Bulletin Template for 10:00 Summer Communion Service

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Bulletin Template for 10:00 Summer Communion Service

Vale United Methodist Church 11528 Vale Road  Oakton, VA 22124 www.valechurch.org

Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. 7th Sunday after Pentecost Order of Worship ~ July 12, 2015


Welcome & Announcements

Passing the Peace Offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace


* Call to Worship Lay Reader Call: O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt God’s name together. Resp: Some of us are tired. Some of us are energized. All of us can exalt God’s name together. Call: O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt God’s name together. Resp: Some of us are filled with peace. Some of us are consumed with worry. All of us can exalt God’s name together. Call: O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt God’s name together. Resp: Some of us have much. Some of us have little. All of us can exalt God’s name together. Call: O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt God’s name together. Resp: Embrace us, Lord. Imbue us with your presence. We are here to exalt your name together! * Hymn Congregational Choice

* Prayer of Confession Lay Reader

God, we are people with such potential. You have given us the ability to speak and to listen, to serve and to share, to laugh and to cry. You ask that we take what we have and use it to your glory, inviting us to do all that we do in a way that is pleasing to you. Forgive us, O God, for creating more places to complain than to give thanks, for spending more time examining the mistakes of each other instead of the giftedness in one another. Forgive us for taking so much for granted and for allowing so many of our gifts to lay idle instead of being used. Help us to serve you more faithfully. Show us how to be good stewards of all we have. Call: Whatever our illness, we are welcomed into a community of healing. Whatever our shortcoming, a door is open to a place of restoration. Enter this new place of healing and restoration. A place is here for you and me. In the name of Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven. Resp: In the name of Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen and Amen!


Scripture Genesis 4:1-16 Pastor Jeff

Children’s Moment (10 am Service) Pastor Jeff Children preschool through rising Third graders are dismissed to Children’s Church in the Fellowship Hall.

Sermon “Great Stories: Cain and Abel” Pastor Jeff

* Hymn “Take My Life, and Let It Be” No. 399

Commissioning of Guatemala Team (10 am Service) Pastor Jeff

Prayers of the People Caring Cards are available in the Narthex and Resource Library for your personal use in supporting the congregation’s joys and concerns. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. They kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.



* Doxology “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” No. 384, v. 4 Finish, then, thy new creation; pure and spotless let us be. Let us see thy great salvation perfectly restored in thee; changed from glory into glory, till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before thee, lost in wonder, love and praise. Amen.

* Prayer of Dedication God of all holiness, we bring this money to you. If it represents no sacrifice, but merely a superstitious habit or a tiresome formality, then awaken us to our fault. If it represents an act of love and a genuine sacrifice, then keep us from pride. And increase our ability to give even ourselves to your will. Amen.

* Hymn “O Jesus, I Have Promised” No. 396


* Benediction

* Postlude

Lay Reader – Deb Cohen (10:00am). Coffee Fellowship –Worshipers are invited to remain after the 8:30am service and socialize over coffee. Thank you to the German/Collum family for their gift of fellowship. Support the youth as they sponsor the coffee hour with their Dollars for Donuts immediately following the 10am service. Please stop by for coffee and to welcome Moises Altamirano (new Youth Director) and his wife, Dinora (Dino) to our church. Altar Flowers – Altar flowers are provided by the Worship Committee.

NEXT SUNDAY IN WORSHIP 8th Sunday after Pentecost, July 19, 2015 Scripture: Genesis 3:1-24 ~ Sermon: “Where Are You?”

Guest preacher Rev. Richard Keller Farewell Coffee Fellowship for Miska Family – Please join us at 9:30am on July 26th in the Fellowship Hall so we can wish the Miska family a fond farewell as Steve, Amy and Heather move to Southern California, near to where their son, Rob, attends school in San Diego. Steve retires from the U.S. Army in September.

Please stop by the Resource Room to sign a framed picture of Vale Church, which will be presented to the Miska family on July 26th. 7th Sunday after Pentecost Vale Announcements ~ July 12, 2015

WELCOME VISITORS! WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Whether you are new to the area or a long-time resident, we warmly welcome you to our community of faith at Vale Church!

If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in your pew—and please join us after the service for coffee and snacks. We look forward to meeting you!

Please also be sure to pick up a Vale Welcome Bag, which contains more information about our church. The bags are available at the entrance to the Main Sanctuary and outside the Church Office.

For families with children … at the 10am service, children preschool through rising Third graders are invited to attend Children’s Church in the Fellowship Hall following the Children’s Moment. You may pick them up after the service. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during both services.

Vale UMC is proud to be recognized as a Safe Haven congregation. If you suspect signs of human trafficking, please call 888.373.7888 or text 233733.

Pet Wash Fundraiser – Wash your pet while supporting Vale United Methodist Missions. All proceeds will go to support the Guatemala Mission Team. Today, July 12, 12- 5pm, at PetValu, located at South Lakes Shopping Center, 11160 South Lakes Drive, Reston, VA, 703-476-7202. Volunteers are needed! Please contact Amanda Curwood at 703-655-5441 or [email protected] Vale Welcomes Moises Altamirano, New Youth Director! It’s official! We have a new youth director at Vale!

Moises (pronounced Moses) Altamirano joins Vale today and he is eager to start working with the youth. Born in Nicaragua and an accountant by day, Moises' passion is working with youth to communicate God’s love for them. He brings several years of experience as a youth director in addition to experience as a Church Administrator and Worship Director. Moises and his wife, Dinora (also called Dino), look forward to becoming part of the Vale community.

Join us this morning to welcome Moises and his wife at the coffee hour following the 8:30am worship service and a special coffee hour following the 10am service.

Totally Terrific Tuesdays July 28, August 4, August 11 and August 18 9:30-Noon

On July 28, August 4, August 11 and August 18 all children from preschool through rising 4th graders are invited to join the fun as favorite Bible stories come to life through music, games, crafts and treats.

Cost - $10 per child per session, $30 for all 4 sessions; $15.00 per family, $45 for all 4 sessions. Registration forms are located on the table outside the church office. Vale is also seeking adult and youth volunteers to help organize these fun mornings. If you can help, please contact Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh at [email protected]. The Shepherd’s Center offers another fellowship opportunity for Vale’s congregation to get together for a movie and lunch on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 9:30am

Movie: Cinema Arts Theater Fair City Mall (in the corner next to Marshalls) 9650 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031 All Shows $5.00 on Wednesday!! See schedule at http://www.cinemaartstheatre.com/ or call 703-978-6991 Usually 5-6 different movies playing

Lunch: First Watch Restaurant Fair City Mall 9600 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031 View menu at http://www.firstwatch.com/locations/va-fairfax-main- street/menu

Information Meet group outside theater lobby at 9:30am. Purchase ticket for a movie of your choice. After the movie, meet group in lobby and proceed to restaurant. Eat lunch around noon. Please register so we can watch for you. Call Shepherd’s Center office at 703-281-0538 for registration or additional information. Sponsored by www.scov.org

For more information contact Ed Lowry 703-966-7782 or email him at [email protected] .

The Closet Schedule Our new quarterly volunteer schedule is as follows - Tues.- Aug. 25th, Tues.-Sept.15, Sat.- Sept 26, Tues.-Oct 6 and Sat.-Oct. 17. If you can help at our friendly non-profit thrift store in Herndon on any of these days, please sign- up on the posted schedule on the Mission Board. You're time goes a long way in allowing the working poor, as well as others, to stretch their budget by buying gently used items at low prices. The profits made are then donated to other local charities, making it a win - win for all around. Two people are needed from 8:45 to 2:15 on the given days or this can be broken into two-2 hour shifts. Volunteering is a great way to give back to our local community.

At the July board meeting, $25,500 in donations were made to the following organizations: $5,000 - FISH, $2,000 - Helping Hungry Kids, $1,000 - Herndon Senior Center, $500 - Herndon Village Network (provides Sr. rides to Dr., etc.), $1,500 - Family PASS (works with area homeless) and $15,000 toward next year's (2016) scholarships. In addition, $18,000 in scholarships was given this year to 13 deserving graduates at 5 area high schools.

The Closet sends a big Thank You to Vale for the great "leftovers" that were donated from our yard sale boutique. This is something the church has been doing for years and it's greatly appreciated!

Lastly, the 4th annual offsite Toy Sale will be held on Saturday, August 1 from 9:00am - 12:30pm at First Baptist Church, 681 Elden St., Herndon. This is a favorite with teachers & anyone looking for games, puzzles and toys for kids or grandkids, so think about shopping. Volunteers are also needed at the church Monday - Friday, July 27 - 31, to help sort, price and display the toys. If you have some time to help, please sign-up at tinyurl.com/n9qrymz. Hard working youth are welcome too. Questions: call or e-mail Chris Olson (703-476-4561, [email protected]) or Bette Rutherford (703-620-2448, [email protected] ). This Week at Vale ~ July 12, 2015-July 17, 2015

Sun, July 12 10:00 am Commissioning of Guatemala Team Mon, July 13 9:30 am Jazzercise Tues, July 14 Wed, July 15 9:30 am Jazzercise Thurs, July 16 9:00 am Yoga 7:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting Fri, July 17 9:30 am Jazzercise Sat, July 18 Guatemala Mission Team Leaves for village of Twi’Ninwitz (July 18 – 25) Sun, July 19

Changes to Pastor Jeff’s Schedule – Please note the change in Pastor Jeff’s schedule. He will be in his office on Monday through Thursday mornings. He will not be in the office on Friday mornings. Lorene’s office hours will continue to be 9am to 2pm, Tuesday through Friday.

Grocery Dollars – The profit from the grocery dollars for July will support Vale Preschool scholarships. The preschool is an outreach ministry of the congregation to our local community. Commissioning of Guatemala Team

Pastor: There are different gifts, but the same Spirit that gives them. There are different ways of serving God, but the same Lord is served. By the love of God, each one of us is given unique abilities and traits to use for the common good. Together we are the body of Christ, and individually we are members of that body. [Leader comes forward and briefly describe the mission project, then calls participants by name to come forward and stand before the congregation.] Pastor: Brothers and sisters, these are the people who will represent our congregation in this mission project. Mission team, I present to you the people who will support you as you go out. They believe your mission is important. In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells us to go and make disciples and in the gospel of Luke, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to be with us. And in the gospel of John, Jesus says, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you”. What is a mission? It is sending forth people somewhere to serve. What is a commission? It is granting authority, allowing us to act on behalf of another. God commissions people to go for him. [To participants] Do you recognize your mission of being sent forth by God to a specific service? Participants: We do. Pastor: Do you accept your assignment as a commission from God to go and act on his behalf? And do you accept the responsibility of representing this congregation in doing the work of our Lord in Guatemala? Participants: We do. Pastor: Will you work to demonstrate Christ’s teachings by loving one another and by translating Christ’s message with excitement and care, turning strangers into friends and friends into brothers and sisters? Participants: We will. Pastor: Do you commit yourselves to serving faithfully on this trip in ways that bring honor and glory to God? Will you serve with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love, treasuring your experiences as opportunities to learn and to grow? Participants: We will. Pastor: God, your people are hungry. Participants: God, send me. Pastor: God, your people need help. Participants: God, send me. Pastor: God, we know you need someone to go. Participants: God, send me. Pastor: God, we know you need someone to be a light in a dark world. Participants: God, send me. Pastor: People of God, it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Do you recognize God’s commission on the lives of these participants? Congregation: We do. Pastor: Do you commit them to the Lord, and will you pray earnestly for their mission? Congregation: We will. Pastor: Do you accept these people as missionaries chosen to extend our Christian love and concern to others. Congregation: We do. Pastor: Will you continue to support them with your prayers during their venture and with your interest upon their return, recognizing their special contribution to the work of God’s kingdom and their mission as your own? Congregation: We will. Participants: We wholeheartedly accept this mission from God. Congregation: Go into the world. Participants: We’ll take the love and support of our church. Congregation: Go into the world. Participants: We’ll take off the blinders that shield our eyes from real- world struggles. Congregation: Go into the world. Participants: We’ll do what Jesus has called us to do. Congregation: Go into the world. Participants: We will be servants of God. Congregation: Go into the world. Participants: We’ll need your prayers. Congregation: Go into the world. [Pass baskets with cards that have the names of mission participants written or printed on them.] Pastor: Each card in these baskets has the name of one mission trip participant on it. Please take one card from the basket and take time each day during the mission trip to pray for that person. Pray for strength, peace, patience, and kindness. Above all, pray that God will use that person to show God’s love. Please join with me now in a commissioning prayer. Pastor and Congregation: Guiding and loving God, empower these people to be your hands and feet. Help them to glorify you by serving others. By their actions and words, make them witnesses of your great love and your passion for rescuing your people. Protect them, teach them, and support them as they take this next step in their own journey to becoming the people you want them to be. Fill them with the Holy Spirit and enable them to do their tasks faithfully and joyfully. Bring them safely home and then let their experience further enrich us, so that we too will glorify you by serving our community in love. Participants: Holy God, give us strength, wisdom, and love to work for you as we serve in Guatemala. All: Amen. Pastor: Go and do everything in the name of God. Guatemala Mission Trip Attendees

Emily Jean Bach Jill Calahan Bach Johna Barrow Joshua Barrow Neil Andrew Cohen Deborah Meyer Cohen Joshua Alexander Cohen Elizabeth Rose Cohen Beryl Colwell John Colwell Amanda Curwood William L. DuBois Jr. Thomas Feeney Kim Flannigan Jeffrey Haugh Tamara Mayberry Elizabeth Murphy Mari Rosenman Shauna M. Severo Andrew W. Sigle Christian Sigle Stump the Pastor, Sunday, August 23rd

Do you have questions about God, the bible, the church? Now's your chance: On Sunday, August 23, the sermon will be "Stump the Pastor" -- place your questions in the box and Jeff will pull them at random and answer as best he can.

My Question (if it's about a specific text, please include the reference): ______













The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haugh, Pastor Cell: 804-687-3938 / Email: [email protected]

Lorene Perrin, Administrative Assistant Church Office: 703-620-2594 / Email: [email protected]

Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh Director of Christian Education & Preschool Director Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Alexandra Woody, Youth Director Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: [email protected]

Joshua Barrow, Music Director Tel: 703- 620-2594 / Email: [email protected]

Norm Dietz, Accompanist

Mary Morran, Nursery Caregiver  Cathy Lacy, Nursery Caregiver

Edilman Robles, Custodian


Bob Lacy, Chairperson  Susan Leigh, Secretary Tom Feeney, Lay Leader  Brian Daum, Finance Committee Chair, Justin Paulson, Financial Secretary  Eileen Koefoot, Treasurer Pat Ogle-Collins, Staff-Parish Relations Chair Diane Hirsch, Trustees Chair  Ed Lowry, Nurture Ministry Chair Marcia Paulson, Witness Ministry Chair Steve Miska, Outreach Ministry Chair Michelle Whitlock, Lay Member for Annual Conference Dave Pelgrim, United Methodist Men, President Karen Leniart, United Methodist Women, President Clint O'Brien, Member at Large  Andy Sigle, Member at Large

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