 91401 Phone: 818-785-6934 [email protected] Start Date: 10/9/2007 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Hugh Hallenberg

Gloria Broderick 613 E Orange Grove Blvd # 2 Pasadena, CA 91104 Phone: 626-683-9560

42 | P a g e [email protected] Start Date: 3/1/2005 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Kurt Hagen

Michael Conrad 7047 San Marcus St Paramount, CA 90723 Phone: 562-790-8737 Start Date: 5/13/2008 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Kurt Hagen

Tina Foafoa 6128 Bellflower Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90713 Phone: 562-866-5606 [email protected] Start Date: 08/12/08 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Dolores Nason

James Hogan 27601 Bernina Avenue Canyon Country, Ca 91351 Phone: 661-251-7870 [email protected] Start Date: 9/1/2003 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Theresa De Vera

Gary Jansen 14622 Francisquito, Apt. #104 La Puente, CA 91746 Phone: 626-224-5398 [email protected] Start Date: 7/17/2006 Exp Date: 8/31/2010

43 | P a g e Appointed By: Doran Barnes

Tommy Johnson Sr. 355 Cliff Drive, #105 Pasadena, CA 91107 Phone: 626-351-3280 Cell: 213-219-2282 [email protected] Start Date: 1/1/2006 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Jano Baghdanian

Frances Kitrell 744 N. Catalina Ave Pasadena, CA 91104 Phone: 62-345-1836 Start Date: 1/1/2003 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Doran Barnes

Terri Lantz Advocacy Coordinator United Cerebral Palsy 6430 Independence Avenue Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Phone: 818-782-2211 [email protected] Start Date: 7/12/2006 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Hugh Hallenberg

Veronica Martinez R & D Transportation Services 5148 Commerce Ave., Unit C Moorpark, CA 93021 Phone: 800-966-7114 ext 219

44 | P a g e Fax: 866-529-6102 [email protected] Start Date: 8/1/2005 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Joyce Rooney

Ray Louis McKeever 200 S. Olive St., #409-D Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: 213- 628-8860 [email protected] Start Date: 9/1/2006 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Kurt Hagen

Gay Parrish 988 Stearns Dr., Apt. 2 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone: 323-936-0716 Fax: 323-936-0716 [email protected] Start Date: 1/1/2003 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Dolores Nason

Ken Schwartz 26035 Bouquet Canyon Rd., #120 Santa Clarita, CA 91350 Phone: 661-255-6400 [email protected] Start Date: 2/1/2006 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Jan Heidt

Adinah Solomon 18741 Victory Blvd. Reseda, CA 91335

45 | P a g e 818-881-1957 [email protected] Start Date: 4/1/2007 Exp Date: 8/31/2010 Appointed By: Dolores Nason

Shawn Solomon 6330 Rhea Avenue Tarzana, CA 91335 Phone: 818-345-8654 [email protected] Start Date: 3/1/2004 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Michael Greenwood

Michael Williams 42 East Terrace St. Altadena, CA 91001 Phone: 626-794-1594 Cell: 626-840-1571 [email protected] Start Date: 8/1/2008 Exp Date: 8/31/2009 Appointed By: Michael Greeenwood

James Harris 1037 W Vernon ave Los Angeles, CA 90037 Phone: 323-842-5401 Start Date: 1/1/2009 Exp Date: 9/31/2009 Appointed By: Jano Baghdanian

46 | P a g e P – PRESENT - R – RESIGNED - A – ABSENT 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

l y y y i e y h t l r r r a c n s u a a r p u u M J u u a A J g r n M u b













47 | P a g e P P P P P P P P GAY PARRISH








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