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STIVERS SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS Parent Association April 2011 Meeting Minutes
TOPIC DISCUSSION DECISIONS / ACTION STEPS Principal’s Ms. Dooley shared her monthly report. A copy of her handout can be found at the end of these Report minutes. Additionally Ms. Dooley reported that she now has a database of 580 email addresses for parents of current students. She will run a test of those addresses by sending out a parent newsletter within the next couple of days using the Constant Contact program. The staff is currently working with students to get scheduling done for next school year.
Treasurer’s Lisa shared her monthly financial report. The PA’s current account balance remains at Report $1665.77. Middle School Monica Fine reported on the Middle School Game night that was held in March. A copy of her Game Night report can be found at the end of these minutes. Parent Donna continued to facilitate discussion with the PA members to refine the group’s purpose and to All interested members are asked Association begin planning for next year. She drafted a purpose statement and a model for engaging parents. to review the purpose statement, Mission & She also shared a 1st draft of a strategic activities plan for 2011-2012. Copies of all documents are model and strategic plan and come Purpose attached to these minutes. prepared to share reactions during the May meeting. During the May meeting, the plan is to begin assigning volunteer coordinators for proposed activities and programs for the upcoming school year. New Business Monica Fine reported that she recently attended a National PTA conference in Columbus. She said that it was very informative and that she received a lot of pertinent information. She encouraged us to consider sending some representatives to next year’s conference. Monica was also asked to put together some key ideas from the conference that could be shared with the PA. Toni Hudson reported that the Seedling Foundation will be sponsoring “Cuts for a Cause” at Square One Salon and Spa on Sunday May 15th. The cost for a shampoo, cut and style is $25 and that money will go directly to Stivers to support adjunct staff costs. To schedule your appointment between 11 am and 3 pm call 937-380-2145.
AP Program at Mrs. Rachel Murdock, the AP Coordinator for Stivers shared an informative presentation with Stivers parents. Her powerpoint presentation will be put on the website so that others can review the material. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Stivers Parent Association will be held Thursday, May 12 @ 6 p.m.
1 Principal’s Report – April 2012
New Business • Scheduling is underway for 2011-12 school year. Scheduling worksheets have been distributed and require a parent signature. Course offerings and extra copies of the worksheets can be found on the Stivers web page. Students are expected to maintain a full schedule - 7 periods. • The Stivers Teacher of the Year is Rachael Murdock! She will participate in the districtwide program on May 5. We wish her luck! tiAJvn* &>*<"* &*+. • 4th Quarter interims will be home next week • Please check your child's Facebook page and text messages. • Many students are requesting work permits for summer jobs. Students may pick up an application in the main office. The work permit has 3 sections that need to be filled out by: 1) the student & parent, 2) the physician, and 3) the employer. Once the form is completed, it must be delivered to Ms. Dooley. The information is entered online and a certificate will be printed. That certificate is the work permit and should be hand carried back to the employer. Work permits will be processed at no charge - 48 hours is requested for turnaround time.
Old Business • Tentative OAA Test Schedule for 7th & 8th graders Wed. April 27 - Reading Tues. May 3 - Math Thurs. May 5 - Science (8th grade only)
• AP Exams May 2-13 • ACT End of Course Exams We will be piloting end of course exams this year. They will take 3 class periods to complete, and will provide us with valuable feedback about: algebra, geometry, pre- calculus, American History, Language Arts 9- 12, biology, and chemistry.
• Juniors should plan to take the SAT and ACT by the end of the school year. We administer the SAT in March, May, and June @ Stivers. We administer the ACT in June @ Stivers. Register online, check with Mr. Asadorian for fee waivers.
Upcoming Events:
April 15 Photography Fundraiser, Exposure, 6 - 9 pm
April 15 Travel group departs for London, England @ 10:30 am; 2nd Travel group departs for Spain (time tba) April 18-22 Spring Intersession - School Closed 2 April 29, 30 Spring Musical, The Apple Tree, 8:00 pm Friday, 2:00 & 8:00 pm Saturday. April 30 Special Olympics, Welcome Stadium May 5 Senior Awards Assembly, 6:30 pm, Centennial Hall May 6 Junior-Senior Prom, 8-12, After prom 12 - 4 @ Magic Castle May 10 All city superintendent's scholars recognition, Convention Center, 7:00 May 11 Spring Athletic Awards, 6:30 pm May 12 Theatre Dept. Tommy Awards, 7:00 pm May 13 & 14 Spring Dance concert, 7:00 pm May 16 & 17 Senior Exams May 19 Spring Choir Concert, 7:00 pm May 20 Baccalaureate, 7:00 pm May 21 Encore Concert from the Stivers Jazz Orchestra, 8:00 pm May 25 2011 Commencement, Masonic Center, 7:00 pm May 26 Symphonic Band conert, 7:00 pm May 27 8th grade Semi-formal & dinner, 7:00 pm May 27 In School Honor roll assemblies May 31 Evening of Excellence program, invitation, 6:30 pm June 1 -3 Final Exams June 6 Last day for students, 2 hour dismissal for 7th and 8th graders June 7 Last day for staff
3 Stivers School for the Arts Parent Association
Middle School Game Night Summary
Coordinator: Monica Fine
Support Team: LaRhonda Carson, Jennie Valdez, Karrie Stock, Shelley Averette
Number of Planning Meetings: 4 with interim communications via email and text
Number of Students Who Attended: 43 purchased tickets; 40 actually attended
Number of parents who donated items (water, pop, cookies, brownies): 18
Number of parents who volunteered for ticket sales: 6
Number of parents who volunteered the night of the event: 13 plus 4 staff members
Income from Ticket sales: $215 Expenses: Pizza & delivery charge - $85.50 Delivery tip - $10 Rave Theatre Gift Cards/Door Prizes - $32 Movie Rental- $12.80 Profit: $74
What did we do well? o Locations worked very well o Volunteers were awesome o Donations were fabulous o Event was phenomenal o Just Dance is a MUST o The kids were surprised/excited about the movie being in Centennial Hall o Parents picked their students up ON TIME!
What do we need to do differently the next time? o More publicity to spark interest with more of the students (publicize door prizes, movie, etc.) o Mr. Risner said the school store didn’t really need to be open o Have two Wii’s – one for dancing and one for Karaoke o Have the parents’ sign their student in and out. We had a few students who wanted to leave the building and didn’t like that we enforced the “Stay in the building” rule. o Have a phone number where parents can be reached in case of emergency or bad behavior. o Have more snack selections – i.e. chips, fruit, etc.