Form due June 30 Winnebago 4-H County Fashion Revue Report Form for Juniors and/or Intermediates

Name Grade (fall 2003) Address Town Club Name Years in 4-H Clothing Project Years in 4-H

Your decisions in selecting and purchasing your outfit are important. We want to know what thoughts went into making your decisions.

1. Describe your outfit and accessories and tell what items you constructed.

2. What does this outfit tell others about you?

3. Did you need to make pattern adjustments before you cut out this garment? If yes, please explain the changes you made.

4. Where do you plan to wear your outfit and why do you think this outfit is right for the activity or occasion? (fabric, fit, construction)

5. What new experiences did you have in constructing this garment? Pattern Number Company Name

6. Include sample of fabric used in your outfit.

Type of Fabric & Yardage Type of Fabric & Yardage Type of Fabric & Yardage

7. How much did this outfit cost? Itemized Costs Accessories Fabric Shoes Pattern Hat/cap Thread Socks Zipper Tie/Scarf Buttons Bag Lining Jewelry Interfacing Gloves Other items Other Other items Other Total Total

ADD garment and accessory costs to get: TOTAL OUTFIT COST $ How many times a year do you plan to wear this outfit? Divide the cost of this outfit by the number of times you will wear it in a year to find the annual cost per wearing: Outfit cost $ divided by times worn per year = cost per wearing $ .

8. What kind of care does this outfit require and is the cost and care required for this outfit reasonable - why or and why not?

9. Write a short paragraph that says what you want to hear about yourself and this outfit as you model on stage. (You can include your name, statements about design features and colors in the outfit, or your recent 4-H experiences.)