WYOMING CULTURAL PROPERTIES FORM (rev. 3.0 4/9/2018) Page number ____ Date ______Smithsonian # ______


Component age* and identifier:______*Time Periods – Unknown Prehistoric, Paleoindian, Early Archaic, Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Archaic (general), Late Prehistoric, Protohistoric

Instructions: Check to indicate features present. Preferably, also put in an estimated count for each feature class where appropriate. Features should be listed and described in the feature inventory table below. Keywords are used in the database to aid in searching for specific feature types – enter as appropriate (e.g., “slab-lined hearth”, “wickiup”, “antelope trap”). Describe features in the site narrative or below. NOTE that agency reporting requirements may require specific feature enumerations. Additional sheets and analytical data may be attached.

___ Hearths (___) ___ Pit house/House pit (___) ___ Organic structure(___) ___ Fire-altered rock concentrations (___) ___ Stone circle (___) (e.g. lean-to, wickiup, corral - describe) ___ Localized fire-related stain (___) ___ Cairn (___) ___ Other (describe) ___ Roasting pit (___) ___ Bonebed (___) ___ Storage pit (___) ___ Alignment (___) ___ Pit (___) ___ Quarry feature (___) ___ Post hole (___) ___ Rock art panel (___)


FEATURE INVENTORY (feature # should key to site sketch map):

Feat. Check if more # Feature Description info attached ______

___ check here if this list is continued on a continuation form (expand on word processor as needed)

___ check here if features are described in site narrative, otherwise describe in table above.

* Continue narrative as needed on separate page or by expanding section on word processor. data entry, this page ___