Lecture Meeting: MW 1:00-1:50Pm, Location (TBA)

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Lecture Meeting: MW 1:00-1:50Pm, Location (TBA)

Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques (Spring 2012)

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Hongxia Guan, Currens 519-B.

OFFICE HOURS: MWF 10-12, or by appointment.

TEL: 309-298-2578

E-MAIL: [email protected]

LECTURE: Monday and Wednesday 2:00-3:15 pm; Currens 203.

LAB: Tuesday 2:00-4:50 am; Currens 419.

TEXTBOOK: Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime and Terrorism, Second Edition,by James E. Girard, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, 2011, ISBN-13: 9780763777319.

LAB MANUAL: Lab Manual - Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, by Clifton E. Meloan, Richard E. James, and Richard Saferstein, Prentice Hall; 9th Ed.

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) information about all chemicals utilized in the lab can be found at http://physchem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/#MSDS.

PREREQUISITES FOR CHEM 440: Chem 221 or 330, or permission of instructor.

COURSE PURPOSE: Chem 440, Elementary Forensic Techniques, is a four-credit hour science course devoted to providing a general overview of the prevalent chemical principles, methods, and instrumentation involved in the analysis of diverse physical evidence. This course also lays a suitable foundation of knowledge and experience to prepare the student for advanced study in forensic science or an entry-level forensic scientist in the workforce.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Students will understand the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system and know the major contributors to its development. 2. Students will understand how different types of scientific evidence are collected, preserved, and examined in the lab. 3. Students will understand how instrumental techniques used in a forensic lab, the types of samples tested by each, and gain knowledge of how to perform meaningful interpretation of data from analytical/forensic measurements.

ASSIGNMENTS/EXAMS/QUIZZES/LABS: Homework will be assigned regularly. Three 50-min exams will cover lecture materials presented during the semester. Final exam will cover all materials for the semester. Ten short quizzes will be given on Wednesdays unless otherwise stated. To Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques accommodate absences due to illness and other excused absences, the two lowest quiz grades will be dropped. Twelve lab exercises are planned for this semester. Only the ten best lab exercises will be counted toward your final grade. There will be a short pre-lab quiz for each lab. Each quiz will be worth 5 points, and each lab report will be worth 10 points. No makeup exams, quizzes or lab exercises will be given. If it is necessary to be absent during an exam, lab quiz or lab exercise, your score will be zero. Missing an exam, having fewer than eight quizzes, or having fewer than ten lab exercises and lab quizzes will ensure a zero grade incorporated into your final grade. DO NOT MISS MORE THAN THE ALLOWED NUMBER. Exceptions will be made for University sponsored functions that require your presence during the class period (i.e. WIU band trips, field trips in other WIU classes, WIU athletics, etc.), and military commitment. Notification of the official WIU sponsored function, in the form of a signed memo from the faculty sponsor or coach, must be submitted to the instructor one week prior to the expected absence. Evidence of military commitment should be presented as soon as possible.

GRADING SCALE: This course consists of three credits of lecture work and one credit of lab. Therefore the semester grade will consist of 75% from the lecture and 25% from the lab. To receive credit for the course as a whole, one must complete the lab with at least 60%. Failure to complete the lab will result in failure of the course. Your letter grade will be based on your total accumulated points. A: 90-100%; A-: 88-90%; B+: 85-88%; B: 80-85%; B-: 78-80%; C+: 75-78%; C: 70-75%; C-: 68-70%; D+: 65-68% D: 60-65%; D-: 58-60%; F: 58% and below.

LECTURE AND LAB GRADE COMPUTATION: Students will be evaluated based on homework assignments, quizzes, three lecture exams, attendance, a comprehensive final exam, and the labs. The grading allotment and grading scale is as below:

Lecture Homework assignments 10% Best 8 quizzes 10% 3 lecture exams 30% Comprehensive final 15% exam Attendance 10% Lecture total 75% Lab (pre-lab & post lab) 25% Final total 100% Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques

NOTE: Exam grades are based on the total number of correct answers, and all grades are final. No curve will be applied to exam grades, and no “retakes” will be allowed. No “extra point” assignments will be made or applied to grades. Students can view their individual quiz and exam scores on Western OnLine (WIU ECom is required for login). No incomplete will be given to a student with a failing grade in the course. No incomplete will be given in this course unless the student experiences a documented emergency that takes him/her away from the university for at least two consecutive weeks and/or causes him/her to miss the final exam. The student must notify the instructor of this emergency before the final exam.

CLASS POLICIES: All students are responsible for all information given in class, starting on the first day of classes, (regardless of when you register whether present or not.) Attendance (total 100 pts) will be taken; 2 points will be taken off for each absence. Any student who arrives 15 minutes late for an exam will not be allowed to take the exam (in which case the exam score will be zero and no make-up exam will be given).

Data Storage devices other than a simple scientific calculator (such as graphing calculators, cell phones, IPODs, MP3 players, and laptops) are not allowed to be used in the classroom at any time!

All hats, caps, and hoods that cover your ears are not allowed to be worn during a quiz or exam. The instructor reserves the right to assign seating for the students during exams and/or any other time deemed necessary. Your exam/test is done whenever you leave the classroom during scheduled exam/test.

Also, class time is not a social hour. Please refrain from casual conversation during class time. Seating will be assigned by the instructor during the exams and/or any other time deemed necessary. Simple scientific calculators may be used on quizzes and exams; however, no graphing calculators are permitted.

STUDY GUIDE: It is advisable to check western online daily to keep up on the material. Past experience suggests that going over the notes and read the textbook after each class is essential. A daily minimum of two hours of out of class work is needed to do well in this class. Write down any questions at that point. You may submit your questions by e-mail or ask in the next lecture period. It is your responsibility to get material clarified. Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques STATEMENT ON ETHICS: Western Illinois University, like all communities, functions best when its members treat one another with honesty, fairness, respect, and trust. Students have rights and responsibilities (http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students/). Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty constitute a serious violation of University conduct regulations. Students who engage in dishonesty in any form shall be charged with academic dishonesty. Please remember that you are expected to do your own work at all times.

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Emergency Preparedness: The WIU Office of Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness provides resources on how to respond to emergency situations. Please view the video resources at www.wiu.edu/rmep/ (Click “Resources” on the right side of the page). If the fire alarms sound and/or students are asked to evacuate the building all students should proceed immediately to the nearest exit and gather at the southwest corner of the Higgins parking lot (near the fence) until the “all clear” is given. The following action is prohibited under the Student Conduct Code: Disorderly Conduct: Any behavior which disrupts the regular or normal functions of the University community, including behavior which breaches the peace or violates the rights of others. Any student convicted of academic dishonesty, can receive a failing grade and may be subject to further academic penalties. Web address for Academic Integrity Policy (http://www.wiu.edu/policies/acintegrity.php) Please find the web address for Student Rights and Responsibilities: http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students/php

WIU POLICIES: It is the policy of Western Illinois University to accommodate individuals with disabilities pursuant to federal law and the University's commitment to equal educational opportunities. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of any necessary accommodations at the beginning of the course. Any student with a disability requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Resource Center. In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. For the instructor to provide the proper accommodation(s) you must obtain documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Resource Center (DRC) and provide it to the instructor. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor's attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 298-2512 for additional services. The following action is prohibited under the Student Conduct Code: Disorderly Conduct: Any behavior which disrupts the regular or normal functions of the University community, including behavior which breaches the peace or violates the rights of others. (http://sjp.wiu.edu/CodeOfConduct/index.asp)

TENTATIVE COURSE CONTENT/EXAM SCHEDULE Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques TENTATIVE LECTURE TOPICS: 1 Chapter 1: Investigating the crime scene 2 Chapter 4: The Microscope and Forensic Identification of Hair, Fibers and Paint 3 Chapter 6: Fingerprints 4 Supplements: Introduction to forensic sample preparation methods, spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry 5 Human performance toxicology: Alcohol 6 Chapter 9: Inorganic analysis: forensic determination of metals and gunshot residue 7 Chapter 10: Arson. Fire debris crime scene analysis, types of accelerants, sample preparation and analysis 8 Chapter 11: Drugs of abuse 9 Chapter 12: Forensic toxicology 10 Chapter 13: Biological fluids: blood, semen, saliva, and an introduction to DNA 11 Chapter 14: Forensic DNA typing 12 Chapter 16: Explosives 13 Mass disaster DNA and victim identification


Dates Monday, February 20 First exam Monday, March 19 Second exam Monday, April 23 Third exam Monday, May 7 (3 pm) Final exam Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques


LAB INSTRUCTOR/COORDINATOR: Dr. Hongxia Guan, Currens Hall 519-B. Tel: (309)298- 2578; E-mail: [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS: MWF 10-12pm, or by appointment.

LAB: Tuesday 2:00-4:50 pm, Currens Hall 419

LAB TA: Karthik Kazipeta

LAB MANUAL: Lab Manual - Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, by Clifton E. Meloan, Richard E. James, and Richard Saferstein, Prentice Hall; 9th Ed.

GENERAL RULES: The following rules must be observed while working in the lab. Appropriate safety glasses must be worn at all times – the use of contact lenses is also discouraged, however, if you do plan to wear lenses in the lab you must inform your instructor and wear safety goggles. Proper dress is required – bare feet, sandals, or opened-toed shoes are not allowed in the lab. It is best not to wear expensive clothing as stains and holes can result from misplaced chemicals. Behaving appropriately – you must be aware of others around you, so be careful when carry chemicals and walk through the lab. Know the location and operation of the safety equipment – this includes eyewash facilities, fire extinguishers, fire showers, and fire blankets. In case of fire, do not panic, clear out of the immediate area, and call your instructor for help. Cleaning up – it is important that you clean your workstation upon completing your lab exercise.

Food, drinks and smoke of any kind are not allowed in the lab – keep all objects, such as glassware or plastic tubing, out of your mouth while in the lab. No cell phone calls in the lab. Pre-lab quizzes: A pre-lab quiz (5 points) will be given during the initial 5 minutes of the lab period each week. A student who is 5 or more minutes late will not be permitted to take the quiz and will receive a grade of zero. Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques Attendance: Attendance for ten labs is required. No makeup lab is allowed at the end of the semester. Grading (15 points total): The lab portion of the course will be graded based on ten labs (pre-lab quiz and post-lab report, 15 points). CHEM 440 lab reports will each be graded as follows:

Points Completion of lab (Operate safely, keep lab and 3 balance area clean, write observations directly in notebook) Lab report 7 Total 10

LAB REPORT DUE DATE: lab report is due during the period of next lab (the next Thursday), and hard copy is strongly recommended. 1 point will be taken off for each day late, and the whole lab report will not be accepted after one week late. If it’s necessary for you to miss the next lab, please e-mail me your lab report on time.


 Title page (0.5 point) Your name, names of lab partners, date, section number, title of experiment.

 Abstract (1 point) Write a paragraph of objectives and your experiment results

 Introduction (1 point) Give the purpose of the experiment. Write about half to one page to give a brief description of relevant theory, techniques, instrumental methods, and important chemical reactions. Background information that describes the relevance or importance of the experiment should be included.

 Materials and methods (1.5 points) Materials – list all reagents and materials used in the experiment including the concentrations of solutions and manufactures of all chemicals. Procedures – the detail should be sufficient so that instructor and TAs can read your report without guessing. Any changes of procedures or concentration of solutions during lab sessions must be recorded. Do not use a bulleted list. Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques  Results (1.5 points) These should include tables, graphs and calculations, if any. Tables and graphs should have self-explanatory titles. Numbers should have units, and in most cases X axis and Y axis should be labeled. All calculations should include appropriate units.

 Conclusions/Discussion (1.5 points) These should relate results to objective and theory. Answer questions posed in the procedure, if any. Explain unexpected results or deviations from the written procedure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: although the labs will be performed in groups, each student is responsible for his/her own lab report. PLEASE DO NOT COPY! Tentative lab experiments:

Date Exp. # Lab

Jan. 24 Check-in, lab rules/regulations/reports

Jan. 31 1 Density of glass fragments (Lab manual- Experiment 3)

Feb. 7 2 Examination of hair and textile fibers by compound microscope, stereo-microscope, inverted microscope, and comparison microscope (Lab manual –Experiment 4 and 17)

Feb. 14 3 Determination of ink/lipstick dyes by thin layer chromatography (Lab manual-Experiment 29)

Feb. 21 4 Soil analysis – Sample Preparation, Density Gradient Tube, and Rate of Settling of Soil Particles (Lab manual- Experiment 7)

Feb. 28 5 HPLC analysis of gunshot residue (Handout)

Mar. 6 6 Breath alcohol by the breathalyzer and Intoxilyzer (Lab manual - Experiment 25)

Mar. 13 Spring break, no lab

Mar. 20 7 DNA fingerprinting (VNTR kit, handout)

Mar. 27 8 Fingerprinting (Lab manual - Experiment 11 and 12)

Apr. 3 9 Identification of drugs/poisons by infrared spectroscopy (IR) (Lab manual - Experiment 21)

Apr. 10 10 Drug screening using immune-affinity method(handout)

Apr. 17 11 GC analysis of drugs (handout)

Apr. 24 12 Paternity DNA Testing (Adapted from FBI Technology) Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques THE SYLLABUS MAY BE SUBJECTED TO CHANGE WITH NOTICE.



1. Safety goggles must be worn while in the lab. Illinois Senate Bill 1190, 74th General Assembly, 1965 requires that students wear approved eye protection in the lab continuously.

2. Contact lenses are not allowed. Even when worn under safety goggles, various fumes may accumulate under the lens and cause serious injuries or blindness.

3. Closed toe shoes and long pants must be worn in the lab. Sandals and shorts are not allowed.

4. Long hair must be tied back when using open flames.


5. Eating, drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited in the lab.

6. No unauthorized experiments are to be performed. If you are curious about trying a procedure not covered in the experimental procedure, consult with your lab instructor. Never work alone in the lab.

7. Never taste anything. Never directly smell the source of any vapor or gas; instead by means of your cupped hand, waft a small sample to your nose. Do not inhale these vapors but take in only enough to detect an odor if one exists.

8. Coats, backpacks, etc., should not be left on the lab benches and stools. There is a coat rack along the wall at one side of the lab. Beware that lab chemicals can destroy personal possessions.

9. Always wash your hands before leaving lab.

10. Learn where the safety and first-aid equipment is located. This includes fire extinguishers and eye-wash stations.

11. Notify the instructor immediately in case of an accident.

Proper Handling of Chemicals and Equipment

12. Consider all chemicals to be hazardous unless you are instructed otherwise. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available in lab for all chemicals in use. MSDS information about all chemicals utilized in the lab can be found at the following web site. http://physchem.ox.ac.uk/MSDS/#MSDS. These will inform you of any hazards and precautions of which you should be aware.

13. Know what chemicals you are using. Carefully read the label twice before taking anything from a bottle. Chemicals in the lab are marked with hazardous labels when necessary. Assume all chemicals to be hazardous. Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques 14. Use good judgment in the amounts of these that you use. Excess reagents are never to be returned to stock bottles.

15. Many common reagents, for example, alcohols and acetone, are highly flammable. Do not use them anywhere near open flames.

16. Always pour acids into water. If you pour water into acid, the heat of reaction will cause the water to explode into steam, sometimes violently, and the acid will splatter.

17. If chemicals come into contact with your skin or eyes, flush immediately with copious amounts of water and consult with your instructor.

18. Never point a test tube or any vessel that you are heating at yourself or your neighbor--it may erupt like a geyser.

19. Dispose of chemicals properly. Waste containers will be provided and their use will be explained by your TA. Unless you are explicitly told otherwise, assume that only water may be put in the lab sinks.

20. Clean up all broken glassware immediately and dispose of the broken glass properly.

21. Contact instructor/TA for clean-up of mercury spills.

22. Never leave burners unattended. Turn them off whenever you leave your workstation. Be sure that the gas is shut off when you leave the lab.

23. Beware of hot glass--it looks exactly like cold glass.

24. Never pipette a liquid by mouth. Use a pipette bulb or a pi-pump.

25. Do not force glass tubing into rubber stoppers. Protect your hands with a towel when inserting tubing into stoppers and use glycerol (best) or water as a lubricant.

26. Do not use cracked or broken glassware.

Housekeeping at the end of each lab

27. Remove all glass, paper, matches, and other solids from the sink. Dispose of all solids in cans at the end of the lab benches unless told to do otherwise. Dispose broken glass in designated container.

28. Place all ring stands, steam baths, etc., in the center of the lab benches, and all burners on the center island.

29. Wipe benches clean with wet sponge.

30. Place lab stools in their space provided under lab benches.

I______acknowledge that I have read and understand the General Lab Chemistry Lab Safety Rules above and agree to follow the safe lab practices listed. Western Illinois University Department of Chemistry Chemistry 440: Elementary Forensic Techniques Signed______Date______

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